Immortal Star

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Chapter 4

"Thank you.
Everything's fine now." Yangkun hung upside down on the chain and forced a smile on his face as he said to Bingxin."Put your sword on and crawl over," said Bingxin.Yangkun didn't know why Bingxin had asked him to bring the sword.
However, Yangkun was a careless man to begin with, so he didn't think too much about it.
He took off a strip of cloth from his body, tied the sword to his body, and crawled over like a turtle."We're almost there!
Fuck, I'm so tired!
I'm finally on the other side!"Yangkun gritted his teeth.
Although they were only one meter away from each other, it was as if they were thousands of miles away.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach them.Rumble!
Rumble!?After a thunderous rumble, the entire Immortal's Cave began to shake.
Yangkun was startled, and he quickly looked around.
Stones began to fall from above his head."Hurry!
Hurry!" It was Bingxin's voice.
Yangkun turned to look at Bingxin.
He couldn't see Bingxin's expression, but his voice was filled with worry.'What's going on?
Is this place going to collapse?' Yangkun thought to himself.Crack!
Yangkun felt his body shake, and the chains snapped."Oh my god!" Yangkun screamed in fright.
Thankfully, the chain was broken on the other end of the chain.
Otherwise, things would have been terrible.
Thus, Yangkun exerted his last bit of strength to climb to the other side."Where's Bingxin?" Yangkun anxiously raised his sword high in the air.
He hoped that Bingxin would be able to see some light, and that he would also be able to see Bingxin."Hurry up and leave me alone!"It was Bingxin.
That's right.
Yangkun shouted towards the other side, "Come here!" But when he looked down, the remaining two chains began to emit cracking sounds, as if they might break at any moment.
The cavern shook even more violently, and more and more stones began to fall."Bingxin, where are you?
Come here!
Use your flying sword!" Yangkun shouted.
He suddenly remembered that Bingxin's flying sword was tied to his body.
At this moment, he finally realized something.
"Does Bingxin know that this place will collapse?
No wonder she urged me to leave first.""...""Rumble!""Bingxin, Bingxin...""Idiot, let's go.
Leave me alone, let's go...""No, I want you to come with me.
Otherwise, even if I die, I won't abandon you!" Yangkun said to the darkness.
He didn't know if Bingxin could hear his voice."Hurry up, this place is about to collapse.
My legs are broken, I can't walk anymore..."What?
Bingxin's injured??Yangkun felt like a needle was pricking his heart.
At this moment, he really was an immortal who could plunge heaven and earth.
That way, he would be able to immediately fly over to save Bingxin."Hurry up and leave.
If you don't leave, we will all die here," said Bingxin weakly."Bingxin..." At this moment, Yangkun didn't know what to say.
He continued to call her name, as if he wanted to carve her deep into his heart."Ah!" Opposite came a miserable cry from Bingxin, this time Yang Kun saw clearly, the opposite huge stones like hailstones kept falling down."Bingxin..." No matter how Yangkun called out to him, what answered him was only the sound of the collapsing rock and the rumbling thunder.Then, Yangkun felt the stone beneath him shake.
He subconsciously took a step back, and the place where he had just stood immediately collapsed.
Then, the stones above began to fall down with all their might.Yangkun looked behind him and saw that it was a long tunnel.
This tunnel should lead to the bottom of the True Palace.
As long as they reached there, they would be safe.But how could Yangkun be willing to leave?
He just stood at the entrance of the passageway and kept shouting Bingxin's name.The furthest distance in the world,It wasn't Tian Ya or Tian Ya.Rather,You are clearly standing in front of me,But I,I can't save you...Finally, the other side of Yangkun collapsed completely.
One could already see a bright ray of light shooting down from the top, and the entire cave instantly brightened up.Bingxin's position just now had disappeared.
It looked like he had completely fallen into the bottomless abyss."Bingxin, thank you.
If there's a next life, I'm willing to protect you for the rest of my life..." Yangkun slowly knelt down.
The man's tears weren't light, but they hadn't yet reached the point where he was heartbroken.
At this moment, he was truly hurt.Yangkun wiped his tears, stood up, and ran into the underground tunnel that led to the All True Hall.Rumble!
The spot where Yang Kungang had just stood was instantly reduced to stone ink by countless bolts of lightning.Using the blue light released by the sword, Yangkun desperately ran towards the other end of the underground tunnel.
Behind him, there was a continuous rumbling sound.After running for an unknown amount of time, Yangkun finally reached the end of the passageway.
At the end of the passageway was a one metre tall Taiji diagram.
The diagram was engraved on the stone tiles.
Yangkun thought about it and realized that this was the Taiji Sect.Yangkun didn't know how to open the Taiji Gate.
