Adventure Tour

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Chapter 4

The next day, under the villagers' gazes, Ike led the three of them and a devil away from the valley."Kanuo, aren't you supposed to stay in a separate space for nothing?
Why are you in human form?" Yi Liya asked."I don't know how long I've been sealed for.
I'm bored to death.
Do you want to deprive me of this little bit of freedom?" Kanuo said in dissatisfaction."Kanuo is right about this.
If this world isn't interesting, then let's just destroy it.
Hahaha!" Yike laughed."Teacher, magic cultivators are..." Na Tisha asked eagerly."Don't worry.
I'll teach you when I stop for lunch," said Yike."Where are we going, Ike?" Yi Liya asked."Didn't I say there's no destination?
Were you not listening yesterday?" Yike asked."You...
are you really going to do this?" Yi Liya asked in disbelief."Is it good for me to lie to you?
Humans are really stupid sometimes," said Ike."That's a good quote, hehe." Ka Nuoqie smiled.They didn't look at the map in the direction that Ike had decided.
Sometimes they walked the main path, sometimes they walked the small path, sometimes they passed through the forest, and their stamina was quickly consumed."Please...
take a break..." Yi Liya pleaded for help."Teacher, I'm going to die soon," said Na Tisha."Humans are so frail.
Well, let's rest beneath the big tree," said Ike, pointing to a big tree ahead, with large silhouettes.Everyone quickly went to lie down and rest under the tree shadow."Hey, over there.
Who told you to rest?" said Ike to Yueya.
Yueya got up in surprise."Train your swords now, and practice diligently.
If you're lazy, don't blame me for being merciless." As soon as Yike finished speaking, electricity shot out from his fingertips and slammed into Yueya's feet.
Yueya broke out in cold sweat as he dragged his exhausted body back to his feet and began to practice his sword again."And Na Tisha, if you want to learn magic, get up right now!" Yike said to Na Tisha, who was lying on the ground.
Na Tisha had no choice but to get up, and Yi Liya also leaned over curiously."The foundation of magic is mental power, which is willpower.
Now, try to focus on my fingertips." Yike extended his right index finger and said.
Na Tisha used all his energy to look at Yike's fingertips."You have inherited the bloodline of a sorcerer," said Yike.
"If you can't even pass the first trial, I'll immediately blow you up." Only then did Na Tisha realize that he had just returned from his journey to Hell's Gate.
His entire body was drenched in cold sweat."Then you use your Spirit power to resonate.
What kind of spell do you want to learn first?" asked Ike."I want to start with the simplest fire element magic," said Na Disha."Very well," said Ike.
"Stand out your forefinger and look at the flame on my fingertip.
Try to depict the image of fire on your fingertips." As soon as he finished speaking, a flame burst out from his right forefinger.
Na Tisha looked carefully at the flame on his fingertip, but nothing happened."You don't have enough understanding of fire.
You need to experience the fire well." As soon as Yikai finished speaking, Na Tisha was surrounded by a wall of fire.
The high tropical region had caused Na Tisha an unimaginable amount of pain.
His skin seemed to be on the verge of burning, sweat pouring out nonstop, and his hair seemed to have been scorched."The wall of fire will always exist before your fingertips burn.
Are you going to be roasted first, or are you going to learn magic first?
You'll have to work hard." After speaking, Yike placed the burning fingertip in front of Na Tisha and showed it to her."Could your teachings be...?" Yi Liya was just about to say something when he realized that he couldn't make a single sound."Don't make a noise like a fly.
I'm going to kill myself," cursed Ike.Na Tisha's mind began to be roasted by the high temperature.
All of her attention was focused on the flame on Yike's fingertips.
Then, she gradually felt her body burning, as if she were part of the fire.
Suddenly, Na Tisha was surprised to see a small flame emerge from his fingertips.."That's enough." Ike snapped his fingers, and the wall of fire vanished without a trace.
Yi Liya's silence was also lifted."Thank you, teacher." Na Tisha braced himself and bowed happily."As for the changes in fire magic, I'll teach you later.
Your stamina has reached its limit.
Rest well.
I'm going to have to fix another person now." Yi Keleng smiled and walked towards Yueya.
Both Yi Liya and Na Tisha looked worriedly at him."Kanuo, did this fellow slack off?
Tell me the truth, or you'll know the consequences yourself," said Ike coldly.Kanuo carefully said, "My lord, he's rested for two or three times, but he's still trying hard to wield his sword.""Is that so?
Hmph, hmph, hmph..." Ike pointed his finger at Yueya.
Powerful electrical currents flowed around Yueya's body, and Yueya could only scream in pain."You're more devilish than devils..." Kanuo said, sweating coldly as he stared at Yueya, who was wailing in pain."Ha Haha, you're right." Ike smiled and removed Yueya's electric shock."Next time you dare to slack off, hmph hmph hmph...
" With a sneer, Ig left."Hey, my poor master, are you still alive?" Kanuo stepped forward and looked at Yueya, who had been electrocuted to ashes."Didn't I tell you not to tell me..." Yueya spat out a puff of white smoke.Kanuo smiled embarrassedly.
