Immortal Fate: The Legend of Nanzhao

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Chapter 2

"Eternal life, where are you?" a girl shouted from the edge of the valley."Eternal life, I'm telling you, you mustn't make a sound.
Otherwise, I won't be polite to you," said a young man in a low voice.Longevity Longevity silently nodded and said, "Of course I know.
Don't stop me.
I'm so uncomfortable." Longevity Longevity's face gradually darkened.Gradually, it became ugly and difficult to breathe."Eternal life!
Don't hide from me.
I'll take you to a bowl of soup, okay?" This woman was none other than Jinke.
The girl from Jinyan's family had a good relationship with Hai Changsheng, and Jinke often brought him delicious foods from home.
Jinke's family was considered rich in this village, and her family was the landlord.
There was no need for them to work.At his age, Jinke was already able to do some work.
Jiao Yueling was unwilling, but Cang Minghai was unwilling.
He believed that Wang's son must be able to suffer.
Such a person would only be able to achieve great achievements in the future.In the end, Jiao Yueling had no other choice but to agree to let Cang Minghai let Hai Changsheng go to pasture.Jinke liked Hai Changsheng the first time he saw her.
She always liked to play with him.
This made the bulls from the same village unhappy.
He didn't understand why someone like Hai Changsheng could attract Jinke so much.There was nothing special about Hai Changsheng, but he looked particularly refreshing.
If one person didn't dislike you, then they would naturally welcome you.Perhaps this was because he was born with the temperament of a king.
Even Jinyan looked at him in a different light.
He had always secretly called Jinke, Dou Lisai, who had long since gone to the sea for immortality.Hai Changsheng wasn't an insensible child.
He understood that he understood kindness, so he treated the sheep and sheep of the Jinke Clan very well.
He hadn't lost a single sheep or a single cow in the past year.Therefore, the reason why Jinke had come to see him today was because her father had specially instructed him to give him a red pocket.Jinke's arrival made Big Ox very angry.
He really wanted to strangle this kid to death."Wuwu...
A strange sound came from here, and the wind grew larger and larger.
There was a creepy smell in the airway."Hurry!
Run!" The children who were fighting in the valley shouted out.Then a person shouted again When Big Ox saw that everyone had fled, he was so scared that he left Hai Changsheng and ran away."Little fart kid!
Where do you think you're going?!" A dark voice rang out from behind Big Ox's buttocks.
Big Ox's backhead looked and saw a ferocious giant beast with a blueish-purple complexion, a huge red mouth, and two ferocious fangs standing behind him.
It had already opened its claws and pounced on Big Ox...
Big Ox screeched and then fainted.."Heh heh!" The giant beast laughed and then disappeared into the valley.Jinke stood there in a daze, looking like a puppet."Miss Jinke!
Are you alright?" Hai Changsheng shook Jinke's arm."I'm fine...
wow!" Jinke began to cry."Stop crying.
If someone sees you crying, they'll think I've bullied you." Hai Changsheng helped Jinke pick up the tears at the corner of his eyes."Thank you!
All of these cowards have no loyalty at all." Jinke was clearly blaming these people for being angry at him.
She finally understood what it meant to be selfish.Sheng Nene said, "Miss Jinke, it's not that I don't want to run away, but I really don't have the strength.
I was so scared that my legs went limp!"Jinke crazily fainted!"Can I ask you to stop messing around with that thing of yours?
What if your enemy sees us?
It doesn't matter if we die.
cough cough, if something happens, will you be able to repay the kindness I've shown you in the past?" Cang Minghai closed the middle door and glared fiercely at Hai Changsheng."Fierce my ass.
I'll just use it for a bit.
I won't be discovered," said South Phoenix.
She felt that she had too many things on her mind.
If her enemy saw her, it wouldn't be fun."Honey, are you scared of my son?" Hai Mingyue asked angrily as she looked at Nan Fenghuang."Haha...
you're not embarrassed.
Is that your son?" said South Phoenix angrily."Alright...
don't say anymore.
It'll be bad if he hears the child when he comes back." Hai Mingyue said as he secretly looked outside, afraid that he would be discovered."Dad!
I'm back!" Hai Changsheng's voice came from outside the door.When Hai Changsheng entered the room and saw his parents blushing, he felt strange because they were elders, so he couldn't ask them anything."Eternal life, you're back!