He slapped and hit the Taiji Diagram again and again, but he couldn't find a way to open the door."Sigh, am I really going to die here today?" Yangkun leaned on the door and slumped on the ground.At this moment, he felt that something was pressing against his buttocks, and felt very uncomfortable.
He reached out and wiped it away, only to see that the place where he was sitting was a protruding stone."Hm?" Yangkun furrowed his brows.
Then, he moved away and examined the stone that he had just sat on."This is a mechanism?"There was also a small Taiji pattern carved on the stone, and there was another groove in the middle.
Yangkun looked at the groove and thought to himself, 'Could this be the key hole?
But where is the key?
Moreover, this groove is so big, so how big must the key be?'Could it be this sword?Thinking of this, Yangkun took off the sword that was emitting blue light."Huh?
It looks like it really is it..." Yangkun compared the sword to the slot.
It looked like it could fit in.Thus, Yangkun carefully aimed his sword at the groove, and slowly inserted it into the groove.
Sure enough, it went smoothly.
The body of the sword completely disappeared into the groove.
However, after a long time, there wasn't any response."Oh, that's right..." Yangkun tried to turn the sword to the right, but he didn't expect it to actually rotate.
He carefully turned it to the right twice, and only stopped when he couldn't turn it at all."Kakaka"Finally, the Taiji Gate slowly moved in the direction of the yin and yang.
Yangkun unsheathed his sword and strode into the Taiji Gate.Over the Supreme Polar Hall!"Rumble~"Bolts of earth-shaking thunder and lightning tore at the barrier above the entire True Palace."Master, it's bad.
The barrier is about to break!"The old daoist looked at the barrier above, and then ordered.
"Quickly enter the palace to form the formation.
" Then, his body weakened and he entered the entire True Hall.
He sat cross-legged at the very center of the hall.
Then, he formed a seal with both hands, and a net-shaped formation appeared.
Like a seven-awned star formation, it continuously rose and rotated, slowly growing larger.
Finally, it stopped in mid-air, deadlocked with the dark clouds and lightning in the air.
No one was able to take even half a step forward..Seeing this, the disciples didn't dare to be careless.
They quickly filed in and sat in a circle around the old daoist.
Then, they all joined hands and dozens of dazzling pillars of light poured into the old daoist's formation.
As a result, the old daoist's side immediately gained the upper hand and the dark clouds instantly fell into a disadvantageous position..At this time, someone ran out from the back of the hall.
It was Yangkun.
He looked like a beggar on the streets.Those Shushan disciples were shocked when they saw Yangkun's appearance.
They didn't know when Yangkun had entered.
It seemed like they didn't know much about the underground tunnel.The old daoist glanced at Yangkun, then glanced behind him and frowned, "Where's Binger?""She, she..." Yangkun stammered, unable to utter a single word."What's wrong with her?" The old daoist immediately knew that things were not looking good.
He suddenly felt a little uneasy and the formation in the sky began to tremble."What's wrong with her?" the old daoist demanded.
He stared intently at Yangkun."She...she's dead..." Yangkun immediately sat down.
Even he couldn't believe it."What?" The old Taoist suddenly stopped breathing and almost spat out blood.
At this time, the array above trembled even more violently.
It flickered between light and darkness, as if it would dissipate at any moment.
On the contrary, the black cloud was now like a mighty lion, roaring and clamoring.
The lightning from blue to red, and the most purple.."How, how did she die?
My senior sister is dead?
How is that possible?" The one who spoke was the little daoist's crystal.
At that moment, the crystal couldn't sit still any longer.
He grabbed Yangkun's collar and shook it vigorously, "Tell me, is this true?
My senior sister was still alive just now.
How did she die?
You must be lying, right?
Tell me, you're lying!
Tell me!"."How...
how did she die?
My senior martial sister died?
How is that possible?" The one who spoke was the little daoist's crystal.
At this moment, the crystal couldn't sit still any longer.
He grabbed Yangkun's collar and shook it vigorously.
"Tell me, is this true?
My senior martial sister was fine just now.
How did she die?
You must be lying, right?
Tell me, you're lying!
Tell me!"Yangkun's eyes darkened and he murmured, "The cave collapsed along the way to the All-Heavens Hall.
She died in order to save me..."The little daoist, Shui Jingzi, helplessly let go of Yangkun.
Then, he ran madly towards the back hall.
It seemed like he was going to look for Bingxin in the underground cave.At this moment, another Shushan disciple also stood up and pulled the crystal, saying, "Junior Brother, are you crazy?
The lightning tribulation is almost to the last wave, and the underground tunnel has collapsed.
If you go there like this, you will undoubtedly die!"Shui Jingzi was stunned as tears streamed down his face.
He sobbed, "Senior Sister, my good senior sister, you can't abandon me, my master, and my junior brothers.
