Ruthless President

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Chapter 181

" She replied indifferently and sat down."I used to be close friends with Lu Ziming.
Although there were some misunderstandings not long ago, I have never really cared about them." Chu Lingfeng suddenly said.It's all because of her...?Lu Ziming's misunderstanding had caused him to fall out with him time and time again, until he had completely fallen out with him.
And now, all of his rebellions had been because of her.
From the start to the end, she had been the one who had harmed him.
Mu Xueran's eyes gleamed with endless self-blame as he said indifferently, "What about this time?
Will you let him off?""Do you think I don't want to let him off?
Mu Xueran, don't tell me that all this has been my fault?" He looked at her with a serious expression.For a moment, she was speechless.
His eyes were so hurt that it was almost as if he had seen Lu Ziming's face when she had injured him.
However, how could he have been injured by her?
She had always been the only one who had been injured by him."This time, he almost put the Boundless Group to death.
He escaped, and I tried my best to track him down because I have an explanation for Chu Tianchun's cooperation with the Boundless International, the Boundless International, and...
Chu Tianchun.
In fact, the police are also putting pressure on me.
However, considering our friendship, I didn't have the heart to hand him over to the police.
Instead, I locked him up in the Chu courtyard."Chu Lingfeng said in a low voice.Mu Xueran looked up, "But the result is the same, isn't it?
Sooner or later, he will be taken away by the police.
What's the difference between you arresting him and sending him to prison?"The way she spoke was obviously on Lu Ziming's side, while he was their common enemy.
Chu Lingfeng curled his lips bitterly, and a stiff smile appeared on his face as he said, "It's good that life is short and short.
It's good that you have to live for another day.
There are so many people who want to do everything you can just to live a little longer, isn't that right?".Her tone was obviously on Lu Ziming's side, while he was their common enemy.
Chu Lingfeng curled his lips bitterly, and a stiff smile appeared on his face as he said, "It's good to live for a few days.
It's good to have more lives.
There are so many people who want to do whatever they want, but it's all for a while, isn't it?"Mu Xueran was speechless once again.
In the past, he had always felt that this man was tyrannical and tyrannical.
But for the first time, he felt that if he were to talk reason with him, she would also lose."Besides, I've tried my best to lock him up in Chu Estate and not hand him over directly to the police.
Naturally, I have my own plans." Chu Lingfeng picked up the teapot on the table, poured a bowl of tea, and drank it all in one gulp.
The tea had already cooled down, but he didn't notice it at all."In other words, you're already planning to save him?" Mu Xueran was stunned."Haha, of course.
If not, why do you think I put so much effort into it?" He curled his lips and smiled.Mu Xuuran frowned.
"Then, how do you plan to save him?
You can't make the decision regarding the law.""So, you also know about the law.
I won't make the decision!
How did you blame all the blame on me just now?" He suddenly asked."I, I just..." Perhaps, she had really blamed him for this matter.
She had forgotten when this man had actually become less evil.
It was just that she was too guarded against him."Hahaha..." Chu Lingfeng laughed heartily.
"Just now, in front of so many people, you publicly asked me if I could let him go.
I can only answer that I can't.
Two of those people are police officers." Chu Lingfeng continued to explain, then suddenly raised his eyebrows.
"However, what you've said is still valid.
Once Lu Ziming is safe, you'll marry me.""..."The fire in the Chu Estate shook the entire city and alerted the police.
This was because the place where the fire broke out was the place where the wanted criminal, Lu Ziming, was imprisoned.It was said that Lu Ziming had been burned so badly that even his bones had been charred.
He couldn't even extract the DNA, and couldn't be identified.He was originally a criminal, but the law had to be enforced.
Chu Lingfeng had been punished with he police for fifteen days.This was the outcome.
Mu Xueran stood in front of the window and stared blankly at the peach trees in the garden.
She knew that Lu Ziming wasn't the one who had been burned to death.
That night, Chu Lingfeng's phantoms and butterflies had knocked down the person who had guarded Lu Ziming with a knockout drug.
Then, they had brought Lu Ziming out with them.
In a flash, they had burned the bones of a dead bull.She knew that Lu Ziming was already overseas, and there were thousands of miles between them.
If she wanted to meet him, it would be difficult.
Sometimes, she would think that she should go overseas to accompany him.
After all, it was because of her that he had fallen to this extent.
However, she had too many concerns.
For instance, her mother, her brother, her father, Xiao Qianyu, and Chu Lingfeng, who had been seriously injured, had made such a promise..Mu Xueran gently pushed open the door.Chu Lingfeng suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at her, "You're finally here.""Mhm." Wang Hauran nodded.
He felt that he had lost a lot of sharpness towards her, and she wasn't as cold and indifferent as before when she faced him.Perhaps it was because of Lu Ziming that he had been detained for fifteen days, but now he was so weak.It turned out that this man was risking his life to save Lu Ziming.
Mu Xueran also had a sincere feeling that this man was someone who valued relationships and righteousness.
If it weren't for this, why would he hate her entire family so much for Wan Er's sake?
Perhaps she had long since understood all of this, but she just didn't want to think about it."Now, everyone in the city knows that we're getting married six days later.
" He suddenly said and stared at her without blinking, as if he was testing something."Three years ago when I came to the Chu courtyard, was that the same thing?" She smiled in boredom.
She imagined that three years ago, she had been forced to come to the Chu courtyard.
Although she hadn't been married off, she couldn't leave the Chu courtyard ever since then.Chu Lingfeng sighed.
"It's different.
Three years ago, it's different from now, isn't it?"What was the difference?
Three years ago, he had been here for revenge, and now, she was married to him because of the promise she made before he had saved Lu Ziming.
But why did he marry her?
Mu Xueran couldn't figure it out, and his eyes were already lost..Chu Lingfeng looked at her, but his heart was moved.
He didn't know when he had fallen in love with her absent-minded appearance.
Unknowingly, he deeply loved everything about her, but he never said anything about it.
Marrying her was to keep her, to be able to watch her remain silent, dazed, and even cold."Where's my dad?
Will you let him off after I marry you?" Mu Xueran suddenly asked.Chu Lingfeng was stunned.
He didn't know what to say.
Mu Tian, the man whom he had sworn to kill, the man who had killed Wan Er!Wan Er...
Wan Er...
Why did this name suddenly become so unfamiliar in his mind?
It had been a long time since he had dreamt of her, right?
He had forgotten how long it had been since then that he had always thought of Mu Xueran.It had been three years, had he forgotten, or had the love that had pierced deep into his bones been worn out by time?In his daze, Chu Lingfeng's eyes lit up with a strong sense of melancholy.
His eyes darkened.
It was as dark as ink."Let me think about this again." Chu Lingfeng finally spoke.
His voice was pale and powerless, as if he were struggling to die."Alright, then rest up.
I'll head out first." Mu Xueran turned around and left.
How was it possible for him to let go of his hatred?
