Other Worldly Daoist Robe

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Rebirth through time

Prologue The Four Monsters of the North and the Devil Puppet of the West were there.
She died 30,years ago, and the flowers were scattered all over the place.
The legacy of all ages consisted of seven doors.
The Taoist Robes of One Night had appeared out of nowhere.
A rebirth of a second generation could break through the human's emotions, and a child's body could be like the sea.
The time in Jianghu was fast because of the reason and the unconsciousness.
Yin-Yang Genuine Qi was a kind of pride, and the Ice Indignant Giant Bear was a godly presence.
As long as the girl was in Heaven Fragrance, there was no regret.
Jianghu had experienced a lot since ancient times, which was much worse than drunkenness in life.
Lin Sanmu was napping on the couch.
Originally, he still wanted to play the Dodo, but he knew that he was addicted to it in his dream and did not want to wake up.
In his dream, he had traveled to a different world and was troubled.
He did not have any knowledge, and most of the knowledge he had learned in school had been returned to his teacher.
Not to mention calling himself a loner in a different world, he did not even owe his ability to date a younger sister.
What was even more tragic was that he was in the middle of being rotated and couldn't watch.
Suddenly, he shivered and woke up.
"No way!" Lin Sanmu said in confusion.
The dream at noon made Lin Sanmu break out in a cold sweat.
He was just an ordinary man who could only study computer science and lived a simple life.
He didn't want to cause any waves.
After all, he had an old man and a new one.
"If there is something wrong with himself, what about the family?
Alas." Even though he thought so, he was still moved.
He was asking who would be willing to live like this for the rest of their lives?
Who would not want to have a different life from others?
With an uneasy heart, Lin Sanmu got off the bed and went out.
His life was as plain as it used to be.
It was like boiling water, and the days were long but full of bitterness.
Then he found that he was preparing something.
He felt a bit strange.
He sorted all the information that had been interesting at home and abroad into the computer, including music, dance, craft, food score, and even the martial arts that had been handed down in China for more than 5000,years until the laptop turned on in the 1000,G space.
"What's wrong with me?
Is this my inner choice?" Lin Sanmu sighed leisurely.
Sometimes, it was very difficult for people to deceive themselves.
Often, they would not admit to it, but their hearts would be like a mirror to make them have nowhere to hide.
Lin Sanmu had suffered a lot since he was a child.
Only his grandfather, sister, mother and himself depended on each other.
Before that, his mother had repeatedly mentioned the personal problem of Sanmu, but his mother knew his loneliness and loneliness in his heart.
Sometimes, some things could not be comforted by a marriage.
Perhaps there was a mystery in the heavens, which he could not understand.
It was hard to predict the sincerity of heaven, so what was the point of thinking so much over things that he could not understand?
Holding the notebook, alone, long lasting, long lasting.
The three trees faced the heaven and the earth, only feeling that the wind and smoke were silent, and the sky and mountains were the same color, floating from the flows to whatever it was.
That night, after a flash of lightning, the tree disappeared from the earth.
The three trees were a complete mess.
His consciousness was born, and he felt as if he was in darkness, unable to see any light.
As he tried to visualize his own body, he realized that he was actually a ball of flesh.
His eyes were not bright and it was difficult for him to open his mouth.
His body was wrapped in warm water, making him feel extremely comfortable.
Until one day, he heard a woman muttering to herself, "Xi Mu, you kicked mom's belly again!
You are so naughty, you must be a fat boy.
Ross must be very happy when he comes back." After a while, he added, "Xi Mu, your father may be thinking about us in the distance!" Just now, San Mu moved his mind and kicked her belly.
San Mu thought, "What's going on with me?
Did I time-travel?" Without listening to the woman's nagging, San Mu realized that he was not born yet.
"It's over, my 1000,G, my stars, my Jize Bright Step?" After a long time, San Mu sighed.
"Alas, that's true.
The soul can travel through time and space.
How can a laptop travel through time and space?
"Motherfucker, who would have thought that I really did time-travel?
I only thought about it for a bit." The day before his eyes was something that San Mu could only look at the water bubble all the time.
There was nothing, only invisible water flowing by his body.
The boring days were as usual.
San Mu was used to the endless of the Lins, and he had also accepted the fact that the notebook was gone.
At this time, he was gloating and visualizing himself, which was the only thing he could do.
When the consciousness inadvertently flowed through the meeting, a large amount of information came over and suddenly passed into the minds of San Mu.
"Pain, pain, pain" was the only feeling San Mu had at this time, and then he became unconscious.
When he woke up the next time, he forcefully endured the pain and thought about the cause and effect.
It turned out that the notebook had disappeared, while the information had been left in his mind.
Charles were overwhelmed with joy and speechless.
After a long period of time, he felt bored and had to try his ancestor's method of Qi Refreshing.
Therefore, he pulled out an entry-level mental cultivation method of Qi Method from his mind and began to practice it.
He immediately began to meditate as soon as he thought of it.
When he was meditating on his own body, the three trees formed an ocean of consciousness and his spirit returned to the void.
The three trees' bodies were not fully formed at this time, but flesh and blood.
Thus, as he visualized the changes of his body, he felt that the universe was infinite, small, and large.
It was the balance of Yin and Yang between the Fire of the Heart and the water around him, forming a Tai Chi.
As time passed, he saw cells grow and then the body of the visualization was attached to it.
Therefore, the Three-Trees Awareness was born and the human figure was about to take shape.
About a week or so later, an air flow of nothingness was circulating on the Void Three Wood.
