The First Emperor's Domination of the Continent

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Chapter 3

Light camouflage helmet, single-soldier night vision, Forest Survival Battle Robes, Defense Piercing Battle Boots, telescopes, compass needles, Rock-climbing Ropes, Armoring Battle Gloves, and Strength-restricting Pucksacks filled with War Boots for more than 10 days.Weapons...?It was a dagger, a blade used by a Special Forces soldier, a cracked saw, a blood tank, a seven-inch-long dagger.Gun...?Signal gun!There was no way to take advantage of the situation.
It was a serious crime to take a gun.
If I were to leave with a gun, the nature of my survivor's escape would be completely different.
I couldn't explain it clearly.
It might be related to the cause of the explosion.Why would a 'excellent soldier' like me do something like that?If I didn't want to go outside and shoot a signal gun at the rescue team, I wouldn't have brought a signal gun with me.This is what I planned...Find the tracks with a compass and find people along the tracks.
No matter what the reason was, the 100-kilometre-long tracks wouldn't all disappear, right?For so many 'why's' in my heart?I was fully armed, full of passion and fighting spirit.
I was going to explore this vast mountain!The first day was clear.The air was very good.
The blue sky and white clouds were pleasant and gentle.
It felt like humans were tools.
As long as they had tools, they could do anything.
With this set of equipment, it wasn't slow and easy to move forward.
At night, they shot signal bombs.Hopefully, someone will be able to see my distress signal!
You'll be able to find me before dawn!Then, he found two trees and hung them on a military hammock.
He counted the stars in the sky and began to sleep.Wow!
The stars are bright and bright!The next day, it was clear.I still couldn't find the railway, but I found quite a few small animals.
Birds, rabbits, rats, etc.
I didn't know.
How nice!
How harmonious.
I haven't found any ferocious animals that can hurt people, but I've heard that there are wolves here, and bear blinds!At night, I sent out a signal flare and continued counting the stars that I hadn't counted yesterday.The third day...On the fourth day"The sky is falling," I said last night, when I was playing the signal flare.
Before it burned, it was swallowed by a winged aircraft as fast as lightning.
It was definitely not an animal, because apart from its sharp claws, it would occasionally shoot fireballs at me.How should I put it?It was an animal-type aircraft, or an aircraft-like animal weapon.
Or a fashionable object weapon of some country.If!
That must be an enemy, too, because that thing wants my life.
It hunts me for a long time.
To escape under its claws and fireballs.
I am a steel helmet.
The night vision has been caught, and the signal gun has been thrown out before I can load it.
I want to run fast, and the backpack containing the food has been'still' with it.Right now, he was in a terrible state.
All that was left was a dagger and a special force armor on his right hand.
There was also a compass.I still couldn't find the hundred and ten-kilometre-long railway.
I wondered if I had gone in the wrong direction or if my compass had been modified.
The flying weapon that could fireballs had gone in the wrong direction!On the fifth dayThere was no danger.
My war boots and compass should taste pretty good.
When I asked for some water to drink, the fish tail came out of the soil on the riverbank.
I took it off and ate it!
However, I was glad to find that there were a lot of fruits to eat, and they tasted delicious.
This should be hunger.On the sixth dayI was going crazy.
What were these things?
Boiling dragons!
And Godzilla!
They had everything!
What was even more frustrating was that they shared a common hobby, which was to give me a different way of dying!
Eating, roasting, drinking blood!The seventh day..."Ahh!!!"A heart-wrenching cry rang out as the waterfall descended!Ahhhh!I opened my eyes in a daze!
I felt as if I was lying on the bed in a daze.
Two people were busy and then fainted again.I felt as if someone had paid me up and fed me some Chinese medicine soup.
There was also an old man who looked like a master of energy arts who had become a god.
He dazzled and muttered to himself.
I didn't know what he was doing, but it was very comfortable.For the next few days, I was drowsy as I ate medicine, soup, medicine, and soup.When I woke up, I would often faint."Mage, it's the seventh day.
Is he alright?" I woke up and opened my eyes."Grandpa, look!
He's awake." A girl's voice.
