Immortal Star

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Chapter 1

If one wanted to become an immortal, they had to first open their third eye, the Eye of Enlightenment.
Some people also called it Divine Sense.
The Daoist called the Eye of Enlightenment the Heavenly Eye.
When mortals wanted to pry into the mysteries within, they only said that meditating would benefit the opening of the Heavenly Eye.One day, an old daoist came to a city in the mortal realm.
He originally wanted to find a place to stay the night, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the inn he wanted to find.
In fact, the inn he stayed in had been called a hotel.
However, the old daoist had already stayed in the forest for hundreds of years.
How could he know about these changes?
Hence, he couldn't find the inn he wanted to find..It was already late into the night, and the old road saw that only street lamps were on.
The doors on both sides of the street had already closed, and the residents had all closed their doors and slept in a deep sleep.
The old road was very depressed.
He didn't understand why the city was dozens of times larger than before, but he couldn't find an inn within 300 miles..Just as the old Taoist felt puzzled, he saw that there was an Internet cafpeople entering and exiting.
The old Taoist exclaimed softly and walked towards the Internet cafes walked into the Internet cafturned into an Internet caf daoist stood outside the internet cafom the CS, and some played the sounds of swords and knives from the online celestial Xia games.
The old daoist hesitated for a moment and decided to go in and take a look.
He thought that since others could enter and leave, it shouldn't be a problem for him to enter, right?.The old Taoist went to the entrance of the internet caf know about it and directly bumped into it."Clang~"The old Taoist felt the pain and quickly retreated back.
He quickly covered his head with his hand and shouted out in pain.The old Taoist priest slammed into the glass with a loud noise, but many people in the internet cafone noticed him.
His name was Yangkun.
Although his name was the same as a singer's, his singing was extremely unpleasant.Yangkun was playing online games.
The name of this game was 'Immortal Execution'.
When he turned his head and saw Old Tao bumping into the glass door, he didn't laugh.
He had also bumped into the glass door yesterday.
After midnight, when he walked to the door and was ready to go out, he suddenly bumped into the glass.
Yangkun was puzzled.
He clearly saw that the glass door was open, but why was it closed now?
He thought that it was an illusion caused by playing the game for too long, so he didn't pay too much attention to it..Thinking of this, Yangkun didn't look away from the old Taoist.
He couldn't help but feel strange when he saw the old Taoist's clothes, so he took off his earphones, stood up, and walked out of the Internet cafe."Are you alright?"The old daoist was startled.
Someone suddenly spoke to him, so he quickly raised his head and looked at Yangkun.
Yangkun looked at him with a kind expression, and his guard was lowered."Old Daoist is fine!"Yangkun was surprised.
This person was dressed like a Taoist, and the sword was glowing with a faint blue light.
Could this be the real Daoist priest?
However, there were many scammers now.
Perhaps he was just a madman."Grandpa, it's so late.
Why aren't you going back yet?
Don't wander around outside.
If your family couldn't find you, how worried would they be?
Where do you live?
Why don't I send you back?"When the old daoist heard this, he felt that this young man was a kind person.
Not only did he remember this, but he also looked at this young man's bones.
It wasn't that bad.
Could it be that the heavens wanted to bestow this young man to me as a disciple?Of course, Yangkun was a child from a village.
His older brother had stayed in a martial arts school for several years, so Yangkun had always admired martial arts since he was a child.
Thus, he had sewn up sandbags and hung them on a tree near his home to practice kicking and kicking.
Yangkun practiced childish skills.
Although his bones weren't that good, they were many times better than those of his age in the city.
Although Yangkun was only a 1.
6 meter tall boy, in the entire class, he had never met an opponent.."Are you unhappy?
I am a Daoist cultivator in the mountains.
I came out of the mountains today, but I didn't expect the world outside to change so much.
So I accidentally ran here," said the old man.Yangkun was shocked.
He had met the real person today, but he still had some doubts in his heart.
So he said to the old man, "Why don't we go in and play?
It's too cold here."The old priest looked at the glass door and shook his head.Yangkun understood, so he gently pushed open the glass door and said to the old man, "This door is transparent.
