Digital Summon of Different Worlds

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The Evolution of the Fierce Wind Wolf an

At noon, a little languidly walked out of the tent, and the three ball beasts were absorbed into the computer space.
A moment before they came out, the flower rewards, which had just recovered their magic power, summoned a ball beast again.
"Young master, I've already prepared food for you!" It was still Hando.
Previously, he was already in charge of taking care of Renfell's diet.
Right now, it was still him, and it didn't change because of the increase.
Hua Jing looked at Ha Da thoughtfully and gently smiled.
She patted him on the shoulder and said, "Very good.
You did a good job.
I like it." After everyone ate a bit of food, they continued to hurry on with their journey.
The destination they were headed for was a piece of Lu Family's border territory.
Due to the desolate land being too far away and cold, as well as the fact that it was close to the land of chaos, it was practically ignored by the Lu Family's fief map.
Thick dust seemed to cover its name, covering up the small town.
As a noble, generally speaking, he would only be distributed to his family or the royal family at the age of eighteen.
But for some reason, in addition to the influence of the Lud family in the Fast Empire, that 16-year-old Renfell was already halfway to his fief.
Thus, in a month's time, he would be able to see the first piece of land in this world, which belonged to him.
Time passed very quickly.
In five days, under the careful care of Hasa, the flowery days were also quite good.
The rolling ball had already been taken care of by more than ten rolling ball beasts.
It was not because the flower prize did not want to call for more.
It just reached the upper limit of the greeting.
In addition, the flower reward also figured out a time for summoning of a speed beast.
A whole day!
The concept of time in this alienated world was surprisingly compatible with that on the earth.
And every time a call for a beast was over, one only needed to pay a third of the strength to summon it again.
The conclusion was that the Brother Di came up with the conclusion that the reward for the second call for the United Beast was based on the Dykeleton.
There would always be small-scale ambushes from magical beasts along the way, such as rank 1,or rank 2,beasts.
The flower rewards would be a comparison.
In other words, the data beasts summoned by him were basically equal to the rank 2,magical beasts on the continent.
They were the kind that were harmless to humans and animals.
The third level was a dividing line.
Magical beasts below the third level wouldn't be able to attack.
In fact, a rank two knight would be able to easily kill many of them.
However, after reaching the third level, the quality of magical beasts would change.
At that time, it would be a one-on-one situation.
The evolution of magic beasts on the continent was very helpful, and he didn't know much about the reward.
However, he had also learned something about the evolutionary mode of summoning D- campuses beasts.
That was fighting, fighting nonstop.
From the fact that it had accidentally seen a rolling ball defeating a rank two small Magic Beast, it could be told that the purple light mark beneath its file had grown a little bit longer.
If they wanted to evolve, the only way was to fight.
Perhaps this should be called leveling up by beating monsters, but it was just that he didn't know if there would be a similar effect if he were to hit someone.
Therefore, along the way, he would find an opportunity to train these rolling ball beasts.
However, along the way, he only got two purple light strips completed by the rolling ball beasts.
As soon as the golden light strips came in, they also became a little larger, while the rest were still mixing on the purple light strips.
Flowersflower rubbed her forehead.
"Looks like it's impossible to get stronger right away!" She cleared her mind and began to practice her own nameless breathing technique.
She realized that compared to the 'top' meditation technique that Renfell had practiced, this kind of local specialty was much better.
Therefore, the magic book she had kept in his interspatial ring was directly roasted and made fire.
Another day passed.
Flower Appreciation woke up from the state of cultivation and habitually turned on tyrannosaurus.
His soul power had already changed from 30,to 35,but the ones that could be summoned were still just a few young data beasts.
He once again summoned an older beast and sealed it.
Right now, Flower Appreciation had ten rolling Balls under him, three Gebilla Beasts.
Basically, he could summon two beasts a day.
Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt.
Hua Ying stuck her head out in a strange manner.
It didn't seem like she had the time to rest yet, did she?
The Wind Cloud Beast (a first-stage magic beast which was docile and was used in transport industry because of its strong endurance).
