Evil Fist

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Chapter 148

While Liuxie was smug with his words, he suddenly laughed out loud.
Then, his face filled with fear, he said in a trembling voice, "Heavenly tribulation!?
How could you have integrated heavenly tribulation into martial arts?
This is impossible, this is impossible!" Liuxie exclaimed in shock.
However, he heard a loud explosion between the two of them, causing them to both retreat seven or eight steps..Liujiayun retreated seven or eight steps, but his footing was unsteady.
Luckily, Yun Chaosheng had stepped forward to support him.
Liuxie had also retreated seven or eight steps, but he still stood there, unyielding.
It could be seen that his strength was strong, but blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his face was filled with disbelief as he stammered, "How is this possible?!
Heavenly tribulation is heaven's punishment.
How can a mere mortal like you do it?".Liuxie also took seven or eight steps back, but he still stood there, unyielding.
It could be seen that his strength was formidable, but blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.
His face was filled with disbelief.
He said in a shaky voice, "How is this possible?
Heavenly tribulation is heaven's punishment.
How can a mortal like you do it?"Liujia slowly stood up, chuckled, and said indifferently, "With the God's Sorrow's Eye and the evolution process of the five elements back to the origin, it can be transformed into heavenly tribulation.
It is meant to represent the heavens and punish those who abuse the five elements of the dao in order to commit crimes!
These are images from the twelve heaven-reaching pillars that I have comprehended.
I call these heavenly tribulations used by humans 'five elements tribulations'?".Liujia slowly stood up, chuckled, and said indifferently, "The God's Sorrow's Eye and the process of returning to the origin of the five elements can transform into heavenly tribulations, which are meant to punish those who abuse the five elements of the Dao in order to commit crimes!
These are images that I've derived from the twelve heaven-reaching pillars.
I call these heavenly tribulations created by humans 'five elements tribulations'?"Liujia looked at Liuxie's astonished gaze and continued, "Liuxie, how many days has it been since you were defeated by this heavenly tribulation?"Liuxie smiled pitifully, "Heavenly tribulation, haha!
Fifteen years later, this old man will be defeated by this heavenly tribulation again.
It seems like the day has come, and he will die without regrets?"After Liuxie said this, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.
Then, his acupoints began to crackle and crackle.
Zhou's body was also covered in lightning and flint.
It seemed that he had suffered a backlash from the five elements of strength in his body.
When everyone saw the change in the Heavenly Tribulation, they all widened their eyes in surprise.
They didn't even move.
It was clear that they were shocked by the Heavenly might.Moments later, he regained his composure, only to see Liuxie's last breath of true energy.
His endurance could be seen.
Liuxie stared blankly at the throne in front of him, a faint smile on his face.
Then, he suddenly began to slowly walk upwards.
As soon as he approached the throne, the guards around Zhong Yuanwang pulled out their weapons and stopped him.Zhong Yuanwang looked at Liuxie, who was covered in blood, and suddenly waved his hand.
The guards quickly withdrew their weapons and slowly made way for him.However, Liuxie didn't even bother to look at the people around him.
He continued to take heavy steps upwards, as if he only had the throne of the Central Plains in his eyes, and everything around him seemed to be nothing.Liuxie slowly took a step forward.
As he passed the stairs, blood began to flow down the stairs.
It wasn't until Liuxie sat down on the throne that he had been looking forward to for a long time that he finally smiled and tilted his head.
Then, he left his hand behind.Zhong Yuanwang glanced meaningfully at Liuxie's corpse on the throne and sighed, "Sigh!
Perhaps this is the long-awaited return of this generation of ambitious heroes?" Everyone looked at Liuxie, who was about to die, but was still thinking about the throne.
All of them sighed.
It seemed that greed and ambition were the best weapon to kill.."Big Brother Liu, what's wrong?
Wake up!" Just as everyone's attention was focused on Liuxie, Qing Xiuer suddenly let out a heart-wrenching cry.Everyone quickly turned to look, only to see that Liujia had already fainted.
His face was as pale as paper.Yun Chao was stunned.
He hurriedly used his Qi to match Liujia's heart, but his true energy was resisted by Liujia's Five Elements Qi.