Was it just her?
Was she overestimating herself?Mutian, Wan Er, Mutian, Wan Er, and Mutian...
Looking at Mu Xueran's back, Chu Lingfeng's ears seemed to ring with the names of these two people.
He narrowed his eyes in pain, but no matter what, he couldn't make the most difficult decision in his life."How did that happen?" Chu Tianzheng asked Liu Yuqing, who was standing across from them."Dad said he'd think about it, but this matter is very risky," Liu Yuqing said coldly.Chutian said excitedly, "Stop thinking about it.
Now that Lu Ziming has caused trouble at the Boundless World, it has already injured the ki.
The wind and rain have already begun to roil.
As long as your father is willing to help me, I will definitely be able to destroy him with some small tricks.""No...
there's no hurry." Liu Yuqing smiled strangely.Chu Tianzheng became even more excited.
Aren't you in a hurry?
You can't lose a chance and never come again.
If you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult in the future.""Actually, I can touch daddy completely.
But before that, I want you to do something for me," Liu Yuqing said softly."What is it?
Speak." Chu Tianzheng frowned."Now, almost everyone knows that Chu Lingfeng is going to marry Mu Xueran.
No matter what method you use, I want you to ruin their marriage before they get married." A cold light suddenly flashed across Liu Yuqing's eyes.A fox-like cunningness flashed across Chu Tianzheng's long and narrow eyes as he nodded solemnly.
"What happens after this is done?""If I'm satisfied with what you've done, I'll convince my dad to help you." Liu Yuqing smiled strangely."Alright, that's a promise.
I'll make sure you're satisfied with what I've done," Chu Tianzheng said gloomily.In the dead of the night, Xiao Qianyu stood alone below Mu Xueran's apartment without entering the courtyard.Lu Ziming, the man who had once shouted that he loved her in the woods, had been burned to death.
She, on the other hand, was going to marry Chu Lingfeng six days later.
She had become someone else's wife.
If he saw her again, they would probably have to put on a scolding."Cough cough cough cough..." He couldn't help but cough.
After suppressing himself, he finally went upstairs."Knock, knock, knock!"There was a soothing knock on the door.Mu Xueran reflexively thought of Lu Ziming.
However, when he stood up on the sofa, she remembered that he had already gone far, far away.
It was impossible for him to knock on the door again."Who?" she asked, her voice inexhaustible."It's me.
" It was that cold voice.Mu Xueran opened the door and saw the beautiful face.
He was still as quiet as water.
His ink-colored eyes were filled with a hint of sadness.
When he saw Mu Xueran's eyes, he felt endless apologies.That day, she had been drinking with Chi Lian like mud.
When she had awoken from her drunkenness and heard him muttering to himself, she knew that the person she had been waiting for was her.
He was still dreaming back then, and he didn't know that she had already known.It was this peerless man who had waited a thousand years for her.
He had saved her time and time again, and even risked his life.
But what about her?
What had she given him?
Even if she had fallen in love with him in her previous life and died for him in her previous life, what she had done for him was Mu Xueran in her previous life, not her.What right did she have to obtain such a strong love from him?
How could she bear the burden of a thousand year old love?Or perhaps she could do something, even if it was just a few words of comfort.
However, six days later, she would become Chu Lingfeng's wife.
If she were to get even closer to Xiao Qianyu, it would be even harder for her to let go of him."You're here.
" She smiled apologetically and stepped aside to move away from the door.He nodded in agreement and walked into the room."Have some tea?" She asked indifferently."Heh heh, no." Xiao Qianyu looked at Mu Xueran quietly.
She was wearing a light red dress today, and the silver ribbons naturally hung down.
She pulled up her hair and frowned.
She looked even prettier.She had always liked to dress casually.
Why was she acting so strange today?
Xiao Qianyu had a feeling that she was doing something, but he didn't ask too much."Do you still have the jade flute I gave you?" He suddenly asked."Mm.
" She nodded lightly.
Of course she did.
The jade flute and the sword were both hidden in the deepest part of the wardrobe.Xiao Qianyu curled his lips and smiled.
"I want to listen to you play that song again."Wang Hauran nodded.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew into the room and messed up Xiao Qianyu's hair.
It was elegant and beautiful, but it was also so desolate.Muxue took out a jade flute and placed it in his mouth.
Then, he blew a familiar melody.It's like rain and it's as quiet as night.
She narrows her eyes, but this time, she can't find the usual peace.
Her heart is in chaos.
His handsome face is blurred in front of her eyes, scattered into several shadows.It was still that familiar tune.
However, at this time, he could tell that her heart was in a mess.
When he heard it, his heart became even more confused.
Why did he suddenly feel as if this was the last time he had heard her playing a flute?At the end of the song, her tears flowed down.Xiao Qianyu walked up to her and asked in concern, "Why are you crying?" He reached out to wipe away her tears.
He suppressed his emotions and felt a great deal of reluctance."It's nothing, I just want to cry all of a sudden.
" For some reason, she felt that there was something she couldn't bear to part with.
However, she would soon lose it and never be able to recover.
So, she just wanted to cry.
At this moment, she wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry happily.
But, how could she provoke him again?"Are you willing to marry him?" he finally asked.He knew that he didn't want to give up on her.
Even though this man had never said the word 'love' to her, she had always felt deep feelings for him the moment she saw him.Since things couldn't be changed, and since she had to marry him, what was there to be willing to do?
Mu Xueran suddenly remembered the look of expectation in Qing Mo's eyes.He must be looking forward to it.
She said no.
So what?
Let him continue to wait for her?
And make him think about it?
Never mind, never mind.
So she nodded.
"His dark eyes trembled.
For a moment, a gust of wind rose in his eyes.
Xiao Qianyu frowned in pain.
"Then, do you love him?""Do I have to answer this question?" Mu Xueran asked with a trembling voice.
From his eyes, she could already see how deeply he had been injured."Cough cough cough cough..." He suddenly bent down and violently coughed.
His back trembled, and his pained eyes were endlessly hunched.Mu Xueran hurriedly went over and massaged his back.
She couldn't figure out what kind of feelings he had for this man.
However, every time he coughed, it seemed to hit her heart.He finally stopped coughing and raised his head.
Before he could wipe off the bloodstains on his lips, he had already asked, "You still haven't answered me.
Do you...
love him?"Muxuetian was stunned.
His eyes were already filled with confusion."I understand," he suddenly said, waving his sleeves and casually wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth.
His eyes instantly regained their usual coolness, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision in an instant."What do you understand?" Mu Xueran asked in astonishment.
She had hated Chu Lingfeng to the bones, and had also had an indescribable feeling.
However, even now, she still didn't understand.
What did he understand?Xiao Qianyu gently said, "Xue Bin, no matter what choice you make, I will protect you in this life."Was this his decision??Mu Xueran looked into his dazzling eyes and saw how free and carefree he was.
