The Demon World of The Six Realm

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Chapter 5

The demons that had awakened from their deep slumber were all high-level demons that had transformed into human forms.
In other words, they had gained a higher level of intelligence and were no longer low-level demons that were bloodthirsty.
Although these demons had awakened from the blazing flames of revenge, they had high intelligence after all.
Having suffered a loss, they no longer acted rashly.The high-level demons that had calmed down soon faced a major problem n.From their inquiries, these high-level demons found out that it wasn't that they were losing their strength rapidly, but that all the elements on this continent were rapidly losing their strength.
That was why the powers that were sealing them disappeared along with them.In order to replenish their lost strength, these high-level demons began to spread rumors.
Brave warriors, I have given you your strength to fight for me.
Now that you are losing your strength, there is no need to be afraid.
Take your weapons and courage to fight.
Use your victory and the blood of your enemies to prove your strength.
I will regrow your strength..The 'God's Will' issued by the high-level demons quickly spread his evil seed on the entire continent, causing people who had long fallen into fear to go crazy.
Despair was not scary.
The scary thing was that when people were desperate, someone else used the despair of people to give them hope.
Even if this hope was not trustworthy, they would still believe it.
Even if this hope cost them a great price, they would not hesitate.As the evil seed of the 'God's Will' spread quickly, the entire continent began to slaughter crazily.
These high-level demons were also mixed in to quickly recover their strength.
Witnessing their restored strength, they became even more confident in the 'God's Will', and the slaughter became even crazier than before.At this time, the four great clans had also noticed that the four-sided sealing formation, which had sealed the demon army, had loosened as the power of the continent rapidly drained away.
Most of the demon clans had already escaped, blending in with the crowd of slaughter.In order to prevent history from repeating itself, the four great clans decided to work together to eliminate all the troublemakers.
They would rather kill a thousand people than let one go.Under the combined might of the four great clans, the crazy people were quickly suppressed.
However, this violent method of suppression made it difficult for them.The frequent usage of their strength caused them to lose their strength faster than the others, and their sacrifice was even greater.Due to the rapid decrease in the number of people with strength and the relentless suppression of the four great clans, the high-level demonic beasts realised that the energy they lost due to using their strength could no longer be replenished.
In other words, if this continued, both of them would only suffer losses.After discussion, these high-level demonic beasts decided to return to the Demon Realm first.
They would come back for revenge after they had fully recovered their strength.However, based on their memories, the passage they used when they first came to this continent had already disappeared.
So if they wanted to return to the Demon Realm, they had to find another passage that led to the Demon Realm.
Furthermore, before that, they had to preserve their strength.In order to ensure that they no longer lost too much strength, these high-level demons had no choice but to keep their strength.
But even so, they could only slow down the rate at which they lost their strength and could not solve the problem.In order to ensure their strength, they started to secretly catch some people who were born with spiritual energy to replenish their lost energy.The four great clans weren't completely unaware of this matter.
It was just that there were countless deaths and injuries in the suppression and chaos.
After losing their previous powerful solidarity, many people left one after another.
Their strength was already far inferior to before.
It could be said that they had reached a point where they were unable to protect themselves and were powerless.As long as these demons didn't cause too much of an impact, they could only let them do as they pleased.While these high-level demons were searching for a way back to the Demon Realm, they were also paying attention to the actions of the four great clans.
After all, the demons were a race that held grudges.
Before taking revenge, the fire of revenge in their hearts would not be extinguished easily."So you've already found the passage back to the Demon Realm.
The purpose of coming here today is to take revenge!
Since that's the case, then there's nothing else to say.
Let's go!" Lu Chengfeng could tell from the words of the mysterious man that even if the four great clans didn't provoke these demons, they wouldn't let them off.
This was because he had just said that the demons were a very vengeful race.."Eh...
Guild Leader Lu, don't worry.
My purpose for coming here today is clear.
I asked you to help us return to the Demon Realm.
I didn't come here for revenge." The mysterious man picked up a piece of pastry from the pastry plate on the table and examined it.
It was as though he was appreciating an exquisite art piece.
He didn't even spare Lu Jingfeng a glance."Help you return to the Demon Realm.
After you have fully recovered your strength, you will come back and hunt us down.
Isn't this the same as seeking your own death?
We are not that great.Let's help you go back.
It's just your delusion.
You can stay here and reincarnate with us.Lu Chengfeng suddenly sensed that he was being teased.
However, it would be unwise for him to attack first without knowing the extent of the other party's abilities.
He could only suppress his anger.However, in Yi Fulian's eyes, this was no longer the case.
The most important thing in her mind was Lu Chengfeng.
She didn't care about demons and not demons at all.
Now that she knew that Lu Chengfeng was going to harm the person she loved the most, regardless of whether it was the present or the future, it was enough for her to know this.Moreover, Yi Fulian had also seen through Lu Jingfeng's scruples.
