Immortal Star

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Chapter 5

Right now, the scene in the sky was like the end of the world.
Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, but these lightning bolts were not like the previous attacks that had been used on innocents.
The outside of the main hall had already become very calm.
Only the roars of the old Taoists and the rumbling of lightning could be heard from the clouds above the main hall.No one could imagine how much pain the old daoist was suffering right now.All the disciples left the hall and looked up at the clouds in the sky quietly.
They saw that the clouds were twisting and changing color from time to time with electric sparks.
The Shushan disciples knew that their master was about to ascend, and their eyes couldn't help but turn red, as if they could cry at any moment..The clouds in the sky slowly began to shrink and eventually turned into a small seven-colored cloud, very similar to the one that the old Taoist stepped on just now.
This cloud became as docile as a little sheep and slowly descended.
There was a person sitting on the cloud."Old man, no, Master, I knew you would be fine..." Yangkun said happily when he saw that the old man sitting in the clouds was none other than the old man.Sitting upright on the seven-colored cloud, the old Dao was currently resting with his eyes closed, as if he was meditating and cultivating.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over.
The old daoist's body went weak and instantly turned into ashes that drifted away in the wind.The Shushan disciples immediately knelt down and cried, "Master, Master..."Yangkun looked at the scattered ashes and cursed, "Old man, why did you leave just like that?
Didn't you say that you would still call me martial arts?
If you leave, who will teach me martial arts?
If you don't teach me martial arts, those gang members will bully me when I get back, who will help me?
Old man, Master, Master, Wuwu".Yangkun looked at the scattered ashes and cried, "Old man, why did you leave just like that?
Didn't you say that you would still call me martial arts?
If you leave, who will teach me martial arts?
If you don't teach me martial arts, those gangsters will bully me when I go back, who will help me?
Old man, Master, Master, Wuwu"Sorrow engulfed the entire Shushan.
After the old path ascended, seven sariras were left behind.
The red, orange, yellow, blue, and violet colored seven different colors.
These seven sariras were sealed under the ancestral temple's memorial tablet.
Some people asked why the monks had sariras after their deaths, but the monks didn't.
In fact, there were both Buddhism cultivators who cultivated their internal power.
From this point on, they were the same.
However, Buddhism was popular when it came to cremation.
As for the method of burial after the monk's death, the first was to sit in a vat and seal the body before burying it.
The second was a coffin and buried with a coffin, so people thought that the cultivators didn't have sariras..In fact, if one's cultivation reached Level 150, they wouldn't be able to produce sarira.
That kind of ascension was akin to transmigrating.
Both their ki and physiques had reached the Immortal Plane at the same time.
These immortals were called True Immortals.
On the contrary, if one's physique wasn't at Level 150 or if something happened to one's physique during the process of cultivation, then they would be considered as Immortals.
They could only barely reach the Solitary Immortal stage.Also, the effects of 149 and 148 were different, so everyone who really knew how to cultivate would try their best to avoid the lightning tribulation.
The sooner they ascended, the better.Furthermore, the old Taoist had no choice but to do so.
In addition to the fact that he had lost his son, the old Taoist would be able to ascend as soon as possible and become an immortal as soon as possible.
If he could become an immortal as soon as possible, the chances of him being able to save a cigarette would be much higher.
That was why the old Taoist Priest had no choice but to ascend.History of Cultivation: Daoist title [Forgotten Dust], the one hundred and twenty-eight headmaster of Shushan.
Yu Xiulianxuan ascended in the middle of the sunny year, and ascended to Level 142.
He has been cultivating for more than seven hundred and eighty years.The old Daoist ascended at Level 142, so it wasn't an injustice.
135-150 was the Tribulation Passing Stage.
In other words, 135 would attract lightning tribulations.
If 135 were to fly, then they would be wronged.
However, from another perspective, some of them had cultivated their whole lives without reaching the Tribulation Passing Stage.
They didn't even have the chance to become the lowest level of wandering immortals.
Compared to being inferior, they were better than being able to ascend, right?Although he flew early, it was still a million times better than the pain of reincarnation when he fell into the six paths.Laodao ascended and Bingxin left.
However, those who were still alive had to continue their work.
They had already completed Laodao's funeral three days later.Yangkun walked out of the ancestral hall towards the Immortal Abode.
At this time, half of it had collapsed, leaving only half of it hanging on the cliff.
At this time, there was a person sitting on a rock next to the Immortal Abode.
Needless to say, it was a little Daoist crystal.Yangkun didn't say anything.
He just quietly looked at his thin body, and a daoist robe floated in the air.Shui Jingzi seemed to have sensed someone behind him.
He slowly turned his head and revealed a pair of reddened eyes.
It seemed that the recent events had made it difficult for a child to handle.Yangkun still didn't say anything.
He simply cast his gaze towards the deep hole.
The diameter of the hole was already ten zhang wide, and he could basically see some of the scenery in the cave.
Although the stone bamboo shoots in the cave were very beautiful, no one was in the mood to appreciate it.
