Dragon Ring Adventures

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Chapter 3

Zhang Jianfu held the command medallion in his hand, and a split second later.She took out the ginseng from her sleeve, bit hard, and swallowed it down.A wave of heat immediately rose in her stomach, and she crawled up like a bug.Regardless, Zhang Jianfu heard more and more urgent knocking on the door.
He stuffed the token back into his sleeves, grabbed the ginseng with both hands, and began to bite hard.After three tries, he swallowed half of the ginseng.As soon as the ginseng entered his body, it turned into hot air and rampaged through his meridians.The muscles bulged like bubbles.In less than ten breaths of time, Zhang Jianfu's face seemed to be standing next to a bonfire.
It was flushed red, and his chest was even radiating a red halo that dyed the entire room red.Zhang Jianfu felt extremely uncomfortable.
His body felt like it was bitten by thousands of ants, and he felt like something was crawling out of his body, but he couldn't find an exit.His hands and feet couldn't help but hop around, wanting to vent out the heat in his body.Although the ginseng that had just been swallowed was only half a ginseng, it had a thousand-year-old medicinal efficacy.
Zhang Jianfu's actions were far from unravelable.The medicinal efficacy that had nowhere to vent could only expand in the veins and veins.First, it went from Ren Pulse, then to the Overwatch Meridian, and then slowly entered the twelve meridians.Although it had doubled in size, the medicinal efficacy was still extremely strong.
It was like a continuous wave, surging violently.Zhang Jianfu felt as if he had died once.
He wanted to roar, but his consciousness was half-conscious.The clothes on her body were soaked in sweat again and again, and they could be carried out of the water.His entire being had turned from standing to lying on the ground.As he struggled, his forehead fell on the brick, and blood seeped out from his face, into his neck, and then to his chest.
The ring hanging in front of his chest was dyed red.The moment the ring sucked in blood, it turned red and snapped with a bang.Then something happened, and the ring slowly opened itself.The carved dragon statue came alive.
The dragon's eyes blinked twice, then the clouds on the ring shrank into the dragon's body, leaving only the shape of a divine dragon.
Then, the dragon's body moved, crawling towards the bloodstains.When the stream of blood filled the mouth of the dragon, it flew up and spat out a white pearl, which then drilled into Zhang Jianfu's dantian.As the dragon slowly shrunk into dust, it drilled into the space between Zhang Caifu's eyebrows and disappeared.Strangely, no traces were left behind.As soon as the white pearl entered Zhang Jianfu's dantian, it immediately sucked in the medicinal efficacy in his meridians, and the halo on his body gradually weakened.Zhang Jianfu's consciousness also became clearer and clearer.He felt as if he had placed his hand on the Qi Test Stone again.
Countless rays of starlight fell into his eyes like rain.
Every time he saw a drop of rain, he felt that there was an additional drop in his meridians.Gradually, he saw large streams of spiritual Qi pouring out of his meridians and veins.
It was as if strands of spiritual Qi were rushing towards him like endless waves.This was a wonderful feeling.It was as if his entire body was soaked in hot water, and countless pairs of tender hands were gently pushing him.Zhang Jianfu had never felt this comfortable before.Zhang Jianfu felt as if he was a cow with boundless power.
At this time, he knew that he had successfully inhaled spiritual energy into his body.
From then on, he was a cultivator.The rumbling sound jolted Zhang Jianfu out of his daze.
He opened his eyes and looked.
With a bang, the door slammed open, and then he fell to the ground."Zhang Jianfu, you're at home.
Why didn't you open the door?
Are you tired of living?"Lingbo stared at Zhang Jianfu's face with his eyes wide open in astonishment.After a long time, he asked, "Did you eat my ginseng?"His nose smelled the fragrance, and Zhang Jianfu's stench soon stopped.Instantly, it was as if he had lost his mind, and he was furious.