Didn't you say you wanted to take me out to see the outside world?
Have you forgotten?
Don't you want Xiaojing anymore?".Shui Jingzi could only stare blankly on the spot, tears streaming down his face.
He sobbed, "Senior Sister, my good senior sister, you can't abandon me, Master, and the junior brothers.
Didn't you say you wanted to take me out to see the outside world?
Have you forgotten?
Don't you want Xiaojing anymore?""Not good, Master, this wave seems to be much more powerful than before!" one of Shushan disciples shouted.The old Taoist priest had just suffered from the pain of losing his son, but now the crystal couldn't be of any help, so he couldn't endure it all at once.
He spat out a mouthful of blood, splattering a large area of the palace.Like this, the hairline in the air trembled a few times.
Its body shrank and became only one-third of its original size.
The brutal lightning tribulation caused a storm and pushed the outer walls of the main hall.
An ear-piercing wail came from the air, as if there were ten thousand evil spirits howling, causing one's hair to stand on end.At this moment, a fire ignited in Yangkun's heart.
"It's all because of this damned lightning tribulation.
If it weren't for this damn lightning tribulation, Bingxin wouldn't have died.
It's all your fault.
Fuck, I'm going to fight you to the death!"Yangkun's eyes were bloodshot as he strode out of the hall."Oh no, he ran out.
Mo Jingzi, stop him!"It turned out that the Shushan disciple who had grabbed the crystal was called Mo Jingzi.
He quickly released the crystal and chased after Yangkun.But at this moment, Yangkun was like a wild horse that had broken free of its reins.
Even the ink crystals with high cultivations didn't catch up to him at all.
In the blink of an eye, Yangkun had already arrived outside the main hall."Damn it, lightning tribulation!
Come on, call me if you have the ability!
Aren't you so awesome?
I'm not afraid of you today.
If you have the ability, turn me into ashes!
Fuck!" Yangkun stood outside the hall like a madman, pointing and cursing at the dark clouds in the sky."Master, he seems to have gone crazy..." Mo Jingzi was stunned at the entrance of the main hall.
He hesitated and didn't dare to leave, as if he was afraid that the lightning would really hit him.
Even Shushan's disciples with such a high cultivation were so afraid.
It seemed like this lightning tribulation was really not ordinary.
It was a pity that Yangkun didn't know if he had truly gone mad or if he didn't know the power of the lightning tribulation, but he actually went out to publicly provoke and humiliate him.
Wasn't this just seeking death?The old daoist didn't say anything.
He sighed deeply and said, "This kid is too emotional.
However, how many people in this world are like him?" The old daoist said as if he had made a big decision.
He said to the disciples, "Looks like I won't be leaving this time.
I wanted to reach Level 150 before I ascended, but God forbids me.
Looks like I have no choice but to become a wandering immortal."When the Shushan disciples heard that, they quickly shouted, "No, Master!"However, the old Taoist only smiled.
With a kick of his feet, his body broke through the roof of the main hall and flew into the air.Just as Yangkun was cursing loudly, he saw the old daoist fly out and asked, "Old man, are you crazy?"At this moment, the old daoist seemed to have seen through the world's mundane world and obtained immortality.
He formed seals with both hands, and a seven-colored floating cloud appeared beneath his feet.
Then he smiled and said to Yangkun, "Young man, from the moment I first met you until now, it has only been a few days.
However, I feel like we have been good friends for thousands of years.
Since we are so fated, I will officially accept you as Shushan's disciple and bestow you with the Dao title [Qingyu].""I hope you can lead the Shushan disciples to find a way to open the Eye of Enigma ahead of time.
Old Daoist, thank you first.
""Damned old man, get down here!
Aren't you afraid that you'll lose your balance when you speak so loudly?" Yangkun raised his head and shouted at the old man in the air."Heh heh, you brat, don't call me old man again in the future.
You should call me Master and remind you how many times.
Oh right, if you really don't want to call me Master, just call me Daoist 'Forgotten Dust'.""I don't care if you forget the mundane world.
You're going to come down soon.
I heard you just now.
If you ascend now, then you can only be a Divinity Immortal.
You don't have to regret it.
No matter what, you have to wait until you reach the highest level before flying~" Yangkun tried to persuade.
However, the old daoist chuckled as if he was returning to his death and said: "Perhaps this is the will of fate.
Not everyone can become an immortal, let alone a True Immortal.""...""Rumble~"The lightning tribulation in the sky seemed to have long since become unbearable, as though it was cursing, "Isn't it just ascending?
Why are you spouting so much nonsense?" Under the intense attack of the lightning tribulation, the formation formed by the old daoist finally disappeared.
Instantly, a strong tornado poured down and the old daoist's body was immediately sucked into it."Master!
Old man!"