Thundering Heavens

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Chapter 4

There was nothing else in the Book Pavilion.
The four walls were filled with the tung wooden bookshelves.
The bookshelves were filled with all sorts of martial arts techniques.
From the simpleest Great Essence Sutra to the Imperial Dragon Sutra practiced by the royal family, all of them encompassed almost half of the entire Dong Chen Continent's martial arts manuals.Of course, most of them were models that were passed down in the world.
They could only serve as a point of reference and couldn't truly cultivate.The Fang Family's thousand years of accumulation naturally couldn't be underestimated.
Almost a hundred different types of cultivation methods and precious books were also found, all wrapped in yellow cloth.
They were neatly arranged on a tower-shaped bookshelf, and each type of cultivation method was obvious at a glance.Fang Wanli took out the thunderbolt incantations of his family and sat cross-legged on the ground, studying them carefully.The lightning incantations were divided into nine levels, and each level was divided into nine levels.
They perfectly integrated with the levels of the martial artists in the Great Yuan Empire.In other words, as long as the Thunderstrike Technique entered the basics, one could become a martial artist.
After breaking through to the second level, one would be able to advance to the rank of a martial artist.
After reaching the third level, one would be able to achieve some success and become a martial artist that was respected and guarded by others.As for the fourth level, very few people had broken through.
The current family head, Fang Zongnan, had stopped at the third level and hadn't made any progress in decades.Fang Wanli didn't dare to be lazy.
He studied every word, and his mind was completely focused on it.He didn't realize that at this moment, the blood-colored lightning in his left eye slowly began to rotate like a heavy grinding pan.As he flipped through the pages, a man condensed out of lightning appeared in his mind.
As he flipped through the pages, every move and move demonstrated the cultivation method of every step of the Thunderstrike Code.
Not only the moves, but even the circuit of the lightning force could be clearly seen in his translucent body..At first, Fang Wanli felt as if he had fallen into a dream.
Because he had been too engrossed in it, he didn't realize it.But when he saw the crux of the matter, the man's movements suddenly changed.
He turned around and used a powerful killer move.
This move surged with killing intent, and it actually shook Fang Wanli's mind.Fang Wanli suddenly woke up, and the man's figure immediately vanished.
Fang Wanli smiled in self-mockery, thinking that he was hallucinating.Shaking his head, he calmed himself down and continued to study.Who knew that not long after, the man appeared again.
This time, he was extremely clear-headed and knew that this was not an illusion.
So, he suppressed his curiosity and carefully observed the man's movements.The most outstanding feature of thunder element skills is to concentrate the strength to one point and hit the heavy blow of thunder.
With the speed of lightning, the opponent can't defend against it.
Usually, as soon as they meet each other, they have been beaten to the point where they have no power to fight back.And every strike of this man highlighted the characteristics of the Thunderstrike Mantra without a doubt.
It could be said that the slightest movement of thunder was unstoppable.It wasn't until the man demonstrated the entirety of the first level of the Thunder God Code that Fang Wan Li finally closed the Thunder God Code and took a deep breath.No one could describe the surprise and excitement in his heart.
Under that man's demonstration, the first level of the Lei Dong Dynasty was completed without any difficulty whatsoever.Looking at this man's demonstration, it was as if he saw an ordinary person's entire process of becoming a martial artist overnight.
Little by little, it was reflected in his eyes, and it was completely imprinted within Fang Wan's mind.
As long as he closed his eyes and recalled, he would be able to recall every detail of it.Could it really be possible for Lei Dong Jue to cultivate like that?Where did this man come from?
The Thunderstrike Secret Art itself?If that was the case, how could his fellow clansmen be taught without a master just by reading a book?
Would they need guidance from their seniors?Fang Wanli pondered for a moment and soon came up with a method to verify it.
As long as he studied another technique, he would be able to find out whether the man's appearance was a mystery or a problem.He scanned the bookshelves and found a flat square wooden box at the top of the bookshelves.
The black wooden box was painted with golden lightning patterns, just like a thunderclap in the night.What was the meaning of placing a wooden box on the bookshelf?
Fang Wanli moved over a wooden ladder and climbed up.
The wooden box was unlocked and opened, revealing a book that looked similar to the Lightning Movement Technique.
