MMORPG: The King of the Apocalypse Spear

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Chapter 1

Thud thud thud thud...
In a dim room, a little fatty was trying his hardest to play a game.
His left hand quickly pressed on the keyboard, and his right hand continuously moved to click on the mouse.
On the computer screen, several zombies were chasing after the roles controlled by little fatty.
He used a gun to hit the left zombie a few times.
The zombie paused for a moment, then used a gun to hit the right zombie a few times.
The zombies also paused for a moment.
This way, the zombies wouldn't be able to catch him.
However, when the bullets were finally exhausted, one of the zombies accelerated and caught the fatty.
In the end, the little fatty turned into a zombie..The little fatty's name was Liujun.
He was 20 years old this year, and he was a second year student.
He liked novels, animations, and games.
He could be said to be a nerd.
His father and mother were both civil servants, and his family conditions were decent.
He was at the level of Xiao Jing, so he raised Liujun to be fair and fat..It was summer vacation right now, so Liujun stayed at home to read novels, watch animations, and play games every day.Liujun had just played 'Annihilation Elite'.
Liujun had played this game since high school.
Back then, his classmates had introduced him to play it.
After playing it, Liujun felt like it was fun, so he had been playing it all the time.What Liujun liked most in this game was the biochemical mode, which was to fight zombies, because he often got beaten up by others.
For example, he often killed one or two people, but he was killed more than ten times.
Why didn't he get killed dozens of times?
Because he was kicked before that, he specialized in biotransformation mode, because zombies didn't have guns, so they could only catch you.
So, he could only hit him.
He couldn't hit you.After being abused, he came to torture the zombies and regained his confidence.Ding ding ding ding...
Liujun picked up his phone and looked at the screen.
The screen showed "Mommy." He pressed the answering button."Hey, it's Mommy.
Is something the matter?" Liujun asked."Little Jun, why aren't you asleep yet?
Don't sleep all night.
It's very harmful to your body.
Plus, you shouldn't just play games on your computer every day.
You need to go out and exercise more often.
You're so fat that you need to exercise your body." His mother lectured Liu Jundao."I got it I got it Mommy, you're so naggy.
I know my body well myself," Liujun said impatiently."Don't blame me for being so naggy.
Your body is the capital of revolution.
Without a healthy body, you won't be able to do anything in the future," her mother said angrily."Mmm, I got it.
I know how to exercise my body." Liujun was also afraid that his mother would get angry, so he immediately greeted her."Have you had a good meal every day?
Don't just eat instant noodles.
It's not nutritious and you have to eat.
Mother has been a little busy recently.
She doesn't have much time to cook for you.
You have to cook yourself and don't only eat instant noodles," Mother said with concern."I don't eat instant noodles.
I make my own meals every day," said Liujun guiltily.
He himself was very lazy.
He didn't have to do anything that he didn't want to do, but he really had to do something that he didn't want to eat.
Therefore, he had no choice but to find the simplest thing to eat, and instant noodles were the simplest thing to do."Mmm You have to be good at home.
Mommy is very busy right now, so I don't have time to accompany you.
But after Mommy is done with her work recently, I'll come back to accompany you," her mother said when she heard Liujun eat seriously and happily."Mm I got it.
Don't think I'm a kid.
I've grown up and will take good care of myself," Liujun said helplessly."Good, good boy," Mother said."Goodbye, Mommy!""Mm" Liujun hung up the phone and stretched lazily.
He stood up and stopped beating the zombies.
He liked to hit zombies with guns, but he didn't like to see zombies being beaten by others.
Usually, when he turned into a zombie, he rarely went to catch people, so he hid and waited for this round to end.The zombies had been fighting for several hours, and their bodies had almost turned rusty.
Liujun walked to the window and looked outside.
It was already night, and there wasn't much to look at.
He could only look at the night scenery of the city and look at the stars and moon."The moon is especially bright today!!" Liujun exclaimed."What's that?" Liujun asked in surprise.A ray of light streaked across the sky."Could it be a meteor?" The beam of light drew closer and closer to Liujun, and Liujun didn't even think about dodging it.
He stared at the beam of light.
It was already too late when he realized that he was going to be hit by the beam of light.
The beam of light slammed into Liujun's forehead, and he immediately fainted.
His last thought before he fainted was, "My zombie hasn't finished yet!!!" Then, I fainted.."Ding I found a living body!""Ding Satisfied condition, immediately fuse!""0%""10%""34%""88%""100%""Fuse complete, scan the data of the planet where the host is""Scaning complete, begin fusing the scanning data""Fusing complete"The next day, Liujun woke up with a dizzy head.
He didn't know what had happened.
