Endless Monarchy to Re-Peak

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Familiar Face

Chen Yong turned around and saw a 30-year-old woman standing in front of him.
Looking at this familiar face, Chen Yong's eyes were wet.
He threw himself into the man's arms and said, "Mom misses you so much." Looking at Chen Yong's behavior, Li Feng was slightly stunned and said, "You child, hurry up and wash your face, brush your teeth, change your clothes, and go out for dinner." Chen Yong left Li Wen's arms and suddenly wondered, "Is this a dream?" But the pain just now was so real.
Looking at Chen Yong's mother who turned and left, he shook his head and said, "This child." Chen Yong, who couldn't figure it out, shook his head and turned back to his room.
He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and put on his clothes.
Chen Yong didn't know how he came to the living room.
Everything happened today was too mysterious, and Chen Yong would have such dreams in normal times.
Every time he woke up, Chen Yong's pillow was full of tears unconsciously, but this time it was completely different.
He found that everything seemed so real.
Chen Yong was eating breakfast in a daze, thinking with doubts.
He didn't even know when his mother left.
Suddenly, the alarm clock hanging on the wall rang, and he came to his senses.
He looked up and it was almost eight o'clock.
Chen Yong remembered that today was the day of the second semester of the second year in high school.
Chen Yong quickly stood up, picked up his coat and walked out.
Whether it was true or not, at least he had to study.
Chen Yong had always been a good student in school, but his grades were not good.
Walking on this road that had not been taken for a long time but he was so familiar with it, Chen Yong couldn't help but remember what happened in the rental house that day.
He clearly remembered that he was stunned by the electricity in the socket.
After fainting, he still thought about Auntie Wang's dinner.
He also clearly remembered that it was December 11th June of June at 12,o'clock.
But now he appeared in the 21st year.
Originally, Chen Yong didn't believe it until he came all the way and stated that today was February 18th as long as there was a date.
There were also a few students who looked like him on the street from time to time.
At this time, Chen Yong couldn't help but boldly think, "Am I going back like what was written in novels?" Originally it was just a groundless story, but Chen Yong thought it was more and more possible.
Suddenly he shouted, "Damn, I am back!" At this moment, there came a sharp braking sound, and a Buick car suddenly stopped beside him.
The driver poked his head out and scolded, "Are you going to die?
Are you out of your mind?
Even if you want to cross the road, you have to look after the road.
What's wrong with you?" Hearing the curse, Chen Yong saw that he had come to the middle of the road, and that a car was parked in front of him.
Chen Yong said with embarrassment, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Seeing that Chen Yong's attitude was not bad, the driver drove his car out after a few swearing words.
Looking at the car, Chen Yong scolded, "Damn, what's so great about it?
It's just a shabby car." Obviously, it was Zhuge Liangliang who drove the car afterwards.
Although he was called a psycho, he wasn't angry at all.
This was a plot only in novels.
Thinking about the characters in novels, which one of them didn't go through the time-travel to be so big?
Chen Yong actually began to have some sexual desire.
Unknowingly, he came to the school, and the seven golden characters at the school gate suddenly appeared in front of him.
"The First High School in City S" was just stepping into the school, and the class bell rang.
However, Chen Yong was not in a hurry.
He walked slowly on the road, looking around and saying from time to time, "I remember that this broken teaching building was torn down in the sixth year.
At that time, some students from other classes still squeezed together with us." Thinking of this, Chen Yong couldn't help but think of the student who had crowded with him at the beginning.
Thinking of him, Chen Yong suddenly felt like vomiting.
Originally, he could sit if he wanted to.
Chen Yong had no objection.
After all, it was the school's arrangement.
However, the one who was close to death had the smell of a fox, and it was very serious.
Chen Yong proposed to change seats, but the teacher said that he looked down on classmates.
However, Chen Yong was actually in the same position with that person for a semester.
He still clearly remembered that the person was called Xiao Jianren.
Looking around, Chen Yong said that the place that was about to disappear in the future finally came to his classroom.
Class two, Class three, fortunately, the teacher had not come yet.
Haotian slowly walked toward his seat.
Just as he was about to get to his seat, a figure stood in front of him, and a fragrance entered his nose.
Chen Yong thought that it must be a girl.
The man said, "Chen Yong, you're late on the first day of class.
You promised the teacher last semester that you wouldn't be late." His voice was as beautiful as that of Huang Ying.
Chen Yong looked up and saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him.
She was 167cm tall and had a delicate face.
He didn't know whether it was because the weather was too cold or not, but her face was red, which made him look a little moving.
Chen Yong was overjoyed to see the comer.
This person was the girl he had been secretly in love with for three years, a campus belle.
He smiled and said, "Isn't this campus belle Wang?
You are in charge of the study committee.
