MMORPG: The King of the Apocalypse Spear

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Chapter 4

Liujun looked at all his current energy points: 30.I went out and killed a fat zombie: 5 Strength Points.
On the first floor, a security guard was killed in front of the security door.
5 Strength.
4 passers-by were killed in front of the security door: 20 Strength Points.He was still 20 points away from buying a USP45 pistol.
He would just need to kill another 4 zombies.
Liujun planned to lure the four zombies to his mother's place, because if he had a gun in his hand, Liujun would be braver.There was a saying: Guns are the courage of men.
With guns, people will have more courage.Liujun looked at the dozen or so zombies scattered outside the security room.
If he went out and fought with the zombies outside, he would probably have lost all of his bones and be completely chewed by the zombies.
That was why Liujun wanted to use his wits to pull out the strange aggro like he was playing a game and then eliminate them one by one.Liujun quietly opened the iron gate.
He tiptoed out and took out a brick from a nearby ruin.
Then, he used the brick to block the iron gate.
This iron door automatically closed.
If he didn't use something to block the door, the iron gate would automatically close.
Liujun didn't want to find out that the door was closed after the zombies had chased after him.
It would take some time to open the door.
If the zombies caught up to him when he opened the door, he would be in deep trouble..Liujun quietly walked towards the nearest zombie.
Liujun prepared to attract them one by one, so that it would be safer.
If you wanted to ask Liujun about the iron door, why would he be afraid of dozens of zombies?Liujun was sorry to tell you.
Although the iron gate wasn't afraid, the car next to the iron gate was afraid.Of course, there was a car's aisle next to the security room.
Although there was an iron railing blocking the way, the iron railing had to be raised and lowered.
The iron gate was not as strong as the iron gate.
Moreover, Liu Jun indicated that the domestic iron railings were very pear-like.
It would be good if he could block two or three zombies.
If a dozen or so zombies charged together, the iron railing would probably collapse.
Liu Jun also wanted to use the iron railing to stop the zombies.
If an ordinary zombie was blocked by the railing, it would not have stepped over the railings very humanly.
Instead, it would have gone somewhere else........At this time, Liujun walked towards the nearest zombie.
When he was still four meters away from the nearest zombie, the zombie seemed to have noticed something.
It turned its head in Liujun's direction.
It must have smelled the aroma of Liujun's body, so the zombie had already discovered Liujun..After discovering Liujun, the zombies began to run towards him unhurriedly.
Liujun didn't slow down either.
He retreated four meters away from the zombies.
The zombies seemed to have noticed its food running away, so they began to run as fast as they could.Seeing the zombies speeding up, Liu Jun also increased his speed.
Thankfully, the average Level 0 zombies were not fast.
Thus, Liu Jun maintained a distance of 4 to 5 metres between him and the zombies.Finally, they returned to the iron gate.
Liujun quickly picked up the brick and closed the door behind him.As soon as the door was closed, the zombies arrived in front of the iron gate.
They began to hit the iron gate with their hands, slamming their bodies against the iron gate.
There was a "dong dong dong..." sound.
Several zombies on the side of the road heard the sound and walked towards Liu Jun.Liujun immediately picked up the fork to dry his clothes and stabbed the zombies that had just been lured over through the gap in the iron door.
After that, Liujun waited for the zombies who had just been attracted by the knock on the door!The four zombies that had been attracted by the sound of knocking on the door were also stabbed to death by Liujun's fork.
After inserting the fork, Liujun saw that he already had 55 Strength points.
If he could buy a USP45 pistol, he would have 5 Strength points, and these 5 Strength points could buy bullets.USS45 bullets were relatively cheap.
One Energy Point could buy 20 rounds.Liujun opened the menu and saw that the words on the USP45 pistol were glowing, indicating that he could buy the USP45 pistol.
He immediately clicked on the icon and a frame appeared.
There were also two options: "yes" and "no".
Without hesitation, Liujun clicked on the "yes".A handgun suddenly appeared in Liujun's hand.
There was also a silence device.
He couldn't help but toy with it.
Suddenly, he felt that something wasn't right.
Why did this handgun suddenly appear in front of him??Liujun remembered that my Seal short knife had appeared with light.?He asked the system with a puzzled expression."Don't mind the details.
Those who pay attention to the details are idiots," the system replied quickly.Liujun's head was full of crossroads.
Damnable system.
The moment the seal knife shined, it must have been a trick.
It made me think that it was a divine weapon and wouldn't shine when I didn't fall for it.
Now it even called me an idiot.
System youLiujun felt refreshed after cursing the system in his heart."Ah...
sender, the system has heard you swearing at your own system.
Truth be told, this system is not angry at all.
It is not angry at all.
It is not angry...
it is not angry..." the system mumbled.Liujun's forehead was full of black lines.
He felt that things weren't looking good for him.
If the system really got angry and applied an eye drug on him, then he wouldn't be so unlucky.
As long as the system increased the price of the pleasurable item, wouldn't he be vomiting blood?After connecting, Liujun immediately said good things to the system and praised it, saying that he was actually cursing the zombies.
After talking for a few minutes, the system finally calmed down.
Liujun heaved a sigh of relief.
Then, he replaced all five points of energy with a bullet.
Yue changed 100 rounds of bullets, along with 12 rounds of bullets from his handgun.
There was a total of 112 shots..He put the pistol back into the holster at his waist and looked at the 100 rounds of bullets on the ground.
Liujun was a little worried.
Ignoring the fact that he had been burdened with a hundred bullets, it was possible that he would have suffered a fatal blow at a critical moment.