He allowed her to choose, protect, and live the rest of her life.
How broad-minded must a man be to make such a decision?Li Hauran's eyes grew damp again, but he smiled at him and said, "Qianyu, thank you."He did not say anything as he silently looked at her tearful and smiling face.
If he could not obtain it, then let her silently protect it.
How helpless was this?Mu Xueran raised the jade flute in his hand.
"I'll return this jade flute to you.
I won't be able to play that song again."Could it be that what he was worried about had actually come true?
This was indeed the last time she had played this song for him?
Xiao Qianyu's eyes darkened as he muttered, "It's better to keep this flute.
It's no longer useful to me.""Oh.
" It's useless.
What does it mean?
Xiangsi has already turned into nothingness?
Or, he's already discouraged?"Your brother will be back in ten days.
At that time, I will let him meet you." It was still the same cold voice, but it sounded like the end of a gorgeous music piece.
It sounded pleasant and it made people feel pity."Oh." Muxuetian lowered his head.She didn't have anything to say to him right?
What he could say was just the word 'Oh'.
Xiao Qianyu's expression flickered as he said, "No matter what happens, you can go look for me.
I'll do my best to help you.
Miss Mu, it's getting late.
You should go to bed soon." Then, he turned around and flew out of the window.Didn't he come to look for her just because he wanted to see her more?
However, he could no longer look at her.
He was afraid that with just a second more, he would not be able to continue pretending.
All the disappointment and disappointment would surge out.Did he just leave just like that?
He left her with a promise.
Even if something happened, how could she trouble him again?
However, would they ever see each other again?
Why, did she suddenly feel that he was going to leave her too?
In the past, those who had entered and left in her life, those who had truly cared about her, but it turned out that one day, they would leave..Since three years ago, she had made up her mind that she would be lonely for the rest of her life.
Therefore, she rejected Lu Ziming and tried her best to drive him away from her.
She didn't dare to accept Xiao Qianyu's thousand-year-old love for her.
She had thought that after experiencing everything, her heart had already been frozen, and there would never be love again, and she wouldn't care anymore.However, when these people left her one by one, she knew that she cared about them.Chu Lingfeng's gaze softened as he watched Mu Xueran quietly walk in."What did you call me here for?" She stood in front of the desk and said lightly.Chu Lingfeng raised an eyebrow.
His smile was still as charming as before.
"What do you think?
Could it be that you can forget something so important?"Mu Xueran silently glanced at Chu Lingfeng.
Of course, she didn't forget that tomorrow was the day she got married to him.
Even if she didn't want to face it, her emotions were extremely complicated."Today, you and Wang Qiaofeng can return home.
I'll personally escort you home tomorrow morning." Mu Xueran's voice was calm, yet there was an irrepressible sense of excitement in his eyes.
For the past few days, Mu Xueran had visited Wang Qiaofeng every day, and he would often welcome her by the window and send her off with his gaze.His injuries had gradually healed.
Even though she hadn't come to see him, he still felt sad.However, this kind of sadness would no longer exist in the future.
She would become her wife.
In this lifetime, he would dote on her and love her, not allowing her to take a single step away from him.Oh?
He actually wanted to let Mommy go.
Mu Xueran's eyes flashed with surprise.
"Aren't you afraid that Mommy and I will take advantage of this opportunity to run away?""You won't," he said firmly.Hehe, this man should have seen through her temper a long time ago.
Indeed, she would never go back on her promise.Chu Lingfeng continued, "Anyway, tomorrow you and mother-in-law will settle down in the Chu courtyard.
You two will just leave temporarily."Mother-in-law?
He used to call her by her name, but whenever he mentioned her, he would call her by her name.
There was even a hint of hatred in his voice.
But now, he actually used this kind of address.
Had his hatred for the Ning Family vanished into thin air?
Mu Xueran suddenly felt moved."Chu Zong really is a considerate person." She smiled bitterly.
It was as light as the wind, yet it was deeply reflected in his heart.It wasn't ridicule, it wasn't mockery, it wasn't helplessness.
Rather, it was a smile that came from the bottom of her heart.
He had done so much for her and had waited for so long before she could smile from the bottom of her heart.
But now, this smile was actually exchanged for a simple greeting.
He had once resented her, but why did she always treat him indifferently?
It turned out that she didn't know what she wanted, but it was so simple."Haha..." Chu Lingfeng also laughed.
He stared at her in a daze, his heart rippling for a long time.Mu Xueran's heart skipped a beat when he suddenly realized that his silly appearance was rarely seen.
He said, "If that's the case, I'll take my mother and leave the Chu courtyard.""Oh." Chu Lingfeng responded casually.Just as Mu Xueran turned around, Chu Lingfeng suddenly remembered something.
He looked up and said, "There's one more thing.""What?" Mu Xueran was stunned.
This man's words had always been very direct, yet he was now in a rare state of awkwardness."I've considered it.
I've decided to let Mu Tian go." His eyes suddenly condensed, and a kind of intent flowed through them, as if they were injured."Then, I should thank you even more." This time, she did not laugh.
It was obvious how difficult this decision was for this man because at this moment, his eyes were filled with sorrow and pain.
This also showed how deeply he loved that woman.It had been three years.
Hadn't he forgotten about that woman?
A sour feeling suddenly filled Mu Xueran's heart."But...
death penalty can be avoided, and it's hard to redeem myself.
I'll also capture him and have him go to Wan Er's grave to apologize." His voice grew colder and colder.Wan Er, I'm sorry...
I have to let go of my hatred, right?
For the woman I love, I have to give up some things.
I think if you know about my decision, you will definitely forgive me."I'm already grateful that you're willing to spare daddy's life.
" She said indifferently.
Seeing his guilty expression, she felt even more sad.
She turned around and walked towards the door.All of a sudden, Chu Lingfeng heard her footsteps, and he snapped back to reality.
What he saw was already her back.
He should have sent someone to go back with her and Wang Qiaofeng, and dressed her up carefully.
However, what he liked was her plain appearance.
What she was like, what he wanted was her.On the other hand, would she carefully make up herself?
What kind of clothes would she wear and what sort of bun would she wear?
He looked forward to tomorrow.The courtyard was decorated with lanterns and colorful banners.
Chu Lingfeng had taken the wedding seriously.
Five days ago, he had been busy with the affairs of the Chu courtyard, and things had changed drastically.Mu Xueran helped Wang Qiaofeng through the bustling crowd.
When they left the office, Chu Lingfeng's infatuated expression suddenly surfaced in her mind."Shen'er, Chu Lingfeng has changed," Wang Qiaofeng suddenly said.Mu Xueran asked in a daze, "Oh, is that so?
Where did it change?""I feel like he really wants to marry you.
You'll be happy if you marry him." Wang Qiaofeng smiled.Happiness?
That's right.
How many women in this world dreamed of marrying him?
But could he give her happiness?
And what kind of happiness did she want?
