Laughing and Embracing Beautiful Men

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Chapter 5

"Your Majesty, Ju Cijun's body is just too weak.
In addition, he has been depressed for a long time.
His body has always been weak, and he didn't receive any timely treatment at the early stage of his illness.
That's why his condition is so serious.
I can only prescribe some medicine to relieve the heat first.
If I can get rid of the heat tonight, it shouldn't be too big of a problem.
I just need to nurse my body properly." The imperial physician who had been captured kept shivering under my stare.."Mhm, Hongzhi, go with the imperial physician to get the medicine.
As long as you can cure his illness, you can just take whatever medicine you need.
Of course..." Looking at the old woman trembling in front of her, am I that scary?
I like to be frightened, right?
I'm scared to death, so I'm going to keep talking."If anything happens to you, I want all of you to be buried together with the Imperial Institute of Medicine.
If you can't cure such a small illness, what's the use of raising you!"She turned around and no longer looked at them.
She counted in her heart.One!Two!Three!"plop""Splash!" "Your Majesty is benevolent!
I will do my best to protect you!"Seeing Zi Ruoshui fall into a coma after being drugged, my heart seemed to be relieved.?It's a dangerous period tonight, isn't it?
I'll just have to watch over him and take it as a form of atonement for her previous wrongdoings.
After all, there's no way we can tell each other clearly.."Hong Zui, let's see if those two in the imperial study are still kneeling and talking.
Tell them to get up and go back.
Tell them that chrysanthemum waits for the Lord at my place."I couldn't bear to see the two of them kneel, but I had to do it today.His hand gently caressed the small hand that was playing with the person on the bed.
It was as white as a jade sculpture and as translucent as crystal.
He could see the veins under his skin.
Oh, so thin.
Such a small body.
I don't know if it's very pleasurable to have a body like this inconstant on the bed.
kuo, where do I think I'm going?
Keep your mind.
Keep your mind.
Don't think.
Don't think.
Don't think....His hand gently caressed the small hand that was playing with the person on the bed.
It was as white as a jade sculpture and as translucent as crystal.
He could see veins under his skin.
Oh, so thin.
Such a small body.
Isn't it very enjoyable to have a body like this inconstant on the bed?
kuo, where do I think I am...
Keep your mind.
Keep your mind.
Don't think.
Don't think.
Don't think...Three months ago, the previous empress, Situ Feng, had passed away from her illness.
The crown princess, Situ Qingyan, had inherited her throne.
According to her ancestors, she should not be close to the color of meat and wine for three months.
Thus, she would be able to complete the ceremony after taking a bath.
She had no idea how Situ Qingyan had messed with his nerves.
Half a month ago, he suddenly had an urge to enter the Hall of Dim Chrysanthemum, and he insisted on being lucky.
However, the little fellow stubbornly refused to submit.
In fact, he threatened to die.
Situ Qingyan flicked his sleeves and left, saying, "Since you want to die so badly, go to the Reflection Hall and wait for your death.
No one is allowed to approach him without my permission.".Three months ago, the previous Empress Situ Tufengchao died of illness, and the Grand Maiden, the Grand Tutor, Qingyan, inherited his throne.
According to the ancestral rule, he shouldn't be close to the color of meat and wine for three months.
After taking a bath, he would be able to proceed with the ceremony.
He didn't know how Situ Qingyan had messed up with his nerves.
Half a month ago, he suddenly had an urge to go into the Hidden Chrysanthemum Hall.
He had to rush into the Hall of Chrysanthemum half a month ago in order to get close to Zi Rui, but this little fellow refused to comply.
He even threatened to die.
Situ Qingyan brushed his sleeves and left, leaving behind a sentence before he left.
"Since you want to die, go to the Reflection Hall and wait for your death.
No one is allowed to get close to him.""Your Majesty, when Zhu Cijun and Mei Cijun heard that Ju Cijun was in His Majesty's palace, they had to come in and visit him.
They're waiting outside the palace right now." Hongzhi's words interrupted my sleepiness."Ahem, let them in!" The men in my harem were so concerned about each other that they didn't even have a fight.
Shouldn't I be happy?"Blue Yu Xue, the Jade Spirit Xiao offended Heaven's Gate today.
