Immortal Star

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Chapter 3

"Well, actually, I don't know if that is the Enigma Eye, but I just know that it's the game system's interface.
I don't know why this old Dao, oh no, why did Master just call it the Eye of Enigma.
Secondly, I'm just a mortal, and I don't know anything about the cultivation world.
This Enigma Eye was just told by Master, so I didn't dare to make a conclusion.However, I had read a lot of fantasy novels and celestial Xianxia novels.
I had also played many Xianxia games before.
If their relationship was really related to your cultivation world, I might be able to answer a few questions."Yangkun is a mortal.
Even though his voice wasn't as loud as the old daoist's, the other disciples could still barely hear it."A game?
Could it be that those mortals are really that powerful?
They even know everything about our world of cultivation!""That's right.
It must be some big mouth that went outside to spout nonsense.
Otherwise, how would they know about our cultivation world?
Even our cultivation levels and skills were clearly described!""I think it must be someone who wrote our cultivation world into novels and published them in the mortal realm in order to earn money...""..."Soon, the commotion below turned into a pot of porridge.However, Yangkun didn't care about these things.
What he cared about was when he would be like these Shushan disciples, who had the ability to fly around the world and then return to their own city.
Heh heh, that kind of future would be quite beautiful.
Not to mention, learning lightness arts alone was quite impressive.
The second Flying Man, Qiaodan, was about to appear.
In addition to that, he could also participate in the Olympics or some other program.
It wouldn't be long before he became famous.
He would definitely be even redder than Yangkun, who was singing.
He would definitely be as red as tomato..However, the old daoist seemed to have given up.
He simply bit down on the Eye of Enigma and insisted that Yangkun explain everything clearly to everyone.
That's right, it was as if Yangkun was a professor giving a lecture to a group of students.
There was nothing he could do about it, so Yangkun had no choice but to agree with the old dao and teach them all the relevant experience related to online games."Mhm, that's right.
What I just said was true society..." Yangkun thought for a moment.
This place was also realistic.
The term 'real society' didn't seem to be accurate, so he said, "In the society of mortals, advanced technology has long since occupied us.
The game I was talking about just now is actually the product of science and technology development.""...""High technology?
What kind of thing is that?" The disciples felt that this name was a bit strange.
They had just heard it from this mortal."That's right, high technology is something brought by a foreigner from the West.
I don't know how long it's been since you guys left the mountain, but the outside world has changed greatly," Yangkun continued.
When he talked about a foreigner from the West, someone suddenly said."Could it be a Western mage?"Yangkun was stunned.
He wasn't unfamiliar with the term sorcerers.
There were countless sorcerers in modern fantasy novels, but they all seemed to have something to do with the Western countries.
He couldn't help but think to himself, 'Could there really be sorcerers in this world?
But since there are legends of Sword Heroes in Shushan, it's not surprising that there are sorcerers in the world...' Thinking of this, Yangkun began to feel inexplicably excited.
This was because many things that mortals had always talked about were superstitions and legends that he might be able to see next time.In fact, Yangkun used to believe too much that there were immortals in this world, and he also didn't believe in the theory of ghosts.
Although he was a scholar, he had learned Maxistism before, so the only thing that occupied his mind was materialism.However, when he saw the old daoist fly on his sword that day, his world view was in complete chaos.Who knows if it's a blessing or a curse?
In fact, whether it's a blessing or a curse depends on one's own fortune.
Right, if there really is a ghost in the world, we can call him to work for free.
Heh heh, this seems to be good, right?
But now that no one has used grinding to grind things, let's call it a cart.
Hehe, in the future when driving, we won't have to spend money to refuel at the gas station..It would be great if there were really sorcerers in this world.
This world would definitely be incredibly gorgeous.
Just playing a few moves in front of her girlfriend might be able to move her heart and devote herself to her from then on.
Hehe..."Damned brat, why are you staring blankly at me again?" Yangkun suddenly jumped in fright.
This voice had interrupted his train of thought, and it seemed to come from the depths of his soul.
However, this voice was so familiar.
Right, it was the voice of the old Taoist priest.Yangkun raised his head and looked at the old daoist.
He saw that the old daoist's mouth was tightly shut, and he didn't look like he was talking."What are you looking at?