He only wanted the other party to act first so that he could reveal his weaknesses.
Then, he would just let the other party show his weaknesses.Having made up his mind, You-Know-Who's slanted chair shattered into pieces and shot all around him.
"Spirit resonance?" The You-Know-Who, who was lying on the slanted chair, remained suspended in midair after the chair crumbled, but there was a little more shock on his face."Focus your spiritual power and instantly blow it up, dealing direct mental damage to the other party.
If the spirit power of the caster is several times stronger than the other party's, it can also cause chaos to the other party's mind.
It is a very powerful move.I really didn't expect that my sister-in-law would be able to do something like this.
Does she intend to throw my mind into chaos, or does she hope that I'll be as crushed as that chair?
Unfortunately, the elemental energy she lost on this continent had already weakened so many powerful moves.
Otherwise, if I had been caught off-guard, I would have suffered such a blow."It is clear that You-Know-Who, who has fought with the four great clans often, is no stranger to this move."I don't think your mental strength is that weak.
After all, you're still a so-called high-ranking demon.
You should be the middle-ranked demon that you mentioned when you returned to your original form!
However, it seems like you don't know us as well as you do.
At the very least, you're like this to me!" Lu Chengfeng noticed that Yi Fulian had made a move first.
His first move meant that he had made a mistake.
He was worried that Yi Fulian would immediately take a small step left, blocking Yi Fulian's entire body behind him.Seeing that the mysterious man hadn't made a move, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.
He turned his hand and pinched Yi Fulian's thigh.
He sensed that something was wrong, and realized that the person behind him was no longer the real Yi Fulian.Behind him were only Yi Fulian's shadow warriors.
The real Yi Fulian must have already disappeared, and was waiting for an opportunity to move.
This was also one of the terrifying aspects of shadow-type assassins."That's right.
I'm the first demon to enter this continent, and I don't know you as well as I do.
However, I've seen the abilities of shadow-type assassins in my previous battles, and I've fought them as well.""Sister-in-law is capable of doing something like this, so my confidence in you guys will be even greater.
In fact, you will definitely help us with this, won't you?"After his initial shock, the mysterious cultivator didn't attack.
Instead, his words carried a feeling of confidence.
Lu Chengfeng didn't respond.
Right now, he was most worried about where Yi Fulian was hiding.
If he attacked, would Yi Fulian be hurt?His mind was still calculating how he would be able to protect her as soon as Yi Fulian attacked."Guild Leader Lu, think about it.
As long as you help us return to the Demon Realm, it will take some time for us to fully recover our strength, won't it?
During this period of time, we won't be able to return to seek revenge from you.
You can find a place to hide and hide your name.
Even if we come back to seek revenge, we won't be able to stay here for too long.
It's still a question whether we can find you, isn't it?
If you refuse to help us, we can still absorb some people's spiritual energy to replenish our strength.
From another perspective, you'll be able to complete your family's mission of protecting this continent, right?" You-Know-Who said in a tone filled with temptationful laughter."You have the ability to go back on your own, don't you?
Also, don't you have a family in the four great clans?
Why are you looking for us?" Lu Chengfeng was still worried about Yi Fulian as he spoke without saying a word."We found a passage back to the Demon Realm.
Who would have thought that the passageway that we had searched for hundreds of years was actually the sealed four-sided formation that sealed us back then.
It's the deeper part of the Ghastly Cry Forest that people are talking about.
There's a cave there, and the deeper part of that cave is the passageway to the Demon Realm.However, just as we were about to enter the Ghost's Tears Forest to look for that cave, we found a barrier around the outskirts of the forest.
This barrier was something that the demons couldn't enter.
My body was sent back to its original form after I touched the barrier.
Moreover, I couldn't replenish my strength on this continent, so I still couldn't return to my human form."Thus, we found a way to lure one of your four great clans' descendants into the cave.
From what he said, we knew where the cave was.
We also knew that the core of the cave was in the depths of the cave.
Thus, the two of you are the only ones left."The You-Know-Who's expression starts from resentment to laughter at the end.
The speed of his transformation is truly astonishing.While You-Know-Who was laughing loudly, a cold light suddenly flashed behind him.
He immediately leapt into the air, and his figure had already disappeared into thin air.
At the same time, Yi Fulian slowly appeared where You-Know-Who had just disappeared.
There was a faint green glow on the edge of his wrist, indicating his fatality.The greenish-black liquid dripped down the edge of the blade onto the wooden floor.
With a squeak, the wooden floor was instantly corroded into a hole, turning into a cloud of mist and dissipating into the air.I've made my move.
Are the two archenemies who have been fighting for so many years finally going to fight?
In this land of divine forsaken, which side will win?
Is it the demons who have taken advantage of the racial talent skill, or...