Even if I didn't pay attention, I would have bumped into it sometimes.
Let's go, be careful and everything will be fine."The old daoist finally understood that it really was a transparent door.
Thus, he nodded and followed Yangkun inside.Yangkun originally wanted to take the old Daoist to the hotel to spend the night, but now he only had ten yuan on him.
Generally speaking, a hostel would be more than thirty, so he could only call the old Daoist to an Internet cafe and spend the night there.Yangkun bought a bottle of iced tea and two bread and sat back in his seat.
He then pulled a chair to the old man and handed the iced tea and two bread to the old man.
I don't have much money left.
I'll fill my stomach and think of something tomorrow morning.".Yangkun bought a bottle of iced tea and two bread and sat back in his seat.
He let the old man sit down on a chair next to him and handed the iced tea and two bread to the old man.
"Eat, I don't have much money.
I'll fill my stomach and think of something tomorrow morning."Seeing that there was something to eat, the old Taoist priest couldn't help but feel moved.
He received the bread and iced tea, sat down next to Yangkun, and began to eat.Yangkun looked at the old daoist's eating appearance and wondered if this was really the old daoist who came from deep into the mountains.
Didn't those cultivators have to eat and drink when they reach the Valley Establishment stage?
Could it be that this person's cultivation was too low, or was he just a madman?
But when he thought about how the old daoist spoke, he was very orderly and didn't look like a madman.Yangkun shook his head and continued to play his game.
His profession was the Ghost Dao.
He had already ascended to Level 140, but his equipment was pitifully garbage.
He was currently looking for the prince of the boss in Asura, so killing monsters like this could give him a lot more experience than normal monsters.
However, these monsters were randomly found, so it wasn't easy to find them.."Eye of the Profound!"The old man suddenly cried out!Yangkun immediately took off his earphones and asked, "What did you say?"The old priest pointed at Yangkun's monitor and said nervously, "This, this is the Profound Eye..."Yangkun was puzzled.
He didn't know what the old man meant, so he said, "Old man, what exactly did you say?"The old man was about to say something when he saw many people looking at him strangely, so he suppressed his emotions and slowly sat down.
It seemed that his shout just now attracted the attention of many people.
In addition to his strange outfit, it was difficult not to attract the attention of others..Yangkun saw that the old man was actually able to adapt.
It seemed like he really wasn't a madman.
Since he wasn't a madman, then could he really be a cultivator?
Thus, he whispered to the old man, "This is an Immortal Warrior game.
Did you see something?""Immortal Xia Game?
It looks like the people here are even more powerful now.
They can even simulate the Eye of Enigma.
"After hearing this, Yangkun became even more confused.
He asked Old Dao what the Eye of the Enigma was.It turned out that the Eye of the Enigma was the Heavenly Eye.
After opening the Eye of the Heaven, a control panel that looked like an online game appeared in his mind.
On this virtual panel, you could see the attributes of your character, cultivation level, equipment, mental skill, and information about the items in your storage ring.Through this virtual panel, you can see many things that you can't see normally.
It's a dreamlike world.Everyone who was playing online games knew that when we were playing online games, there were equipment bars, skill bars, chat logs, maps, etc.
We called these east and west players control panel.
As for Old Tao, after opening the Eye of Enigma, there was also a clear virtual panel in one's mind.
This virtual panel also had character attributes bar, item bar, equipment bar, skill bar, map frame, etc.
All in all, it was very similar to the control panel of the game.
That was why Old Tao said that the control panel of the game was the Eye of Enigma.."Hehe, old man, this isn't the Eye of Enigma you mentioned.
It's just the control panel of the game.
But I'm quite interested in the Eye of Enigma you mentioned.
You have to tell me properly tomorrow.
I'll play the game first." Yangkun turned around and continued playing the game."Where did this lunatic come from?
Get the hell out of here!" The nether manager of the internet cafomeone scolding Old Dao, so he took off his earphones and said to the nether pipe, "What the hell are you arguing about?
It's not safe for me to play a game." The nether manager turned to Yangkun and said, "It's none of your business.