Mu Xueran was suddenly confused."Rui'er, I can tell that he loves you.
Do you love him?" Wang Qiaofeng continued.Mu Xueran was even more confused.
"Mommy, I don't know."Spring had passed, and the sky was already a little hot.
However, this room was still as quiet as usual.Mu Xueran and Wang Qiaofeng sat in front of the wooden table in the room, feeling surprisingly warm.This was the last day that she would be living in this house that Lu Ziming had given her, right?
Mu Xueranmiao felt a little hurt, and it was probably the same feeling that she felt when she went to an empty building."Xiaoran, you're going to get married tomorrow.
Go take a good shower.
Mom will comb your hair and dress up in the afternoon," Wang Qiaofeng said as he embroidered a scarf in his hand."Oh." Mu Xueran responded softly.
He stared blankly at the red couple on the silk scarf in his mother's hands.Wang Qiaofeng raised his head and smiled.
"Why aren't you going yet?""Mommy...
I want to talk to you," Mu Xueran said reluctantly."Silly child." Wang Qiaofeng smiled amiably and placed the needles and gauze on his knees.
He reached out to hold Mu Xueran's hands and gently patted them.
"Little Bin, I actually have something I really want to say to you.""Mother, go ahead, I'll listen." Mu Xueran looked gently into Wang Qiaofeng's eyes.A strange light shined in Wang Qiaofeng's eyes.
"Shen'er, you've changed."Mu Xueran was stunned.
Perhaps she had really changed.
People would change as time passed.
However, it was difficult for him to notice such a subtle change.
Was this what mother was talking about?"Rui'er, you've changed three years ago.
It must be because of the change in the Ning Family.
At that time, you were forced to stay in the Chu courtyard.
My mother was imprisoned.
Although I wanted to persuade you to open up a little, I couldn't see you.
That day, something happened to you and Chu Lingfeng asked me to visit you.
At that time, you were unconscious and your face was so pale that it made my mother's heart ache.
However, when my mother saw you clenching her teeth, she didn't look like she was going to give up.Mom knew that my Wangguang had become so strong that he wouldn't be able to see things in a short time.Wang Qiaofeng's eyes were already wet as he spoke.Her mother was talking about the time Chu Lingfeng had forced her to take an abortion drug.
She had thought that it was an illusion, but it turned out that her mother had been there for three years.
That time, her pain had been the most severe and unforgettable.
Mu Xueran's eyes were also blurry, and he held his mother's hand, unable to speak.Wang Qiaofeng continued, "After we left the Chu courtyard, during the three years we lived together, my mother also realized that you were different from before.
Sometimes, I wondered if the life in the Chu courtyard had made my Shui'er stronger.
Sometimes, I even thought that this was still my Shui'er.
However, my mother knew that she no longer needed to worry about you.
No matter how weak my Shui'er's appearance was, her heart was strong."..."Hearing this, Mu Xueran's tears slowly flowed down.
"Mommy, I will always be your good daughter.""Mommy knows, mommy knows..." Wang Qiaofeng smiled gleefully and reached out to touch Mu Xueran's tender face.
"Rubbish, mommy can see everything clearly.
It's different now from three years ago.
Chu Lingfeng did this for a reason.
Rumor has it that Chu Lingfeng is so vicious, but your father has told me more than once that Chu Lingfeng is a man who values relationships and relationships.
He naturally treats his enemies ruthlessly.
He loves the person he loves wholeheartedly."This is fate.
Three years ago, your father unintentionally killed the woman he loved the most and he hated our family to the bones.
But now, things are different.
Qian'Er, I can tell that he loves you.
He loves you.""..."As Mu Xueran listened to her and thought about the things that had happened in the past, he could vaguely feel his change.
But, did he really love her?
He hadn't said anything, and she couldn't tell.
She could only nod and smile as she looked at her mother's concerned eyes.
"Mommy, do you miss daddy?"Wang Qiaofeng's face darkened.
"Of course I do.
Xiaoran, I know he'll come back to us sooner or later.""We'll reunite with daddy.
Mommy, Chu Lingfeng has already agreed not to kill daddy.
Big brother will be back in a few days, and you'll be able to see him at that time." Mu Xueran comforted her.
She could tell how much his mother loved his father.Wang Qiaofeng sighed and let go of Mu Xueran's hand as he urged, "Sigh...
hurry up and take a shower.
You'll be Madam Chu tomorrow.""Alright, Mom." Mu Xueran stood up.
Just as he was about to go back to his room and take his bath, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.Ning Chuwan opened the door and saw an unfamiliar woman in her forties."May I ask if you're Miss Mu Xueranmu?" The woman looked at Wang Qiaofeng and then asked Mu Xueran.Mu Xueran asked curiously, "Yeah, do you need anything?" As he spoke, he glanced over at Wang Qiaofeng, and discovered that her eyes were filled with the same doubt."Someone asked me to send you a letter." The woman walked over and handed him a letter.Wang Hauran received it and opened it.
A look of surprise flashed across his face.
"Mommy, come and take a look."Wang Qiaofeng walked to Mu Xueran's side and looked at the letter.
There were several words written on it:Come see me on the dragon platform.
Mutian.Over the Dragon Platform?
That barren place in the western suburbs of the city?
So that's where he is.
Wang Qiaofeng was both shocked and overjoyed.
He raised his head and said excitedly to Mu Xueran, "That's right, it's his handwriting.
It's him.""Then, let's go find daddy." Mu Xueran was also excited."The vehicle to pick you up has already stopped downstairs," the woman said.What??Mu Xueran and Wang Qiaofeng both looked at her in shock and confusion."Who asked you to send a letter?" Wang Qiaofeng asked."It's a young lady.
She asked me to tell you to hurry over as soon as possible.
Otherwise, you might not be able to see him," the woman replied honestly."Oh, thank you.
Take this money." Wang Qiaofeng took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to the farmer's wife.The peasant woman's eyes lit up.
She took the money and said, "Thank you.""Hehe, can you tell us who arranged the sedan chair?" Mu Xueran asked.
If his father had parked the sedan outside the courtyard, then why hadn't he personally come to see her and his mother?
However, his mother had said that the handwriting was his father's.
This couldn't have been wrong.
What was going on?
Mu Xueran felt that something was amiss."I just received some money and sent her a message.
I don't know anything else," the woman said.Mu Xueran and Wang Qiaofeng exchanged glances and nodded their heads.
Then, they walked out of the courtyard together.
A car was parked outside.
When the driver saw the two of them, he smiled and said, "Is it Madam Mu and Miss Mu?
Get in the car."Mu Xueran and Wang Qiaofeng hesitated for a moment before boarding the car and speeding away.Chu Lingfeng sat in front of the window and sipped his tea as he looked at the servants outside.