Why aren't you playing with your little companions at the valley?" Hai Mingyue felt a little guilty when he spoke.
It was as if the ocean voice had seen through his thoughts.
Could it be that Hai Changsheng had seen through the old woman's actions earlier?
At this moment, even South Phoenix felt that something was wrong with her anger.
It seemed as if she had also been seen through by Hai Changsheng.
She was a little startled.."Daddy, mommy, I want to go to Jinke's house.""Hey, I was scared to death, kid!" Hai Mingyue and South Phoenix exhaled heavily.Then they relaxed their expressions and said in unison, "It's Chinese New Year's Eve.
Don't run around.""Uncles and aunts, don't worry.
He won't mess around with me.""This..." Hai Mingyue hesitated.
He wasn't worried about anything else.
He was worried about what had happened to the child in Jinyan's house.
That would be bad."Aiyo!
Uncle!" Jinke said coquettishly."Ah!
That's enough." Since the Southern Phoenix couldn't deal with Jinke, she had no choice but to agree.Jinke was overjoyed as he immediately thanked, "Thank you!
Thank you, uncle and aunty!"After Jinke finished speaking, he pulled Sea Longevity, who was still in a daze.Jinyan's family was not far away from the village.
It was very quiet here.
In fact, there was nothing extravagant about the big households in this remote place, but it was much better than the common people here.The East and West Districts were also built with blue bricks.
The front and back courtyards were all faulty, and Boss Lin's decorations were elegant.
Sea Longevity didn't pay much attention to the environment, so he didn't appreciate these things too much.
He always felt that anything with life should be displayed in nature, but a little Sea Longevity actually had the thoughts of an adult.
This was amazing.Jinyan also saw the strange expression on Hai Changsheng's face and thought that he had been affected in the valley.
He patted his shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid.
My father is at home.""Haha...
Miss Jin, that's not the reason," Hai Changsheng said with a silly smile."What's that?" Jinke asked."Actually, I don't know what to say.
I'm so young, yet I can think like an adult.
I don't know why either." Hai Changsheng stared blankly at the sky.
It was New Year's Eve, and the moonlight was especially bright.
It gave one an unprecedented sense of despair."Don't think so much about it.
In fact, the fact that you're able to advance so much means that the heavens must have asked you to do something incredible," Jinke comforted him.
He was still in a daze."Isn't this Hai Changsheng?
Come, let's sit inside." This was the Jin family's chief steward.
He was already familiar with Hai Changsheng.
Everyone in the Jin family liked this child.
His charm seemed to be innate.
This was probably the style of a king."Happy New Year, Grandpa Fu!" said Hai Changsheng sweetly.
His name was Fuhai, and he was a newly recruited official of Jinyan's.
He was a shrewd and shrewd person, but rather sinister.
He didn't know about Cang Mingyue and Nan Fenghuang's arrival, so when Nan Fenghuang used witchcraft, Fuhai happened to see them again.
Thus, Fuhai concluded that they were the group of people who had escaped from the sea.
These two Hai Changsheng should be Duan Zhangxian's sons.Fuhai chuckled in his heart.
This really didn't take much effort!"Ah!
Take a seat in the kid's room and have some sweets." Fuhai pulled Hai Changsheng to feed him.
Hai Changsheng didn't want to waste any more time.
It was getting late, so he decided to head over to Lord Jin Yan's place to look for benefits.
Thus, he said, "Thank you, Grandpa Fu.
The old man is calling for me."Fuhai thought that the old man was going to give him a red packet, but he was wrong.
Jin Yan had left a soup dumpling.This was a custom in a small place like the village.
People they liked would leave red packets for him during the New Year.
In Jin Yan's eyes, Hai Changsheng was a very good child.
Sometimes, he even treated this person as his own son.
Jinke even treated him as his younger brother.Fuhai looked at Hai Changsheng, who was gradually leaving, and a sinister smile gradually appeared on his face.
He looked around and then mysteriously walked towards his residence.
Under the dim tung oil lamp, a cage made of iron cages was placed in front of his prison-like window.He looked at the cage and unhesitatingly opened it.
He took out a small roller paper tube and placed it on the pigeon's leg."Plop!" The pigeon left his palm and flew southeast.