I followed the voice and found a girl who wasn't even 20 years old.
She walked toward me and slowly helped me sit up.
I'm sure she's been taking care of me for the past few days.
There's no reason to be so sure.
If I have to talk about the basis, it's my strong instinct!An old man in an ancient grey suit!He walked up to me and looked at me.
"Hehe, hehe.
" He smiled and said, "I'm fine now.
I should be able to recover soon.
Look at my eyes.
""Do you still remember your name?
Where did you come from?
How did you fall off the waterfall?""..."I wanted to say something, but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, I realized that I didn't even have the strength to speak.
All my strength was maintaining my breathing, and I was already exhausted."Alright, don't talk.
It's still empty.
We'll talk again after some time." Then, I jumped into a daze again.
I felt so comfortable that I couldn't say anything.Next, I took care of them and healed them.
"There's no way to repay this life-saving grace!" The words were right.
I couldn't find any way to repay their life-saving grace!When I recover, I will definitely thank them.
They will be my family, my dear grandfather, and my dear sister.
I want to take them out of this mountain and live with my parents in the city, so that my sister can have a good life and live a filial life for my grandfather.
I vow to myself.The next day, I was completely awake.
In the evening, my 'sister' fed me spoonful after spoonful.
I didn't know what it was made of, but as soon as I put down the chopsticks, Grandpa came in."You look much better today, how are you feeling?" She walked over to me and sat down.
"Thank you, Mountain God, for your blessing.
You didn't die from falling from the waterfall!""Grandfather, thank you for saving my life," I said weakly."That's what I should do.
I can't just watch you die and not save you, right?
I'm afraid that everyone in the village can hear you screaming when you fell off the waterfall.
I just happened to be fishing in the pond of the mountain, so I saved you from the riverbank."Then, he turned around and pulled out a bag from the cabinet.
"This is what you have.
When I saved you from the riverbank, you held the knife tightly in your hand.
And this swordsman glove." I took it.I thought for a while."You.
Are you okay?
Are you feeling unwell?" "Sister" asked me intermittently, her face red.I reacted quickly.
"No, I'm fine without me." I tried to speak as loudly as possible, trying to prove that I was fine.
But this conversation, this atmosphere, this tone...
Why does it feel so greasy?As expected!"Hehehehe, you have to thank me.
Thank Yatou.
She's been working day and night.
She's much more troublesome than I am...""Grandfather, there's nothing else you said.
" His voice became softer and softer as he slowly lowered his head."Heh heh heh heh heh heh, if I didn't say I didn't have anything," he said as he walked out of the room with a smile and closed the door.I was in a daze again."Are you aristocrat?" One question from 'sister' made the awkwardness between us become my depression!"Grandfather said that only aristocrats have this 'Iron Snow Saber'.""It should be a swordsman, right?
This is the first time I have seen your swordsman gloves.
I have only heard of them before, but I have never seen them before.""No one can compare to a girl's mountain.
How did you get to a girl's mountain?""Wait." I cupped my hands together to stop her.Then, she put on the most comfortable and depressed position, which would make her feel depressed and depressed.What the hell?
Can you still have a good conversation?
What aristocrat?
Snow knife?
Who swordsman?
Who swordsman?
All of you are 'sluts' without a single word.
What are they?!Me!
You're not talking about me, are you?
I was stunned.
It was as though what I could say was even more ridiculous.
Everything related to the 'second storehouse' was classified as national secrets.
It could be said that there were only biological weapons that could shoot fireballs, fish tail water monkeys that ate my Xuezi, and monsters that almost wanted to kill me.
Boiling dragons!
Oh my god!
What are these and what are these?!
If I were to tell anyone, wouldn't I be able to find my mouth?.It could be said that there were only biological weapons that could shoot fireballs, water monkeys that ate my Xuezi's fish tail, and monsters that almost killed me, Pikachu!
Soaking dragons!
Ge Sila?
Oh my god!
What are these and what are these?!
If I were to tell anyone, wouldn't I be able to find my mouth?!I squeezed a sentence out of all my wits."What's that?""The Waterfall Village."