The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl into a smile.At this time, there was suddenly a knock on the door."Enter," Chuling said languidly."Young Master, your letter." The maid walked in and handed Chu Lingfeng a letter.Chu Lingfeng opened the envelope in confusion and saw a line of small words written on it:Chu Lingfeng, come to the Dragon Platform.
Let's end this.Mutian's eyes grew cold.
The hatred that Chu Lingfeng had been immersed in for a long time was instantly ignited.
He should have avoided him, but why did he take the initiative to end things with him?
Chu Lingfeng's eyes were already long and narrow as he stared closely at the two lines of words.
That's right, these are his handwriting!In that case, he must have known that tomorrow would be the day when Mu Xueran and I got married.
That was why you chose to appear today, and wanted to stop him from getting married to her.
He must have set up a trap by asking him to meet you on the dragon platform.Yes!
It was time for this matter to end.
Even if there was a heaven-shaking trap, he still had to break through!Chu Lingfeng stuffed the note into his pocket and clenched his fists.
Then, he turned around and left.
He called for phantoms, butterflies, and winter frost, driving out of the company.Apparition, Butterfly, and Dongshuang were his most proud subordinates.
They were all his capable subordinates, and usually had important matters to deal with.
He only needed to send them alone to deal with them.
Now that he had brought the three of them with him, even a dragon's pond and a tiger's den would dare to enter.Leaping onto the dragon platform.Mu Tian was cooking in the small forest when he suddenly heard the sound of a car flute.
His heart immediately turned cold and he turned around to run deeper into the forest."President, there's smoke in the forest, I think someone's there.
" The Phantom pointed at Little Lin not far away."Yeah, let's go take a look," Chu Lingfeng said coldly.The four of them got into the car, parked the car outside the forest, and quickly ran deeper into the forest.
Not long later, they stopped beside the burning fire."Young Master, the fire is still burning.
We shouldn't be far away," said the butterfly as it observed the surroundings.Dongshuang expressionlessly lowered his head and looked for something.
A moment later, he suddenly pointed to the east and said, "He ran in this direction."Chu Lingfeng's face darkened.
"Chase!" As he spoke, he quickly chased after them.Mutian struggled to run.
When he turned around, he suddenly saw four people chasing him from afar.
His head buzzed and he ran forward desperately.However, all of a sudden, he stopped.
In front of him was a cliff.
Mutian gasped for breath as he stood helplessly on the edge of the cliff.
He turned around and looked at the four people approaching him.There were eighteen cliffs on the Dragon Platform and they were so deep that one couldn't see the bottom.
Legend has it that only dragons could jump over, and the Dragon Platform was also famous for this.It's over, it's over, it's over, it's been three years.
Today, it's finally impossible to escape.
Mu Tian's dazed eyes darkened even more.
He looked at the four people who were attacking him coldly and helplessly reached out his hand.
"Don't come over.
If you get any closer, I'll..." Mu Tian suddenly stopped what he said.
So what if he jumped down?
They wanted him to die, but he actually used his life to threaten him.
This was too ridiculous..Unexpectedly, Chu Lingfeng suddenly waved his hand, and the illusions, winter frost, and butterflies all stopped."Mu Tian." Chu Lingfeng suddenly opened his mouth, each and every word exuding a bone-piercing hatred.
"You killed Wan Er.
Have you ever regretted it for the past three years?" He gritted his teeth, and his words slashed across his heart like knives.Mutian!
How much pain had these three words caused him, and how many times had this old face been torn apart in his dreams?!"I've once regretted it." Mutian said with a tinge of sadness.
Ever since Wan Er's escape, he hadn't regretted it for a day.
He didn't do it on purpose, but he shouldn't have run away.
If he had stopped and sent her to the hospital right away, perhaps she wouldn't have died.
However, he had missed his wife and his children.
At that time, he had harbored a feeling that he would have been able to escape.In these three years, Chu Lingfeng had been plagued with fear day and night.
How could there be any joy in living in seclusion?
However, it was human nature to be afraid of death.
Since he couldn't avoid it now, then let's end it here.Mutian slowly closed his eyes, his expression calm.Chu Lingfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at Mu Tian.
This old face, this face that was somewhat similar to snow, changed his gaze in an instant.Finally, he removed the crossbow from his back, took out a crossbow, and placed it on the bow.
His eyes were gloomy as he said, "Mu Tian, I've shot you three arrows in the past three years.
After three arrows, the hatred between you and me will be written off, and neither of us will owe you anything.
If you don't die after three arrows, I want you to apologize to Wan Er in his grave.
Do you agree?"He had promised Mu Xueran that he wouldn't kill her father, but in the end, he still had to repay his hatred.
With just three arrows, he wouldn't shoot at his vitals.
In that case, he would be able to treat Mu Xueran as well as Wan Er."Alright, I agree." Mutian nodded.
If he hit a vital point, he would die with just one arrow."Now, I'll shoot the first arrow." With a cold expression, Chu Lingfeng aimed at Mutian's shoulder."Ah." Mu Tian screamed in pain and looked at Chu Lingfeng in confusion, he hated him like this, perhaps, he wanted to make him suffer enough first before he would kill him."Now, my second arrow." Chu Lingfeng placed his second arrow on Chu Lingfeng's right shoulder.
Before he could do so, he saw an arrow flying out from a nearby forest, shooting straight at Mu Tian's chest.At this moment, Chu Lingfeng's mind was completely blank.
Time seemed to slow down a lot, and the illusions and butterflies immediately chased after the forest at the top of the mountain.
Mutian slowly fell backwards in front of his eyes, and then he fell into the cliff."Tian-ge!""Father..."Two desperate cries suddenly echoed in Chu Lingfeng's ears.
Like two thunderclaps, they exploded in his ears.
All of a sudden, he felt an endless sense of fear, as if everything was over."Thump, thump, thump..." He heard his own heartbeat, which was so heavy.Slap!
Chu Lingfeng's hands trembled, and the crossbow fell weakly to his feet.
Then, he watched helplessly as Wang Qiaofeng and Mu Xueran ran over to him and ran towards the edge of the cliff.
As soon as they brushed past each other, he seemed to notice the endless hatred in Mu Xueran's eyes."Tian-ge, Tian-ge..." Wang Qiaofeng cried as he ran to the edge of the cliff.
However, he didn't stop.
Instead, he slammed into the cliff.Muxuetian watched helplessly as Wang Qiaofeng fell to the ground.
Then, he suddenly lost his soul.
Mom..." His tearful cries shook the entire Dragonsoaring Valley.It also tore his heart apart.Muxue stared at the cliff covered in mist in pain.
No matter how he shouted, he couldn't help but feel powerless.
Suddenly, her vision darkened.
She leaned down and fell into the cliff.
At this moment, a powerful hand pulled her by the arm and pulled her back a few steps.She turned around and saw Chu Lingfeng's face.
Then, she suddenly raised her head and slapped him hard.Slap!?Chu Lingfeng's face immediately turned red."Chu Lingfeng, why did you lie to me?