After a long time, Yun Chao finally stopped and shook his head and sighed.Everyone hurriedly asked, but Yunchao sighed and said, "The energy in his body is chaotic, but his true energy is abundant.
It doesn't look like he was seriously injured.
However, when I probed my true energy into his mind, I realized that it was a chaotic mess.
Thinking about it, I really did respond to Senior Qing's words in the past.
If I overuse the God's Sorrow Eye, I will definitely retaliate!
It seems that Liujia has overused the God's Sorrow Eye to defeat Liu Xie this time.
His spiritual energy is extremely lacking, and I'm afraid he will die.
I won't be able to wake up again, will I?".Everyone hurriedly asked what to do, but Yunchao sighed and said, "The energy in his body is chaotic, but his true energy is abundant.
It doesn't look like he's seriously injured.
However, when I probed my true energy into his mind, I discovered that it was a chaotic mess.
Thinking about it, I really did respond to Senior Qing's previous words: If I overuse the God's Sorrow's Eye, I will eventually retaliate!
It seems that Liujia has overused the God's Sorrow's Eye in order to defeat Liu Xie this time.
His spiritual energy is extremely lacking, and I'm afraid he'll lose his brain, so he won't be able to wake up again?"Qing Xiuer immediately panicked, "No, how is this possible?
Big Brother Liu, wake up!
Didn't you agree to Xiuer's request?
After this matter is settled, you'll accompany Xiuer on a journey around the world, using the five elements technique to treat all the people in the world?
How can you not keep your words?
How can you just go to sleep like this?!
Hurry up and wake up!
Father is gone, Uncle Wang is gone.
Are you going to go as well?
Do you have the heart to leave Xiuer alone and be alone?" Qing Xiuer's cries rang out, and he was already in tears..Seeing this, Fengming immediately broke down in tears, "Young master, we're already confident that we'll win due to the sudden change.
Why would Big Brother Liu want to challenge Liuxie alone?
He's so stupid, so why would you agree to his terms?"Yunchao looked up at the sky and sighed, "Fengming, how do you know that victory was in our hands at that time?
But if Liuxie insisted on leaving, who would be able to stop him?
If Liuxie were to leave this time, it would be difficult for him to deal with him in the future!
So Liujia had no choice but to provoke him and lure him into a decisive battle?".Yunchao looked up at the sky and sighed, "Fengming, how could you possibly know that victory was in our hands at that time?
But if Liuxie insisted on leaving, who would be able to stop him?
If Liuxie were to leave this time, it would be difficult for him to deal with him in the future!
That's why Liujia had no choice but to provoke him and lure him into a decisive battle?"Yunchao paused for a moment, then continued, "In fact, Liujia didn't want Liuxie to use the Five Elements Transformation move.
Instead, he wanted to use this battle to use the Five Elements Transformation move to counter Liuxie's Five Elements Transformation move and defeat it with the power of heavenly tribulation!
Liujia also used the Dual Blades Sword to protect the peace in the Central Plains from Liuxie's massacre.
He used these two methods to fight Liuxie.Thinking about how Liujia was so wise and righteous, putting his own safety at risk.
Even though he knew that he wouldn't be able to avoid the Five Elements tribulation, he still stood up without any scruples.
Fengming, how could you call him an idiot?Yunchao finished speaking in one breath.
Then, he let out a heavy sigh.
However, the depression in his heart had subsided.
He glanced respectfully at Liujia, who was still unconscious, and then sighed deeply.
Fengming furrowed his brows and gnashed his red lips.
As he looked at the unconscious Liujia, tears began to roll down his cheeks.When they saw each other again, they all sighed and felt sad.For a moment, the hall was unusually quiet.
However, at this time, Qing Xiuer suddenly heard a shout, "I understand.
I know how to save Big Brother Liu.
I believe that the five elements technique is the ability to save people.
I will definitely be able to save Big Brother Liu.
I will definitely bring him back to the earth of the five elements.
I also need to practice the five elements energy.
I will definitely be able to save Big Brother Liu, right?".For a moment, the hall was unusually quiet.
But at this time, Qing Xiuer suddenly heard a shout, "I know.