He threw a punch at Zhang Caifu's forehead and said, "Did you find that ginseng and eat it?
Then I'll kill you and drink your blood."Zhang Jianfu stared blankly at Lingbo's fist and instinctively raised his right hand to block it.THUMP!
Lingbo frowned in pain as his fist slammed into Zhang Jianfu's arm.
It felt as if it had been struck by an iron tool, causing a bone-piercing pain."I originally wanted to spare your dog life to earn some money for me, but now it seems that there's no need for that."Lingbo stared intently at Zhang Jianfu.
Then, he took a bow stance and thrust his right hand into Zhang Jianfu's chest, while his left hand swung out a fist, aiming straight at Zhang Jianfu's head.The sharp fists and fast knives came.Zhang Jianfu's eyes widened.
He didn't know how to deal with the incoming fists.Lingbo's fist thumped, forcing him back three steps, and coincidentally avoided Lingbo's left fist.The pain in his chest caused Zhang Jianfu to feel a surge of bloodlust.
He spat blood on the ground, then opened his hands and hugged Ling Bo Huan.
At the same time, he was incredibly shocked.
This was the martial skill that A Qiu had mentioned.
He couldn't allow him to use it.
Otherwise, he would die in his hands.Lingbo sneered and avoided Zhang Jianfu's attack.
Then, he raised his right fist and placed it on Zhang Jianfu's back.Zhang Jianfu took a step forward and nearly fell to the ground.His eyes immediately turned red like the eyes of a cow, and he waved his hand towards Ling Bo.Lingbo reached out with his left hand and grabbed Zhang Jianfu's arm.
Then, he swung his right hand backwards and aimed it at his elbow, intending to cripple Zhang Jianfu's hand with a single punch.Just then, Zhang Jianfu suddenly turned around and kicked Lingbo's stomach with all his might.Lingbo was in so much pain that tears began to flow out of his eyes.
He took a step back and loosened his grip.
Zhang Jianfu seized the opportunity and threw a punch towards Lingbo's neck.Lingbo, who was wiping away his tears, didn't panic.
He looked at Zhang Jianfu's left leg and kicked him.Zhang Jianfu, who had been caught off guard, immediately crawled to the ground.Lingbo raised his foot and stomped on Zhang Caifu's back.Zhang Jianfu rolled away with all his might and avoided a kick, but his stomach didn't dodge.
Zhang Jianfu jumped up in pain, but Lingbo managed to stop him."Kid, I'm going to trample you to death!"Lingbo gritted his teeth and said ferociously.After saying that, he raised his foot and sent another kick.Zhang Jianfu stared at the huge foot that had fallen like a pillar and went mad.
He grabbed Lingbo's leg, opened his mouth, and ripped off a piece.Unexpectedly, Lingbo almost fell to the ground.Zhang Jianfu seized the opportunity to hold Lingbo's feet with both hands and forcefully lift them up, knocking Lingbo to the ground.
Then, he leapt forward, wanting to bite Lingbo's neck.Lingbo was so scared that he pushed Zhang Jianfu's shoulders with both hands.
Then, he shifted his foot and kicked Zhang Jianfu's chest, and then jumped up.Zhang Jianfu, who had taken a step forward, stood up with both hands on the ground.
Then, he lifted his head to the top of the turbulent wave.
His hands hugged Lingbo's waist tightly, and then he roared and pushed forward with great force.Lingbo struggled desperately, but was still pressed against the wall by Zhang Jianfu's brute force.
He couldn't breathe, so he could only raise his fists and slam them into Zhang Jianfu's back.Having been punched a few times, Zhang Jianfu couldn't stand it any longer.
Taking advantage of the moment when Ling Bo was swinging his fist, he forcefully threw Lingbo to the ground.Then she wanted to stand up again and try again.As for Lingbo, he slammed his palm onto Zhang Jianfu's neck and loosened his grip.