Please focus and tell everyone about the Enigma Eye simulation." Another voice echoed from the depths of Yangkun's heart.
However, the old Taoist priest remained silent.Yangkun was secretly shocked.
Could this be the legendary voice transmission?"That's right.
This is the sound transmission technique.
If you explain the Mysterious Eye simulation to me, I will consider whether or not I should pass this technique to you." The muscles on the old daoist's face twitched slightly, revealing a strange smile."Damn, you really were the one who spoke.
You scared me so much!" Yangkun cursed."Brat, if you dare to disobey me again, be careful I'll kick you out of Shushan!" The old daoist's face turned slightly angry as he stared fixedly at Yangkun."Alright, alright.
I'll listen to you, Master.
But can I talk to you about the conditions?
I don't think this sound transmission technique will be of much use to me.
Why don't you teach me something else?" Yangkunran asked."Mm, then tell me, what do you want to learn?" Seeing Yangkun's respectful demeanor, the old daoist was very happy."Um, can you teach me the Sword Control Art?" Yangkun said, looking at the old man expectantly."What?
The dao preaches step by step.
The Sword Controlling Art can only be practiced in the third level of the Shushan heart technique.
If it's divided by rank, from 1-15 to the Foundation Establishment stage, from 15 to 45 to the first level, from 45 to 75 to the second level, 75 to 105 to the third level, 105 to 135 to the fourth level, 135 to 150 to the fifth level."Rank 135~150 is also known as the Tribulation Passing Stage.
It could attract lightning tribulation at any time, which is the danger of ascending at any time.
""Damn, you're saying that I can only learn swordsmanship when I'm Level 75?
Then how did I know that I'm Level 75?" Yangkun asked in dissatisfaction."This is why I care so much about the Eye of Enigma.
If you open the Eye of Enigma, you will be able to see your cultivation level and skills," replied the old man."Oh, it looks like the Eye of Enigma is really useful.
But you've already opened the Eye of Enigma, so why are you still studying it?" Yangkun asked in confusion.
He didn't know why this old daoist had stubbornly entangled the Eye of Enigma."Unsatisfied with you saying that I have already reached the Tribulation Passing Stage, and Shushan is close to a thousand years old.
I have only reached this level in my lifetime, and the Eye of the Enigma only opens when I reach the fifth level.
However, if I only rely on meditating in the cave to cultivate, it will be quite difficult to reach the fifth level.
For thousands of years, there have been countless cultivations, but most of them died before reaching the Tribulation Passing Stage.
I wasted thousands of years of hard work in cultivation.
""So, before I ascend, I want to find a way to open the Eye of Enigma in advance for my disciple.
It can be considered that I have done something for Shushan.
In the future, when I ascend to heaven and meet my grandmasters, I will have an explanation.
" The old man said sadly.Yangkun smiled and said, "Oh, I can't tell that you're a very kind old man.
However, didn't you say that cultivation requires gradual progress?
Since the Eye of Enlightenment needs to wait until the fifth level before it opens, then I'll just need to reach the fifth level.
If I open the Eye of Enigma ahead of time, that would be against the rule of cultivation, isn't that right?"."What you're saying makes sense.
Cultivation is a heaven-defying thing.
Sometimes, I can't be bothered," said the old daoist with a sigh.
"If I hadn't had some fortuitous encounters, I wouldn't have been able to reach the Tribulation Passing Stage in my life.
Think about it, I spent thousands of years cultivating, yet I still couldn't reach the apex.
It's hard for anyone to accept it."."What you're saying is not unreasonable, but cultivation is a heaven-defying thing.
Sometimes, I can't be bothered about it.
" The old daoist sighed and continued, "If it weren't for some fortuitous encounters, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to reach the Tribulation Passing Stage in my life.
Think about it.
I spent thousands of years cultivating, but I still couldn't reach the Dao Ascension stage.
It's inevitable that no one will be able to accept it.
""That's right.
In my opinion, cultivation matters rely solely on personal fortune.
Not everyone can become an immortal."Yangkun's theory made the old Taoist look at him in a different light.
Although what Yangkun said was reasonable, people were selfish.
Shushan hadn't ascended for nearly a thousand years.
If this continued, there would be a day when Shushan would be removed from the world of cultivation.
