The Demon World of The Six Realm

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Chapter 3

"Using the reflection of the water element's battle qi to double the number of shadow avatars?
It seems that even though the regiment commander's wife hasn't participated in the battle for so long, she still knows the battlefield like the back of her hand.
As expected of the legendary Shadow class assassin with battle techniques."The skin on You-Know-Who's face and neck were scattered with black scales, and the surface of the scales was still emitting a faint green light.Surrounded by Lu Chengfeng and Yi Fulian, You-Know-Who didn't seem to have any intentions of taking action.
Instead, he smiled strangely, "I didn't expect that the outsiders who invaded this continent back then would have once again set their sights on this continent after disappearing for so many years.""Just what exactly is there that can make you stay on this continent and not give up after being reduced to a land of exile?"These were the alien races that they had seen in the family books.
Furthermore, up till now, they had not caused much of an impact on this continent, or perhaps it could be said that they had not taken action yet.
If they were to speak of hatred, there was simply no way for them to hate it.
However, since they did not belong to this continent, they should be removed from this continent.Lu Jingfeng's tone was devoid of emotions, but his killing intent only intensified.
"Guild Leader Lu should know that the Dou Qi and MP consumed on the God Relinquish Continent are very difficult to replenish.
In this situation, he still uses it without any hesitation.I'm sure Commander Lu is going to kill me here." You-Know-Who pretended to be in a difficult position.
"Since you have this kind of awareness, then there's no need to say more.
Let's do it!" Lu Chengfeng knew that his Dou Qi and Yi Fulian's spells couldn't last long.
However, his long years of combat experience told him that when the other knew his strength, and he didn't understand his opponent's strength, if he could get the other party to take action first, then his chances of victory would be greatly increased."Guild Leader Lu, there is no need to be anxious.
Even if you can kill me here, can the two of you kill all of us?
As you can see, I am not a human."The reason I came here today is to hope that you can help us return to the place that belongs to us, the Demon Realm."You were the ones who wanted to invade this continent.
Now, you are the ones who are leaving.
Why should we believe what you, an outsider, said?" Lu Chengfeng sensed that You-Know-Who didn't intend to do anything, so he retracted his battle qi.Yi Fulian watched as Lu Chengfeng withdrew his battle qi.
Five of his doppelgangers disappeared into thin air and retreated behind Lu Chengfeng.It wasn't that they believed what You-Know-Who said, but that the longer the Dou Qi and MP on the God Relinquish Continent sustains, the faster they would consume.
Since they couldn't let the opponent take action first, in order to ensure that they would possess the strongest combat power in the upcoming battles, they had no choice but to put away their Dou Qi and MP to avoid excessive consumption."Captain Lu, do you want to know why we demons invaded your continent back then?" You-Know-Who saw Lu Chengfeng and Yi Fulian put away their respective dou qi and magic, and knew that they wouldn't kill him.
At the very least, they wouldn't do it for the time being.Then, she slowly walked to the main seat in the inner hall and laid between the two arms.
She even picked up a piece of pastry and tasted it.
"I didn't expect that the pastries at Guild Leader Lu's house were pretty good.
It's much more delicious than the ones outside.
""...""Not all demons have been born in human form.
Apart from the powerful demons that have been born into human form, all demons can only rely on themselves to cultivate.
When they reach a certain level of cultivation, they will gradually gain the ability to transform into human form.
Their intelligence will also gradually improve.
At the same time, they will also comprehend their own race's innate ability.
The method I used to hide my body just now is my own race's innate ability..." The mysterious man slowly said as he looked at Lu Jingfeng and Yiflan with slightly raised lips.Two thousand years ago, this continent did not have any battle qi or magic, and was attacked by various ferocious beasts all day long.
In order to survive, people had to gather and live together.
Even so, at that time, they were still too weak.Every day, while hunting, he was worried about not knowing when he would be hunted.Finally, one day, the Gods were filled with pity.
They were granted the ability to sense elemental powers and were able to transform them into various forms for battle.
However, not everyone could use them well.
In fact, a large number of people could only sense the existence of these elements, but could not use them.After they obtained the ability to fight and even kill all kinds of ferocious beasts, disharmony began to ring.
Slowly, people separated and formed their own tribes.Those who didn't have the ability to protect themselves had no choice but to follow the stronger party and leave, becoming an accessory to the tribe.The lives of people who had become accessories were actually not easy.
The leaders of the various tribes only used them as tools, but when they walked out, they would become food for various ferocious beasts.In order to survive, this was the only thing they could do.
However, a peaceful life made the chief of a tribe feel increasingly monotonous and boring.
A monotonous and boring lifestyle made their ambition slowly grow, and this cycle was in a vicious cycle.Under such circumstances, no matter what happened, it could be a fight between big and small.Gradually, the friction between the tribes grew larger and larger, and the previous fights became a life and death battle.
Because small tribes couldn't possibly have conflicts with large tribes, even if there were, small tribes would take the initiative to apologize and settle things peacefully.Because of this, every time there was a struggle, both tribes would suffer losses.