In front of it, five wolf-like creatures were spitting out hot air from their mouths, staring straight at the flowers.
"Fierce Wind Wolves!
My God, when did a rank 3,Magic Beast appear on the official road?
Did the army that cleared the road all look for women?" The one speaking was Hasda.
He ran towards the flowers with a trembling expression and protected himself well behind the knights.
Third-stage was a terrifying word among these low-level knights, because there had been no third-stage knights since Ryan's death in these knights.
In the face of this kind of ferocious third-stage Fierce Wind Wolf, they even began to want to run away.
Although they were several times more numerous than Fierce Wind Wolves, the difference of the first stage was enough to turn them all into food for Fierce Wind Wolves.
At this moment, only a few knights were able to well follow the so-called knight spirit.
With a loud shout, several knights rushed to the Fierce Wind Wolf together.
The Wind Cloud Beast had been scared to crawl on the ground by the wolf's power, so they ran up to the wolf.
Due to the mount, several knights lost their strength.
They were only able to resist for a few dozen seconds before they were cut into two pieces by the magic wind blades that were spat out by the Fierce Wind Wolf.
Some of them were even dismembered.
The ground was strewn with corpses, startling all the other riders.
They didn't know who it was but someone who shouted, "Run!" Following that, more than 20,of the riders dispersed in an uproar.
Several corpses emerged from the large official road, leaving behind only the Violent Wind Wolves.
There were still some who quietly stood in front of the horse carriage, appreciating the flowers and flowers.
With a fierce curse, Hua Xiang also chose to escape, but he was going in the direction of the forest next to the road.
He had to sigh again about the physical quality of the world's people.
If his original body had run so fast for hundreds of meters, his muscles would have been sour.
The two Fierce Wind Wolves were chasing after them, tightly biting the flower.
The rest of them had probably already caught up with those running knights, right?
The woods were neither big nor small, but they were still flourishing.
He tried not to make any sound and carefully looked at the two wolf-like Fierce Wind under the ground.
At this time, he climbed up a large tree with luxuriant leaves and leaves, and avoided the sight of the wolf.
However, this situation did not last long.
A Fierce Wind Wolf looked down and sniffed the ground.
It walked all the way and soon came to the tree where flowers were offered and looked up.
"I've been discovered!" Without hesitation, the Fierce Wind Wolf shot a light green wind blade at the flower appreciation.
The leaves and branches of a pile fell down, and the flower appreciation barely dodged the attack.
It grabbed a branch with one hand, and the distance between its feet and the Fierce Wind Wolf was only one meter.
"Come out, all of you!" Shouted Hua Chong.
A dozen one-meter-long, oval-shaped halos appeared in the field.
Then, the ten rolling ball beasts and the three Fierce Wind Wolves were surrounded.
"Shoot!" The child-aged D-furred Beast only knew how to spit out the saliva in one move, but the thick acid was strong enough to corrode some metal, not to mention dozens of attacks from the acid.
With the superposition of the acid, even a huge tree trunk could melt in an instant.
When combined, there was a load of acid, and it was just enough to shoot into one of the Wolf of Fierce Wind, which was the meaning of flower appreciation.
So he concentrated his force to attack one wolf first, and then besieged one wolf.
This tactic could be effective no matter in a fight in the underworld or in a fight with an evil beast from another world.
Another Fierce Wind Wolf jumped far away, and the one who was hit by it was smoking.
Its fur was corroded and a burst of stinking smell came.
As soon as this Fierce Wind Wolf was hit by the acid liquid, the "fire snake twining" that had been prepared by the flower had already attacked it.
The fire soon burned, and the scream of the Fierce Wind Wolf became louder.
She pulled out a dagger that she carried with her.
The precious dagger was adorned with quite a few gemstones, but they weren't just decorations.
The sharp and sharp edge of the dagger pierced straight into the head of the Fierce Wind Wolf.
On the other side, the rolling ball and Dyke-Beasts had already started to besiege another Fierce Wind Wolf.
The flower rewards quickly pulled out the daggers.
There was no need to pay attention to them.
Acid and raging fire were enough to let this dying Fierce Wind Wolf go to see their Evil Beast God.