It went from Dantian to Qi Sea, then to the central court, then to the canopy, then to the gathering of strength, Yin, and finally to the pubic region.
The Three Wood couldn't help but become more confident.
"I thought it was a lie.
It seems that I'm also a martial arts genius!" It turned out that Qigong was not easy, just because he was not born yet.
He was congenital, and lacked a lot of playboys, so he succeeded in one stroke.
From then on, San Mu was absorbed in learning Qi and passing time.
In this way, another three months passed.
In one day, San Mu felt an indescribable sorrow in his heart.
He thought to himself, "What's going on!" Then he heard the Lin family crying.
However, San Mu was at a loss and didn't know what to do.
He had no choice but to continue his cultivation.
Three months later, Misawa Chimu was fully recovered.
He also successfully moved the air mass that flew back to his belly.
The Heart Fire and the water of his whole body, Yin and Yang, as well as the balance of the dragon and the tiger, his body was normal.
Knowing that he might be reborn, San Mu immediately adjusted his state to the best and relaxed his whole body.
Before long, San Mu passed away and began to travel in another world.
The Three Trees were in Mrs.
Lin's arms, sucking on the milk, and the corner of their eyes gradually drifted away as they followed the carriage.
A few months ago, his father had died in an accident.
From then on, the treatment of the mother and son had become worse day by day.
At this time, the Three Trees also knew why he was inexplicably sad at that time.
When he was born, he didn't have the attribute constitution.
It was the fire attribute.
Those who didn't have the water attribute couldn't inherit the family martial arts of Edward Family.
What was more serious was that he had the same delta as Lin's Group—black hair and black eyes.
There would inevitably be a lot of rumors.
Edwardington decided to send Edwards' concubine, Mrs.
Lin, and his son back to their hometowns.
He used to be the eldest son, Edward Heques, the second son, Edwards, and the eldest daughter, Edward Defu, as well as the elders of the family, to bear witness together.
San Mu looked at his mother's face, but couldn't see her expression clearly.
In front of the strong Edwards, she didn't even have the courage to resist!
Even if it was just a show, she just said a harsh word and pretended to be a naked man.
She had followed Ross since she was seventeen years old.
After three years, there was only a newborn baby and some old clothes left.
The old yellow bull in front of him walked slowly.
Facing the old driver's loud shout, he looked at her with disdain and walked as if he was walking.
Two days later, they arrived at the Lin Village.
The Lin Village was located to the northeast of the Hengduan Mountains.
It was a relatively isolated village.
A river ran through the village, with a stone bridge about ten meters wide across the north and south.
This river was the mother river of this area, the Lin's river, and the father was the village chief of the Lin's village, Lin Mingquan.
Seeing Lin Mingquan, Mrs.
Lin burst into tears and prepared for the matter.
Lin Mingquan was distressed, but he didn't have any other ideas.
He was the only village chief of the Lin Village, what could he do to the Edwards?
She had no choice but to comfort her wife, Mrs Jin, and let her live a peaceful life at home.
Then, she asked her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Lin, to find Lin Dongsheng, her brother-in-law, and settle them down in one family.
As the old saying went, time flew, and a year passed in the blink of an eye.
At this time, the three trees were able to speak and leave.
The yin-yang mystical skill and spiritual intelligence had long developed, making him look so different.
"Ximu, slow down!" Mrs.
Lin came out of the room and said, "You'll have lunch soon.
Where are you going?" Time was really the best medicine in the world, as if the sorrow of the past years had disappeared.
In the past year, San Mu had used the computer to combine several major departments of the Elephant-shaped Punch and the Form and Will Boxing, and then changed their name to the Universal Sign.
He was thinking about preparing the props to practice, and he would listen to the words of the Lin family there.
"Got it!" He turned back and replied, but he had not seen Lin family for a long time.
San Mu was lazy by nature and didn't want to practice Taoism hard, but the reality made San Mu compromise.
How could he catch the butterflies together with those children if he didn't practice martial arts?
F*ck, he was more depressed than those who practiced martial arts.
He could memorize all the information on the computer in his mind, but he didn't know why his memory was better than his previous life.
And in his previous life, Misawa Chihiro was self-reliant because of her good memory.
So there was a large amount of time to be wasted, but he had to work hard because of boredom.
For Sanmu, this kind of thing was a tragedy, but there was no choice.
Not only that, his energy in this life was much higher than that in his previous life.
He could no longer sleep if he slept for two hours every day.
He could only sleep late and get up early, but he could not be seen by his family.
Alas, he even lost the power to sleep late.
He could only meditate when he had nothing to do at night.
He would inhale and exhale true qi toward the rising and setting of the sun in the morning and practice the mystical skill of Yin-Yang.
During the day, he would secretly observe everything in the universe and practice the image of all living beings in the universe.
Three-woods used a knife to chop down the black bamboo, break it into threads, and make it into a ball.
It was as big as a football in his previous life, and it was round on all sides.
Then, he put the ball on his chest, drew the yin-yang magic skill to his heart, and formed a yin-yang magic skill.
By doing so, he could make the yin-yang magic skill develop in balance, and when the yin was at its peak, he could combine the yang with the yang, and when the yang was strong, he could use the yin.
Over the past year, his power had become stronger day by day.
He then used some time to practice the simplified few form-shifting boxing skills,Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Crane, etc.
"He could not learn the means of this world, but could only learn the methods in the mind.
These were all the truths that had been discussed over thousands of years in China, and the theory and the law of nature were even more compatible.
They might not be inferior to those so-called fighting skills and martial arts!