Immortal Fate: The Legend of Nanzhao

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Chapter 1

The South Edict King, Duan Zhangxian, entrusted his child to the Magi and his vice-captain.
They were reluctant to leave the South Edict King and Lian Huangge.
Duan Zhangxian personally sent the child out.
This child was very handsome, and his eyes were very spirited.
It seemed that he was a smart person, and would definitely become a big shot in the future.This child's name was Duanyu.
When he broke through the Han Dynasty's border, he could only be a prince in exile.He was only two years old and didn't know anything.
In his world, all of this might not be pain.
He used a confused look to look at the panic of his father and mother, but it was the pain of crying and venting the turbulence on the road.As a child, he would only vent his dissatisfaction towards his parents."My son, from today onwards, if you are sensible, you might not have a mother anymore." Lian Huangge's face was full of tears.
She had already become a sobbing person."Let's talk about the future later.
I think he will understand.
Everyone's growth will be done by himself.
This suffering won't crush our people." Duan Zhangxian comforted his queen with words of comfort.
He understood that all of this was just a comfort.
No one could be certain that things in the future would happen."This is a concentric knot.
It was given to me by my king back then.
I hope that the child will grow up and you can give it to him.
Tell him, don't worry about it.
Our biggest wish is to see him recover our Nanzhao under the nine springs." Lian Huangge said as he took out a red item from his robe.
It was a rare silk weave.
This silk weave was created by the Southern Moon Kingdom's sea silkworms."King!
How could you leave us behind?" Vice-captain Cang Minghai and witch Jiao Yueling knelt on the ground."I don't think he can fix all of this.
The queen and I have already figured it out.
The Siam King didn't bother me because I helped him settle the rebellion back then.
Otherwise, he would have tied me up and sent me to the Han army.
I recently realized that the state preceptor of Siam is trying to harm us again.
So, before they notice me, we should make plans.
Otherwise, none of us will be able to escape."Duan Zhangxian slowly struggled out of the state of a lost person.
Now that he was fully aware of his current situation, he decided to stay with Lian Huangge and stall his enemies."Then leave!
Vice-captain Cang Minghai and I will stay behind to help.
We will be loyal if we sacrifice ourselves!" The vice-captain saw that his brothers had all died in Nanzhao.
If it weren't for the sake of protecting the king and the king, he wouldn't have lived in seclusion like this.
For brave warriors, living in seclusion was a disgrace!"All of you have to live!
Listen, if we don't die, those from the Han Dynasty who fear the Han Dynasty won't spare us...
They want us.
These days, I have lived a long life, and I hope that you can stop.
Take my son and hide your name.
In the future, you will have to rely on me to restore the Nanzhao Nation!""No!" Cang Minghai refused to agree.
After all, this was something that he didn't want to do.
These things were simply lethal to him."I think all of you should agree.
Otherwise, none of us will be able to survive!" Lian Huangge had already made up his mind to go to the underworld with his own king."This..." Cang Minghai was still hesitating.
The State Preceptor of Si Luo had already brought his troops over.Duan Zhangxian had long since filled his surroundings with his trusted aides.
Those trusted aides were hidden in hidden places.
The state preceptor had arrived and they had sensed it.
However, they were unable to move.
The state preceptor had a very powerful spell and had placed all the guards on the same spot, unable to move.
This spell was a spell.
Those who were hit by this spell would not be able to move.
After three hours, he would be able to resolve it without any life or danger.It seemed that the state preceptor was in a good mood today.
He didn't get angry.
If he was in a bad mood today, then he wouldn't be using the Fixed Body Art.It must be a vicious magic."This is bad!" Jiao Yueling had already sensed the danger."Hurry up and leave!" Duan Zhangxian unsheathed his sword and said, "If we don't leave now, none of us will be able to leave!""King!
Lian Huangge, we...
we're leaving!" Cang Minghai led the four guards and the witch Jiao Yueling up the sea."Look!
That child!" Someone from Si Luo saw Jiao Yueling and Cang Minghai running away."Jimi Miganuo!" After all, the Magi of the Si Luo Kingdom were State Preceptors.
However, they weren't the only ones who possessed powerful spells.The moment the State Preceptor's spell descended, a huge centipede flew out of the sky, and the centipede glimmered with powerful poisonous gas towards Cang Minghai and Jiao Yueling."Hmph!" Jiao Yueling waved his hand dismissively, and the centipede flew away.
From the looks of it, Jiao Yueling's hand was actually using her unique skill, which allowed the centipede to be torn to pieces."Hurry up and leave!" Duan Zhangxian knew that the witch Jiao Yueling wasn't a match for the state preceptor of the Si Si Luo state, so he took the initiative to stop the state preceptor of the Si Si Luo state."Old bastard!
You're courting death!" The state preceptor of Si Luo roared angrily."Hmph!
You inhuman ghostly thing.
Today, I will send you to the West Heavens!" Duan Zhangxian brandished his broadsword and swung it with all his might.
