The Way of Burying Gods

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Chapter 3

In the mortal realm, ten years later, in the west of China, Tanggu La Mountain.All that could be seen in this area were vast snow mountains.
Countless snow mountains stretched out in succession, and countless legends and mysteries had been frozen for tens of thousands of years.There was a small mountain village surrounded by unknown snow mountains.
Because all the villagers in the village had the surname Zhang, they were called the Zhang Clan Manor.
Although this village's name was inconspicuous and ordinary, it had a unique place.
At the foot of the mountain behind the village, the hot springs were never dry and unceasingly gushing.
Thus, the climate here had always been warm as spring..The south side of the village was surrounded by a wide lake.
The lake was deep and the water flowed quickly.
After overflowing, it poured down towards the lower cliffs and formed a waterfall.
The water splashed like snow and the water vapour formed into a continuous stream, enveloping the entire village in an illusory mist..On the north side of the village was a large piece of fertile land, and on the north side was the Ten Thousand Elixir Cliff, which had become one with the east and west sides.
Like the village in the arms of giants, it was not big, and lived in forty to fifty households for generations.Living in such a small environment, the villagers were lucky and happy.
They didn't need to work too hard to get enough food and harvest all sorts of fresh fruits throughout the year.
The animals and animals raised by the villagers also lived for generations, providing them with the necessary food and eggs.The clansmen who lived here for tens of thousands of years seemed to have forgotten the vast world outside.
They silently passed on their faith that they didn't know what to protect.
For generations, they had peace for themselves.Logically speaking, those who lived in this kind of paradise should not be sad, but only those who lived here could truly feel the helplessness of being cursed.
'Men can't get out and can't get in.'Every time a boy was born in the village, the wedding house would have no choice but to hold a few days of banquets.
However, every time a girl was born, the wedding house would be able to hold a big banquet in the entire village.In the village, girls could only be raised by their parents until they were seven or eight years old.
Then, the family head would arrange for people to secretly send them out of the village.
Those with good aptitudes would be chosen by the various sects to cultivate the path of immortals.
Those with ordinary aptitudes would always be treated as 'the water splashed out by the married girl', completely stripping away the opportunity to return to their maiden family and reunite with their parents..The parents would specially choose some unique herbs and plant them in small basins around the village as dowry, allowing Yong'e and Yong's girls to bring them out to live and rely on their longing.
Although this method seemed heartless, these girls would never have to suffer for the secret of this little village.
Therefore, they were lucky.
At least they could live normally like ordinary people.
The boys left behind could only quietly grow up with their parents.
Even if they were married at their age, they would have used immortal methods to wash away all their memories..In midair, a Daoist hurriedly flew towards this small mountain village.
He was dressed in blue, with three long strands of hair.
His right hand was covered in Buddhist dust, and his left hand formed an incantation gesture.
His surname was Zhang Mingyuan, and he was a disciple of the Righteous Cult of Dragon-Tiger Mountain.This village was also his hometown.
His parents had already passed away, and in terms of seniority, they were the oldest elders in the village.Ever since he left the house, he had only returned twice.
The first time was to send his junior brother and wife to stay, but this time, for some reason, his master had only ordered him to quickly return to help with some matters, but he did not tell him the specifics.He couldn't figure out the information that his master had kept from him, and his mind was in a state of turmoil.
When he flew into the village and entered the barrier of his master's residence, all of his guesses had already been made clear.
Liang Xingqing couldn't help but tear up.He sized up his surroundings and stood in the courtyard, weeping.
Then, the chief walked over and knelt down to greet him.
Zhang Siyuan reached out and pulled him up."How long has it been?""Today's 48 days stopped.
""Did you arrange everything properly?""We didn't dare to choose the cemetery in private.
We've been hesitating for a long time, and we finally waited for you when we were in a hurry.
"Zhang Siyuan thought for a while and suddenly understood the meaning behind his master's order.
No outsiders had ever entered this village, let alone an outsider who died here."Follow me.
" He brought the clan leader and a few clansmen to the northwest direction of the village.
When they arrived, they looked around and then pointed to a place.
"The chief looked at him and hesitated.
"But this isn't a cemetery.
All of our ancestors' graves are located in the village." Then, he pointed to the northeast of the village.Zhang Siyuan said seriously, "That's the surname Zhang, Zu Lin.
It's extremely inappropriate for him to bury his husband and wife here alone.
We'll have to pass on our ancestral teachings in the future.
We'll never bury anyone here again."The chief noticed the grave expression on Zhang Siyuan's face, and he couldn't help but ask, "What about the layout of the tomb?""For cultivators, everything will be simple.
Two coffins can be placed in two tomb rooms."The chief nodded, turned his head, and ordered his subordinates, "Call people to get to work.
We have to finish work before noon tomorrow." The clansmen received the orders, turned their heads, and went back to work.Zhang Siyuan returned to his courtyard and walked straight into the mourning hall.
The overseer at the entrance had already reported, "Zhang Siyuan has nothing to do with this!"Hearing the shouts, three people rushed to kneel in front of them and kowtowed, "Greetings, Martial Uncle."Zhang Siyuan lowered his head and looked down.
The one kneeling at the front was a child who was about ten years old.
Behind him were two seventeen or eighteen-year-olds.
Both of them wore ceremonial clothes and couldn't see their faces clearly.
He extended his hand and said, "Nephew, there's no need to be so polite."The three of them knelt down on both sides of the table and looked up at Zhang Siyuan.
