Brilliant Under the Lamp

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Chapter 127

Although this place was bustling on the surface, there was an unknown amount of darkness hidden in the darkness.
However, this was what the Wu clan boss liked the most.
The Wu clan boss enjoyed the darkness and sensed for a bit.
Then, in a flash, he arrived at Yesu's place.
Although the Wu clan boss was able to bring Yesu in front of him, it seemed that the Wu clan boss preferred to inspect him.As Yesu's strength continued to recover, his appearance began to change from an old man to a young man.
Now, he was like a middle-aged uncle.Yesu was currently lying on top of a seductive woman.
The woman's cheering made Yesu work even harder.
Although Yesu wasn't a gunman, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.
Soon, everything was over.
He lay down on the woman's stomach and buried his head between her breasts.The leader of the warlocks outside knew everything that was going on inside, but he didn't disturb him.
Instead, he waited for Yesu to finish his task before sending him a secret vocal transmission.As soon as Yesu heard the shaman's voice transmission, he immediately left the woman.
The woman felt empty and quickly pulled Yesu back.
"Master, what's wrong?" This woman was none other than Queen Najia.Yesu put on his clothes and pinched Queen Najia's breasts a few times.
Then, he forcefully patted her buttocks and said: "Xiaona, wait here for me.
Your Excellency is here, please don't go out."Yesu shook his head.
Then, he pushed open the door and walked out.
However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw the leader of the warlocks standing outside.
He quickly closed the door and walked over."Sir, if you want to see me, just let me go to your place.
I wouldn't dare to ask you to come here." Yesu had been flattering him right from the start.
However, this was exactly what the leader of the Magi race liked the most.The shaman leader waved his hand and said, "I just happened to pass by here, but I have something I need you to do." The shaman took out a purple crystal ball from his robe and tossed it to Yesu.
"Take this.
I'll come back and retrieve it for safekeeping.""Mm, that's it.
I still have something to do.
You can go back now."Yesu kept the purple crystal ball and respectfully said, "Greetings, my lord!"He didn't know what method Yesu had found to resolve the aftermath of reviving the Laziness Source Bei Lier, but he wouldn't tell anyone about it.After leaving the Vatican City, the head of the Witchcraft Tribe went to Thailand's Taijiling and entered a secret chamber that no one knew about.
"Since we have to restrict the growth of the King of the Last King and temporarily seal some of his memories, then his family and those who know about all of this should erase these memories.""..."The Witch Tribe boss walked to the top of an altar.
There was a stone pillar on the altar, and a purple crystal ball the size of a human head floated on the surface.
However, this purple crystal ball was different from the purple crystal ball that the Witch Tribe boss had given Yesu.
The inside of the purple crystal ball was the blood-red palace.
The purple crystal ball was just a trick laid out by the Witch Tribe boss.But this purple crystal ball was different.
This purple crystal ball was a real magic crystal ball.
Now, the head of the Witchcraft Tribe was using this purple crystal ball to cast a super large-scale spell to seal the memories of those who knew about Shi Ziyu.
Otherwise, if Shi Ziyu had known about this, he would have definitely unsealed the seal in advance..The boss took out the blood-colored seal from his robes.
Under the control of the boss's black energy, the blood-red seal gradually emitted a blood-red light.
The hot light from the roof shot into the purple crystal ball.
The purple crystal ball suddenly changed, and the originally translucent purple color turned translucent.
From the outside, one could see a miniature version of the blood-red chain and the blood-red cocoon.
The bottom of the two was the seal of the other person.
The grand formation of the blood-colored temple was very strange..Outside the Mausoleum of Taiji, they looked towards the secret chamber where the head of the Witchcraft Tribe was located.
They could only see a faint, blood-red light coming out from the window.
However, it was not obvious.
As long as you didn't examine it carefully, you wouldn't be able to discover it.After a while, the faint blood-red light finally disappeared.
At this time, the leader of the Wu Clan had already left the secret room.
Moreover, no one knew that the lives of some people in this world had changed.......As soon as Guo Haiyi woke up, he realized that it was already past 8 a.m., so he got up and headed straight for the restroom.
Shi Ziyu's room was located on the way to the restroom.
When Guo Haiyi passed by Shi Ziyu's room, he noticed that Shi Ziyu's room door wasn't locked.
Instead, there were snoring sounds coming from inside.Guo Haiyi's heart tightened.
It had been close to two years since Shi Ziyu had returned home.
Right now, what he was worried about was whether or not a thief had just arrived at Shi Ziyu's room.
However, he had fallen asleep too sleepily along the way.
Thus, Guo Haiyi hurriedly returned to his room and shook himself awake, still in his sleep."Chief, wake up!
Wake up!" Shi Lingfeng struggled free from Guo Haiyi's grip and covered his head with the blanket.
