Great Layout Master

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Chapter 113

An ear-piercing collision resounded in the open space.
Huan Song's silver light sword sliced the iron blue branch in half.
That was not all.
After cutting off the branch, because of the lack of momentum, a part of the branch left underground was dug out by him.."Someone actually managed to finish off the huge sword's branches so quickly.
" In the Starmoon Residence, the group of sacrificial guests who were watching the tiger fight immediately noticed Huan Ge's victory.
Although they didn't see how Huan Ge won, they didn't know who had won in such a short period of time.But judging from the time of the victory, they knew that the victor would definitely not be simple."I'll go take a look.
This batch of newcomers is really interesting." Astonished, the round-faced sacrificial wine was immediately filled with interest.
After speaking, he did not greet anyone else, but turned into a black shadow and dashed out."They're being targeted by this guy.
This group of newbies is going to be unlucky.
" Seeing that the person flew out as well, Tian Ji drank helplessly as he muttered to himself.After dealing with Huange, Huange didn't stop.
Instead, he turned around and dashed towards Yi Xiaoliu.
He knew that Yi Xiaoliu's cultivation base was the lowest among the group of students.
Even though his status as a study companion was much lower than everyone else's, Huange didn't want Yi Xiaoliu to lose in such a situation.At this moment, Yi Xiaoliu had already been forced to the point where mountains and rivers were running out.
When he saw Huange approaching him, he immediately shouted, "Big brother Huan, help me!" As soon as he shouted, his movements couldn't help but slow down a little.
In an instant, he was cut in front of his chest by the branches of the iron sword tree in front of him, and fresh blood flowed out of his torn clothes."This trash." Seeing that Yi Xiaoliu had been struck, Huan Ge sped up, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the branch that was attacking Yi Xiaoliu with all its might.The silver light sword was raised again and the silver light slashed down.
The branch was just like his own companion.
With a cracking sound, it was cut into two rounds and it swayed as it fell to the ground."Huange, come and help me.
This thing is so annoying." Huange had just helped Yi Xiaoliu out of his troubles.
Not too far away, Lin Yi's voice rang out.
Although she wasn't as miserable as Yi Xiaoliu, she was only able to fight with him.
Even though she didn't lose, she still couldn't defeat him."You're here, you're here!" Hou Ge replied lazily when he heard Lin Yi's call.
Although his tone was lazy, his speed wasn't slow at all.
He only used a few shakes to reach Lin Yi's side.
Then, with a wave of his longsword, he dealt with another branch in a few moves.After that, Huan Ge's figure didn't stop moving.
His longsword slashed through the air, and Lin Han, Zheng Xianglu, Liucheng, and the others' branches fell to the ground one after another.
This caused Mu Fei and the others to immediately relax.
They smiled widely as they watched the remaining people scuttling around the empty space with the branches."Brother Huanxi, do you want me to help you?" Huange casually straightened out the branches.
He rubbed his fingers against the tree barks on the blades of his sword and asked Huanxi in a relaxed manner.
He wasn't joking around with Huanxi, but was actually asking Huanxi.
He knew that the three clans were very proud of themselves.
If he went forward to help, he might offend Huanxi instead.As expected, after hearing Huange's question, Huanxi chuckled softly and said, "General Huange, please rest assured that we can deal with it." With that said, he raised the golden shield in his hand and pressed down on the branch in front of him."Overwhelming Strength!" With the successful strike, Huanxi didn't give the other party any chance to counterattack.
He suddenly summoned a massive incantation.
As the incantation surged, his body seemed to suddenly become unusually heavy.
He pushed the branch under him into the ground with a bang, and it seemed that he didn't look good anymore."Big brother Huanxi, you're really amazing." Huange praised with a smile.