The second round of "Fire Serpent Wraps" had already rushed out and shot towards the front of the Fierce Wind Wolf over a few rolling beasts.
"Roar!" The fire snake disappeared under a green wind blade.
The Fierce Wind Wolf became even more furious.
Hua Mei and the other weak Magic Beasts actually dared to ignore its existence and kill its companion.
The wolf's sharp claws, without any surprise, broke the two rolling ball beasts into pieces.
Two flashshots came out from the rolling ball of death and went straight back into the Tyrannosaurus machine inside the flower vase.
However, in the blink of an eye, another five rolling balls and a Gecko died under the attack of the Fierce Wind Wolf.
"It seems that they are really too weak!" Hua Jing sighed.
She seized the chance to send out the "fire snake twinings" and the last attack that was sealed in the ring, shooting at the Fierce Wind Wolf, which was getting fiercer and fiercer.
One side had missed, but the other side had hit the front and rear of the Fierce Wind Wolf.
It had suddenly set aflame!
A great opportunity!
Under the guidance of the flower appreciation, a few Draconic Beasts began to attack the group of acid liquid.
However, despite the fact that the Fierce Wind Wolf had suffered a bit of acid, its speed was faster than these Draconic Beasts.
In addition, it had already become alert, so it calmly avoided these attacks and suddenly jumped up.
It used its fire-like foot to draw a line forward, and the Dyke beast immediately turned back into a pile of data.
The flower prize quickly scanned its surroundings.
There were a few D-list animals that posed no threat to the Fierce Wind Wolf.
His half-baked magic, however, had probably already been dismembered by the Wind Blade of the Fierce Wind Wolf before he could even use it!
It narrowly escaped a wind blade attack and Flower Fair rolled to the side.
The Fierce Wind Wolf from before was still alive.
Although it was badly injured, it still struggled to stand up, with blood filling its eyes.
It stared at Flower Rain, but it couldn't move a single step.
"Very good!" This was experience!
This was a free gift!
The number of Calamity Beasts that spent money on the field became less and less.
It just so happened to be the rolling ball beast whose evolutionary point had already entered the golden stage!
"Kill it!
After that, evolve!" The flower reward was just a gamble as he nervously watched the rolling ball that continuously sprayed acid out towards the Fierce Wind Wolf.
If it evolved, there might still be hope!
If it failed, then the only way to give the flower reward was to engage in a physical struggle against the Fierce Wind Wolf!
The Fierce Wind Wolf once again released a miserable roar.
This time, it truly did fall!
Meanwhile, the rolling beast was also so tired it crawled onto the ground.
Hua Mei looked at the rolling ball on the ground nervously.
Did it fail?
She clutched the dagger in her hand tightly.
"I don't believe I'll die in your hands!" Just as she was about to lose her temper, a colorful light burst out from her chest!
It was Violent Dragon!
It had a reaction.
Hua Jing swallowed with difficulty, and he even heard a familiar bell sound.
After seeing the cartoon, he knew that this was the song played by the laser treasure when it evolved.
He knew that the rolling ball beast was about to evolve!
The colorful light became more and more brilliant.
Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shot towards the rolling ball that was crawling on the ground.
Finally, it evolved!
"Ah!" It seemed that she wanted to vent something.
Seeing the evolved ball-beast in front of her, Hua Yu was so moved that she cried.
Amethyst Beast, The Evolution Stage,long-term, Assault,40,Defense,30,Agility,25,Special 0,General Combat Strength,95.
This is the data after rolling ball beast's evolution.
She stood up with her forefoot upright.
Her earthy yellow skin looked very solid.
Her eyes were green and her forepaws were not long but very sharp.
Everything was like a miniature Overlord Dragon!
On the other side, the Fierce Wind Wolf, which had just torn apart a rolling ball, seemed to have sensed something terrifying.
Its body actually trembled slightly.
It looked up at the Ancient Amethyst Beast, which was standing upright, and the Fierce Wind Wolf's limited knowledge.
The evil beast that appeared in front of them was actually a sub-dragon species?