After resting for a while, he finally woke up."Ah ~ ~" shouted, Liu Jun immediately ran to the mirror to look in the mirror, looking at his forehead did not open a hole, Liu Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought back for a while yesterday's events, he clearly remembered that was a bright light smashed into the eyebrow ah, how a little thing did not ah, is just a dream; Liu Jun puzzled thought."Ding ~ the host has woken up ~ establish the connection with the host, Ding ~ the connection is completed.""Hello, sender.
I am from the super fighter system of the Federation of Faunos, a level 10 civilization.
I can help sender become a super fighter.""What are you talking about?!
Come out, I won't be scared." Liujun was startled when he suddenly heard a voice in his mind."The sender is in your head." A mechanical voice sounded in Liujun's mind.......After a long explanation from the system, Liujun finally understood that he had met with great luck and was hit by a very mysterious system.
This system would help him become a super fighter.
Although he didn't know what a super fighter was, just by hearing the name, he knew that it was a very powerful thing.."How did you get to Earth?" Liujun asked doubtfully."Ding Scanning the database.""DingThe database is damaged, no answer.""Then what do you know?" Liujun felt rather helpless when he heard that the database of the system had been damaged.
How did he realize that the system had been damaged the moment he obtained it?
He prayed in his heart."Ding Scan the data, ding Scan the data.
""The sender has a bad information.
Do you want to know?""Of course I want to know!
Quick, tell me!!!" Liujun exclaimed anxiously.
It didn't matter what information he had, he would be able to get a better understanding of this super fighter system.
Right now, Liujun still didn't know anything about this super fighter system."The sender told you a piece of bad news.
Your planet has been infected by the virus.
Right now, there are only 300 million people left in the world.
What the hell is going on?!?!" Liu Junjian yelled.
The system was firm, but he wasn't.
He had only slept for a bit.
How could something like this happen?
There were billions of people in the world, and there were only 300 million people left now.
Wouldn't that mean that there weren't many deaths left?.Liujun immediately ran to the window and looked out.
The city that he was familiar with had disappeared.
The outside was in a mess.
Many cars collided with each other and there were some corpses on the road.
However, these corpses were horrible to look at.
Some had broken limbs and limbs, some had been eaten until bones were left.
There were even "people" walking slowly on the road, but these "people" could not be called people anymore.
Some of their hands were gone, and some had lost half of their heads.
They were covered in blood and could still move..Liujun immediately squatted down, afraid that the monsters would notice me.
He whispered, "Super system, what's going on?
Why are there so many monsters outside?
It's like losing a movie in a crisis.
Did you cause something like this to happen to you?""...""The sender doesn't need to speak with his mouth.
Just think about it in the system and you can hear it.
Otherwise, when someone else is around, they will think that the sender is a neurotic.
As for the questions asked by the sender, the system's response has nothing to do with me," the system continued to say firmly."Damn you!!!
If I hadn't told you earlier, I would have said it in my head.
Now that I've said it, it's a waste of my saliva.
It's the end of the world now.
Water resources are precious, so what's there to say about you?
If you're here, then it's the end of the world.
It's none of your business!" Liujun said in his mind.."The system is solemnly stating that there are no sisters in this system.
Also, it is a coincidence that the virus has arrived together with this system.
Even if this system does not arrive, the virus will still descend.
The host should be thankful that this system has chosen you.
With the super fighter system, this system will definitely train the host into a super fighter.
At that time, the host can do whatever he wants with strength."The system said with an enticing tone.Liujun thought that if he became a super fighter in the future, then Luoli, his sister, his wife, his goddess, his daughter...
My saliva flowed out of my head.
Hehe"The host is too embarrassed to disturb you.
Now, you should think about how to survive.
Although the system has strengthened the host when it integrated with the host, the host's body is too useless.
At present, it is only slightly stronger than an ordinary adult, but the loss is constantly evolving.
The host should think about how to become stronger."The system ruthlessly interrupted Liujun's lust.Liujun thought about it and felt that what the system said was correct.
Right now, the main task was to become stronger and survive in this end of the world.
The rest could be discussed later."Since the system has lost the ability to evolve, then humans should also be able to purify it.
Otherwise, how could there be any room for humans to survive in the future?" Liujun asked carefully, afraid that the system would say that humans couldn't evolve."The sender is correct.
Now, there are some humans who have already begun to evolve, so sender, be careful of being surpassed by other humans...""Alright, in order to prevent me from being overtaken by other humans, the system should let me become stronger.
Then, how do I become stronger?
Do I need to do missions, kill zombies, practice martial arts, or something?" Liujun asked eagerly.
Right now, strength was all there was.
Zombies and humans were evolving at every moment.
If they were too late at the starting point, it would be extremely difficult to catch up to them.."I'm sorry to send it to you, but because the information is lost, the system is unclear," the system said innocently."Your sister!" Liujun was enraged."The sender has no sister!" the system said firmly.