Great Layout Master

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Chapter 4

At Cang Song Town on the border of the Muyun Kingdom, this was a traffic hub on the border of the Muyun Kingdom.
It was also a place of war between Muyun and the country of education.
A month ago, the general commander of the military of the Muyun Kingdom set up the headquarters of the army of the Zhiyuan Kingdom, and the main army of the Muyun Kingdom had already been assembled here.In the General's Estate, the wind was currently pacing back and forth in the main hall.
The many years of battle had made him unnaturally exude an imposing aura.
Beneath his bronze skin, a pair of sword-like brows were tightly furrowed together.
It was obvious that he was deep in thought.
Standing next to him was a woman dressed in a swordsman's robe, with a handsome face and a long armored sword.
Her posture was not inferior to a man's swordsman who was showing off on the battlefield."According to what the squad of Zhu Shao said, quite a number of teaching national troops have already begun to appear on the border.
However, there hasn't been any news from Peony Town until now.
Could it be that the place has really been lost?" Seeing that the wind had been silent all this time, the female swordsman finally couldn't help but raise her own thoughts.Not long ago, the other eight members of Zhushao's ten-man team returned to the headquarters one after another and reported their experiences on the way to the wind."The scouts sent out will probably take five days before they can return, but I still don't believe that the peony array will be lost so easily.""Reporting to General!
Zhushao and Xiajin have returned, saying that they have something to report to the General." Just as they were at a loss for words, the guards outside brought news of Zhushao and Xiajin.When he heard that the two of them had returned, the wind immediately relaxed.
These two were the rare incantations masters of the army, and they were even his capable subordinates.
He had been worried that something might have happened to the two of them, but when he heard that they had returned safely, a stone had finally landed on the ground.
Thus, he said, "Let them in.""..."With the exception of the guards, Zhushao and Xiajin strode into the hall.
After bowing, Xiajin said, "General, we found the corpse of Quguang, the swordsman stationed in Peony Town, on the way here.
It seems that the situation in Peony Town is already bad.""So it seems that Peony Town has truly fallen." After hearing the information Xiajin had brought, the wind twitched.
Even though he had fought for many years, he was still shocked by this conclusion.
Peony Town's general Taihe, who was stationed under his command, was a very steady general.Even in the wind, he didn't have the confidence to attack a town silently in his hands.
Moreover, he didn't show any traces.However, after experiencing countless battles in the wind, after the initial shock, he quickly calmed down and said in a low voice, "Pass down orders for the third army to finish their rest.
Now, gather and march towards Peony Town in half an hour.""Yes, General." The female swordsman responded with decisiveness and decisiveness.
Then, she strode out of the hall.
Before leaving, she didn't forget to glance at Xiajin.After the female swordsman left, her brows relaxed slightly.
She turned to Xiajin and said, "You've done another great service this time.
When the war ends, I'll inform His Majesty and have him reward you well.""General, there's one more thing that might be worth more than the intelligence we received earlier." Zhushao smiled and said to the wind.
The wind was naturally unrestrained, and although it held a high position, it was usually very harmonious with his subordinates.
At this moment, there was no one else in the hall, so Zhushao's words were much more relaxed."Speak," said the wind."Huange, come in." After receiving permission from the wind, Zhushao called out to Huange.Before Zhushao could finish speaking, a tall and thin figure appeared at the entrance of the hall.
This person was half a head taller than the wind, but he didn't have the air of the wind at all.
He walked in a relaxed and scattered manner.
His pair of nervous eyes continuously looked at the decorations and wind in the hall.This person was none other than Huange.
After returning to the headquarters with Xiajin, he wanted to leave the borders of the country and head inland.
However, he was left behind by Zhushao and Zhushao on the grounds that he needed a permit.
Their thoughts were very clear.
First, they wanted Linfeng to meet Huange, and then let him deal with the rest of the matters."General, this little brother Huange is an array master.
Xiajin and I saw him change three different arrays in an instant." After Huange walked in front of them, Zhushao said."Change three formations in an instant?" Linfeng doubted his ears.
If he hadn't known that Zhushao would never have joked with him in the army, he would have thought that Zhushao was trying to cheer him up.
In this entire dominion, even the best array masters wouldn't be able to change a single formation in an instant.And this youth was able to change three of them.
