MMORPG: The King of the Apocalypse Spear

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Chapter 5

Liujun watched as the blood-stained figure slowly walked over.
The blood-stained figure seemed to have noticed him as well, and immediately turned around.
Liujun was startled, and immediately raised his gun in front of him.
He was ready to shoot, and shoot it with a headshot."Xiaojun!
It's me!
Don't shoot!" the bloodied figure hurriedly said.Hearing the blood shadow call out his name, Liujun immediately stopped firing and looked at the blood shadow with rapt attention."Daddy?" Liujun asked carefully."Son!
It's me!
It's great that you didn't see the truth!" Liujun's father exclaimed happily."Hubby!" Mom realized that it was her father.
She immediately jumped into his arms and cried, "Hubby!
I thought I would never see you again.""Okay, it's okay, it's okay.
My son is still nearby.
Don't let him see a joke.
" Father comforted his mother.Mom turned around to look at Liujun, only to realize that Liujun's face was flushed red from holding back his laughter.
However, she quickly realized that there was nothing to be embarrassed about.
He was her own son, so she immediately said with displeasure, "Hmph!
What are you afraid of?
He's our son.
If you dare to laugh at me, I'll spank him like I did when I was a child."..."Liujun was speechless when he heard his mother's words.
"I'm not laughing anymore!
How could I possibly laugh at you when I'm so obedient?
You must have seen things wrongly.
That's right!
You're seeing things wrong!""After saying that, he seriously nodded, as if he was telling the truth."Mm This is my good son.
By the way, Hubby, why are you at home?
Aren't you on duty?
There are so many zombies outside, so why are you back?" His mother asked Liujun the question he wanted to ask the most.
He didn't expect that his father would return so soon.
He was even going to look for his father."That's a long story.
How should I put it...
I'd better take a shower first.
I'm covered in blood, and I'm not feeling well right now," said his father meaningfully.
He tried his best to think of a way to respond, but in the end, he said, "Go take a shower." Liujun and his mother were stunned."..." It was cold."Daddy, hurry up and wash up.
The stench of blood on your body is going to pollute the entire house." Liujun finally broke the silence.Fortunately, the water and water supply hadn't stopped yet, so they could take a hot shower.
However, it was only a matter of time before they stopped.
No one had come to maintain the water factory and power plant.
It would be good if they could last for a month.
Maybe they wouldn't even be able to last for half a month, so Liujun and the others would have to worry about the water and electricity.."Wow~~~Wow~~~" Dad was taking a shower in the bathroom, Liu Jun and his mother were busy outside, and Mom was cleaning, and Dad came in and made a mess on the floor of the house It was all blood, and Liu Jun was watching the system."Congratulations on killing a zombie.
System will reward you with 5 points of energy.
Please continue to work hard."......"Congratulations on killing a zombie.
System will reward you with 5 points of energy.
Please continue to work hard."......"Congratulations on raising the host and becoming a soldier.
Please continue to work hard."......"Congratulations on raising the host's rank and becoming a top-rate soldier.
Please continue to work hard."......"Congratulations on raising the host and becoming a second-level officer.
Please continue to work hard."......Seeing that the system had prompted Liujun to level up, he was rather puzzled.
Liujun was already a colonel in the game.
However, other than looking good, there was really no use for this level.
There were only some guns that needed to reach a certain level before they could be purchased.
Although those guns were pretty good, guns that didn't need to be of the same level weren't that bad.
Therefore, there was really no use for such a level.."System, what's the use of this level?" Liujun asked doubtfully."Sender, once your rank is up, you will be able to lead a troop.
Recruits, soldiers, and upper ranks cannot lead a troop.
From the second rank, you will be able to lead a team.
A second rank officer can add 5 members, a third rank officer can add 10 members, a fourth rank officer can add 15 members...
and a captain can add 130 members.
As for the future, the higher the rank, the more soldiers you can lead.
If you reach the marshal, you will be able to bring unlimited troops, as many as you can."The system explained.Liujun asked curiously, "Isn't that the same thing as forming teams in the game?
What's the benefit of forming teams in the system?
What right does the team leader have?""The good thing about teaming up is that you can obtain energy points from the zombies killed by your team members.
The authority of the team leader is that if a team member betrays you, you can directly kill him.
However, if you do not betray him, you cannot kill him," explained the system."Mm It looks like it's very powerful!
I can get energy points from the zombies that I killed with my teammates.
That's because the more my teammates there are, the faster I can gather.