Please punish him, Your Majesty." The one who spoke was still Lan Yu Xue.
The boy, Bi Ling Xiao, didn't even look at me.
He stared straight at the purple figure on the bed."Alright, stop probing me.
I admit that I won't punish you.
Now that you've seen him, I've confirmed that I didn't strangle him to death and throw him out of the palace.
Can you all go back now?" I said coolly.."I heard from the Imperial Physician that tonight there will no longer be a fever.
Only then will I truly be safe.
Recently, the Emperor has been working hard and there will be morning court tomorrow.
It is inevitable that he will not be meticulous in serving others.
How about I let Yu Xue and Ling Xiao guard here tonight?""Since you guys aren't at ease, just keep watch.
" It seems like they're the same as me.
They won't be at ease if they don't stay watch tonight.When Bi Lingxiao heard my words, he walked to the side and sat down.
He gently held his hand.My fork, I admit that this frozen scene was as beautiful as a manga, but, what am I?
Could it be that you guys are just playing around in my harem?
Hey, hey, hey, give me some face, okay?
Even if you don't look at me, don't look at other people so tenderly in front of me, and that person is also a man!
You're all my servants, I'm crying....My fork, I admit that this frozen scene was as beautiful as a manga, but, what am I?
Could it be that you guys are just playing around in my harem?
Hey, hey, hey, give me some face, okay?
Even if you don't look at me, don't look at other people so tenderly in front of me, and that person is also a man!
You're all my servants, I'm crying...He pouted and tugged at the corner of his shirt in anger.
The sour feeling in his heart must have been ignored because he had been neglected.
It must have been that he had no other thoughts.
No!Just as he was fuming, he felt a pair of eyes staring straight at him.
He raised his head, only to see Lan Yuxue's eyes.
He fiercely flew over with an eye knife.?What are you looking at?
You're the most vexed kid I've ever seen.
Your stomach is full of wisdom, and you look as if you're a gentleman.
Who are you trying to fool?!.Just as he was fuming, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.
He raised his head, only to see Lan Yuxue's eyes.
He fiercely flew over with an eye knife.?What are you looking at?
You're the most vexed kid I've ever seen.
You're so smart.
Who do you think Qianqian is lying to?!"Your Majesty," the zither-like voice sounded again."Stop calling for the Emperor.
Just call me Qingyan when there's no one around.
I don't want you all to shout so loudly as well.
It's really annoying.""Your Majesty, this is against etiquette!""I told you, kid, don't play with me.
You should understand why I punished you to kneel today.
Even though I'm your king, I'm still your wife, right?
I don't want to fight with my family, I'm very tired!" The stern words were finally turned into a sigh."I know.
It's all because we don't trust His Majesty, and we don't believe that His Majesty will save Ruoshui.
If we were to directly report the truth, we wouldn't have been punished today.
His Majesty is blaming us for probing him." "I knew that you were a person with a crystal heart.
It seems like the punishment today wasn't unjust.".I asked him to sit down on the imperial consort's couch.
Then, I turned around and picked up a box of ointment from the table.
I walked over to him and squatted down.
I pulled up his pants, as if I had seen through my intentions.
My slender and elegant fingers tried to stop me, but under my insistence, I gave up powerlessly.
In the end, I had achieved my goal..Unsurprisingly, I saw a patch of purple on my snow-white calf.
It was so cold and hard that it didn't hurt me.
I had sent someone to get this medicine from the Imperial Institute of Medicine.
I was going to give it to them tomorrow and give them a slap.
I had to give them candy to eat."This way, His Majesty would be happy, wouldn't he?
If we didn't have to kneel today, but leave after reporting everything, even if His Majesty would save Ruo Shui, he would definitely feel that Ling Xiao and I were too cold.
However, when we knelt, His Majesty would feel uncomfortable.
He felt that Ling Xiao and I had violated His Majesty's decree, but he would be happy if I were to punish him."A soft sigh.She gently removed the ointment from her legs, fearing that her actions would hurt him.
She complained, "I know that I've done a lot of hurtful things to you.
Now that I've made sense, please forgive me for my past mistakes.
From now on, I don't know how many storms I'll have to face for the sake of this world.
