The First Emperor's Domination of the Continent

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Chapter 2

When I woke, I found myself lying on a rock.
It was dark.
The earrings in my ears were still there, but they were much smaller and bearable.
My eyes hurt, and every time I blinked, they hurt.
But luckily, my head hurt a lot better.I tried to sit up, and it hurt my arm.Sitting up, I found that my arms were bruised and bleeding.
I looked down at the cuts all over my legs, big and small.
Fortunately, they weren't particularly serious, and the pain didn't affect my movements.I looked around.
The moon was brighter than usual, so I could vaguely make out the surroundings.
I sat at the foot of the mountain, on a rock with weeds."Is there anyone?"I thought I'd shouted, because I didn't know if I'd spoken or not.
I looked around, as if I'd been abandoned in the ravine, without any buildings.No, that's not right!
This should be the train station in front of the warehouse, where the unloading platform is located.
It's all weeds and rocks, and there's not a single trace of man-made."Help!"This time, I shouted even louder than before.
Still, I couldn't make sure that I didn't say anything, and there was still no response."Is there anyone?
Who's there?
Help!"So I shouted back and forth, harder and harder.
I still couldn't tell if I was making a sound.
It was only when my throat hurt and I didn't have the strength to call out that I stopped.I used too much strength just now and couldn't open my eyes because of the pain.
I was so exhausted that I gasped for breath and fell asleep on the stone.As soon as the sky brightened, I felt much better.
My eyes were recovering so well that I couldn't feel any pain anymore.
Even my earrings were still there.
I sat up and looked around carefully."Is this where I've stayed for nine years?
In the wild mountains and ridges.
I don't remember my face at all." I had no choice but to throw away all the memories I had of this place.
To get to know it again, I shouldn't have said yes, but to explore this place again.I looked up and found where I had come from.
There wasn't any sign of the warehouse door.
It was a natural shape of a mountain.
The cave's entrance had exploded from the inside.
It was thirty or fifty meters up the hill, smoking.I looked down again.
I was lucky.
I should have rolled from the entrance to the cave and been blocked by this protruding boulder.
I fainted here.
Without this boulder, I would have fallen under this boulder, and the brook in the valley would have consequences.Wait a minute!I saw the stream and the clean stream!My throat suddenly felt dry, and the feeling of thirst was incomparably strong.
I needed water too much right now!At that moment, I understood the principle that water was life.
Enduring the pain of the cuts all over my body, I crawled down with great difficulty.
The slope was steep, and I stumbled and rolled along the way, with a lot of small cuts.
But when I took the first sip of the stream, the joy concealed the pain in my whole body.For a long time, I repeated the next two movements.
Drink the water and get some rest.
Drink again and rest again.
It was too late to drink anymore.
I paused and rested.Then, I washed the dust off my body with the stream.
I was sure that I was covered in dirt and dirty.He then proceeded to clean up his wounds.
After he was done, it was already noon.
His earrings were much less effective.
He could already hear the sound of the stream and the distant bird chirping.
The bleeding wounds on his body also stopped.Exhaustion and mental state returned to normal.
When everything felt good, a small problem appeared.I felt hungry.
Yeah, I didn't feel any pain or warmth.
Looking at my surroundings, it looked like I was in an old forest deep in the mountains.
Could it be that I, the logistics storehouse soldier, also came to survive in the wilderness?
However, I hadn't practiced this for a day, so I didn't know anything about the basics.I looked at my unarmed body.
I didn't even have a fruit knife.
If I had the equipment of the Special Forces, I might be able to hold on for a few more days.EquipmentI absentmindedly looked at the warehouse and saw the hole where I had come from.This is really a joke, it's really 'a barbecue seller can't be sold forever but starved to death'As long as I could go back to the warehouse, I would have all the supplies there.
Food in the wild, first aid, medical aid.
I probably wouldn't be able to use up all the supplies in my life.
I was excited and full of energy.She excitedly began to climb upwards!It felt faster when I climbed up this hill than when I rolled down.I was stunned before the explosion!Did I really come from this place?
Why did I have to say that it was alive?
Because the cave entrance was too small, I didn't even know how I managed to get out of here.