Seeing him walk a few steps, the incense on the table lit three bows on the bright candle flame and said in a choked voice,"Junior brother, senior brother, you're late.
Are you going to kill me like this?" There was no further conversation.
His body trembled uncontrollably, clearly trying his best to suppress the pain brought by sadness.The 10-year-old child stopped crying and advised, "Martial Uncle, please forgive me.
"Zhang Siyuan waved his hand and the child didn't speak anymore.
He turned to a mud basin in front of the case and put paper money in it.
The flames flickered between light and darkness, swaying behind the two young men.At this moment, someone came in and set up a chair.
Zhang Siyuan had already controlled his grief.
He sat down and looked around the mourning hall.
Although the layout was simple, it was not lacking in solemnity at all.
There were two rows on each table, followed by two coffins chiseled out of ice.
He vaguely saw the remains of a couple sleeping inside.
He stood up and walked over to greet them..The disciple in the left coffin was still wearing an unstained blue robe.
His face was serene and haggard, and several strands of white hair could be vaguely seen between his hair.
He sighed and shook his head.
Looking towards the coffin on the right, there was a young woman inside.
She looked to be around twenty years old, with a head of black hair, red lips, and a hint of a smile on her dignified and serene face.
She wore a brand-new coloured skirt.Zhang Siyuan lowered his head and pondered.
He didn't understand what was going on.
Without saying anything, he slowly returned to his chair and sat down.
He couldn't ask what a 10-year-old child could tell him.
He could only wait until he returned to ask his master and made up his mind.Turning his head, he quietly looked around and saw that the six kneeling men were all strong men around forty years old.
They all had different complexions, and all of them had their heads lowered.
They wore plain linen linen garments, and they prostrated on the ground like statues.
However, some of them had scars and scars on their faces, but they could clearly be seen.
Looking at this scene, these people were definitely not from the villagers.
They were even more doubtful in their hearts, but it was still inconvenient for them to ask.
Then, they recalled the days they had spent cultivating together with their juniors..In the evening, the chief arranged dinner and sent someone to report to Zhang Siyuan.
As such, he arranged for the wardens to take turns to eat dinner.In the middle of the night, only three children remained in the mourning hall, while the others were all assigned to rest separately by the chief.
When he saw Zhang Siyuan, he didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.
He simply waved at him, and the chief understood and left with his subordinates.The mourning hall was unusually quiet.
The three children had already cried for forty-eight days.
Zhang Siyuan asked, "Nephew, what are your names?
Who are the two of them?"The child quickly turned to Zhang Siyuan and knelt down, "My nephew's name is 'Qilin'.
They are the children of father and brother.
"The one who had been on the left with his hands said, "This is Big Brother.
He is the eldest son of my Eldest Uncle's family.
His name is Xunlong."Then, he pointed to the black skinned man on the right and said, "This is the eldest son of Erbo's family.
He's called Qihu.
He's my second brother.""The three of us were given the names of our fathers and brothers when they were sworn brothers in the army.
"Hearing that, Zhang Siyuan finally understood.
He nodded and said, "I see."Looking at the two young men, he asked, "A real tiger father doesn't have a dog son.
Are the two old heroes safe?"Xunlong Longqihu hurriedly replied, "Thank you, Martial Uncle, for your concern.
My father is still fine, but this incident happened so suddenly that he didn't have the time to let go of Tangtang's work.
He hastily asked us to come with six uncles.
Father said that they will come back after they are done with their work."Zhang Siyuan nodded again.
His thoughts flew to the moment when his junior brother was expelled from the sect.
His junior brother only cried and his master shook his head repeatedly.
However, from his master's unwillingness and his helplessness, he had guessed that there must have been many reasons.After his junior brother left the mountain, every time he saw his master caressing the items that his junior brother had used, he would be lost in thought.
He also understood how much he missed his junior brother, but since then, his master had never mentioned a word about his junior brother again.
This question had been kept in his mind for a long time.
When he returned this time, he had to ask his master clearly.
His thoughts flew and he couldn't help but sit there in a daze..When the three children saw that Martial Uncle was in a daze, they understood that he was reminiscing about the past.
They didn't say anything else and silently went back.
After two hours, they took turns to exchange incense.
There was nothing else to say throughout the night.At dawn, the chief brought his men over to greet Zhang Siyuan.
Zhang Siyuan didn't bother to be polite.
He first asked about what had been arranged yesterday.
The chief had already made the necessary preparations, and only then did he bring his three nephews out to wash up and eat.
There was no need to mention that there were people on duty in the mourning hall.After breakfast, the four of them returned to the mourning hall.
Seeing that the chief had already ordered people to bring two mouthfuls of coffins made of Nan wooden, they stopped at the door and went to take a look at the work.
Then, they arranged for everyone to return to their coffins.Although Lin Er was young, he knew what was good for him.
As he cried, he carefully filled the coffins with his parents' belongings.Although Zhang Siyuan felt a heart-wrenching pain when he touched the scenery, no matter what, he was a cultivator whose life was in danger.
However, he remained silent like a deep lake.
When everything was done, he looked up and saw that it was almost noon.
He said to Lin Er, "It's time to send your parents to rest in peace."Someone immediately nailed the lid of the coffin.
Lin Er was in front of them, and the two of them were involved in the process.
Behind them were Xunlong and Qihu's six uncles carrying the coffin.Zhang Siyuan picked up the paper burning muddy basin and handed it to Lin Er.
Lin Er mercilessly fell onto the ground.
When the muddy basin fell to the ground, he burst into tears.
Everyone lifted their coffins and slowly walked towards the forest.