The Way of Burying Gods

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Chapter 4

There was no need to talk about the miscellaneous matters in the forest.
After the burial, the group of people returned to the courtyard.
The chief had already arranged for people to leave the Bi'an courtyard.
The main courtyard was cleaned up and decorated into a guest hall.
Everyone entered the guest hall and sat down.
Only then did the six hall masters come over to greet Zhang Siyuan.
Zhang Siyuan knew that these were the heroes of the Shanyuan Treasure.
He bowed and returned the greeting..With a few polite words, the six of them turned and left.
The chief understood that Zhang Siyuan had spoken with his three nephews and also with him.
He also took his men out to prepare dinner.
Only Zhang Siyuan and his three nephews were left in the hall.After exchanging pleasantries with the four of them, Lin Er asked, "How did my two brothers and uncles know that my father passed away?"Zhang Siyuan saw that Lin Er's question was exactly what he was puzzled about.
He turned to look at Xunlong and Qihu, and when he saw Xunlong standing there, he said,"I received a letter from the clan elder and heard the bad news.
Father spat out a mouthful of blood.
He hurriedly summoned my second uncle and brother to discuss the matter.
Because of my father's impatience, I left the matters of the family to my second uncle.
Uncle is in charge of the accounting room, so I couldn't leave.
I had no choice but to send six uncles to escort the two of us.
I didn't expect that we would only arrive after a few tens of days."After saying this, she lowered her head and began to cry.Lin Er stood up and thanked them, "I've worked hard the entire time.
According to father, I won't tell you.
I'm going to send someone to inform you after I'm done with this matter."Qihu said, "Brother, what are you talking about?
We're a family.
How can we not tell you what kind of great matter this is?
Third Uncle was worried that it would be inconvenient to travel, but he forgot that we were all people who traveled all year round."Zhang Siyuan listened and asked, "Does your escort bureau have any business with this village?"Qihu didn't respond.
Xunlong replied, "Martial Uncle, I won't hide it from you.
You're not an outsider, so I won't let you off the hook.
We do have business with this manor."It turned out that although the village was self-sufficient and all sorts of supplies were not related to the outside world, every time a girl was sent to study or get married, as well as a man to marry a wife, the villagers couldn't go out.
It was the chief who had entrusted Old Gang's head bodyguards and arranged them to secretly escort him.
There hadn't been any mistakes in the past many years, so the chief had a deep friendship with Old Gang's head bodyguard..As soon as this matter was brought out, the Patriarch specifically sent someone to lead the way.
Otherwise, even if Xunlong had the ability to ascend to the heavens, he wouldn't be able to enter this manor.
Zhang Siyuan nodded and didn't say anything else.
At this time, someone had come to inform him that dinner was ready.Lin Er stood up and asked the three of them to go eat.
He said, "We'll have dinner later.
Martial uncle and two brothers, please come back and have a seat.
My father still has a few things to tell martial uncle and brother." Everyone nodded and went to eat together.After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms and sat down.
Lin Er first served tea to his martial uncle and older brother, then returned to his room and took out two items.After sitting down, he handed a sandalwood box to Zhang Siyuan and said, "Father, before I leave, I'm sure Martial Uncle will come.
He asked me to hand this to Martial Uncle.
All Lin Er knows is that there's a letter from Father to Martial Ancestor.
There are also two things I don't know about.".Zhang Siyuan didn't dare to look at them.
He took them and placed them on the table.
He nodded and said, "I'll face Master when we get back."Lin Er picked up another scabbard and cupped it with both hands, "This is my father's personal saber.
There were two male and female siblings, and one male sibling left it for me to defend myself.
Big brother, please bring this female sibling back to hand it to Eldest Uncle."When Qihu heard that it was Moyuan's saber, his eyes immediately lit up.
He wanted to take it and watch it first, so he hurriedly said, "I'll take a look first!
I'll take a look!"Unexpectedly, Zhang Siyuan reached out and pressed him back into his chair, "Don't act rashly.
Do you know the origin of this thing?"Qihu was stunned.
He didn't expect that this Martial Uncle would have such strength.
He was a well-known hero.
His arms had been trained since young, and at least a thousand pounds of strength.
His waist and legs were even more frightening.