If this was true, then it could only mean that the country of Dusk had fallen from the sky and smashed it hard."Little brother, may I ask if you would be willing to put in a lot of effort for our country?" Although he was happy, he chose to believe in Zhu Shao in the end."Didn't you say that you're here to get your permit?
How did you end up recruiting me again?" Huange asked with a confused expression.
Although his face was filled with an idiotic expression, his mind was still spinning quickly.
He knew that the people from the Murou Kingdom wouldn't let him off so easily.
However, apart from obeying him, he really didn't have a good method.At this moment, when he heard that the other party's main general was getting straight to the point, he wanted to recruit him.
He could only pretend to be stupid and think hard about how to escape.Upon hearing Huange's refusal, Xiajin, who had been standing at the side, said, "Brother Huange, it would be a pity if you didn't join the army to kill your enemies.
Furthermore, a man should be able to conquer the four worlds in order to establish your own achievements.
How outstanding can someone like you be?""Yes, yes, what Big Brother Xiajin said makes sense." Seeing that the expressions on the faces of the three people present were a little off, Huange quickly put on a playful smile and agreed with a smile.
However, he continued to mutter in his heart, "What kind of joke is this?
That's a battlefield.
If someone were to say that they were dead, they would die.""As a transmigrator who came from a peaceful world, Huan Song had an innate resistance and fear towards war.
If it weren't for the curse masters from the sect who wanted to take his life, he wouldn't have shown his ability in front of Zhushao and Zhushao.Not to mention that he could become a warrior who could kill people with a wave of his hand in such a short period of time."I don't care if you're willing or not.
Since you're already in the army, I won't let you leave so easily.
Unless you have done enough meritorious service.
At that time, not only will I let you leave, but I will also give you an illustrious identity, allowing you to travel freely in the country of Muyu without any obstructions."..." The wind saw that Huange was pretending to be stupid, so he simply used a strong method to stab straight in.Huange knew that there was no way he could leave after being targeted by someone else.
Thus, he nodded, "We can join the army, but you have to promise me that you'll let me go after this war is over.
I still have an old mother who wants me to take care of at home.""After saying that, she even pretentiously wiped the corner of her eyes."Hehe, of course there's no problem with that.
When the war wins, you will be the hero of the country of Dusk.
At that time, it would be a great honor to meet your mother again.
You have to be better than living in this world and bury your amazing abilities.
" Listening to Huan Ge agree, he chuckled."If you die, then so be it.
Since you're still alive, you've been picked up.
If you can really get a job on the battlefield, you won't have to worry about your life for the rest of your life.
" Huan Ge comforted himself when he saw that things had turned into a boat.Needless to say, he didn't know what Huange was thinking.
He continued, "If that's the case, Huange, from now on, you'll join Zhushao's incantation team and follow them.""Haha, little brother, welcome to join us.
Our team is the most elite troop in the entire country of Dusk.
Come here and wait for promotion and fortune." Zhushao was overjoyed when he heard that Huan Ge, a freak, had been inserted into his team.If this wasn't the General's Mansion, he would have kissed her right away.Compared to Zhushao's flustered heart, Huange felt as though he was on the verge of collapse.
From the ten people's ambushes, it was clear that Zhushao's team was a team of madmen.
If he followed such a team, god knew what kind of situation he would encounter with them.But before Huan Ge could retort, the wind gave a second order.
He said, "The army is about to open up.
Zhushao, bring twenty spellmasters and two hundred swordsmen with you right now.
We'll go from the small path on the mountain to the west of Peony Town to wait for an opportunity."If that place hadn't been lost, I would have immediately sent back news.
If that place had already been lost, I would have to wait for the army to arrive and take back Peony Town with me."...""Yes, General." Hearing Linfeng's orders, Zhu Shao's heart began to pound with excitement.
Twenty incantations were the equivalent of two hundred incantations.
One ought to know that there were only forty in the entire army of the Sunset Empire.
Yet, Linfeng had actually given him twenty in one go.In addition to the 200 swordsmen, this force in his hand could definitely beat an ordinary force composed of thousands of people."Alright, you should head down and prepare yourselves before setting off.
Find Huange a set of Swordsman uniforms and don't expose him so easily." After setting up the mission, he sighed.