I know how to save Big Brother Liu.
I think that the five elements technique is the ability to save people.
I will definitely be able to save Big Brother Liu.
I must bring him back to the earth of the five elements.
I also need to practice the five elements energy.
I will definitely be able to save Big Brother Liu."Qing Xiuer stared blankly at Liujia and murmured, "When you wake up, the two of us will travel around the world and use this five-element magic to treat all the people in the world, so that they won't suffer any more injuries or pain?"Upon hearing that, Yunchao's heart tightened, and a new ray of hope appeared in his heart.
He looked solemnly at Qing Xiu'er and said, "Miss Xiu'er, don't worry.
Even if the earth has been submerged by the rolling yellow sands, there is still a sliver of hope that it can save Liujia.
Even if the entire Martial Forest Sect is affected, I, Yunchao, will definitely get rid of all the yellow sands?".Upon hearing this, Yunchao's heart tightened, as if a new hope was ignited in his heart.
He looked solemnly at Qing Xiu'er and said, "Miss Xiu'er, don't worry.
Even if the Five Elements Great Earth has been submerged in rolling yellow sand, there is still a sliver of hope that it can save Liujia.
Even if I can mobilize the entire Martial Forest Sect's power, I, Yunchao, will definitely be able to get rid of all the yellow sand?"When Old Taishan and the others heard this, they also said in unison, "If you want to take out the yellow sand, don't forget about us."Zhong Yuanwang slowly arrived in front of everyone and sincerely said, "Liujia is a true hero as well.
But if there's a sliver of hope that we can wake him up, I won't sit idly by.
If there's anything I need help with, please bring it up, all of you."Qing Xiuer's face was filled with tears as he listened.
He looked around and saw that everyone was smiling sincerely.A little while later, Qing Xiuer looked at the pale-faced man in his arms.
Her hands slowly slid down Liujia's cheeks, caressing his lips and neck.
This was the first time she had ever been so close to this man, and she suddenly felt incredibly excited.
Incomparably blissful, she murmured, "Big Brother Liu, I will definitely wake you up.
Must I?".A little while later, Qing Xiuer glanced at the pale-faced man in his arms.
Her hands slowly slid down Liujia's cheeks, caressing his lips and neck.
This was the first time she had ever been so close to this man, and she suddenly felt incredibly excited.
Incredibly blissful, she murmured, "Big Brother Liu, I will definitely wake you up.
Must I?"Qing Xiuer muttered to himself as he slowly raised his head.
His beautiful eyes widened as he looked into the distance.
It was as if he saw the Five Elements Formation and hope.Evil fist hilt:(Previous article)Thirty years later, Zhong Yuanwang's violent death caused the world to be in chaos.
The various dukedoms took advantage of the chaos to rise, and many clubs and alliances began to rise.
In a short period of time, war broke out in all directions, and endless slaughter ensued.
The people were no longer talking about life and death, and had truly reached a terrifying and tragic era.This was the so-called 'chaos'!
There was definitely going to be 'chaos'!Dusk, Huangsand Town.Why was this town called the Huangsand Town?
It was only because of the desert where the town was located, on the edge of the desert.A group of people sat in the center of the town's market.
In the middle of the crowd, an old scholar was sitting on the platform.
He patted the wooden tree and shocked the four.
The scholar's tone was mixed as he slowly said: "There is a female devil in this mountain.
She has committed countless crimes and murders in her life.
She actually used human corpses to refine gus, causing the people to not talk about life and anger the heavens!
It was said that the heavenly net was broad and sparse, but it was not leaked.
In the end, the three heroes in the Central Plains found out that the three of them had experienced many hardships and experienced countless hardships.
In the end, they finally exposed the evil deeds of the evil woman, but it caused the evil woman to become angry and angry.The three warriors have experienced nine deaths and died in the end.
Apart from one misfortune in the Wulin, this is also the right sentence: good and evil will be repaid in the end.
It's not that there is no return, but it is that time has not yet arrived.
"The scholar changed the topic and continued: "Let's talk about these three heroes, they are all amazing people.
One cyan-robed man, relying on a sword alone, is a famous hero from more than thirty years ago, the master of the Heavenly Sword Mountain Village, the green-robed guest.