The leaves and vegetation in his surroundings were scattered everywhere, and even the feathers and garlics in his surroundings flew up.
The entire sky was flying, forming a huge whirlpool.."Dragon Dao Art!
An ancient secret technique!
Hehe, South Edict King!
I've underestimated you.
You actually have a secret dao technique from China's side." The State Preceptor's words shocked everyone in Siam.
They had never seen a Chinese dao technique before, and now that they'd seen it today, their reputation was truly justified!"Hua Xia and Nanzhao are originally a family of dao techniques.
This sorcery and dao techniques were originally a family, but after the transformation of the dao technique, the miscellaneous things from back then have become pure and profound.
This is just a little bit of the Daoist's hide!"."Hua Xia and Nanzhao are originally a family of dao techniques.
This sorcery and dao techniques were originally a family, but after the transformation of the dao techniques, the miscellaneous things from back then have become pure and profound.
This is just a little bit of the Daoist's hide!"That Duan Zhangxian continued to wave his own blade.
He flew up and down like a dragon, extremely vigorous."I didn't expect the online martial arts to be so amazing.
I've been by his side for so many years, but I didn't even know about it." Jiao Yueling was shocked."Since the king has such powerful skills, let's quickly start the anchor.
Otherwise, it'll be even more of a burden if we stay here." Cangyue ordered his subordinates to lift the anchor and sail."Oh no!" The state preceptor cried out when he saw someone break down their anchor and raise their sails.
After all, they had to get rid of the root.
Duan Zhangxian hadn't cleaned up, and that little bastard had fled.
If that little bastard came back to seek revenge on him in the future, wouldn't that mean that he had left behind a root of trouble for him?Duan Zhangxianjian's son had left safely, so he began to pester the State Preceptor with all his might.Naturally, the State Preceptor also tried his best to fight against Duan Zhangxian.
During these exchanges, he felt that the Dragon Splitting Dao method was unfathomable and his South Sea Sorcery was actually defeated by the Dragon Opening Dao method.
He had no choice but to release the eternal gu poison.This ancient gu poison was a magic spell used by gods and devils.
In the Southern Sea, there were countless gu poisons hidden in the sea.
The only thing that could turn into a powerful spell in an instant was this ancient spell."Heaven and Earth Golden Crow!
Poison through the stomach!" After the State Preceptor finished chanting the curse, the clear sky instantly became dark clouds, and nothing could be seen.
In the pitch-black sky, a giant black toad erupted!"Shit!" Cang Minghai stood on the deck and looked around, only to realize that his king and Lian Huangge had already been engulfed by the black clouds and the black toad!"Lian Huangge!
Oh King!" Jiao Yueling cried out in desperation as he looked at the sky filled with dark clouds and the incomparably evil toad."Stop shouting!
It's best if we leave with the young masters as soon as possible!" Cang Minghai regained his composure.
The horror he had felt earlier had long since faded away.
After all, he was an outstanding general, and these dangerous things couldn't stay in front of him for long.In the blink of an eye, the ship had reached the center of the Southern Ocean.
Perhaps it was the blessing of the heavens, but there was no wind on the sea.
The sails were full and they flew towards China.After three days and three nights of sailing, the ship finally came to shore in a place called the village.
This was the land of Yanhuang's descendants, and the Nanzhong was also one of Yanhuang's branches.
After all, it had been a long time and each had their own lives, so they had forgotten all these borders.Cang Minghai divided the money on the ship with everyone else.
They also took a small portion and started their own camp.In order to restore the country, Cang Minghai had left a peace of mind.
If the Nanzhao Nation were to be rebuilt in the future, he would have to return and help the young master.
Even future generations would have to serve the Nanzhao Nation's reestablishment with all their might.The four of them were all loyal warriors of the king.
If it weren't for the fact that it was an emergency period, they wouldn't have said that the trash had split up.
This was the truth.
They had no choice but to leave with tears.Cang Minghai changed his name to Hai Mingyue.
He wanted to hide his identity."We'll find a village and hide our names there.
After the young master grows up, we'll take him to learn martial arts and dao techniques..." Cang Minghai decided to pay attention."I agree!" The witch agreed with Cang Minghai's opinion.
In order to cover up everyone's attention, Cang Minghai and the witch Jiao Yueling were husband and wife in name.
In fact, they weren't in the same bed.
Since then, Cang Minghai had been called Hai Mingyue, while the witch Jiao Yueling had been called Nan Fenghuang.The witch Jiao Yueling accompanied the former vice-captain of the palace, the fourth-ranked vice-general, who lived a life of farming.Duan Zhangxian's child called Hai Changsheng.
This concealed his surname in order to protect him and prevent those who wanted to eliminate the weeds from finding him.Time shuttled.
Hai Changsheng, who was originally two years old, had already grown to five years old.
This year was China's Chinese New Year.
Hai Changsheng and a few children went to play in the fighting valley together.