If one didn't look closely, it could easily be seen as another Lightning Movement Technique.
There was only one word difference between the two.
This secret manual was called Thunder Change Technique..This technique was stored in the Book Pavilion, which was absolutely safe.
It had to be sealed with a wooden box.
It had both the intention of worshiping and the meaning of not being lightly moved.
This was the name of the High Pavilion.Fang Wanli's heart skipped a beat.
During Fang Zongnan's meeting with the three Elders, he had mentioned the Thunder Change Technique.
One of the Elders had said that no one could cultivate this technique.
Moreover, once it was leaked out, it would bring about a catastrophe to the Fang Family.The difficulty of this technique should be very high.
Wasn't it prepared for the test?Fang Wanli returned to the bookshelf, sat cross-legged on the ground, placed the Thunder Change Art on his knees, and opened the page.This time, he didn't immediately study the book with rapt attention.
Instead, he skimmed through the entire book.
When he finished reading the last page, he finally understood why the Patriarch and the clan elders attached so much importance to this book.There was actually a tenth level Heaven Concealing Art in this Thunder Change Art!Dongchen's cultivation technique, no matter which faculty it was, stopped at the 9th level of the Martial God Realm.
The Heaven Shrouding Realm above the Martial God Realm was practically a legend.
Not to mention cultivating a cultivation technique, even any clues related to the Heaven Shrouding Realm were enough to shake Dongchen and cause him to go crazy.At the beginning of the founding of the Great Origin Empire, a Heaven Concealing Realm expert had appeared.
Unfortunately, it was just a flash and then he disappeared.
After he disappeared, the cultivation method he cultivated stirred up a turmoil, and all sorts of powers rushed over and searched for him.Fang Wanli vaguely remembered hearing from his clan's elders that the turmoil of that year had affected the entire continent.
Because of this Heavenshielding expert's lightning element cultivation technique, experts from various kingdoms had actually tested all the lightning element cultivation techniques on the continent.
Only after confirming that it had nothing to do with that Heavenshielding expert did he stop..Fang Wanli didn't know if the Fang Clan had been affected in the past, or if the Thunderstrike Dynasty had been verified by others.
However, the preciousness of Heaven Shrouding Art had left a deep impression on him.Fang Wanli couldn't help but be shaken by the fact that the Fang Clan's Records Pavilion actually had a Heaven Concealing Mystic Art.Regardless of whether this cultivation method was real or false, as long as this news spread out, it would definitely attract the attention of experts.
No wonder this secret manual was bound to the tall pavilion.
Even if the royal family of Great Origin possessed such a cultivation method, they would still treat it with caution.But why did the Patriarch and the others say that no one could master this cultivation technique?
Could it be that it was only a model, so it couldn't be practiced?Fang Wanli was extremely curious.
He couldn't help but flip through the [Lightning Change Technique] again.
He began to study it carefully from the first page.As soon as the first line of text entered his eyes, Fang Wanli's pupils began to rotate.
However, this time, what revolved was the pupils of his right eye.
Soon, the figure of the electrifying man appeared in his mind again.This time, the man's movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water.
He was much faster than before, and his strength was even more vigorous.
Every move he used contained the power of thunder and thunder.
Lightning erupted between his movements, and a casual punch seemed to have the power to shake mountains.What surprised Fang Wanli even more was that his eyes were burning up, and a surge of heat flowed out from his eyes.
He actually had the urge to imitate a man's movements and let him cultivate.Fang Wanli suppressed the impulse in his heart and pondered in silence, "This man's appearance is obviously not the function of the secret manual itself.
Everything seems to have something to do with his newly recovered eyes.
But whether it's because of the heavens' pity or for some other reason, why is his eyes able to regain consciousness?
Why does something so strange happen to him?
The lightning baptism wouldn't have such an effect."..."Fang Wanli couldn't understand.
He could only look at the Thunder Transformation Incantation in his hand and think to himself, "So what if I practice it?
If I really can't practice it, it won't be too late to practice it again."Fang Wanli relaxed his body, opened and closed his movements, imitating the man's movements and starting to cultivate.Only now did Fang Wanli realize that the first level of the Thunder Change Art was surprisingly similar to the Thunder God Incantation.Many of the moves were only used to reverse the moves of the Thunder God's Code.