The other one, dressed in white all year round, is even more superior than the green-robed swordsman.
He is the previous head of the Wulin School, Yun Chao.
Moreover, this last one seems to be completely different from the two first, but also righteous and evil.
There are five fierce scars on his chest, and his eyes are for some reason full of sadness..The scholar changed the topic and continued: "Let's talk about these three warriors, they are all extraordinary people.
One cyan-robed man, relying on a sword alone, is a famous hero from more than 30 years ago, the master of the Heavenly Sword Mountain Village, the green-robed guest.
This other one, dressed in white all year round, is even more skilled than the green-robed swordsman.
He is the previous head of the Wulin Sect, Yun Chao.
Moreover, this last one doesn't seem to be the first two, but also righteous and evil.
There are five fierce scars on his chest, and his eyes are for some reason full of sadness.The scholar said in a daze, and his words were vivid.
All the listeners below the stage listened attentively, and their hearts surged with the strange events that Liujia had experienced.When the scholar talked about how Liujia and the others had eliminated the evil woman in order to get rid of all the troubles in the Jianghu, the guests were all excited and applauded.
When the scholar finally spoke of Liujia's "eyes of God's Sorrow" "turning the tides and shockingly capturing Liuxie.
In the end, the guests were all excited and full of energy.
But when the scholar said that Liujia was extremely lacking in spiritual power but suffered a backlash of his own, the guests shook their heads and sighed..Listening to the guests' conversation, even more people were concerned about Liujia's life or death.
However, at this moment, everyone below the stage was looking forward to the story being told by the scholar.However, hearing the sound of awakening wood, the scholar sang: "want to know what will happen later and listen to the dissecting?"The listener below the platform was just about to hear the excitement, how could he be willing to do it?
One after another, they surrounded the scholar and asked, "Sir, don't keep secrets this time.
Quickly tell us, the hero surnamed Liu, will he die in the end?""Yes, hurry up and tell us!
Sir?" The listeners all begged.The scholar gently shook his head, sighed, and said, "This time, I didn't keep you guys in suspense, but in fact, I didn't know about it?"When they heard this, all of them felt refreshed.
They felt as though they had swallowed something, but they couldn't do anything about it.
Since the scholar didn't know about it, there was no point in asking any further.
Just as they were about to disperse, they suddenly saw the billowing sands of wind and the endless clamoring.
Someone shouted, "This is bad!
Luo Chawang is here!
Everyone, run!"The Rakshasa Gang had been in constant conflict recently.
They were an evil gang that had taken advantage of the chaos.
They raped, plundered, killed, and set fire.
They really had committed all sorts of crimes.
Their leader, Luo Chawang, was a devil who killed without batting an eyelid.
He had made himself the king and never cared about the lives of his people.In short, in this era, power and power were the standard for measuring a person.
So, in this era, killing was very normal.With that shout, the people in the crowd wanted to disperse and escape, but they didn't have time.
Luo Chawang's troops really came quickly.
Not long later, they had surrounded the group of people.Then, a tall and sturdy man with a bearded face slowly approached the crowd.
He was none other than the evil Luo Chawang.
Luo Chawang smiled sinisterly as he stared at the group of people, "What the hell are you guys running for?
Are you going to capture a strong servant for me?"As soon as they heard this, all of them were horrified, and their bodies trembled in fear.
Luo Chawang had gone to build a palace for him, and there were countless people who had died of exhaustion and illness.
Therefore, it could be said that Luo Chawang had entered the gates of Hell's Gate, so how could these people not be shocked?Then, a man stepped forward and begged, "Daiwang, I still have an eighty-year-old mother at home!
Please let me go!
If I leave, she won't be able to live anymore!"If you thought Luo Chawang had the slightest bit of pity, then you were absolutely wrong.Luo Chawang stared coldly at the man.
Then, he saw a burly man walking over and chopping off the man's head with a single slash.
Blood spurted everywhere, like a fountain.
For a moment, everyone trembled in fear.
The timid man actually peed his pants on the spot.Luo Chawang nodded in satisfaction, and then said fiercely, "Which one of you dares to refuse to speak too much?