Play your game obediently." Then, the netherger grabbed Old Dao's collar and said fiercely, "Do you want to f*ck off?
We don't welcome beggars here."The old daoist glanced at Yangkun, and then stood up and walked outside.Yangkun finally couldn't hold it anymore.
He dropped his earphones, stood up, and roared, "If anyone dares to chase away my friend Yangkun, I won't be polite to him!"Men all cared about their reputation, didn't they?
Yangkun was the one who had called this old Taoist Priest in.
At the very least, he had to give him some face.
Who knew that this old Taoist Priest wouldn't take this lying down?
Not only did he not stop, he even pushed the old Taoist Priest towards the door and shouted at Yangkun, "This old man wants to chase him out, so what?".Men all cared about their reputation, didn't they?
Yangkun was the one who called this old Taoist priest in.
At the very least, he had to give him some face!
Who knew that this nether management wouldn't take this kind of trick?
Not only did he not stop, he even pushed the old Taoist priest towards the door and shouted at Yangkun, "This old man wants to chase him out, so what?!"At this moment, someone whispered, "This person actually dares to compete with the boss?
It's hard not to die!""Could it be that this person isn't an internet manager but the owner of an internet cafe?" Yangkun looked at this person's age.
He was in his thirties.
He didn't know if this person was really the owner.
Generally speaking, the owner of an Internet cafe had a backer.
This Internet cafe wasn't small.
Apart from the first and second floors, which were internet cafes, the basement was also a gambling place.
There were dozens of tiger machines there, as well as other gambling machines there.Bosses like this basically ate both black and white, so ordinary people couldn't afford to offend them.However, Yangkun didn't care if you were the boss or an internet manager.
Even if you were the emperor, you wouldn't treat others this way, would you?
So, he rushed forward and gave the boss a loud slap.
This slap stunned the boss.
After a long while, the boss snapped back to his senses and said to the cashier, "Go call for someone.
Fuck, if I don't kill this brat today, I won't be Marshal Hei.".However, Yangkun didn't care if you were the boss or an internet manager.
Even if you were the emperor, you wouldn't treat people like this, right?
So he rushed up and gave the boss a loud slap.
The boss was stunned for a moment, and only came back to his senses after a long while.
Then he said to the cashier, "Go and call for someone.
Fuck, if I don't kill this brat today, I'm not the Black General.""Black marshal?
Could he be the boss of the Green Gang, Black marshal?" Yangkun couldn't help but panic when he heard this name.
The Green Gang was the largest dark faction in City X, so their boss's name was naturally familiar.A short while later, dozens of big men, all wearing black glasses, came running over from upstairs and the basement."I don't think so.
Does this old man need your help?" Yangkun cursed inwardly.The old daoist also noticed the severity of the situation.
However, not only did he not panic, he even smiled at Yangkun.Yangkun said to the old man, "This is troublesome.
How can you still laugh?"The old Taoist pulled Yangkun back.
Yangkun thought that the old Taoist wanted him to run away, so he said loudly, "I won't run away even if I die!"The old daoist shook his head.
Yangkun looked over and saw that the doorway was also full of people.
They were all dressed as thugs, and it was obvious that they were members of the Green Gang.
It turned out that the old daoist didn't tell him to run, but told him that there were people outside.Yangkun was truly flustered.
Just now, he had thought that if he couldn't defeat the old man, he would flee.
But now, it didn't seem likely.
It seemed that a bloody battle was inevitable.
He didn't know if the old daoist had any real skills, but if he didn't, then he would be dead for sure today.
He didn't care.
Even if he died, he would still have to drag him down with him.
Thus, Yangkun pulled out the two halves that were usually hidden at his waist.The boss saw that Yangkun was going to go all out, so he quickly stood back and ordered his subordinates, "What are you waiting for?
Beat him up!"As soon as the boss finished speaking, the fighters chuckled and approached Yangkun, bloodthirsty.At this time, the people online were watching the show, so they chatted and closed the QQ chat.
The players who played the game quit the game and planned to watch a wonderful movie.
Sigh, human nature is numb.