Occasionally, a heat wave came from the cave, as if the bottom of the abyss was boiling lava.Was Bingxin really dead?
Even Shui Jingzi couldn't find her.
Was she really dead?
Yangkun tried his best to deceive himself, but the more he lied, the clearer his heart became, and the more painful it felt."Kakakaga"Like an earthquake, the earth suddenly shook and the surroundings began to fall into the abyss."Be careful!" Yangkun cried out.
However, it was already too late.
Shui Jingzi's figure had already fallen into the ground, along with the stones under him.Yangkun instinctively ran over, but when he saw the deep bottom of the valley, he immediately stopped."What should we do?" Yangkun kept asking himself.
It might be better if he went back and called other Shushan disciples, but Bingxin had already said that there was a seal here, so calling them here was a waste.No, I can't hesitate anymore.
The longer I delay, the more dangerous the crystal will be.Yangkun took off the sword that Bingxin had given him and began to think of a way to dig a hole.
He decided that no matter how dangerous it was, he would have to go down.
Yangkun's body quickly disappeared from the hole and appeared at the entrance of the tunnel yesterday.Yangkun's eyes lit up, and he focused on the broken chains.
He collected all the other chains and linked them together.
Then, he hastily tightened his grip on the parts that weren't very solid.
He found a protruding stone pillar and slowly climbed down.Yangkun was overjoyed when he saw the light blue light emitted from the sword in his hand.
He saw that the crystal had been hung by a tree on the wall.
Fortunately, it didn't fall off.
This kid shouldn't have been affected.
At most, he had fainted from fright.
Yangkun thought to himself, and then carefully moved towards the crystal.
However, he didn't expect that there would be a tree here.How could Yangkun think so much now?
Just as he was about to grab the crystal, the tree in front of him moved and moved away about a meter away.Yangkun was stunned.
Why did this tree know how to walk?
Yangkun thought that his eyes were blurry, so he leaned towards the tree again.
To his surprise, the tree actually spoke in human language, "Don't come over here.
I'm afraid of you...""Fuck, a tree demon!""Ah, human demons!"The tree monster was shouted by Yangkun, and the human monster was shouted by the tree monster."Hey, who are you talking about?" Yangkun pointed at the horned tree demon in front of him and asked in a somewhat depressed and puzzled manner."Of course I'm talking about you.
Look at how delicate you look.
I thought you were a woman," said the tree demon in human language."Go, I'm a seven-foot-long man.
How could I be a woman?" Yangkun snorted disdainfully.
Then, he looked at his senior brother, Shui Jingzi, and said, "But thank you.
If it weren't for you, my senior brother might have already died!""He's already dead!""What?""Hehe, I'm just kidding!""OMG!
Sweat!"How could this tree monster play a prank?
It seemed that the world was vast and there were all kinds of wonders."Big Brother Shuyao, can I ask you for a favor?" Yangkun smiled apologetically.The tree monster waved its limbs a few times.
Only then did Yangkun look at it.
This tree monster had a wooden frame, and had a face on it.
It looked rather cute.
Could it be a young tree monster?"What is it?" The tree demon blinked and looked meaningfully at Yangkun."Can you help me send my senior brother up?
I'm already out of strength, so I can't carry him anymore," Yangkun replied."Sure, just carry it for 10 bucks," the tree demon replied."It's fine, but I'll have it when I get down from the mountain.
I've used up all my money online...""Yeah, but it seems like an earthquake is going to happen again..." Before the Treant could finish speaking, it shook the mountain and shook it.
Yangkun finally couldn't grab the chain and fell into the abyss.Yangkun felt the wind brushing against his ear so hard that his ears hurt.
This hole was so damn deep that he couldn't even finish it after half a day.
He had jumped off a building and committed suicide in the blink of an eye.
Before he could react, he had died.
However, he felt worse than suicide.
Death wasn't the most painful.
The most painful thing was to wait for death..Yangkun cursed inwardly, "Why aren't you done yet?
Damn it, you didn't even give me a chance to die.
Even if you torture me, I don't think that's the way you torture me," Yangkun said.
At first, Yangkun was afraid that he would close his eyes, but he didn't seem to be able to do it for a long time.
Thus, he slowly opened his eyes.
However, it didn't matter if he didn't open his eyes.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he was almost scared to death.He saw countless reddened eyes staring at him from all around the cave walls.Yangkun took a closer look.
It turned out that there were countless pits on the walls, filled with monsters.
Using the faint light, Yangkun saw many strange creatures.
They all looked at Yangkun with a look of longing and unwillingness.Bang!Yangkun's body suddenly froze.
A huge tentacle emerged from a hole and grabbed his body.
Yangkun knew that this tentacle wasn't to save him, but to treat him as a dinner.Sure enough, the tentacles grabbed him and dragged him into the hole.
Yangkun felt as if his bones were about to shatter, as if he were being entangled by a python.
He couldn't move at all.They were dead, they were dead.
It looked like they had really died this time.
However, they had died in such a pitiful way that they had been eaten by the monster like desserts.
