Stunning Vampire Fairy

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Chapter 1

I walked aimlessly on the streets of human beings.
I forgot the time and the location, but I didn't forget that I was a goblin.
I just walked from one place to another, constantly walking and searching, as if I was looking for something.
However, for a long time, my memory became blurry.
I almost couldn't remember where I came from and where I went.
I was in a state of confusion..One day, as usual, I sat on the edge of the street, staring in silence at the crowd coming and going.
Occasionally, someone dropped a few dollars in front of me.
But I saw that their eyes were not sympathy or pity, but another emotion.
I couldn't say or understand.Soon enough, I was surrounded by people, pointing and pointing at me.
Someone said, 'Ah!
This child is so pitiful, I don't know where his mother is.' Another said, 'Didn't he do something wrong?
Why else would he be like this?' The more I listened, the more confused I became.
At that moment, a boy didn't say a word as he rushed into the crowd and pulled my hand, wanting to walk out.I was stunned.
Someone in the crowd stopped the boy and asked, "Who are you?
Why did you take her away?" Someone immediately replied, "Yeah, who knows if you're a human trafficker?"I looked at him quietly.
He was very delicate and handsome.I liked his eyes very much.
So clean and clear, like the lake water.
So warm.He shouted, "She's my sister.
She's gone a few years ago.
Just now I thought she looked like her.
Let's see if she's my sister." People were startled, and then made way for her.
Silently, he pulled my hand out of the crowd and walked into his house, into his heart.His house is in a park building in a neighborhood.
The park there is red and lush, very quiet.
My heart thinks: So this is his home.When I entered his house, I was at a loss.
I looked around the room and didn't speak.
I just looked at him warily.
To me, he was still a stranger, just an hour old.He smiled and then said to me, "Go take a shower first.
The bathroom is in the third room on the left." I nodded and turned to the bathroom.I recalled his smile just now.
It was really nice.
It was like the sun, warm and comfortable.
It gave off a harmless feeling.When I reached the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, I suddenly smiled.
The mirror was full of little mud, almost impossible to distinguish between a man and a woman.
It was just that in terms of body shape, one could tell that it was a girl.
I had probably forgotten what I was like before.
How could a person who hadn't looked in the mirror for thousands of years remember my appearance?His bathroom was big, with showers and pools inside.
The walls of the bathroom were sky blue.
Like the sky.
I liked it.
I liked the sky.
I liked the feeling.Standing under the shower, I felt like it was raining.
It was my favorite thing to rain in the blue sky.
I wouldn't let go of the feeling of comfort.
I closed my eyes and let the water splash on my body.
It was a wonderful, indescribable feeling.After the rain, I jumped back into the pool and, for the first time, let the water soak.
There was an indescribable peace that made me want to sleep.
I had always been lazy since I was a child and listened to my own feelings.
So I slept and fell asleep very comfortably.Time was passing slowly as I slept.
All I knew was that when I woke up, the afterglow of the setting sun was shining on the glass.
It was beautiful.
I got up, let the water go, and threw out the old clothes.
I went out.
I stood in the middle of the living room, quietly looking around.All of a sudden, the door opened and the boy entered.
When he looked up and saw me, his face flushed red, just like Pingguo.He quickly lowered his head and said shyly, "Miss, can you put on your clothes first?"I couldn't help but laugh when I saw his red and hot face.
"My clothes are tattered, so I can only throw them away.
I don't have any clothes to wear."He took off his jacket and came back.
I quickly put it on and said, "Thanks, your clothes smell nice.
They smell like oranges.""It's Ningmeng." Only then did he raise his head and look at me.
His face was slightly flushed, "You're beautiful.
I'll give you my sister's clothes!"I grunted.
I followed him to a white room.
He gave me a white pyjamas and asked me to change.
He ran out quickly, saying, "I'll be waiting for you outside."I sat on the bed and tried the elasticity and cozyness of the bed.
Wow, it was so soft.Then, I changed and went out.
Although the clothes were a little small, they could still be worn.
After all, this was also a set of clothes.
When he saw me come out, he smiled foolishly, "My name is Luo Baofeng.
What's your name?"I was suddenly taken aback.
It had been a long time since anyone had asked.
I couldn't remember how long it had been.
Maybe it wasn't time at all."Sorry, I've forgotten," I whispered."Then how old are you?""I don't know either.""You lost your memory?""I think so.
Because a lot of things have been forgotten." I didn't want him to know I was a goblin, so I had to say it."Well, then you can stay with me.
In my sister's room, well, the one you're changing.
My sister's still at school.
I'll call my sister to accompany you when I'm free.
You can rest first.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Good night."After speaking, he closed the door and went out.He had said so much, but he didn't even breathe.
It was really amazing.I walked to the balcony and looked out at the stars.
The sky was full of stars.
Beautiful, beautiful.
I closed my eyes and recalled the past.
But I couldn't remember.
It was like an old book that couldn't read the questions.
I really couldn't remember.A gust of wind blew past, and the goblin was cold to begin with.
I returned to the bed and covered myself with a blanket.
However, it was still cold.