Is this a role model?""My King, there seems to be someone in this straw hut?" Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.Hearing that, Luo Chawang frowned.
He took a few steps forward and ordered his men to surround the hut.
He looked inside, only to see a black hole.
How could he see anything?
He immediately cursed, "Who is hiding inside?
Who dares not come out to see me?
Hurry up and come out!"Luo Chawang's shout had truly shocked everyone present.
However, the people in the hut didn't come out.
Instead, there was a burst of contemptuous laughter.
It was clear that there were people in the hut, and they didn't care about Luo Chawang.(Last volume)Luo Chawang let out a horrified roar, but no one came out from the hut.
Instead, there was a burst of contemptuous laughter.
It was obvious that there were people in the hut, and that they didn't care about Luo Chawang.Luo Chawang's face immediately turned red, and he was clearly infuriated.
In this chaotic battle, power was equal to everything.
Until now, no one had dared to ignore Luo Chawang's words, and even let out such a contemptuous sneer.
How could Luo Chawang not be angry?
As soon as he was enraged, killing intent could be seen in his eyes.Even though Luo Chawang's eyes flickered, two of his subordinates, who didn't know whether they were dead or alive, lifted their knives and rolled through the window."Huh?" Two miserable screams came from the hut.
Luo Chawang thought that his subordinates had succeeded, and he couldn't help but smirk.However, at this moment, two muffled thuds rang out.
Suddenly, two figures flew out from the straw cottage and heavily fell to the ground, stirring up a patch of yellow sand.Everyone looked over.
It was the two subordinates who had entered the hut earlier.
However, they were already covered in blood and were already dead.Luo Chawang frowned and said in embarrassment, "Which demon?
Brothers, charge in and chop him up.
I want to drink his blood this time?"With Luo Chawang's order, his subordinates all released their weapons.
For a moment, cold rays of light shot out.
Following a shout, they all rushed into the hut."Bang?" "Ah?" Instantly, sounds of battle and screams filled the meadow.
But how could such a meadow house withstand so many people's torments?
With the sound of creaking, the meadow house immediately collapsed.
With a fierce wind, sand began to rise in all directions.Everyone couldn't open their eyes when the sand blew.
They used their hands to cover the sand.
Luo Chawang didn't stand out and quickly raised his hands to cover the sand.
It wasn't until the wind was slightly smaller that they slowly put down their hands that were covering their eyes and opened them again.Everyone looked over and saw that the place where the grass hut collapsed was still covered in dust, but one could vaguely make out a figure.
He stood there quietly, motionless, as if he was a statue.
When the dust gradually dissipated, they saw a thin man with a face full of beard, staring at Luo Chawang with his sorrowful eyes.Luo Chawang shivered from being stared at by this man.
He hurriedly retreated.Luo Chawang's body was tall and sturdy to begin with, and when compared to that man, he was actually half a body taller than that man.
Even so, seeing how many of his subordinates had fallen to the ground, blood spurted out of his mouth.
He knew that this man's subordinates had been injured, and he was extremely flustered.
He didn't dare to step forward rashly.
He couldn't help but ask Baba, "Who are you?".Even so, Luo Chawang saw how many of his subordinates had fallen to the ground.
Blood gushed out like a fountain, and he knew that this man's subordinates had been injured.
He was truly flustered and didn't dare to step forward.
He couldn't help but ask Baba, "Who are you?"The man did not reply to him, and continued to stare at him coldly, his eyes filled with sorrow."Swish ~ ~" a harsh cold wind blew, fiercely will be the black top of the man lifted, in this man's chest, actually revealed five hideous scars.
The people in the audience saw it, all changed color and were shocked.Luo Chawang's eyes widened, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
He said in horror, "Five or five scars?!
Who are you?!"The man sneered, but in the end he opened his mouth: "let me answer you with my fists?" As soon as the man said that, he shook his body and immediately arrived in front of Luo Chawang.
But hearing several muffled sounds, accompanied by a scream, Luo Chawang had been sent flying.No one could see clearly how the man approached Luo Chawang, nor could they see how the man attacked.