Others are already on the brink of death, but they only watch the show.
It seems that the quality of the nation still needs to be improved..The boss said to the people online, "Continue to go online and pretend you didn't see anything."These people had no choice but to obediently return to their original positions, but their eyes did not leave the movie that was about to start.Yangkun watched as the fighters gradually gathered around him.
His grip on the two halves of the staff tightened.
It seemed that he had to attack first.
Otherwise, the smaller the encirclement, the greater the possibility of him losing out.
Thus, Yangkun charged out with the two halves of the staff."Ahh"The sounds of battle soon echoed throughout the internet cafarshal, said in a low voice, "I can't tell that this kid really has some skills..." Then he touched the five finger marks on his face that Yangkun had just beaten.
Not only did his heart hard, he said to the people outside, "What are you still looking at outside?
Come in and kill him for me!"When the people outside received the order, they immediately swarmed in.
At this time, the old daoist finally moved, but he didn't pull out the sword in his hand and started to fight with it in its sheath."Ouch!" A pitiful shriek immediately rang out.
Yangkun was stunned.
He looked behind him and saw that the old daoist was fighting quite well.
It seemed that this old man really had some skills."Sigh, old man, why did you take action?
I was almost exhausted!" Yangkun turned around and said to the old man.The old daoist didn't respond.
Instead, he smiled faintly at Yangkun, and his expression suddenly flickered as he shouted, "Be careful!""Ah," Yang Kun suddenly screamed, look down, a large hole was stabbed in the chest.
The end is over, Yang Kun felt his eyes began to star, secretly thinking that is really going to die here today?The old daoist didn't bother with those people.
He quickly grabbed Yangkun's body, brandished the sword in his hand, and charged out."Crackle crackle"The glass scabbard on the sliding door was broken by Old Dao's sword scabbard, and he quickly rushed out.
The others also chased after him.The old Daoist was fast, and in the blink of an eye, he brought Yangkun over ten meters.
The fighters behind him were already red-eyed.
There was no way they would let this go, so they swarmed after him."Old man, I didn't expect you to be so fast!" Yangkun was relieved when he saw how capable this old man was."Beep beep~"Just as Yangkun was about to fall asleep, the sound of a motorbike jolted him awake.
Yangkun raised his head and saw that a dozen or so sports cars had caught up to him, and were about to catch up to them.The old Taoist also noticed this, so he increased his speed by leaps and bounds.
Yangkun could hear the wind blowing in his ears, but the cars behind him weren't too far away either.
It wasn't a good idea to continue like this.
After all, people would get tired, and cars wouldn't get tired.After a while, the old man suddenly stopped running.Those people from the Qing Gang also stopped the car and the marshal walked out.
He laughed and said, "Run, why aren't you running anymore?"The old daoist coldly snorted and said: "The old daoist disdains fighting against weak people like you.
If I really did, I'm afraid you can no longer stand here and speak.""You're a weakling?
How dare you call me the Black Marshal?" The Black Marshal was the boss of City X's Green Gang.
He had never imagined that a nameless kid would slap him in the face today, and an old man would call him a weakling.
Since when had he ever been humiliated like this?
Thus, he chuckled and said, "Alright, I'll see how you escape from my grasp today, unless you grow wings and fly up into the sky..."."A weakling?
You actually dare to call my Black Marshal a weakling?" The Black Marshal was the boss of City X's Green Gang.
He didn't expect to be slapped by a nameless boy today, and was even called a weakling by an old man.
When had he ever been humiliated like this?
He chuckled and said, "Alright then, I'll see how you escape from my grasp today, unless you grow wings and fly to the sky...""Good, then watch carefully!" The old daoist pulled out his sword.
Instantly, a gale blew, and the roars were endless.
The Black Marshal was startled and unconsciously took a step back.After the old daoist pulled out the immortal sword in his hand, he chanted and the body of the sword suddenly glowed with golden light.
It slowly grew in size and floated in the air.Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air when they saw it.
They had only seen it on TV and games before."This is the legendary flying sword!"The old daoist helped Yangkun up the flying sword and quickly disappeared into the black sky.