It didn't matter.
After wandering for hundreds of years, I'd already tasted the cold and warmth of the mortal realm.
What was this bit of cold?
Thinking of it, I found it funny.
I was really a strange goblin.In the past, I didn't seem to be afraid of anything.
Now that I had a house and a blanket, I was afraid of the cold again.
In my daze, I fell asleep again.At night, my body was unusually cold, as if I had fallen into an icy cave.
I suddenly remembered that I had been soaking in the pond for so long.
Was my magic power temporarily lost?
I didn't know why either.
I thought maybe I was just a water-fearing goblin, but I really couldn't remember what it was.It was too cold.
I got up from the bed, looking for warmth.
It was actually very simple, just looking for the human body.
The human body could transmit heat.I went to his door and carefully pushed it open and walked in.
I saw him sound asleep.
I didn't think too much about lifting the quilt and slipping in.
He was hot, like a stove.
I slept comfortably with him in my arms.
The moon was dim, and no one knew what had happened here.The next day, Gao Gaosheng woke up and screamed in shock.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at him.She asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"He blushed shyly and said, "Yesterday we, didn't ......
happen ......
anything, did we?" His voice was small and you could tell he was so shy."I don't know." I fell back into bed again.
I was so sleepy that maybe it was a cat, a cute cat.
I would be responsible if I heard him in a daze.
He was the only one who knew his voice.
But we goblins were born with sensitive hearing, and nothing could escape our ears.Not to mention these words.
By the way, what kind of responsibility does he have to bear?
I don't know.
Who cares?
In the end, his bed is still comfortable.After a while, he gently shook me awake and said softly, "Get up, the sun is shining.
It's time to eat." I got up.
My stomach was really hungry.
Although the goblins didn't eat for a long time, that didn't mean they didn't eat.
The ones who didn't eat were immortals, not us.During dinner, he muttered, "I don't have to go to the company.
I'll have a day with you today." I thought he looked cute."Yeah, I got it." I just smiled back at him.Soon after, we finished our meal and said, "You should go back to your room and rest.
You don't have to worry about anything else."I went to my room to rest.When he was done, he slipped into my room and said, "Let's change first.
I'll take you to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities."I went to his sister's room.
After searching for half a day, I found a set of clothes, a white casual wear.
It looked generous.
His sister's clothes were just a little bigger.
It was a crime to wear his sister's clothes.
At least I thought so.The supermarket was outside their neighborhood.
He took me to the supermarket, where there was a lot of glittering things.
His eyes couldn't catch them.
He led me to the clothing area.
There were only seven or eight sets of clothes there.
The waiter kept praising me.
It was nice to wear these clothes.
It was nice to wear them.What was even more exaggerated was that they wanted me to be their fashion model.
According to Luo Baofeng's opinion, I was only in charge of wearing clothes, and he was in charge of everything else.
Then, we bought another car of daily necessities.
Before we left, the aunt of the supermarket gave us a mirror.
It was quite big.It was as big as his TV.
I saw myself in the mirror, just two words, unfamiliar.
Black and white eyes, small nose, cute mouth, thin lips, and an oval face.
Oh my.
It was a work of art.However, there was a hint of charm between her brows.
There was no helping it, this was something that a goblin couldn't change.We went home with the pile of things.
Then I ran to my room and changed into my new clothes.
"Am I pretty?" I asked.He suddenly walked up to me and put his arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck.
It was itchy, but comfortable.I pushed him away, trying to get away.
But I saw fire in his eyes, red.
I wanted to say something.
But his mouth pressed down on mine.
I could only whimper in protest.
His hands were swirling around me.
Gradually, my body was warming.And then we were stunned in a sea of red.
He was the only one breathing in my ear.
It hurt, it hurt, it was happy, it kept interlacing in the sea of red, it hurt and it was happy.
Lost, I was lost.After a long time, we paused.
He looked at the red dots on the bed, surprised."You are, your first time?
Then yesterday we..."I'm in pain, and I'm tired, not in him, and I want to sleep.
He puts his arms around my waist from behind me and says softly, "I love you, dear."I said, "I'm a vixen.
Humans and demons can't love each other."He smiled, turned me over, stroked my face, and said in an infinitely gentle voice, "I love you, I love this lovely little goblin.
Let's get married, goblin lady.
I will use my whole life to love and protect you."I didn't speak.
I curled up in his arms, enjoying the warmth of his body.For the next few days, he was very busy.
He was busy with our marriage certificate.
I didn't have a household register, and I was a black man.
I couldn't get a marriage certificate.
He had an uncle-in-law who was the director of some sort of bureau.
He used his uncle-in-law's network to get me an ID card.
His name was Xu Tianjiao.
He was 21 years old.
He couldn't remember anything else.With the ID card, we immediately got the marriage certificate.
After getting the certificate, he kissed my lips and said, "Darling, you're finally mine.
You belong to me alone."I smiled and said, "I'm yours, aren't I?"I am a goblin.
A goblin married to a human.
I wonder if God will allow us to be happy.We didn't have a feast.
We secretly got married like this.