However, they could all vaguely see that in that instant, the man's body had transformed into the shape of five ferocious beasts.Looking at Luo Chawang, he was truly valiant.
After struggling for just a few moments, he slowly stood up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and widened his eyes in surprise.At this moment, the man's back was facing Luo Chawang.
He didn't even look at Luo Chawang again, as if he didn't exist, or as if he were already dead.
But Luo Chawang had already stood up, so how could he possibly die?But at this moment, Luo Chawang's massive body suddenly froze.
Veins popped up all over his body, and his face instantly flushed red.
His entire body began to swell up, becoming twice as large.
His bloodshot eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the man's silhouette.
He shivered in fear, "Five, five, one, one, one, one?"Suddenly, with a loud bang, Luo Chawang's body exploded violently, and the first half of his body exploded from the inside out.
His flesh and blood were badly mutilated, and blood splattered everywhere.
However, at this moment, Luo Chawang's lower half actually took two steps forward before falling heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust and dust.Seeing such a horrifying scene, the members of the Rakshasa Gang were already trembling in fear.
Their faces were ashen.
Looking at that man, it was as if they had seen a ghost.
How could he still dare to stay here?
A strange cry rang out, as if he had gone insane and fled for his life.The man didn't care and allowed the group of people to scatter and flee.
Perhaps he thought that Luo Chawang, the extremely vicious and vicious person, had died, and that this group of disorderly people had long lost their reputation!Seeing Luo Chawang fall to the ground, the man slowly walked out of the street.A gust of wind blew over, raising a patch of yellow sand and covering the man's figure.
When the wind stopped the sand, the man had already disappeared.Everyone was stunned by the bloody scene.
After a long time, they finally regained their senses.
They knew that this man had been the one who had escaped from death.
Thus, they all fell to the ground and bowed in the direction of the man.
They were grateful for his saving grace.Someone looked at Luo Chawang's miserable state and scolded, "This evil thief didn't commit any evil deeds when he was alive.
Didn't he just cause a speck of dust after his death?
It seems that evil things can't be done in the end.
Is there a day that I watch?""It's Liujia.
He didn't die.
Our poor savior has returned!
Is the hero really not dead?" Many people shouted.Thus, someone asked the scholar, "Sir, look at that hero.
There are five scars on his chest, but his eyes are filled with a faint sadness.
Could it really be Liu Jiada Hero?
Is he really still alive?"The scholar also had a face of confusion: "but after 30 years, if the hero is still alive, at least he should be an old man in his sixties!
How can he be so young?
"Some people even made a epiphany, slapped their heads, and immediately shouted, "Perhaps he's the son of that hero?""How is that possible?" Another person refuted, "If that's the case, how do you explain the five sinister scars on his chest?"A gust of wind whistled past, accompanied by yellow sand, annihilating the words below.(end)I'mLater:Several years later, the Five Element Evil Fists gradually declined, but as a result, they were divided into three other fist techniques:The Tiger Shattering Bone and the Leopard Shattering Inners were passed down by the people of the Wolffang Clan.
They were called the Wolffang Fist.
"The Crane Wind Blades" were passed down by the South Dipper Polar Star lineage.
They were called the South Dipper Waterbird Fist.
As for the Dragon Point Point and the Snake's Vein, they were passed down by the Big Dipper Heavenly Jiao.
They have been named the Big Dipper God's Fist for nearly a thousand years now.
However, in order to remember the founding and transformation of the Liu Clan's fist technique, there are still people who call this set of fist techniques "the Liu Clan's Big Dipper Divine Fist!".The Tiger Shattering Bone and the Leopard Shattering Inners were passed down by people from the Wolffang Clan.
They were called the Wolffang Fist.
"The Crane Wind Blades" were passed down by the South Dipper Polar Star lineage, and they were called the South Dipper Waterbird Fist.
As for the Dragon Point Point Point and the Snake's Vein, they were passed down by the Big Dipper Heavenly Pill lineage.
They have been named the Big Dipper Divine Fist for nearly a thousand years now.
However, in order to remember the founding and transformation of the Liu Clan's fist technique, there are still people who call this set of fist techniques "the Liu Clan's Big Dipper Divine Fist!"From then on, it came to an end.[complete text]