Now that he had been pressed down by Zhang Siyuan, he didn't have any strength to resist.From Martial Uncle's expression, he could tell that this saber was not small.
He had only heard of the domineering nature of Divinity Dog.
He was anxious to look but didn't consider the consequences.
While feeling admiration in his heart, he also secretly thought that he would have to ask Martial Uncle to accept him as his disciple in the future.Seeing Zhang Siyuan's seriousness, Xunlong hurriedly handed the saber over and respectfully said, "Martial Uncle, please enlighten me."Zhang Siyuan received the saber and turned it around, examining the cinnabar seals on the scabbard.
Then, he asked Lin Er, "Does your father have any other instructions?""Yes, this blade is for big brother to bring back, even the scabbard is placed under the flag of the wind."Xunlong and Qi Hu were astonished.
They turned to look at Lin Er and heard him casually say, "The name of this saber is Dog God."Xunlong and Qi Hu had already guessed it, but when they heard the word 'dog god', they had their mouths wide open.
Their eyes were like bronze bells, and they had been silent for a long time.
The two brothers had heard many legends about this saber and knew that this saber allowed Third Uncle to roam the southwest.
This was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes, but they were still shocked..Lin Er narrated, "This saber resonance is said to be an item belonging to the ancient Chiyou.
Who used it to create something unknown?
After Chiyou and Huangdi were killed in the battle, this saber has been scattered among the people several times.
Every time it appears, it will cause a bloody storm.
After dozens of changes, it can't find a master that can be kept.
This saber can not only injure people.
If it is not used properly or powerless to use it, it will suffer a backlash.
It's a miserable death.".At this point, Xunlong and Qi Hu were so shocked that their faces lost all color.
They were even whiter, while the one in black was like a frosted eggplant.Lin Er continued, "I don't know who took the saber in the end, but it was sent to Wangzhu's living Buddha in the storage area.
The living Buddha used his supreme intelligence and magic power to use the snowkin as the scabbard, and many seals were placed on it.
Only then did the boundless killing intent of the saber be concealed.
When Father escorted the royal golden book to the hiding place to meet Wangzhu's living Buddha, the living Buddha told Father that the saber had arrived, and he gave it to Father along with a flood-like dog called Big Yellow."When Zhang Siyuan heard this, he frowned and asked, "Did your father teach you how to use this blade?""I did.
Lin Er has been sleeping with these two knives since he was young, and he only taught me the saber technique when he was five years old."As Zhang Siyuan listened to the story, he also understood the runes on the scabbard.
He slowly pulled the scabbard out of the scabbard.
The moment the blade was exposed, he felt the temperature in the air suddenly drop.
The lights in the room also dimmed.
There were even dog barks in the distance..Cold sweat immediately flowed down Xunlong's face, and he murmured, "As expected of an ancient divine weapon.
The world changed color before it was unsheathed.
It seems like we don't have the ability to use this saber!"When Zhang Siyuan saw the two of them in shock, he quickly pushed the saber back to the scabbard and placed it on the table.
He looked at Xunlong and said, "This saber is extremely sharp.
I hope you don't use it carelessly after you have it.
Otherwise, there will be a storm of blood and poison."Xunlong said solemnly, "I will be cautious."Lin Er lightly smiled.
He stood up and picked up the saber.
He took it to the scabbard.
It was strange, but the saber in his hand was only flashing with a blue light.
It was glittering brightly, without the slightest bit of killing intent.Lin Er said to Xunlong, "Father asked me to pull it out and show it to you before handing it over to you personally.
Only in this way can this saber truly recognize you as its master.
Only when you're in danger can you take the initiative to unsheath your scabbard and help you deal with your enemies.
Also, there's no need to worry about using it when your big brother brings it back.
Apart from being able to unsheath your saber on your own, the rest of the saber is exactly the same as a saber that slices iron like mud.
The saber left behind here.
Without the senses of a male or female, it can't even use some of its domineering skills.
This is also why my father separated the two sabers."..."After saying that, Lin Er handed the saber to Xunlong, his eyes filled with encouragement.
Xunlong was both excited and nervous as he received the saber.
However, the saber vibrated in Xunlong's hand for a long time, and slowly returned to its glimmering blue light.