Lingbo raised his leg and kicked Zhang Jianfu several steps away.In a fluster, Zhang Jianfu saw the bricks on the ground.
He picked up a brick and threw it towards Overwave.Lingbo casually dodged backwards.
Unexpectedly, he happened to be on the head of the pit.Zhang Jianfu took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and grab a brick.
Then, he leapt onto Lingbo's body and slammed it on Lingbo's head.Fresh blood immediately filled the entire room.Sensing the thickness of his hands, Zhang Jianfu finally regained his senses.
He stared at the bloody tides and cried out in pain.The resentment that he had been suppressing for the past four years leaked out from his heart.
After a long time, he was tired from crying.
He looked at the blood on the ground and vomited continuously."No, I'll try to bury him."Zhang Jianfu looked at the empty room and was in trouble again."Brother Caifu, you're at home.
"At this moment, A Qiu rushed in, covered in dust.
He stared at the blood on the ground and Lingbo's corpse, and was stunned speechless for a long time."Help me bury him."Zhang Jianfu took off his bloody clothes and pointed at the bloodstains on the ground.A Qiu was stunned.
He turned around and helped the door up.
Then, he took off his shirt and wiped away the blood on the ground.
He looked at Ling Bo's corpse and asked, "How do we deal with him?"Zhang Jianfu thought for a while.
"When the blood is wiped away, go and steal some sacks for me.
We'll throw him into the canal tonight."After working hard for half a day, the two of them finally cleaned up and carried the corpse to another room.
Zhang Jianfu gave all of his money to A Qiu and asked him to go out and buy something.After A Qiu returned with the sack, the two of them placed the corpse back inside.When the sky darkened, the two of them tossed them into the canal and laughed loudly.A Qiu gnawed on the steamed bun he had just bought and joked, "Zhang Jianfu, how dare you kill Wang Daren's uncle-in-law?"Zhang Jianfu laughed in disapproval and said, "That Lingbo is just a b*stard.
How could he be Wang Daren's uncle-in-law?" Wang Daren, the shop in the eight cities of Yan Ri City, was his.A Qiu looked around in alarm, and then pulled Zhang Jianfu into an empty alley, "You don't know?"Zhang Jianfu looked at A Qiu in bewilderment.
He didn't know why he was making such a big fuss out of nothing.
"What do you know?""It's over, it's over, it's really over this time."After a long while, he wiped away his tears and began to speak in detail.Lingbo was originally a disciple of a small family, and his family fortune had been ruined because of the gambling stake.
There was a younger sister named Ling Chuner.
Lingbo would rather starve outside than let his younger sister eat good food.
One day, when he lost money in the Fiery Sun Casino, he was beaten half to death.
After learning about this, Ling Chuner begged the people at the gambling den to give him a way out.Coincidentally, Wang Dashan, the owner of the Flaming Sun Casino, took a fancy to it.
He became a concubine and gave Lingbo a sum of money.
Therefore, not many people knew about this matter.Lingbo relied on the power of Wang Dashan to domineering deeds in Yan Ri City, becoming famous for his shamelessness."What are you afraid of?
You're the only one who knows about this.
Besides, I can absorb spiritual energy now.
After a while, Yan Huozong will come and take in a disciple.
As long as we pass, Wang Dashan will know everything.
What can he do to us?"Zhang Jianfu recalled how he felt after eating the thousand-year ginseng during the day and patted his chest domineeringly.A Qiu, on the other hand, had a long face and said in a daze, "Do you have fifty yuan for the registration fee alone?"Zhang Jianfu jumped up in shock.
"What fifty yuan?""That's right.
Otherwise, do you think that disciple from the Flaming Flame Sect is so tolerant?"A Qiu looked at the moon with a troubled expression and said, "I came to find you because I heard about this."Fifty Essence.
For Zhang Jianfu alone, he could think of a way, but two hundred Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence was a difficult task.The excitement of revenge quickly drowned out the worry.