"I'm sorry.
I've lied to you now.
People don't kill for themselves."Yueya smiled bitterly and said, "How could there be an alchemist like you who doesn't help master?""Good.
Now is the real time to rest.
Everyone, lean over and rest for me.
Apart from one person," said Yike.
Yueya and the others sat together, drenched in cold sweat, afraid that Yike would point them at them."Yi Liya, playing a song that relaxes your mind will allow you to have a good rest.
Yueya, who didn't play well just now, is your role model," Yike said.
Yi Liya was drenched in cold sweat.
He could only play 120% of his spiritual energy to ease everyone's emotions.
She didn't want to be electrocuted to ashes like Yueya, so everyone's rest was in Yi Liya's graceful zither..Yike said, "Very good.
Although you've quarreled a little, you're still pretty good.
If you've had enough rest, you should leave.
We'll have to find a place to sleep after a while."After the three of them walked for a while longer, the sun set and the three of them set up a fire in the forest.
Yike was lying on the tree and watching the moon on his own, while the three people below discussed in low voices."Don't you think his methods are too extreme?
If we're not careful, we'll lose our lives." Yi Liya said.Na Tisha said excitedly, "But this is the first time I've learned magic so quickly.
My pen friend in the Armament of Magic said that it will take quite some time just to comprehend it."Yueya sighed.
"Although I know that he's doing all of this just to make us stronger, I really hope that he can use some gentle methods.""Hey, down there," called Ike, and the three of them looked up at the trees."There are demonic beasts who want to feast on your own.
Work hard," Yike said.
The three of them looked around.
Sure enough, the dark was filled with the radiance of dangerous beasts' eyes.
Yueya couldn't care less about the soreness in his body as he drew his sword.
Yi Liya also drew his shortsword, but Na Tisha was so flustered that he didn't know what to do."It's that simple to turn Xiao Huo into a fire.
After all, it's none of my business if you die, so work hard." Yike said.
The demonic beasts in the darkness appeared in the flames, and the three began to fight for their lives."Isn't this interesting?
We can see the limits of humans.
Besides, didn't you say you wanted to train them properly?
Haha." Yike smiled as he looked at the three people struggling below.After a fierce battle, Yueya and the other two fell to the ground, covered in cuts and bruises, surrounded by the corpses of demonic beasts.
Ike got off the tree and kicked the three of them rudely."Are you still alive?
What do you think?
Can you use the simplest fireball now?" Ike smiled at Na Tisha."Thank you...
teacher..." Na Tisha said with great difficulty."Sleep peacefully.
I will give you a magic array to protect your demons." After Ike finished speaking, a magic array was carved on the ground of the three of them.
The three of them fell into a deep sleep, exhausted."Well, it's time to fix the last one today." Ike sneered and walked to Kano."Please don't!
My lord, I didn't do anything!" Kanuo said in horror."It's because you didn't do anything that I punished you.
You're someone else's devil, so you should know your true identity.
I didn't let you out for a vacation." After saying that, the magic formation circled around Kanuo, shrinking inside bit by bit.
Kanuo could hear the sound of Kanuo's bones enduring the tremendous force.
He cried out in pain and then realized that he had been cast with the spell of silence.
He could only accept the pain of his bones and internal organs being crushed.."You're a demon.
This amount of damage is nothing to you.
Today's only a warning.
Be careful in the future." As soon as Yike finished speaking, the spell formation disappeared and Kanuo collapsed to the ground powerlessly.Kanuo Nuoxinli wailed, "What did I do?
How did I end up encountering someone who's even more devilish than a devil as soon as I unsealed?"The next morning, everyone woke up.
Although they had been exhausted the day before, they had at least recovered some of their strength.
The three of them didn't see Yike, so they took out dry rations and began to eat breakfast."I thought I was going to die last night," Yi Liya said, sweating coldly.Yueya sighed and said, "Ike is the kind of person who's willing to die without saving him.""However, I've learned fireballs because of this.
I'm so happy!" Na Tisha said happily.At this time, everyone saw Kanuo walking over weakly."Kanuo, what happened?" Yueya asked in astonishment."It's not because of that Mo Wang.
He said that I didn't help you lose your duty as a war demon last night, and completely crushed my bones and internal organs.
I just finished fixing myself with my magic power, and I'm so weak that I'm going to die," Kanuo said with a sobbing face."Haha, if there's something you need to do in the future, then you should obediently help.
I bet his second time is much better than the first time," Yi Liya said with a smile."I'll return the same words to you.
I can also rely on my magic power to repair my body.
What about you?" Ka Nuoleng smiled, and the three of them all paled.At this moment, footsteps came from a distance, and Ike walked over with ease."Good morning, teacher." Na Tisha bowed."Where did you go, Ike?" asked Yoa."Go take a shower.
That guy is a man, but he's a little clean." Yike said, and everyone listened in confusion again."Okay, I think you guys have breakfast too.
Let's go," said Ike.Yi Liya sighed.
"We're going to have to travel for no purpose again.