Perhaps Ren Shushan's Sect Master wouldn't want to see such a situation.Suddenly, a thunderous sound interrupted the exchange between Yangkun and the old daoist.Yangkun looked down and saw that everyone was discussing.
But where did the thunder come from?
Yangkun looked up and saw a purple cloud moving towards Shushan from the horizon."Purple Qi from the East?" The old daoist asked in shock.Yangkun didn't know why the old daoist was so flustered, so he asked, "Master, what is that?"The old daoist had no time to talk to him.
He turned to the side and said loudly to the disciples, "Your master's tribulation heavenly lightning is here.
All disciples, listen to my command and set up an array in the entire True Hall.
Resist the lightning tribulation!" After saying that, the old daoist took off his sword and flew west.
The Shushan disciples on the martial arts arena also tossed the flying sword in their hands into the air and turned into a meteor of light and disappeared into the martial arts arena, following the old daoist.."Damn, it's so spectacular!
It's so much better than Meteor Rain!" Yangkun couldn't help but praise the Shushan disciples flying westward.However, when he shifted his gaze to the east, his face turned green in fright.
He saw that the small purple cloud had grown many times larger, and he could also hear the rumbling of thunder from afar.
Countless blue lightning bolts were rampaging everywhere.
If a bird accidentally flew past it, it would instantly turn into a cloud.."Sh*t, this old man is too stingy.
He actually left me here alone.
Wait for me, hey" Yangkun cried out to the Shushan disciples who had gradually disappeared in the west sky.
However, they didn't seem to have heard him at all and disappeared in the blink of an eye.."Hmph, damned old man, don't even think about asking me about the Eye of Enigma.
I'll ignore you now!" Yangkun kicked the little stone on the ground and said hatefully."Hurry up and run!
Do you want to die?!" A woman's voice suddenly caught Yangkun's attention.Yangkun lifted his head and saw that it was Bingxin.
Fortunately, there was another person.
Yangkun felt a little comforted in his heart.
However, men sometimes only cared about face.
They were clearly afraid, but they pretended to be fearless."What's wrong?
If you want to run, you can run yourself.
I'm not afraid.
Isn't it just thunder?""Do you think it's just a regular lightning bolt?
It's a lightning tribulation.
If it weren't for Shushan being protected by layers of barriers, the entire Shushan would have been flattened by it!""Damn, that can't be.
Isn't that even more awesome than some atomic bomb?
Oh my god, wait a minute, I have to run too!" Yangkun didn't dare to show off his pride when he heard how powerful the lightning tribulation was."Heh heh, that's more like it.
Let's hurry back to the Immortal Abode.
There's an underground passageway down there, which leads to the All True Palace of Shushan.
There's an even stronger barrier protecting the entire hall.
We'll be safe when we get there." Bingxin saw Yangkun's trembling expression and couldn't help but laugh.."Oh, a hole in the ground?
Well, you don't know how to ride a sword, do you?" Yangkun probed.
If she knew how to ride a sword, wouldn't she just fly over with him?"I will, but I have never brought anyone along.
Furthermore, the lightning tribulation has already arrived.
Who dares to run up there?
Isn't that asking for death?"'Damn, so it turns out that his driving skills aren't up to par.' Yangkun thought to himself.
Since Bingxin hadn't run away earlier, he must have been afraid that he would be caught by the lightning tribulation, which was why he chose to take this underground tunnel.
Yangkun looked at the tribulation, which grew increasingly louder and louder, and then said to Bingxin, "Oh, let's take the underground tunnel."After speaking, the two of them flew towards the Half Immortal Abode.Yangkun ran around, sweating.
The wounds that had been painful just now were no longer painful.
Yangkun sighed inwardly that the effect of the Immortal Healing Ointment was really amazing.
He thought that he had to ask Old Daoist to go back when he went down the mountain.
Thinking of his injuries, Yangkun's eyes flashed with killing intent.
These injuries were all caused by the boss of the Green Gang, Black Marshal.
When he returned to City X, he would teach this brat a lesson.However, the prerequisite was to learn his real skills first.
However, the lightning tribulation on the dark side could kill him at any time, so the top priority was to avoid the lightning tribulation first.Yangkun cursed inwardly, "I really don't know how this lightning tribulation was done.
Who asked Shengxian to go look for him?