Why?" Mu Xueran roared.
The driver stopped the car at the foot of the mountain.
She and her mother found this place, and what they saw was the scene of Mutian falling into the cliff.
Chu Lingfeng, on the other hand, was pointing a crossbow at Mutian.Everything was clear now."Xueran, listen to me.
I didn't kill him." Chu Lingfeng didn't seem to know the pain at all, and he eagerly tried to explain something."Hahaha...
I saw it with my own eyes, Chu Lingfeng.
What else do you want to lie to me about?" She laughed, and her cheeks burned with tears.
She had thought that he had really changed.
She had even thought that her family could finally reunite.
Who would have thought...
that she hated this man?"Snowy, listen to me..." Chu Lingfeng was completely flustered."Let go of me!" Muxuetian yanked his hand away, but he didn't let go."Dongshuang, what are you talking about?
Tell me, isn't it me who killed Mu Tian?" Chu Lingfeng looked at Dongshuang in horror.Dongshuang walked in and said softly, "Miss Mu, you know what kind of person Young Master is.
He definitely won't deny what he has done.
Miss Mu, someone is framing Young Master." Her heart ached as she looked at Chu Lingfeng's swollen face and his horrified expression."You're all on the same side.
Why are you still lying to me?
Chu Lingfeng, you've already killed my parents.
You can also kill me now.
Please don't touch me again!" She shook her hands hard, trying to get rid of him.Chu Lingfeng painfully furrowed his brows.
Finally, he let go of his hand and said, "Don't look for an opportunity.
This matter will come to an end."Water falls, water falls.
Water falls!?Mu Xueran suddenly felt a sense of irony.
Finally, he shivered and turned around.
Then, with a hoarse voice, he said with a cold and firm voice, "I won't look for a second chance!" She would stay alive and take revenge!"Snow stains..." Chu Lingfeng still wanted to say something, but an endless wave of sorrow washed over him, pressing him so hard that he found it hard to even breathe.
He didn't have the courage to say another word to him in this situation.
Her frail figure was moving further and further away in the wind.
As for him, he stretched out his hand powerlessly, wanting to hold her back, but he felt that everything was over.Before she left, the hatred in her eyes was so strong and pure that it completely shattered his heart."Young Master, let's go back.
" Dong Shuang persuaded softly.Chu Lingfeng shook his head weakly and pointed at Mu Xueran's figure, trembling.
"Dongshuang, go and protect her."Dong Shuang looked at Chu Lingfeng with concern.
"But, Young Master, you...""Go." Chu Lingfeng's dispirited voice sounded like a sigh.Winter Frost was finally gone.
Chu Lingfeng closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, his eyes were filled with steam.
Slowly, he walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.
He had to go down and take a look.Three days later, at the Chu Estate.Chu Lingfeng leaned back on the sofa and stared blankly at the door.
That day, when Dongshuang had returned, she had told him that Muxue had gone to Chi Lian, and that he had never heard of her again.She should have gone to look for Xiao Qianyu.
However, he had been waiting for her the entire time.
Just like that, he sat in his study room every day, hoping that their misunderstandings would be resolved as soon as possible."Knock, knock, knock..." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door."Enter," he said casually.Crack.
The door opened, and Mu Xueran's face entered his eyes.Chu Lingfeng suddenly sat up on the sofa.
His eyes lit up.
"Snow dye.""Chu Lingfeng," Mu Xuuran said expressionlessly as he slowly approached Chu Lingfeng."I know that you'll be back.
Xueran, I know that.
Trust me." He couldn't help but walk over and stand face to face with Mu Xueran.
His eyes lit up with joy."That's right.
Of course I'll come back." Muxuetian said indifferently as he held the dagger tightly in his sleeves."Chu Zong." Mu Xueran suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Lingfeng."Hmm?" Chu Lingfeng lowered his head and stared at Mu Xueran's clear eyes in confusion.
She was still as calm as ever.
Did she already know the truth?
He couldn't even find the slightest bit of hatred in her eyes."Mhm!" An intense pain suddenly assaulted him.
Chu Lingfeng furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Mu Xueran in shock.
Then, he suddenly laughed and said, "I know you'll come back for revenge, so I've been waiting for you all this time."With that, his body slowly fell to the ground.
His abdomen was stabbed with the dagger hidden in Muxue's sleeves.
He smiled and looked at Wang Hauran, but there wasn't a single complaint in his eyes."Since you know, why didn't you hide?" She came to kill him, but she didn't think that she would be able to do it so easily.
She heard that the person who was stabbed would suffer pain and die slowly.
Then, she had already taken revenge.
However, when she saw the forgiveness and relief in his eyes, she suddenly felt that she was wrong.
Her eyes trembled.Yes, she hated him, but when she thought about how he was about to die, she suddenly felt sad and sad.
A feeling that had been sealed away by her for a long time suddenly surged out.
She bent down and approached him for the first time.
Her eyes suddenly became wet.Chu Lingfeng smiled.
"Because I love you."It was because I loved you...Mu Xueran's tears flowed out of his eyes.
It turned out that he truly loved her.
It turned out that she had been waiting for his words all this time.
But, why?
She had never seen his love?
Everything was too late.
Too late...Chu Lingfeng, why are you suppressing yourself like this?
Perhaps, if you had said these words earlier, things wouldn't have ended like this."When do we start?" she asked, sobbing.He reached out and gently cupped her face, his eyes filled with sincerity.
"Three years ago, I began to love her.
But, at that time, I couldn't...
what about you?
Have you ever loved me?"Mu Xueran's tears became more and more ferocious.
Finally, he choked up and said, "Love."It was also three years ago.
The two of them had unwittingly fallen in love with each other because of their hatred.
However, that kind of hatred was destined that they wouldn't dare to face each other's love.
Now, it was time to face it.
This was because he was about to die, and before she arrived, she didn't plan to leave alive."Haha..." He smiled gladly, "If I could return to three years ago, I really want to abandon all my hatred and love you, marry you, and let you be my wife for the rest of my life.
However, in exchange for my life, I can give you a word of sincerity, whether it's good or good..."His voice gradually weakened, but it was still as pleasant as before."That's good...
that's good..." Mu Xueran murmured, tears streaming down his cheeks.
At this moment, his heart had become incomparably clear.
It turned out that the true reason why she had refused to accept the love between Lu Ziming and Xiao Qianyu all this time was actually because she had kept him hidden in her heart.
This man she hated..As deep as the hatred was, the love would be deeper.
However, they didn't dare to look directly at it.
But now, when her dagger pierced into his body, all the hatred disappeared, and the intense love became incomparably clear."Bloody hell, that day at the Dragonsoar Valley.
After you left, I went to the bottom of the cliff.
Your mother fell into the mud by the river and was seriously injured.
She didn't die.
I only wanted to shoot Mutian three arrows that day, but I didn't intend to kill him.