You are my family, my source of support, my nest, so if you don't trust me, then who should I trust?
I hope we can start from the beginning and give me a chance to see if I can perform well?" She looked pitifully at the strands of autumn water..Looking at each other for a long time, I could see his heart in his eyes.
From disbelief to doubt, to hesitation and finally the release of the cold.
I knew that I had won.
I didn't want the imperial harem to make me dizzy without even going to court for a day.
Lan Yuxue, this smart man, would definitely help me manage this backyard well..No one said that men shouldn't be coaxed.
I, the ruler of a country, have lowered my head for him.
I don't believe that he isn't moved.
Sigh, it seems that those men used to teach me things.
These are all masterpieces that they used to coax me time and time again.
They lowered their heads, and a perverted smile of 'succeeding' flashed on the corners of their mouths.
Eh, 'smilk'.
Yes, 'smirk'!
Sweat!.Who said that men shouldn't coax me?
I, the ruler of a country, have already bowed my head for him.
I don't believe that he isn't moved.
Sigh, it seems that those men used to teach me things.
These are all my masterpieces that they used to coax me time and time again.
Lowering their heads, a perverted smile of treachery has appeared in the corners of their mouths.
Eh, laughter.
Yin laughter.
Yes, laughter.
Yin laughter!
Sweat!Standing up, Bi Lingxiao had already fallen asleep by the bedside and helped him to lie down.
It was easy for him to fall asleep.She tucked herself in and looked at the pairs of jade statues on the bed.
Each one of them was abnormally thin and weak.
Could it really be that the moment they entered the palace, they were as deep as the sea?
Just what kind of torture did they have to torture themselves to this extent?
If they were really willing, I would let them go before I even started to care about them..I knew that Lan Yuxue's eyes were following my movements.
He walked to the table, picked up another bottle of ointment, and handed it to Bi Lingxiao, "That bottle is for Bi Lingxiao.
You should give it to him for me.
Remember to apply the ointment tomorrow.".I knew that Lan Yuxue's eyes were following my movements.
He walked to the table, picked up another bottle of ointment, and handed it to Bi Lingxiao, "That bottle is for Bi Lingxiao.
You know his personality.
Please give it to him for me.
Remember to apply it tomorrow.""Don't blame Ling Xiao, his heart is also bitter." A soft voice came."I know.
None of you are in the wrong.
I am the only one who is at fault." I am not complaining.
I am just stating a fact.She ordered someone to bring a quilt over and gently covered him with it.
"You're tired today too.
I'm here to watch over you."God knows how much self-control I've used.
I don't want to ruin this warmth that I've worked so hard to build up.
I admit that I'm a little lecherous.
I don't believe that someone wouldn't be moved by such a beauty unless she wasn't a woman!"Your Majesty!" A hesitant voice came from behind him."I did.
Call me Qingyan when there are no outsiders, or Yan.
This is an imperial edict!" I threw over a gentle smile."Qingyan, you still have morning court tomorrow.
If you don't mind, we'll squeeze together.
" I don't need to look at your lowered face.
I can also hear you blushing from your voice, right?
I quietly looked at the beauty under the lamp and admired the beautiful scenery.
Finally, I understood what it meant.
"The most gentle and gentle one with her head lowered.
" What kind of charm is that?
It's a soul-stealing tenderness..Lan Yuxue, who had struggled to get these words out of his mouth, was already too embarrassed to raise his head.
However, he realized that there was no response at all.
His heart sank as time passed.
It seemed that the man had already walked far away.
In the end, he had overestimated himself.
He had simply forgotten his humble status.
How could he possibly ask the emperor to stay by his side?.His heart was filled with bitterness as he raised his head.
Suddenly, he saw a smiling pair of eyes.
A soft body with a fragrance slammed into his chest, accompanied by a string of silver bell-like laughter, "Since Yu Xue is staying overnight, wouldn't I be too disapproving if I leave?".She looked up bitterly in her heart, but suddenly she saw a smiling pair of eyes.
A soft body with a fragrance bumped into her chest, accompanied by a string of silver bell-like laughter, "Since Yu Xue is staying overnight, wouldn't I be too disapproving if I leave!"