Thundering Heavens

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Chapter 5

Fang Wanli didn't have time to think about Uncle Fang.
Right now, his only thought was to find a place where he could open his fists and kicks and test his strength.Behind the Book Pavilion was an open space, which separated the book pavilion from the forest by a hundred zhang.
It was a suitable place to use fists and kicks.In the middle of the open space stood nine stone steles.
The stone steles were arranged in a circular pattern and looked extremely heavy.
The words carved on the steles had long since been eroded by the wind and rain and became blurry.Fang Wanli walked closer and looked at the stone stele.
Such a solid stone stele could withstand the attacks of a martial artist of the third stage.
Even if he really advanced to the second stage, he wouldn't cause too much damage to the stone stele.Standing in front of one of the stone steles, he closed his eyes and concentrated.
As he recalled the scenes of his cultivation, he suddenly opened his eyes and punched the stone stele.Bang!
A muffled sound rang out.
The stone stele trembled and began to shake.A small, sunken white mark appeared at the center of the fist, as if it had been smashed by a big hammer.If ordinary strong men concentrated their strength to one point, they could unleash 500 catties of attack power.
As for second level martial artists, they didn't have the energy.
If they could hit a thousand catties of force with bare hands, it was the symbol of a second level martial artist.If it was before the baptism, this punch would only break his hand bones.
Now, he could leave a mark on the stone stele, but his fist didn't even scratch his skin.
Without a doubt, he was already a second stage martial artist.The feeling of possessing strength was infatuating.
Even though he had always been calm and composed, he still couldn't help but smile.
More importantly, he was almost certain that he could practice the Thunder Change Technique!Fang Wanli immediately returned to the Book Pavilion and read the [Lightning Change Technique] carefully from beginning to end.
With the man's performance, he had memorized all of the [Lightning Change Technique]'s cultivation methods.
Not only did he save the trouble of copying, but he also didn't want to have another chance to read the manual after leaving the mountain..Then, he read through Lei Dongjue's secret manual again, and confirmed that there were many similarities between the two manuals.
He could use Lei Dongjue's name to cultivate without worrying about the mysteries of his Thunder Transformation Technique.After that, he once again immersed himself in his cultivation.For the next few days, apart from taking medicine and eating food every day, he lived in the Book Pavilion.
He cultivated day and night, and his vision also increased as he grew stronger.
After seven days, his eyes had completely regained their clarity.On the morning of the ninth day, he suddenly felt as if he had been stared at.
He stopped and looked back at the door, only to find that Uncle Fang had appeared in front of the door and was looking at him expressionlessly."Very good, I've already entered the sect." Fangbo glanced at the flickering lightning incantations in front of him and said indifferently.Fang Wanli had guessed that Uncle Fang would come sooner or later, so he continued to put Lei Dongjue to the side, "Junior is stupid.
I haven't made much progress."Fangbo turned around and walked over to the Book Pavilion.
"There's no need to be humble.
There aren't many clansmen who can enter the sect so quickly.
Come out and show me."Fang Wanli followed behind.
He spread out his fists and legs and punched the first three stages of the Lei Dong Dynasty.
His strength was vigorous and the sound of wind and thunder could be heard from his movements.In the first two levels, Fangbo was still indifferent.
When Fang Wanli finished his third level moves in one go, Fangbo's expression finally changed.
His eyes were filled with praise, "Nine Heavens Third Order, not bad, he surpassed the Patriarch in the past."Fang Wanli let out a breath of air and smiled, "Senior, you flatter me.
I know your moves are a bit unfamiliar."Fangbo nodded, "Very good, that Zonghao brat can shut up this time!"Fang Wanli couldn't help but recall what Fang Zonghao had said in the ancestral hall that day.
He chuckled softly, "Senior must have come to inform me to go down the mountain, right?"Fangbo was silent.
He didn't expect that his purpose for coming here had been guessed correctly: "the eyes have recovered.
You can go down the mountain now."Fang Wanli respectfully bowed and walked down the mountain without any hesitation.
He was already familiar with Lei Dongjue and Lei Bianjue, so there was nothing left for him to linger on.It wasn't until he had walked very far that he heard Uncle Fang's voice.
"You must train diligently after you leave the mountain.
Don't disappoint the Patriarch's expectations for you."Fang Wanli didn't turn around, but a smile appeared on his face.
He only displayed the strength of the Third Stage of Thunderstrike, so Uncle Fang reminded him that if he revealed the true strength of the Fifth Stage of the Thunder Transformation Art, what would Uncle Fang think of him?In order to cover everyone's eyes and ears, he had taken the time to practice the first three stages of the Lei Dong Dynasty.
He had truly used all of his strength to demonstrate just now, and he just wanted to see if anyone would see through it.
Now that he had managed to hide it from Uncle Fang, he was finally at ease.In fact, in these nine days, he had already cultivated the Thunder Change Technique to the peak of the fifth stage.
He was just a thread away from condensing the power of lightning.
If he could condense another strand of power, it meant that he had broken through the Sixth Stage barrier.Fang Wanli knew that he couldn't expose the existence of the Thunder Change Art.
Therefore, he decided to hide it from Fang Wannian.And now, the first thing he needed to do was to visit Fang Wannian.The Fang Family's Stone Fortress was built along the Piercing Sun Summit, covering the entire Southern Plains of the Piercing Sun Peak.