Maybe he would have lost his life just because of this little bit of burden.
That would be too much of a waste..Just as Liujun was worrying, he heard the system say to him, "Don't worry, sender.
The sender has a warehouse.
It can almost store items indefinitely.
You can put the bullets into the warehouse now."Liujun was right!
When playing games, the guns and other equipment that he didn't use were kept in the warehouse.
How could he forget?Liujun thanked the system and immediately loaded 100 bullets into the warehouse.After preparing himself, Liujun finally left the room.Arriving on the road, Liujun looked around.
He was looking for a means of transport that he could use.
Originally, he had wanted to find a car.
Although he hadn't driven a car before, Liujun didn't think it would be difficult.
Wasn't it just stepping on the accelerator, slamming on the brakes, and then turning the steering wheel?
It felt quite simple.After searching for a long time, Liujun found that none of the cars on the road could be used.
Either there was no key, or there was a key, but the car had already been destroyed.
In the end, he found an electric current car to use.Liujun started the motorbike and drove slowly.
He didn't dare to drive too fast.
After all, this was his first time driving, so Liujun was afraid that something might happen.
Even though there weren't any traffic police, there were still zombies around.
If he crashed into a group of zombies, he wouldn't be able to cry anymore.After driving for a while, Liujun basically knew how to do it.
After all, it wasn't difficult for him to drive an electric current.Since they had met, Liujun would have to hurry up and familiarize himself with firearms.
He pulled out the USP45 pistol at his waist and placed it on the silencer.
Then, he held the pistol in front of him.
Then, a set of accuracy appeared in front of him, just like when he was playing games.
Liujun let out a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, he had a set mind.
Otherwise, he would have wasted a lot of bullets to kill a zombie..After thinking about it, Liujun began shooting at the zombies.
Having a set mind was good.
At the beginning, Liujun only had a few shots to kill a zombie.
Gradually, his marksmanship became better and better.
When he reached his mother's workplace, he could basically shoot one at a time.Finally, Liujun arrived at his mother's workplace.
He cleaned up the zombies and walked in.After entering, Liujun saw bloodstains on the floor of the main hall, and it was incredibly messy.
It was clear that the zombies had already invaded this place.
Liujun could only pray that nothing happened to his mother.His mother worked on the third floor.
Liujun went up to the second floor first.
On the second floor's corridor, a zombie was lying on a corpse, biting the corpse.
He slowly walked over.
When there were still four meters between him and the zombie, the zombie discovered him and pounced towards Liujun.
He raised his hand and fired a shot that pierced through the zombie's head.
The zombie collapsed one meter away from him..After a quick search on the second floor, Liujun found that there were no more zombies on the second floor, so he went up to the third floor in relief.As soon as he got to the third floor, Liujun saw a zombie slamming into the door of one of the offices.
It was the door to his mother's office.
Liujun was overjoyed when he saw the door to his mother's office.
The zombie must have discovered that there was food inside the door, or that there was a living person.
Therefore, there was a high possibility that his mother was still alive.
He just wanted to see his mother and see if she was still alive..Looking up, Liujun saw that there was only one zombie on the third floor.
Since there was only one zombie, Liujun wanted to finish this quickly.He quickly walked toward the zombies.
When the zombies heard the sound of Liu Jun's footsteps, they suddenly ran towards him.
However, the zombies were too slow.
Liu Jun raised his hand and fired.
With a "hop" sound, the zombies fell to the ground.When Liujun arrived in front of his mother's office, he took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door."Who?
Who's outside?" A woman's voice rang out in the office.Liujun immediately became excited when he heard this voice.
This voice couldn't be mistaken - it was his mother's voice.
After listening to it for more than ten years, Liujun wouldn't mishear it."Mommy!
It's me, it's me, it's an army!
I'm here to save you!!" Liujun exclaimed excitedly."Is it really Xiao Jun?
Did you save me, Xiao Jun?" There was uncertainty in her mother's voice.
After all, she hadn't expected Liujun to come save her either.Crack...
The door opened, and her mother appeared in front of Liujun.
Compared to before, her mother was much more haggard.
Her face was pale, and her eyes were red.
It seemed that she had been crying for a long time.When her mother saw that it was really Liujun, she immediately hugged him and cried, "My darling son!
I'm so happy to see you!
Boo hoo..."Liujun comforted his mother, "Mommy, it's great that you don't have the truth.
Don't cry now.
It's not safe here either.
Let's go home first.""Mm..." her mother agreed.Liujun pulled his mother down to the first floor.
When he came out and was about to return home in his flashlight, he saw a few zombies swaying around him.
He shot them all with his spear, and they all exploded in headshots.The mother asked in surprise, "Son, how do you have a gun?""Mommy, don't ask anymore.
I'll tell you when we get home.
It's too dangerous outside right now," Liujun replied.
He was prepared to tell his mother everything.
If even his mother couldn't believe him, then who else could he trust in this world?When he came back, it was his mother who drove.
After all, his mother knew how to drive, so it was safer for her to drive.
Liujun focused on killing the zombies.
On the way home, he had killed all the zombies that could be killed.
By the time he arrived downstairs, he had already accumulated over 100 points of energy.Liujun and his mother went up to the fourth floor.
When Liujun opened the door, he suddenly felt that something wasn't right.
How could there be blood on the ground?
It was clear that it was very clean when they left.Liujun immediately entered the house.
His pupils suddenly narrowed, and he saw a 'human' covered in blood.Was it a zombie?
How could a zombie possibly enter?
Liujun thought to himself.