The Story of Love and Justice

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Chapter 3

The next day, Gao Xing woke up early.
After all, he didn't have many days left to live, so he had to make full use of every little bit of time.
However, he didn't seem to have much to do.
Suddenly, his eyes lit up.
How could he possibly forget Fang Yanhong?
She was a beautiful woman who worked in the Red Cross.
She had met him before when she had donated something to him.That was why Gao Xing had brought a few old clothes with him today.
Firstly, he would make some contributions before he died, and secondly, it would be better to bid farewell to her.As soon as he saw Fang Yanhong, her eyes seemed to have taken root in Gao Xing's face.
Gao Xing smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen a handsome man, hasn't it?" Fang Yanhong immediately responded, "It's rare to see someone as weak as you." Gao Xing shrugged and put on a helpless expression.
Then, he handed the clothes he'd brought over to Fang Yanhong and said, "Come, let's register this for now."Fang Yanhong grabbed his clothes and said, "Wait for me." Then, he turned around and left.As soon as Gao Xing turned around, he saw Chen Fangling walking in with some clothes in hand.
He could only smile helplessly and say, "What a coincidence." Chen Fangling didn't seem to have the slightest bit of a smile on his face.
It seemed as though he was about to cry.
It seemed that he must have thought that Gao Xing had come to make some contributions because he was about to die.At that moment, Gao Xing suddenly had the urge to explain things to Chen Fangling.
But then, he realized that there was no need for that, because he had always only explained things to the people he cared about."How can I be sure that my money is a good deed?" The voice sounded somewhat noisy, and Gao Xing's eyes followed.
A young man was talking to Fang Yanhong.
Out of curiosity, I walked over with Chen Fangling.
Then, I heard the young man say, "Do I have the right to know where my money went?" Fang Yanhong didn't know how to respond to him.Gao Xing stepped forward and politely said to the young man, "Is there anything I can help you with?"The young man glanced at Gao Xing and said, "I really want to know if I can help those who need help if I donate money?""Of course.
Please trust us," Gao Xing replied."Then can you tell me where this money went?""Of course you can.
You can leave behind your contact information." Gao Xing paused for a moment before continuing, "It wouldn't be true if we lied to you, and you wouldn't be able to verify it either."He nodded and said, "That's right, then I'll leave the money to the poor people who need help.
" After saying that, he turned around and left."Wait." Gao Xing hurriedly stopped him.
"Can your ability help the people you want to help solve the problem in one go?""Perhaps not, but the fire is high.""That's right, our organization is gathering these small forces together and helping those who need help.
I can understand your worries, and some of them have done or are doing what you're worried about, but this isn't the reason why you don't help others.
If everyone thinks so, then how sad are we humans!" Gao Xing's words wavered him, and then he took advantage of the heat to strike, "I'm not a staff member here.
I'm just a donor like you.
I'm just giving you some small advice.
If you don't agree with what I've said, you can also help others according to your own thoughts."What was important was that we had to have love."..."He smiled and said earnestly, "Young man, you are very caring and responsible.
I've been persuaded by you.
I'll donate here."He couldn't accept the fact that he was called Gao Xing, but he still said politely to the young man, "Thank you for your kindness!" Then, he walked to another side.After a while, Fang Yanhong finished the formalities and walked over.
He ran over to Chen Fangling and said, "Fangling, you're here too!" Gao Xing looked at them in surprise.
He didn't expect the two of them to know each other.Fang Yanhong continued, "What do you think?
Our great writer is formidable, isn't he?
His name is Gao Xing, and he's the one I'm talking to you about." Then, he turned to Gao Xing and said, "Kid, come, big sister will introduce a beauty to you."Chen Fangling was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice, "We know each other."Fang Yanhong sighed, "It seems that I can't introduce you."Gao Xing smiled and said, "Since when have I asked you to introduce me to someone?
Old woman!" The last two words were especially loud."You're courting death!
How dare you call yourself Miss An Ben!" She swung her fists at Gao Xing's lower abdomen, completely disregarding the image of her in their workplace.
Gao Xing also appreciated the fact that she was such a genuine girl.Gao Xing always obeyed women with violent tendencies, so he immediately said with a smile, "I know I was wrong, but it's a pity that you said it was too late.
I recently found a girlfriend."Fang Yanhong was a little surprised and said, "Really?
Then why didn't you pull it out today?""What are you talking about?
Do you think she's an animal?" Gao Xing raised his voice."What's wrong?
Isn't Gao Xing here?" Fang Yanhong asked.Gao Xing puffed out his chest and pretended.
Then he said in a low voice, "I don't dare, I don't dare!"Chen Fangling couldn't help but laugh.Fang Yanhong suddenly looked at me and said, "Gao Xing, I have something to tell you.
I'm going to Japan.
I'll walk for five years."Ever since Gao Xing knew that he was about to die, he felt a sense of melancholy.