Fang's ten thousand year old residence was located on the second floor of the stone fort at the mountainside, and it was easy to find it in a thousand miles radius.To Fang Wanli's surprise, Fang Wannian wasn't in the stone castle, but had gone to participate in the training with his brothers.He immediately rushed to the Frost Sacrifice Ridge.The Frost Sacrifice Ridge was located in Northern Lu, the place closest to Bashan's Northern Plains.
There were often Taibei's rangers there, and this was also the place where the Fang family's youths were training.On the Frost Sacrifice Ridge, there were more than a dozen already grown up Fang Family disciples lined up in a row.
Fang Wannian was seated in a wooden wheelchair at the end of the row.
Fang Wannian's father, Fang Yuanshan, was currently supervising the training of the crowd.Everyone was surprised by Fang Wanli's appearance.
They stopped their training and looked at him.Fang Wanli strode past the crowd and stopped in front of Fang Wannian.Fang Wannian saw his eyes regained their clarity and laughed heartily, "Patriarch, I don't believe that you have the hope of regaining your eyes, but I didn't expect it to be true.
Wan Li, you've become much stronger!"Fang Wanli didn't know what to say.
He stared directly at Fang Wannian, as if he wanted to see through the pain in his heart.Fang Wannian's smile froze when he saw Fang Wanli's gaze.
After a moment, he shook his head and chuckled, "Is this the first time I've seen you with my own eyes?
You were shocked by my handsome appearance?"Some brothers laughed, but Fang Wanli didn't.Fang Wanli was less than a year old, and his parents had both fought to the death in the Northern Jiang.
His eldest brother, Fang Wannian, had always been protective of him since he was a child.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him half a father.
Right now, Fang Wannian had fallen from a seventh stage martial artist, who possessed tremendous power, to a cripple who needed someone to push him to participate in the training.
He couldn't repay this favor, and no matter what he said, it was unnecessary.Fang Wanli was silent for a moment.
"Big brother, your injuries haven't healed yet.
How can you endure this cold?!"Fang Wannian smiled and said, "If I continue to be so depressed, won't those brats from the Shui Family laugh at me?"Only then did Fang Wanli remember that Bashan had been illuminating for almost half a month.
Another half a month would be the day of the Bashan Martial Conference.The Bashan Martial Arts Conference had always been held at the Ascending Sun Summit.
At that time, not only would the other two great clans participate, but some of the smaller clans would also send people over to challenge and observe.
Fang Wannian, as the strongest person in his generation, would inevitably receive many challenges.The Shui Family, on the other hand, was one of the three largest families in Bashan.
They were proficient in the Water Attribute Technique, and the essence of the technique was directly colliding with the Fang Family's Thunder God Art.
Although the two families had never fought head-on due to the Taibei people on the side, they had been entangled with each other for many generations, and it was not an exaggeration to call them enemies.If Fang Wanwan was fine, then he naturally wouldn't be afraid of the Shui Family.
But now that both of his legs were broken, how was he going to face the Shui Family's newcomers?Fang Wanli blamed himself for being careless.
Since he had made up his mind to protect Big Brother, how could he be so careless?
He had even forgotten about the matters of the martial arts club!
Big Brother was injured, but with his personality, he would definitely participate in the martial arts club.
It was impossible for him to persuade him to give up.
The Shui Family naturally wouldn't let him off because of his injuries.
They would definitely grab onto this weak point and attack him.
If that happened, he would be in danger.Seeing his expression, Fang Wannian immediately understood what he was thinking, "Don't worry, I'm not weak.
Who dares to look down on me?!"Fang Wanshui interjected from the side, "Don't worry, Wanli.
If necessary, I'll protect Big Brother."As a martial artist at the peak of the sixth stage, Fang Wanshui's strength was only second to Fang Wannian's.
However, she was a woman after all.
She was born with a weak strength and had just condensed her lightning power, so it was difficult for her to use it in actual combat.
If she met a man of the same level as her, the situation wouldn't be optimistic.Fang Wanli secretly made up his mind that he would try his best to break through to the Sixth Order before the martial arts conference began.
If anyone dared to target Fang Wannian, he would never be able to set foot on the Piercing Sun Peak.But he wouldn't reveal what he hadn't done yet, so he simply nodded calmly, "Sister Wanshui, I'll have to trouble you."Fang Yuanshan spoke with sorrow in his voice, "Wan Li, don't blame yourself for what happened to your brother.
This is his life!"After a pause, he said, "When he learned about you, he said that it's worth it to exchange his legs for your eyes!"Fang Wanli could hear his uncle's sadness.
"Uncle, I'm not only awakened, but I'm also a martial artist now!"As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the arena looked at him, but soon after, they all smiled kindly.Fang Yuanshan forced a smile and said, "Kid, you don't have to talk nonsense to comfort me.
No matter what, I'm your supervisor.
Do you still not know your situation?"Fang Wanli didn't say much.
He took several steps back and punched out.A muffled boom rang out.
Seven feet in front of him, a ball of white gas exploded.
The force of the white gas surged, causing snowflakes to fly everywhere."Sonic boom!" Fang Yuanshan's eyes instantly widened.
He knew better than anyone else that even if he practiced thunderous incantations that allowed him to advance to the third grade, he wouldn't be able to trigger a sonic boom.But Fang Wanli's casual punch had caused a sonic boom.
This truly shocked him!