Although he hadn't seen Huange's battle before, based on his experience, he was able to deduce Huange's true strength.Such a secret weapon could not be easily exposed to the enemy.Walking out of the hall, Zhushao and Xiajin gathered their troops in high spirits.
Meanwhile, Huange followed right behind them like a deflated balloon.
He knew that he had already been assigned to a special force.
Since it was a special force, the mission they had to face must be rather special.In his previous life, he had read many stories about the special forces.
These troops were faced with extremely difficult and dangerous missions.As a pure man, he sometimes fantasized that he could become a warrior like this, but when the matter really fell on his head, he finally understood what it felt like.The three of them headed straight to a large manor's entrance.
When they saw Zhushao and Xiajin, the guards immediately saluted to the two of them, and then respectfully opened the door for them.Entering the courtyard, the first thing that greeted them was a wide courtyard.
Inside the courtyard, there were quite a few people packing up.
It seemed that they were preparing to set off together with the army."Captain, you're finally back.
I've always thought you were dead." Seeing Zhushao enter the courtyard, a young man with a face full of mockery suddenly rushed over."Even if I die, it's not your turn to be the leader." Zhushao smiled and pounded the young man before walking into the courtyard."Zhushao, you're back!
I heard from your teammates that you've killed an array master?" Just as Zhushao was about to gather several members of his own team, a middle-aged man with a straight face walked over and smiled at Zhushao.As soon as he saw Fatty, the smile on Zhushao's face immediately turned into smugness.
He said, "We're just lucky.
Our achievements can't be compared to Captain Haosong's.
You'd better not laugh at me." The man named Haosong was also the leader of the incantation team.
He and Zhushao were known as the Dusk Empire's Twin Tigers, and were the most outstanding two among the team leaders.Because of this, the two began to compete with each other ever since they got to know each other.
Once someone achieved some results, the other would definitely think of ways to win back the city.This time, when Zhu Shao's team fought in the border battle, they obtained ten people versus one thousand, and all of them returned safely.
This made their reputation in the army skyrocket.
As an opponent of Zhu Shao's, Haosong naturally wasn't willing to be defeated just like that.
As such, he received his sarcastic greeting just now."Hmph, it's fine as long as you know you're lucky.
I advise you to be more careful next time.
It's not like you have such good luck every time," Haosong said angrily.Zhushao was clearly in a good mood right now, and he ignored Haosong's sarcasm.
He chuckled and said, "Thank you for your advice, Captain Haosong.
However, General just gave me an order, and I'm afraid I won't have the chance to be careful." Then, he cleared his throat and said loudly in the courtyard, "General orders me to lead twenty incantations and two hundred swordsmen into the enemy and wait for an opportunity to move.""If you want to go, come to my room and register.
In 20 minutes, the party will be ready.""Twenty squads and two hundred swordsmen are working together.
General, you've really done a great job this time." Before Zhushao could finish speaking, a wave of exclamations could be heard in the courtyard.
It had to be known that spellmasters were treasures of the military.
In the war, only a few thousand or even more soldiers could be assigned to a spellmaster.It was already rare to see ten curse masters like Zhushao and the others come out.
But this time, they actually sent out two hundred curse masters at once.
It had to be said that this was a heaven-shaking act.In fact, there was no other way to do this.
Peony Town was simply too important to this battle.
It was located at the intersection of the two mountain ranges, and it was a necessary path for the teaching country to enter the country of dusk.If they had Peony Town, they would be able to keep the main army of the country outside of their borders.
That way, even if they had small groups of the country's army entering the border, it wouldn't be a fatal matter.
However, once Peony Town was lost, the defense line of the country would expand without limit.
If that was the case, then the army of the country would be able to slaughter and plunder without any scruples within the borders of the country.
This was something that no citizens of the country of Muyu would want to see.The reason why the wind decided to send out a large number of curse masters and swordsmen to fight alone was because they wanted to use the super strong individual combat ability of curse masters and swordsmen to rush to Peony Town at the fastest speed possible.
They also wanted to seize control of that place as much as possible, using this as the main force to win some time."Our team is going.""Count one of us.""We're going too.
"After a brief period of astonishment, some team leaders and members began to register with Zhu Shao.
After all, such a battle had never happened in the entire Nine Curses Divine Province.
To be able to participate in such a battle would definitely become a very special experience.
Furthermore, once the battle was won, the rewards and benefits would naturally be easily earned.