Although these changes were extremely simple, their power was completely different.
Every time a fist was thrown out, it would bring forth a strong wind and whistle.
It was simply not the power that a beginner could use.Unknowingly, Fang Wanli was completely immersed in the power of the Thunder Change Art.
He didn't notice that he had already finished the first two stages of the first level of the technique.It wasn't until the faint sounds of wind and lightning could be heard from the surroundings that the electric energy in the air slowly melted out and flashed with a weak light that he suddenly woke up.
The image in his mind dissipated, and the faint electric energy in the surroundings also dissipated.He was stunned.
He stood where he was and stared at his hands in disbelief.Did he really trigger the lightning energy in the world just now?
Could it be that he was seeing things?Only a second stage martial artist could cause energy fluctuations between heaven and earth, but he actually did it just now?
And without the slightest bit of obstruction or obscure feeling, everything proceeded smoothly.He felt that he must have gone crazy.
Even if the first two levels only had moves and didn't need to be distracted to control the revolution of the electric currents, he couldn't have mastered it so easily, right?Back then, it had taken Fang Wannian, who was hailed as a genius, three full months to advance to the Second Order.
How could he have advanced to the Second Order in less than two hours?But the scene just now was still fresh in her mind, how could it be an illusion?If it weren't for the fact that he was in the Book Pavilion, he would have even thrown a punch at the wall to test if he was really a Second Order Warrior.Of course, he wouldn't do that.
Instead, he carefully placed the Thunder Change Art back in its original position, tidied up and stopped before turning around to leave the Book Pavilion.He pushed open the door, but stopped in his tracks.Unknowingly, Uncle Fang had arrived outside the door and was currently standing with his hands behind his back.
He said indifferently, "Out of all the clansmen in the Fang Clan, you are the third one allowed to enter and exit the Book Pavilion at will."Fang Wanli thought for a moment, "Who are the other two people?""Patriarch and I.""This junior has been disrespectful.
Senior has been waiting here for a long time.
Do you have anything you want to warn me about?" Fang Wanli woke up and got to know Uncle Fang.
He had never known that there was such a person in the clan.
However, just because the Patriarch entrusted the Book Pavilion and ancestral hall to him, it wasn't hard to imagine the status of this person in the clan.
Such a lofty existence was nothing out of the ordinary."It's not a warning.
I'm just advising you to give up on cultivating the Thunder Change Technique."Fang Wanli immediately realized that the wooden box must have some sort of mechanism.
He had used the box to lure Fangbo here.
This was normal.
If he allowed a little boy like him to enter and leave the Book Pavilion without any supervision, then it would be strange!"Junior is only using this as a reference and doesn't dare to delusionally practice it.
The Patriarch allowed me to enter and leave the Book Pavilion and should allow me to study any ancient texts.
I think the Thunder Change Art should also be one of them."Fangbo turned and looked at Fang Wanli.
After a moment, he nodded.
"Since you've chosen to cultivate, you should start from the beginning.
That cultivation method can't draw the energy of heaven and earth.
The Patriarch, Zong Yue, and Zong Hao have tried it.
No one can cultivate it.
If you continue to be infatuated, it will only waste your chance.
After you recover from your injuries, you won't be able to enter and leave the Book Pavilion as you are today."..."Fang Wanli's heart skipped a beat.
It seemed that Fangbo didn't pay attention to his cultivation, nor did he know anything about it.If the cultivation just now wasn't an illusion, then he had already broken through to the second level and activated the energy of heaven and earth.Then, Fang Wanli realized that it was best to keep this matter a secret for the time being.
Not to mention whether or not he could master it, but once it spreads out, the entire clan might be dragged into this.
Perhaps some powerful expert might even capture him and force him to ask for a cultivation technique.
Wouldn't that be an unjust death?!Thinking of this, Fang Wanli bowed respectfully, "I understand.
Thank you for your advice, senior.""The matter of the Thunder Change Technique must be left in your heart.
If it is leaked, the consequences will not be borne by you.
Take care!"As Fang Wanli fell silent, Fangbo had already left, disappearing from sight.