Xunlong couldn't hide the joy in his heart as he stared blankly at the saber for a long time..Qihu looked at him with a sour heart.
He couldn't help but say, "Third Uncle is biased.
He taught you all his skills and gave you a divine weapon, but you didn't leave anything for me?"When everyone heard what he said, they all revealed a smile that had disappeared for a long time.
Lin Er quickly said, "Don't worry, Second Brother." Then, he reached into his clothes and pulled it out.Qihu was overjoyed when he heard what he had to say.
He stared at Lin Er and saw him take out a cloth bag from his lapels and handed it over, "Father left this for you."Qihu didn't know what it was and quickly asked, "What is it?""The Desolation Canon." Lin Er smiled.Zhang Siyuan's heart shook.
He had heard his master say that this scripture was made for Fuxi.
It contained the supreme principle of the universe and all living beings colliding with each other.
It was many times more powerful than the five elemental arts cultivated by immortals.
Because it was necessary to use sand, stones, and earth in the early stages of cultivation, the condition was that one had to have a tyrannical body.
When one reached the extremes, one would be able to move mountains and overturn seas, encircling the city..Lin Er continued, "This scripture has never been passed down in this world.
It has always been guarded by Nvwa Niangniang's guardian divine beasts.
Father asked me to give it to you.
I hope you can study it well and take good care of it..."Qi Hu's heart itched with joy.
He hurriedly took it and put it in his arms.
He got up and knelt down in the direction of Third Uncle's grave.
He kowtowed one by one and muttered, "Thank you, Third Uncle.
Thank you, Third Uncle..." The place where his forehead had bumped into the ground, it seemed that he had bumped into a nest, but there was no injury on his forehead..When Xunlong saw that Qihu had also knelt down and kowtowed a few times, Lin Er hurriedly pulled his two older brothers up and said to Qihu, "Father, I knew that it would be difficult for you to cultivate this scripture, so I asked you to take this Martial Uncle as your master.
The letter I sent to Master Ancestor also stated this matter clearly.".After saying that, he looked at Qihu and blinked his eyes.
Although Qihu's limbs weren't simple and simple, he hurriedly ran over to Zhang Siyuan's side, wanting to kowtow and kowtow.
However, Zhang Siyuan pulled him back and said, "Don't be in such a hurry.
I'll definitely give face to my junior martial brother.
I'll deal with a few matters first before I come back and look for you.""Since Qihu heard that he was overjoyed, he hurriedly nodded in agreement.The three of them began to stir up some miscellaneous matters.
Zhang Siyuan asked, "Lin Er, what do you plan to do in the future?" The three of them were instantly stunned.When he snapped out of his daze, Xunlong Longqihu looked at Lin Er and said, "Come with us to Lishui!
Your eldest and second uncles miss you very much.
They sent us here on purpose to escort you back."Lin Er was stunned for a moment.
He shook his head and said, "I can't go anywhere right now.
I have to stay here and observe mourning for my parents for three years.
It's not easy for my mother to give birth to me, so I have to use my life in exchange for my life." As he spoke, his eyes reddened and tears began to well up again.Zhang Siyuan lowered his head and thought about it.
He couldn't resist the child's filial piety and nodded.Lin Er continued, "In addition, father wrote a lot of things in the last few years.
A few days before he passed away, he told me that everything had been sorted out.
He repeatedly told me to study well and master it.
I plan to take advantage of these few years of mourning to complete father's last wishes."."Then we'll stay here and accompany you," said Xunlong and Qi Hu."We can't!" said Rakshasa.
She pointed at the knife in Xunlong's hand.
"We can't delay this matter.
Father is afraid that once news of his death spreads, it will bring unimaginably trouble to the escort bureau.
With this blade under the banner of wind, it will be absolutely safe, especially when we go to Shan Ganshan Province.
The heroes there know how powerful this knife is, so they will make way if they see it."."Besides, I heard you guys say that Eldest Uncle has already fallen ill because of my father's matter, so you two have to hurry back and take care of him.
"When Xunlong Longqihu heard how important he was, he immediately lost his mind.
He looked at Zhang Siyuan and heard him say, "It's getting late.
Let's rest early."All three bowed and said, "Good night, martial uncle." Turning around, they each went back to their room to rest.