Then I'll have to add more teammates.
Also, if I can erase the traitorous teammates, then I'm not afraid that they will betray me."Liujun said excitedly."Clang" The bathroom door opened, and his father came out after a shower.
Liujun was about to ask his father to finish telling him everything he had experienced, before telling his father and mother about his own matters.Three people sat on a rectangular table, while Liujun and his mother sat on either side of the table, preparing to listen to his father talk about his experiences."Oh, how should I say that?
Then let's start from last night.
I was on duty last night and was sitting in the duty room.
I was still fine at first, but then there was chaos outside.
There were many people calling the police, so I went out to investigate." The father paused for a moment and continued."When we got to the streets outside, I found a lot of people biting people.
I also stopped them, but it didn't work.
I wanted to beat them until they fainted, but I couldn't.
At first, I thought they were rabies, but I didn't think so.
Some of them suffered fatal injuries, but they were still biting people.
I noticed something was wrong.
It was similar to the scene of the movie 'Bloody Poison' I watched in the past.
I immediately went back to the police station and killed a few zombies along the way.
When I returned to the police station, I found Old Wang, who was on duty with me, also turned into a zombie.
I killed him, then went to the weapon store and hid.
When dawn arrived, the zombies stopped for a bit and I rushed back.
It was probably like this."Dad finished speaking.
""Daddy, you said that zombies are much better off in broad daylight, right?" Liujun found information on zombies from his father's experience."Mm That's right.
The zombies weren't as crazy as they were at night, and there weren't many zombies outside during the day.
If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have dared to come out," said the father."Yeah, looks like zombies are dark creatures.
They like to rest during the day and eat at night.
However, there are still some zombies moving around during the day.
It seems like we shouldn't go out at night," said Liujun."It seems like that's the case.
We should go look for food and water during the day, close the doors and windows at night to prevent the zombies from entering.
We should go find food and water right now.
We are definitely not the only survivors in this city.
There are other survivors who will snatch food and water from us.
The sooner we go, the better.
The birds who wake up early will eat bugs.
That's how it is.""As expected of the head of the family, daddy has already made the right decision."Dad, Mom, I have something important to tell you." Liujun said seriously.
He was prepared to tell his father and mom about what had happened.
After all, he would definitely be discovered by his parents if he wanted to use some of the system's functions in the future.
It would be better to tell them directly.
Furthermore, the person Liujun trusted most in the world was his parents.."Son, go ahead.
Daddy and Mommy, listen up." When his father saw Liujun's serious tone, he knew that Liujun probably had something important to say.
Thus, he sat down and listened intently to Liujun's words......."Son, you're saying that you've obtained a system that allows you to exchange your game's guns and ammunition.
Now, you want me and your mother to join your team?" After hearing Liujun's words, his father pondered for a while."Yes, daddy.
I hope that you and mommy can join my team.
After all, if you join, you can get some points of energy.
Although you have to hand in some points, you can also leave some points of energy.
Once you have some points of energy, you will be able to change to a standard weapon.
If you're afraid of my authority as the team leader..."."Yes, daddy.
I hope that you and mommy can join my team.
After all, if you join, you can get points of energy.
Although you have to hand in some points, you can also leave some points of energy.
With energy points, you will be able to change to a standard weapon.
If you're afraid of my authority as the team leader...""I'll join in." Father interrupted Liujun, "I believe in my son.
Honey, you're the same.""Mmm, I want to join too.
I believe in my son.
" Mother said."Daddy!
Mommy!!" Liujun was so touched that he didn't know what to say."Son, don't talk too much.
Let's join your team," Father said.After N finished speaking, Liujun issued an order to add his parents into his team.
Then, a voice suddenly appeared in his parents' minds, asking if they wanted to join.
Naturally, they chose to join."Ding Dong...
We've successfully formed a team, team leader; Liujun, team member; Liu Weiguo, Zhang Xiaomei.
I hope that we can establish an invincible legion.""System, what's going on with the legion?" Liujun asked curiously."Sender, if the guild reaches 100,000 people, we can be considered as a legion.
The detailed information and permission to send to the host has yet to arrive, so we can't answer," the system replied."Forget about Wu.
I'll be there when the time comes," Liujun said helplessly."Daddy, I've already added you into the team.
Let's discuss what to do now," Liujun said to his father, Liu Weiguo."Good.
In order to survive in the end of the world, we need to develop a plan that will help our survival and development," Liu Weiguo agreed.