How can you change the disciplinary committee member?" Although Chen Yong was back in the past, he could not change his words in the society.
Especially when he met a beautiful girl, he always liked to tease her.
Wang Yanran didn't expect Chen Yong to say such a thing, and even said it aloud in front of everyone.
What campus belle Wang?
And she also said that she was in charge of the committee members, who was intravenously late in class.
Wang Yanran couldn't help but blush.
She didn't want to care about it at first.
After all, as Chen Yong said, she was not a disciplinary committee member.
Looking at Chen Yong's slow figure, Wang Yanran couldn't help reminding Chen Yong that Chen Yong's promise at that time was said in front of the whole class.
Wang Yanran opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.
Fortunately, the teacher came in.
After Wang Yanran glared at him, she walked toward her seat.
When he passed Chen Yong, Chen Yong whispered, "Campus belle Wang, you're so beautiful today, I like it." After that, Chen Yong went straight to his seat.
After hearing what he said, Wang Yanran blushed even more and didn't know what to do.
The teacher who just came in looked at Wang Yanran's blushing face and stood still with a dull face.
He asked with concern, "What's wrong with you, Student Wang?
Are you ill?" "Ah?" Wang Yanran regained her senses and didn't know how to respond for a moment.
Originally, not many people had seen it, but now they all saw it.
She shyly scolded Chen Yong in her heart at once, but she still said, "There's no need, Mr.
It's just a little hot after wearing too many clothes." Chen Yong, who had just sat in the seat, almost laughed when he heard Wang Yanran's words.
It was February now.
Spring Festival was not over for a long time.
Chen Yong still remembered that it would snow in a few days time.
He actually said that he was hot.
No wonder Chen Yong wanted to laugh.
Wang Yanran regretted it as soon as she finished her words.
Anyone with common sense would know it was impossible.
Fortunately, Zhang laoshi stopped asking.
After a few words of concern, he knew that Wang Yanran should sit down.
After all, Wang Yanran was in the committee member of the class, and every test was within the range of the year.
This made Li Da feel a lot more ashamed.
He knew that Wang Yanran was not telling the truth, but in order not to embarrass her, he also knew that Zhang laoshi was the head teacher of Chen Yong's class.
Zhang laoshi was full name Li Da and taught him geography.
Chen Yong remembered that Li Da often troubled him.
As soon as Wang Yanran sat down, the female student at her table smiled and said, "Yanran, your excuse is too bad.
It's too hot.
You are stupid to be a teacher." Wang Yanran knew that the excuse was bad, but she had no choice but to continue lying.
"I'm always hot." She scolded Chen Yong in her heart, "This damn Chen Yong is usually gentle.
I didn't expect that he would make me look like a fool today." Thinking of what Chen Yong just said, the ebbing flush came up again.
"What do you mean by 'I like it'?
How dare you to tease me'?
Hum." Wang Yanran's mind suddenly turned to the last sentence that Chen Yong just said.
Not long after he sat down, Chen Yong felt a little funny.
In the past, he was at most able to peek at Wang Yanran secretly.
He didn't think that he would say something like this today.
In fact, Chen Yong just said it casually.
When he first said it, he had a bad feeling.
Although he didn't make it clear whether he was dreaming or really returning to the past, now he was still a student.
However, since she had said that, Chen Yong decided to give it all.
Wang Yanran, she had been secretly in love for three years.
In the past three years, she had said less than 20,sentences to Wang Yanran, which were all official language.
In other words, she had not said anything else to the committee member.
Seeing Chen Yong laughing to himself, the man sitting at the table turned his head and whispered, "Chen Yong, are you silly?
Are you giggling?" Suddenly, the man seemed to think of something and said, "Oh, it turns out that you have talked to someone you are secretly in love with, and you are so happy." Hearing this, Chen Yong came to his senses.
Looking at the boy sitting at the top table, he asked uncertainly, "Liu Wen?" Listening to his tone of doubt, the boy named Liu Wen said, "Why, are you really stupid during the holiday?
Who else can I be if I am not Liu Wen?
You said I am a good buddy.
Didn't you really forget who I am after you have a secret talk with your girlfriend?" Chen Yong secretly scolded himself for being too surprised.
He smiled and said, "No, I can't.
It's just that I haven't seen you become handsome for a period of time, so I can't recognize you at once." Hearing what he said, Liu Wen became excited.
"Really, no wonder I've thought I'm much more handsome these days.
Many girls in school seem to be paying attention to me.
Hey hey." After saying that, he didn't even show a dry smile.
Chen Yong almost threw up.
This time Liu Wen had always been narcissistic, but he was also narcissistic.
He was really handsome, but it was a pity that Chen Yong remembered that he once had a relationship with a fat woman.
If he told him this, he would still laugh or not.