Chutian was hiding in the dark and killing him, trying to frame me...
I've already caught him..." Chu Lingfeng's voice began to break."Lingfeng, I know.
I misunderstood you.
I should have believed you...
I should have believed you.
It's my fault, it's all my fault...
wuuu..." She hugged Chu Lingfeng's body, which was gradually losing all warmth, and her tears of regret ran out.She had long known that he would do what he said.
She clearly knew what kind of person he was, but she had never believed him."Ran, there are too many misunderstandings between us.
I'm afraid...
I'm afraid we can't explain it clearly..." He still had too many unwillingness, too many regrets.
He hadn't married her and let her be his real wife.
However, before he died, he could tell that she had also loved him.
It was also a good thing.Mu Xueran's eyes narrowed as he made up his mind.?He's going to die.
She killed him with her own hands!
Then what's the point of her being alive?Mu Xueran reached out his left hand and stroked Chu Lingfeng's pale face.
Then, he said firmly, "Lingfeng, I'll accompany you!" Then, he took out a dagger from Chu Lingfeng's abdomen and stabbed it straight into his chest."Clank!" A streak of cold light struck the dagger, sending it flying out of Mu Xueran's hand.With a flash, Xiao Qianyu stood beside Mu Xueran and Chu Lingfeng and said indifferently, "Actually, his injuries can be saved." He couldn't rest assured that Mu Xueran would leave Chi Lian alone today.
Therefore, he followed them secretly.
Even though he had entered the company with his martial arts skills, no one had noticed him.Just now, he had been lying outside the window, listening to what Mu Xueran and Chu Lingfeng had said.It turned out that they were in love with each other.
So it turned out that only when they were together would they be happy.
The snow that I loved, then let me give you my blessing.
Then, let me watch over you for the rest of your life.
I will continue to wait for your next life."Qianyu, save him!" Mu Xueran's eyes flickered with joy.
He had been the one who had saved her last time, so he would definitely be able to save Chu Lingfeng as well."Mm." Xiao Qianyu nodded.
He had said that he would agree to any request she made, as long as he could.When Chu Lingfeng woke up, Mu Xueran and Wang Qiaofeng were standing on the edge of the bed."Snow stains..." He couldn't help but reveal a look of pleasant surprise.
Was this the netherworld?
However, the surroundings were clearly arranged in this room.
Mu Xueran had once stayed in this room."You're awake." Muxue smiled faintly."Mhm, am I dreaming?" Otherwise, why would I see her smiling at him in this manner?
Chu Lingfeng struggled to sit up, but he felt an intense pain in his abdomen.The pain was so painful that Chu Lingfeng furrowed his brows.
Then, he laughed in satisfaction.
This wasn't a dream.
It was true.
He was still alive, and Mu Xueran was still alive."Don't move.
You'll be fine after a few days of rest." Mu Xueran reached out with a concerned hand, stroked his shoulder, and gently placed him on the bed."Oh." Chu Lingfeng obediently laid down, and his heart warmed when he saw her concerned expression.Wang Qiaofeng smiled contentedly and said, "Lingfeng, I'm relieved that you've woken up.
You can talk to Xueran alone.
I'll go out for some fresh air.""Oh, okay." Chu Lingfeng smiled awkwardly at Wang Qiaofeng, and then Wang Qiaofeng walked out the door.Mu Xueran and Chu Lingfeng looked at each other, their hearts in sync.
At the same time, they pursed their lips."It was Xiao Qianyu who saved you," Mu Xueran said softly."Oh." Chu Lingfeng nodded as he looked at Mu Xueran's bashful expression.
For a moment, he felt as if his emotions were surging.
She finally stopped distanced herself from him.
In her eyes, he could clearly read the concern he had for her.
It would be worth it if she died again.Mu Xueran looked at Chu Lingfeng's cracked lips and suddenly turned around to leave."Where are you going?" He suddenly sat up on the bed and grabbed her hand.
His expression was filled with fear.Mu Xueran turned around and smiled.
"I'm just going to get you a glass of water.
You can lie down first."Only then did Chu Lingfeng feel the sharp pain in his abdomen.
He frowned and lay down.
He was just scared by her, afraid that she would leave him again.Mu Xueran fed him water, but he stared blankly at her.
She pretended not to see him, but her heart was warm.
She no longer had to be afraid of this man because she knew that he loved her.
At that moment, she looked at his pale but handsome face and thought to herself.
Don't worry, I won't leave you again."Phew, our marriage..." Halfway through his words, he paused.
In his daze, a wisp of horror suddenly flashed.
This marriage was not something she would willingly do.
If he asked her now, would she refuse her?Mu Xueran's cheeks reddened.
He said in a low voice, "Dad has just been buried.
Mommy wants us to hold the wedding a while later.""Alright." Chu Lingfeng's heart fell to the ground.
He held Mu Xueran's small hand tightly and didn't say another word.
Instead, he spoke in silence.Muxuetian's eyes drooped, and his mind was already rippling.Mu Xueran had taken a look at his father's body.
He had been shot twice.
One shot was on his shoulder, and the other was in the middle of the room.
However, the two arrows were different.
The one that had been shot by Chu Tian was now being arrested by the police.
When she and her mother went to meet him, he was singing in the room with his head down.His mother looked at him and mumbled, "Chu Tian is crazy."At that time, Muxuedian thought that everyone in the world was a madman.
For the sake of his obsession, he could do whatever he wanted.
However, some people were doing the right thing, while others chose the wrong path, just like Chu Tianzheng.According to her mother, Chu Tianzheng used to be very familiar with her father.
Therefore, that day, he had copied his father's handwriting and sent a letter to her mother and daughter, which had led them to the Dragonsoar Valley.
Chu Lingfeng had also fallen for her trap.
However, after killing his father, he still hadn't escaped.
Even though he was hiding in a location where he was able to escape, he was still captured by Chu Lingfeng's subordinates..This was the truth.
However, Mu Xueran had been fooled by her appearance.
If Xiao Qianyu hadn't been there that day, Chu Lingfeng would have already been killed by her.
The two of them could only end in tragedy.
It turned out that it was their distrust that allowed those with ulterior motives to take advantage of this situation..It was the date of Chu Lingfeng and Muxue's wedding.It was a warm and refreshing day.
The reporters blocked the roads and the entire city was in an uproar.It was said that even Jiang Tianchun, who was usually at odds with Chu Lingfeng, had gone there.
It was said that the grudges between the Chu clan and the Mu clan had been completely resolved.
It was said that Chu Lingfeng had sworn that he would love her for the rest of his life.
It was said that the wedding this time had cost him over 100 million yuan...Some of the people outside the Chu courtyard were talking lively and some were whispering to one another.Liu Yuqing was sandwiched in the crowd, listening to everyone's conversation.
His heart felt increasingly uncomfortable.
She had put in so much effort, but in the end, it was all for naught.
What Chu Lingfeng loved was Mu Xueran.