Why would he hurt the innocent?" However, before he could finish his scolding, a series of lightning bolts began to roast the stone path that he had run past.Yangkun cried out and hurried into the room that he had just visited.The space in the house of the Half Immortals was still narrow, so one couldn't see where there was a passageway."Where's the passageway?" Yangkun asked Bingxin, who was gasping for breath.
It didn't look like he was tired, but rather scared.Bingxin stretched out his left hand to cover his chest and pointed at the bottom of the bed.
"Under the bed."Yangkun didn't know where he had gotten his strength from, but he immediately flipped over the wooden bed.
Sure enough, there was a square stone platform below.
Thus, Yangkun moved the stone board away and revealed a dark hole.Yangkun looked at the dark entrance of the cave and felt a sense of retreat.
He was afraid that there would be demons and ghosts waiting for him in the cave."Beauty, it's so dark down here.
How are we going to get in like this?"Bingxin also looked at the dark cave entrance and unsheathed her sword.
As soon as the sword was unsheathed, gentle blue rays of light shot out, illuminating the entire room.Yangkun was stunned.
This was a good sword, and it could be used as a source of light.
He pointed at the entrance of the cave and said to Bingxin, "Beauty, please, ladies first."Bingxin furrowed his brows.
It seemed that the situation this time was rather serious.
He didn't want to joke around with Yangkun at all.
Instead, he leapt up and jumped in.Yangkun lay down at the entrance of the cave and saw that Bingxin had already landed safely.
He held the shining sword below and waited for him.Fortunately, the hole wasn't very deep.
It was only two meters tall, so Yangkun also jumped in.
As soon as he jumped in, he heard a thunderous boom.
The room that they had been in earlier collapsed, and the wood and debris quickly blocked the entrance of the cave."How close!" Yangkun stuck out his tongue.
Fortunately, he had come down quickly.
If he had been any slower, he would have called out to Myriad.The cave was filled with bell-flesh peaks.
Some looked like clouds, some were like mushrooms, and some were like curtains.
Yang Kun couldn't help but secretly sigh at the wonders of nature.Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew over, interrupting Yangkun's beautiful view.
Yangkun looked up and saw an exit in the distance, so he quickly walked over.When they reached the exit, Yangkun was shocked.
How was this the exit?
The moment they reached the exit, they saw a dark space ahead.
It was a bottomless Shenyuan.
There were several chains on Shenyuan's body.
It seemed that if they wanted to get to the opposite side, they would have to climb over this chain."Be careful.
I don't know who sealed this place thousands of years ago, but I can't use any spells here," said Bingxin.
Her voice echoed throughout the cave, making the atmosphere even more tense."What?
You can't use any spells here?
I thought you were going to use your flying sword to carry me over.
Are you going to climb over this chain?" Yangkun asked in disbelief.
If it weren't for the bottomless abyss below, this small matter wouldn't have been difficult for him.
However, the temperature here was terrifyingly low.
He could even see the ice shards on the chain.Could a chain like this crawl over?"Quick, we don't have much time left!" Bingxin urged Yang Kundao.Yangkun rolled his eyes and said, "Lead the way!""Stop spouting nonsense.
If I tell you to attack, then attack!
Believe it or not, I'll stab you to death with one blow!" Bingxin suddenly shouted angrily.
She glared fiercely at Yangkun, as if standing in front of her was an enemy with an irreconcilable hatred."Don't be so fierce, okay?
I'll go first..." Yangkun looked at Bingxin and found it a little strange.
It didn't look like Bingxin who he had just met.
Bingxin was so cute and innocent.
But why did this one in front of him look like a female scorpion?The moment Yangkun turned around and stood on the chain, Bingxin lowered her head.
If Yangkun turned around, he would have seen a person crying.
That's right, Bingxin was crying.
But why was she crying?Yangkun didn't notice this at all.
He simply shook his head in anger and walked towards the other side like a steel wire.
Wave after wave of the air waves in the abyss hit Yangkun's face.
Suddenly, Yangkun felt his feet slip and he fell."Be careful." Then, with a swish, Yangkun's body paused and stopped falling.Yangkun was scared out of his wits.
He looked up and saw that Bingxin's glowing blue sword had already passed through his clothes.
Then, he nailed it into the chain and hung himself in midair.
Yangkun quickly grabbed the chain and looked up at Bingxin.
Bingxin was also looking at him nervously.