A sense of desolation rose up in his heart, and tears almost flowed down his face.
He immediately found a casual topic, "Which one of you has lipstick on?"Chen Fangling asked, "I did.
What do you want to do?"Gao Xing replied, "I want to write a poem on her face.
"Fang Yanhong didn't get too angry after hearing this, but he still gave Gao Xing a verbal slap.
He laughed and scolded, "I hate you.
You're the most despicable person in the world." This was the phrase that she used to scold Gao Xing the most.
Now, she really was being scolded.Chen Fangling actually cried.
He didn't know if it was because she couldn't bear to part with Fang Yanhong, or if she already had some feelings for Gao Xing.Fang Yanhong tried to persuade her, "Five years pass in the blink of an eye.
You can still call me."Chen Fangling gradually suppressed his tears.
Looking at her sad expression, Gao Xing really wanted to say something to her: "Girl, I won't make you cry again."Suddenly, Fang Yanhong planted a kiss on Gao Xing's face.Gao Xing was stunned.
"Why don't you want me to wash my face?"Fang Yanhong didn't smile and said softly, "I really don't know what you were like when I saw you guys again."Gao Xing's tears almost burst out upon hearing these words, because he knew that he might never be able to see Fang Yanhong again.
Gao Xing forced himself to hold back his tears and said, "I have something to do.
Wait for my call.
I'll treat you to a meal before I leave." As soon as he turned around, his tears began to fall uncontrollably.Gao Xing thought to himself - Didn't I say that I won't cry anymore?
Why do I feel like crying the more I suppress my emotions?
When I reached home, I saw tears streaming down my cheeks.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
It was Chen Fangling.
He quickly wiped away his tears and picked up the phone."Where are you?""We're on the way!
I'm preparing to find someone to practice on the road.""Were you crying just now?!""I didn't cry.
I just wanted to taste the taste of my tears.
I thought it was sweet.
I tasted it.
It wasn't sweet at all!" This was a line in my novel.
I didn't expect it to be useful."As expected of a writer.
Why didn't you watch me just now?""I forgot.
Tonight!""See you tonight then."Gao Xing was a punctual person, so he was already in KFC before 18:30.
Unlike most girls, Chen Fangling didn't arrive on time!"What should I eat?""I want a chicken-legged hamburger.""Is that enough?""I didn't eat much to begin with.
It's pretty easy to raise.""Is that so?
It's a pity that I don't have this fortune.
My house isn't that kind of place to raise." Before Chen Fangling could react, Gao Xing went to order.When Gao Xing returned, Chen Fangling was deep in thought.
Only when Gao Xing placed the item in front of her did she realize what was going on.She didn't say anything.
She just ate.
Gao Xing's family had been teaching him to eat without saying anything.
Therefore, he didn't say anything either.
Instead, he quietly ate.Gao Xing was the one who ate first, so he simply watched her eat whenever he had nothing to do.
She was also a lady, and she chewed and chewed slowly as she ate.
Gao Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "The heavens are truly unfair.
How did I end up encountering such a good girl when I was on the verge of death?
Perhaps it was because I knelt to the gods in my previous life to meet her at the cost of my life, so I agreed without any hesitation?"After Chen Fangling finished eating, he took out Gao Xing's watch from his bag.
Gao Xing received the watch and said, "I thought you'd ask me to invite you three meals in a row before returning it to me." She smiled and continued, "I'm not a greedy person." Gao Xing continued, "I'm not very greedy, but I'm also greedy.
You have to know that Changle is a contented person!" She sighed and continued, "Perhaps having a meal with you is my greed."Gao Xing finally noticed that her eyes were somewhat reddened.
Was it because of him?Gao Xing didn't know what to say or whether to say it or not, but he knew that whatever he said would speed up her tears.
He played with his phone and didn't dare to lift his head, afraid to see her teary eyes.Gao Xing suddenly remembered that he should give Fang Yanhong a call, "Hey, beauty, when are you leaving?
I'll represent the people of my country and miss you.""Next Monday, why are you treating me to dinner?""How is tomorrow?""Tomorrow?
Okay, tomorrow afternoon then, okay?""Alright, it's yours!""Do you need me to ask Chen Fangling for you?""There's no need.
I'm with her.
I'll let her know in a bit." Gao Xing had just finished speaking when he heard a loud roar from the other end of the phone.
It was much more violent than the Black Baboon's.
Because his ears hadn't been stimulated for a long time, he hurriedly pulled the phone away."Give the phone to Fangling!" Fang Yanhong yelled.Gao Xing followed Fang Yanhong's instructions and handed the phone to Chen Fangling.
At the same time, he muttered to himself, "Why is Chen Fangling reacting so badly when I'm with him?" Chen Fangling had also heard Fang Yanhong's lion's roar, so there was no need for Gao Xing to explain.
She received the call and walked out of the room.