It was impossible to change the fact that she loved someone.
This was something that she had long since understood.She inwardly sighed.
She turned around and walked out of the crowd.
She had just taken a few steps when she suddenly heard a voice from the crowd."Isn't this Liu Yuqing?""That's right, that's right.
I've heard that she used despicable methods to harm Mu Xueran.
She's currently being wanted!""It must have been Chu Zong's divorce.
He must be jealous of me.""Who knows?
Chu Zong didn't pursue this matter.
It's probably because of his relationship with her.""What kind of friendship do you have with such a vicious woman?"Countless gazes shot towards Liu Yuqing, scorning, hating, and laughing at him, causing her to freeze in place."Bah!" One of them snorted, picked up a stone and threw it at Liu Yuqing.Immediately afterwards, more people began to lower their heads to pick up stones, wanting to throw them at her.This was when someone suddenly shouted out from the crowd.
"Yuqing, run!" Amidst the shouts, a person rushed out of the crowd and pulled Liu Yuqing away."Isn't that Dongxu?
Dongda Dagongzi?" Someone in the crowd immediately recognized him."Yeah, he's a good friend of Chu Zong's.
Why didn't he drink Chu Zong's wedding banquet?
Why was he with that rotten woman instead?"For a moment, the crowd was in an uproar.The thick red candles that were filled with incense lit up the entire room.Muxuetian sat on the bed, wearing a red dress with a mask covering his face.The door opened and he walked in lightly.
He gently lifted her head and slowly sat down beside her.
He whispered in her ear, "Rui'er, in this life, don't even think about leaving me.""Don't even think about chasing me away." Mu Xueran smiled contentedly.
As he looked up, he lifted her chin and gently pecked her cherry red lips.This was fate.
For the rest of your life, my entire life was filled with hatred and love.
Hatred couldn't last forever, but love could last forever.It was late into the night, but the Chu courtyard was still very lively.All of a sudden, the melodious flute sound filled the air of the Chu courtyard.
It was smooth and gentle, but whose connection was it?At this moment, everyone in the Chu courtyard calmed down, as if they were moved by a thousand year old true emotion.In the wedding room, Muxue was lying on Chu Lingfeng's arm.
Before he could even fall asleep, he heard the familiar melody.
A sense of guilt suddenly flowed through her heart.Qianyu, bless you, bless you...Xiao Qianyu slowly set down the jade flute on the top of the tallest pavilion in the Chu courtyard.
He silently looked at the clear starry sky and slowly stood up.
Then, he raised his head and roared at Lun Mingyue.
Then, he transformed into a white figure that streaked across the lively sky.Xueran, as long as you're happy, I'll visit you often.A man dressed in black, with a baseball cap on his head, quietly stood outside the Chu courtyard.
The moonlight reflected his thin and long figure, and he was very lonely.He was Lu Ziming.
He had returned to the country a month ago, but he had always lived in the mountains, fearing that others would recognize him.
He had heard about what had happened between Mu Xueran and Chu Lingfeng.
During the day, he had been hiding in the dark, and he had been affected by the commotion.The moment Chu Lingfeng carried her down from the sedan, he saw Chu Lingfeng's smile.
He knew that Chu Lingfeng was sincere to her.
Muxue covered his head.
Although he couldn't see her face, he could feel her joy.Xueran, you finally got your happiness.
That's good, that's good.
Remember me?
This man who protected you for three years and loved you for three years.......Six years later, Mu Xueran and Chu Lingfeng were already the parents of the three children.
Two dragons and one phoenix.
All of them were strange and cute.
The love between husband and wife was something that everyone felt envious of.It was unknown when it had begun, but a strange person had been living in the Chu courtyard.
Everyone in the Chu courtyard had said that this person was a friend of Chu Lingfeng and Mu Xueran's, but no one knew who he was.
He rarely left the Chu courtyard.
Sometimes, he even wore a hat to cover his face.According to the people who had seen him before, he looked exactly like Lu Ziming who had died six years ago.
However, this was merely a rumor.
Six years ago, Lu Ziming had already died.
No one doubted this.In any case, this mysterious person had become a family in the Chu Estate.
He married a subordinate named Dongshuang, who was the president's subordinate.
Rumor has it that they were very loving and often enjoyed the scenery with Chu Lingfeng and his wife.
They would probably live in the Chu Estate in the future.Every year during autumn, there would always be a pleasant flute in the Chu courtyard.
The flute came from above the Chu courtyard.
They said that Madam's Patronus was playing for her because every time Madam heard the flute, she would take out a jade flute and a sword and silently cry..The people in the Chu courtyard organized themselves.
Every autumn night, they would gather in the empty space of the courtyard and set up a cup of tea to welcome the arrival of the Patronus.That flute song was also spread by people since then and people called it 'Thousand Year'.(The entire book is finished)Outer.Ban Ban: Xiao QianyuEvery year, in the middle of the night, I would go to the top of the Chu courtyard's Clear Wind Pavilion to play that song.I'm Xiao Qianyu.
I'm used to the snowy moon, but I've always had feelings for you.I often went to see her in the Chu courtyard and left after a few words.
At this time, Chu Lingfeng would also leave on purpose.
I guessed that he believed Snowy Cauldron would do something like this.They were lovey-dovey, happy, so, gradually, I didn't bother them often.
In fact, I had understood a long time ago that the snow stains of this life were no longer the snow that had died for me.
There might be some connection between them, but that kind of love couldn't be continued.She truly loved Chu Lingfeng.However, when I saw them together, I still felt a little sad.
There were some things that I couldn't put down.
Even if you saw them clearly, you couldn't.Lu Ziming also moved into the Chu courtyard.
When I saw him, I couldn't help but laugh.
Back then, when the Chu courtyard was on fire, I knew that Chu Lingfeng had done this on purpose because he couldn't let go of this friendship.Year after year, to me, it was just a fleeting glance.
However, the people around me had all aged.
Her face gradually changed and her hair turned white, but I still looked like this young man.So, I was lost again.
I was sad, but she was indifferent.
That day, she used an old voice to tell me that people were old.
In her life, she had obtained what she needed and was satisfied.
It was worth it.
The rest of her time was just waiting to see her, Ling Feng.She said, "Qianyu, you have to live a good life, a good life..."However, I quietly said, 'Snow stains, I'll wait for you, wait for you...'I finally waited.
It was already 200 years later.
I met her at a place where peach blossoms danced, and then it was the legendary love at first sight.I asked her, "Her name is Mu Xueran."At that moment, my vision became blurry.
I asked her, "Do you have someone you love?
She lowered her head shyly and said, "No.""After that, we fell in love...
I waited for you.
At the very least, I waited for you in this life.
In the end, I didn't tell her about the past because I understood that we loved each other.
That was enough.This life, in the end, will pass, and I will wait for my snow stains, for your next life, and for your whole life...(The entire book is finished)