He and Guo Haiyi had been exhausted last night, but Guo Haiyi was still as old as a wolf and as old as a tiger.
Shi Lingfeng couldn't stand it anymore.
Guo Haiyi stared blankly at Guo Haiyi and pulled the blanket away."Chief, get up quickly.
I heard a snoring sound when I passed Xiaoyu's room just now.
I suspect that there's a thief in the room!"He sat up with his sleepy eyes and said, "Little Yu, you're not happy that you're back!
Let me sleep for a while longer, and don't disturb me anymore." Then, he grabbed the quilt that Guo Haiyi had mentioned and fell back asleep on the bed."Leader, Xiaoyu hasn't returned for almost two years.
Do you think he'll suddenly return?" Guo Haiyi couldn't help but feel a little worried when he recalled how Shi Ziyu had been working hard at Aien Kelide's side all these years.At this moment, Shi Hao suddenly sat up.
"There's something fishy about this matter!
Come, let's go take a look." Shi Hao stood up naked from under the covers, picked up his pajamas, and put them on right in front of Guo Haiyi."Dead ghost, you're still planning to continue sleeping?!
Seriously, let's go." Although Guo Haiyi and Shi Lingfeng were already husband and wife, they were still a little shy sometimes.
Therefore, they walked outside the room and waited for Shi Lingfeng.After the wind whistled through the air, the two of them tiptoed outside Shi Ziyu's room.
They saw that there was a small gap in the door to Shi Ziyu's room, and saw a man in white ancient garments lying on Shi Ziyu's bed.."Master, do you think those clothes look like the set of clothes you made for Xiaoyu?
Oh, and don't those shoes look like the light boots I gave Xiaoyu?" Guo Haiyi asked softly when he saw the clothes on the man's clothes.However, Shi Lingfeng said, "Isn't he already asleep?
We'll just go in and take a look.
We'll know if it's Little Feather." After saying that, he pushed open Shi Ziyu's door and walked in.
Guo Haiyi stomped his foot and followed him in.Just as they walked in, the man turned around and allowed Guo Haiyi and Shi Lingfeng to see his face clearly.
Guo Haiyi and Shi Lingfeng were stunned.
They didn't understand why Shi Ziyu was still wearing a set of white Kingswood ancient garments and not wearing modern clothes.
However, they only thought about it for a moment and didn't think too much about it.
When they found out that their son had returned, they quietly walked out of Shi Ziyu's room and closed the door for him..Shi Lingfeng wrapped his arms around Guo Haiyi's waist.
His son was already twenty years old, but as a mother, Guo Haiyi's figure was much better than before.
Shi Lingfeng didn't know how she had done it either.
"By the way, Haiyi, didn't you say that Little Yu would definitely bring his wife back?
Why haven't I seen her?".Shi Lingfeng wrapped his arms around Guo Haiyi's waist.
His son was already twenty years old, but as a mother, Guo Haiyi's figure was much better than before.
Shi Lingfeng didn't know how she had done it either, "By the way, Haiyi, didn't you say that Little Yu would definitely bring his wife back?
Why didn't I see her?"Guo Haiyi clapped his hands, but he was still a little happy.
"How would I know?
Why don't I ask my son when he gets up?"Guo Haiyi struggled free of his strange hand.
He twisted his waist and went to the bathroom to wash up.
Then, he shrugged and yawned as he walked back to his room.Originally, Guo Haiyi and Shi Lingfeng had thought that Shi Ziyu would wake up very soon, but they hadn't expected him to wake up at night.
Instead, they turned around several times."Leader, this can't go on.
How could Xiao Yu do something like this?
Didn't you say that cultivators can be replaced by meditation instead of sleeping?" Guo Haiyi and Shi Hao stood in Shi Ziyu's room, while Guo Haiyi's face was filled with worry.Shi Lingfeng said, "Don't ask me.
I don't know either.
Why don't you ask Xiaojia?
He's been paying close attention to Shi Ziyu, so he'll definitely know more about cultivation than we do."Guo Haiyi nodded and took out his phone to call Guojia.
Upon hearing that Shi Ziyu had returned, Guojia was overjoyed for a long time.
He couldn't even hear what Guo Haiyi had just said.
"Hey, Xiaojia, what's wrong?" Guo Haiyi immediately asked when he saw that Guojia hadn't said anything."What's wrong, auntie?
What's wrong with that brat?" As though he had heard something amiss with Guo Haiyi's tone, he immediately asked.
"Oh, it's nothing.
I saw him sleeping in his room this morning, but it's already nighttime.
He hasn't woken up yet!"As soon as Guojia heard this, his heart immediately flustered, "Little aunt, I, I'll go take a look.
Wait for me." After hanging up the phone, Guojia immediately grabbed his jacket and drove over to Shi Ziyu's place.
For Shi Ziyu, Guojia could give up everything on her, anything.