If Sun Wukong could squeeze out from under the Five Elemental Mountain, it would probably be so big.In the future, I would have the capital to boast.
Didn't Sun Wukong say that he jumped out of a rock?
I was fucking born in Big Mountain.
It was a premature C-section.
I was a legitimate child born in a month.I had to think of a way to enter after I was done.
Otherwise, my son, who had just been born, would have died of starvation here.I took a closer look at the explosion hole.
It wasn't very deep.
It was dark inside.
Thinking about it, it was just a small bomb.
It shouldn't be too far away from the outside.
Fortunately, it wasn't too far away because I would never have the chance to drop a second bomb.The desire to live made me climb in.I struggled and didn't climb much.
I was stuck in the hole with all my strength.The word 'difficult labor' appeared in my head.
"Hehe!" I had just boasted that I was born in a mountain, but now it was really hard labor.
It looked like I was going to die here.Now I feel that if I am really unlucky, when everyone finds the body I was trapped in, I hope everyone will call me awkwardI tried to get in, or come out.
I didn't move my body.
I smiled dryly and frustratedly, trying again and again.At that moment, I caught a whiff of the aroma of beef cans and the fragrance of rice.
It must have been from the explosion hole where the foods had been.
I stopped and took a deep breath.
I sniffed.
The smell was stronger, as if it was right in front of my eyes.
I could reach for it.Driven by hunger and the temptation of delicious food, I screamed and used the strength to break my bones and tendons, so the big and small wounds on my body were torn and bleeding.
When I was covered in blood, I successfully squeezed in.
'Mother and son safe'.The passageway was very dark.
Only the entrance to the cave was lit up.
The emergency lights on the wall were probably all blown up during the explosion.The air was almost covered in dust.
With the light coming from the hole, one could see that the surroundings were very close.
The ground was in a mess of debris that had been blown up during the explosion.
Deep within the passageway, one could also see the lights on the walls on both sides.These military emergency equipment were excellent.
When an accident occurred, these emergency lights worked on their own batteries, but they were still bright!
Using the light from the hole, I found some food on the ground.
The special beef can.
I ate it in large gulps.
I noticed the problem as I ate.
There was everything I could eat here, but there was no water.Without water meant that I still had to go out.
Thinking about it carefully, I couldn't stay here forever, right?
I definitely had to go out.After eating and drinking a lot of water just now, she wasn't thirsty anymore and rested for a while.
The feeling of being human could be considered to have returned.
Was this how humans should feel?Well, it's time to think about going out.
I'm not willing to give birth to this big mountain again.What else could I do?
But this time, I had to understand that I was prepared.
That five-second speed and passion was too exciting.
I really couldn't afford to play with it?He stumbled to the depths of the tunnel and took down a few lights that were still lit.
Every five or six meters from the entrance to the ground, a lamp would be set on the ground, until there were lights in the depths of the tunnel.
Holding the lamp in hand, he found the kind of bomb.In the end, I had practiced it once.
I had a deep impression of it!After finding a good position, she pulled on the safety lever and then...He must have set the time to explode, but he still dared to directly shoot it!
Due to the stimulation of the last five seconds, I set it up '500 seconds'!Then, I leisurely walked back and casually found a gas mask.
I found a good hiding spot and changed to a better hiding position.
I covered my ears with my hands.
While I waited impatiently, I thought it was mute.The sound of collapse rang out!I paced out of the room.
This time, because the bomb hadn't been too far away from the explosion, it was very effective.
I could open my arms and walk out.For the next few days, I was waiting for reinforcements.
When I was hungry, I ate a military fast food and drank the stream.
When I was thirsty, I walked around and looked around.
I was even more certain that I was in the forest deep in the mountains.
The moment I didn't find anything, I was so depressed that I almost died.
There should be several groups of soldiers guarding this place.
Why couldn't I find anyone?There wasn't even the slightest trace of man-made?It was even wilder than the wild mountains and ridges!He had lived on the seventh day!I couldn't stay any longer.
I was alone in the forest.
I was lonely, and I couldn't die.
I had to go out and ask people what was going on.
It was clearly a military warehouse, so how did it turn out to be a wasteland?
Where were the others?
Where were the other thousands of people?