In order to defeat the other tribes, the major tribes began to swallow the other small tribes to strengthen their own tribe's strength so that they could obtain victory in the next battle and swallow their power.After swallowing all the smaller tribes, the major tribes found that these attachments that could not use Dou Qi and magic were of little use in this kind of battle.
They also began to study ways to let these subordinates use Dou Qi and magic.The tribes on the continent finally found a way to let everyone in their tribe use battle qi and magic.Just like that, war continued.
Until 1500 years ago, a middle-level demon entered this continent for some reason.As for the first person who had devoured this entire continent, he discovered that he didn't need to digest and directly increase his cultivation.
Ordinary demonic beasts didn't have a long lifespan.
They could only gain a relatively long lifespan through cultivation, but their cultivation wasn't limited to ordinary cultivation.
At the same time, they could also grow rapidly through other methods.In order to not become food for the other yaos, the low-ranking yaos could only grow rapidly by devouring the other yaos, yao beasts, or other forces.
As for the higher-ranking yaos, they could absorb the other party's power to grow quickly.After reaching a certain level, he could no longer use this method to increase his cultivation.
He could only use his own cultivation and absorb the energy of others to replenish his energy.
This was also the difference between a high-level demonic beast and a demonic beast.For the Demon Realm where the strong reigned, this discovery was undoubtedly extremely tempting.However, this mid-level Yao Clan did not gain much intelligence.
They did not know how to hide themselves and simply continued devouring it.
Although they had quickly cultivated up to the high-level Yao Clan's level, they had never hidden themselves.
This had become a habit that even they did not notice.It was also because of this that the tribe that sensed the threat concentrated their strength and sent him back to his original form.
The heavily injured demons fled back to the Demon Realm and told this secret to a lord of the demon clan back then, hoping that he would be able to become stronger with the help of this lord.Although he was beaten back to his original form, the aura of a high-level demon was still there.
Under the strong temptation, everything seemed so insignificant.The demon clan lord led his subordinates back to this continent.
A large portion of the people on this continent only used various special methods to use battle qi and magic.
They didn't know the real use of magic.The demons didn't even have the strength to fight back under the assault of the demon army.
They were only one-sidedly slaughtered.
The demon army had absorbed a large amount of energy and become even more powerful.The demon clan that followed the demon army back then quickly regained their strength and became even more powerful than before.Making use of his unique species talent skill could be said to be a rapid growth rate.
The overly excited demon army quickly stepped into the future of that demon.In the midst of the demon army's one-sided slaughter, in order to survive, they once again joined forces to fight against their opponents.
However, their opponents were no longer all kinds of ferocious beasts, but the demon army.The united people began to retaliate against the demon army.
However, in front of the rapidly growing demons, they were still waiting for the result of being swallowed.
Due to their helplessness, the leaders of the various tribes no longer held back.
They grasped the secret that allowed everyone to freely use battle qi and magic.
In order to ensure their position in order to avoid rebellion, all of them who were given the right to use battle qi and magic to fight for themselves had always held back.But now, they had discovered a terrifying fact If they had any reservations, that would be equivalent to increasing their strength.Right now, he still had the strength to protect himself, but if this continued, there would be a day when he would only be swallowed."However, if they forcefully raise their abilities to the pinnacle, then regardless of whether it is their battle qi or magic power, they will not be able to recover after exhaustion.
Moreover, it is impossible for them to use battle qi or magic for the rest of their lives.
This is the price.The reason why they had held back in the past was because they knew that their accessory would be so powerful, and they didn't know that this would be a rebellion in one go.After all, no one was willing to be slaved for the rest of their lives, and no one was willing to have their next generation and the next generation to be attached to someone else.At that time, it was impossible for her and her aides to be their opponents whose potential was pushed to the peak, and it was even more impossible for her to push her or her aides' potential to the peak.
This was undoubtedly a suicide act.Now that they were faced with the one-sided slaughter of the powerful invaders, it was impossible for them to rebel.Even if they wanted to rebel, they would find that they would no longer have the ability to use battle qi and magic.
It was impossible for them to rebel.
However, in this way, it seemed that their tribe would not be able to become the strongest tribe and might even become an accessory to other tribes.Whether it was the leader of that tribe, they didn't want to use such a method to deal with a war, whether it was in the past or now.After all, this was undoubtedly a plan to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of their own lives.
However, there seemed to be no other better way.
Since that was the case, then it would be better for the other tribes to push their potentials to the peak.
The leaders of the major tribes actually had strangely similar thoughts in this regard.Those who had gained the ability to attack the demon army were no longer as encircled as before.
They knew that although their abilities had been improved, if they were engulfed, the ability of the invaders would only grow faster.After a lot of discussion, they decided to combine everyone's strength and stake it all together.What exactly was the method that the leaders of the various tribes wanted to stake everything on?
What were they going to do next?
What were they going to use to deal with the demon army that was rapidly growing stronger?