This was something that Yangkun had never expected."I'm not willing to accept this!" Yangkun cried out.
Then, with all his might, he raised the sword in his hand and thrust it at the tentacles.The tentacle was stabbed by Yangkun, and black liquid flowed out of the sword's mouth, emitting a stench that almost killed Yangkun on the spot.
Yangkun pulled out his sword, intending to stab it again.
It seemed that the tentacle was in great pain as well, and it immediately threw Yangkun away.Gloominess, free movement again."Beng Dong!"Yangkun fell into some sort of liquid."What is this?
Could it be a pool of underground water?"Yangkun craned his neck and looked around.
He saw himself soaking in a strange pool.Yangkun swam about.
Finally, he reached the edge.
He finally understood what this was."Ka Wayi, what a huge cauldron!" Yangkun turned around and sat down on the edge of the cauldron, examining it."What kind of cauldron is this?
And I don't know what material it is made of.
It's bronze?
I don't think so." Yangkun shivered a bit before jumping down from the cauldron.In front of Yangkun was a Four-sided Cauldron.
It was five meters tall, four meters wide, and seven meters long.
The four sides of the cauldron were engraved with all sorts of patterns and strange characters.
In Yangkun's opinion, apart from its larger body, it was no different from other cauldrons.He never would have thought that this was one of the ten legendary divine artifacts, the Witch God Cauldron.
Normally, other cauldrons had no lids, but the Witch God Cauldron had a lid.
In other words, like coffins, there was a lid.
The lid on the top of the cauldron was Qian, and the box below was Kun.
Thus, there were also some people who called the Witch God Cauldron 'Heaven and Earth Cauldron'.
It was said that Boss Ancient Plate came from this cauldron.However, only ghosts would know why the Witch God Furnace was in the underground cave in Shushan.Yangkun raised the sword in his hand and knocked on the cauldron a few times, making several muffled noises.
He really couldn't see what this thing was used for.
Could it really be the bath pool?Yangkun circled around the cauldron a few times.
Then, he finally saw a word of cognition."Wu!""What's the meaning of this?" Yangkun noticed that there was a slightly larger word 'Wu' in the middle of the cauldron wall, and then there were densely packed ancient words next to it.
He didn't know what it meant at all."By the way, as long as these strange things are stained with blood, they usually react to certain reactions.
I wonder if this cauldron will give me some face and surprise?" Yangkun thought to himself.
Then, he raised his sword, not daring to cut down his left hand.If he died, then so be it.
Yangkun finally made up his mind.
He raised his sword and gently slashed down on his palm.A wisp of blood flowed out.
Yangkun endured the burning pain and pressed his bleeding left hand onto the protruding word "Wu" on the cauldron wall.One second, two seconds..."Damn, there's no response.
I..." Suddenly, a strange image interrupted Yangkun's insults.
The word 'Wu' that Yangkun had pressed on his left hand began to light up slowly, and then the densely packed words began to come alive, turning into a riot of colours, twisting and twisting.The word 'Wu' grew brighter and brighter.
Gradually, Yangkun lost consciousness, as if the entire world was white.After an unknown period of time, Yangkun finally regained his senses.
He opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar city.
It was a strange building, a strange tree, a strange person, and a strange expression."Amazing...""Very yellow and violent...""A god..."The surrounding discussion gradually expanded as three groups of five whispered to each other, chattering about something.
But, but...
what are you all staring at me for?
I imagine countless malicious gazes staring at you in the open and in the dark.
It's terrifying.Yangkun felt like he was a naked lamb, shivering under the glowing eyes of a group of big grey wolves.
Do you know what the difference between a handsome man and a handsome man is?
A handsome man's sorrow is still not handsome enough, whereas a handsome man's sorrow is beyond handsome.
Unfortunately, Yangkun seems to belong to the latter, and so many people are smitten by my beauty.Suddenly, a rough male voice sounded, even in the noisy environment."Hey, brother, how did you do it?
Didn't you say that players who were born in Newbie City can't be naked?"Suddenly, a rough male voice sounded, even in the noisy environment."Hey, brother, how did you do it?
Didn't you say that players who were born in Newbie City can't be naked?"In large-scale online games, each player's equipment panel had its own miniature appearance and clothing that were exactly the same as a player's.
To put it bluntly, this was the function of a mirror.
Yangkun hurriedly searched for the mouse to adjust the panel, but where did he find the mouse?
He saw a sword glowing with blue light in his right hand.
Yangkun naturally remembered that this sword was given to him by Bingxin.
What's going on?
It's not a game?
Is it a dream, or is it a game?
But looking at the scene in front of him, it seems like he's playing some kind of game....Yangkun hurriedly searched for the mouse to adjust his face, but where did he find the mouse?
He saw a sword glowing with blue light in his right hand.
Of course, Yangkun remembered that this sword was given to him by Bingxin.
what happened?
It wasn't a game?
Was it a dream, or was it a time of transmigration?
However, the scene before him seemed to be playing a game...