The Strongest God of War in The Spiritual World

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Chapter 2

"Yijiang!" Yijiang slowly opened his eyes and saw Chengcheng sitting next to him, "What's wrong?""You're finally awake!
Otherwise, I would have thought that you'd have fallen asleep!" Chengcheng finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Yijiang wake up.
Yijiang checked the time out, and realized that it was already noon.
Chengcheng smiled helplessly, "You really can sleep.
Didn't you say that you don't like to sleep?"Yijiang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "Is that so?
I don't know.
I've been up very late recently.
Oh, right!
Where's the old man?" Only then did Yijiang notice that there were only him and Chengcheng in the room."I never said I'd be responsible for watching him.""Alright, we still have things to do today!
We need to get up!" After Yijiang was done washing up, he brought Chengcheng to one of his friends' house, Duan Guanghui.
Duan Guanghui and Yijiang had grown up together since they were young and had rolled out of a muddy pit.
Duan Guanghui also had a younger sister named Duan Guangting.
However, Yijiang didn't know whether they had returned or not.Anyway, since he had already returned, it would be more interesting to have more people to play with.
Yijiang didn't want to miss this opportunity.The two of them stood at the door and looked inside.
The windows were tightly sealed with yellow plastic, so they couldn't see what was going on inside.
Yijiang was just about to walk in when the door to the courtyard opened.
A 'big' figure was pushing the door open with a smile on his face.
He was wearing loose sportswear, and his hair was short and straight.Why was it so huge?
Because this person's body size could no longer be described as simple fat, he was even slightly taller than Yijiang when he walked to Yijiang's side."Heh!
It's only light!" Yijiang immediately called out that person's name.
He couldn't be more familiar with this person.
Whether it was his figure or his appearance, Yijiang could recognize him at a glance.
Moreover, there were countless ghosts in that warm smile, and his eyes narrowed into slits..Duanguang said as he walked, "Hey!
Yijiang, long time no see.
I'm fine!
What about you?""Oh!
Same with me!
You look the same as before.
You know what I mean."The two of them began to tease each other as soon as they saw each other.
They had always liked this way since they were young.
Duanguang would let the two of them in, and his younger sister, Duanguangting, would also be surprised.
Duanguangting was a very beautiful young woman, and no one in Sunshan Village would dare to call her number one.
No one would dare to call her number two.This time, when Yijiang saw her, he was much more beautiful than before.
He should have been to the city to work hard, and knew how to dress himself up.
Duan Guangting was currently washing his hair, so he didn't talk to Yijiang and the others either.Then, Yijiang introduced Chengcheng to them and introduced them to each other.
He also told Duanguang that he would want him to join them for a bit.
They chatted for nearly an hour before they finally finished speaking.
Before leaving, Yijiang asked, "Do you have time?
I'm talking about the next few days.""..."Duanguang scoffed disdainfully, "What?
You want to ask us to steal fruits?" Stealing fruits was something they used to do when they were young.
If they were tired of playing on the mountain, they would take a rest and pick a few fruits from other people's homes to eat.
This kind of life was simple and happy.
Although it was a little immoral, it was just because they were young..Yijiang stopped playing around with Duanguang and said, "I'm serious."Duanguang pondered for a moment and said, "We have time at any time, right?
Little sister!"Duan Guangting glanced at Yijiang, "He's right.
We've always had the time.""That's good!
We'll meet at 9 AM the day after tomorrow!
I'll be waiting for you guys.
"......After settling down, the two of them left Duan Guangshou's house and went to the west side of the village.
This time, Yijiang walked directly into the courtyard and walked into the house.
When they entered the house, they found a person lying on the bed and watching television.
This scene didn't seem to be anything to Chengcheng, but Yijiang was extremely familiar with it.
Instantly, Yijiang's memories of this place fell to the back of his head.
This person played a very important role in Yijiang's mind and was indispensable.
They used to paint together, play basketball together, and discuss songs and lyrics together..At that moment, Yijiang couldn't control his emotions, but he didn't cry as exaggeratedly as before.
He couldn't help but happily close his mouth when he saw his old friend.
I'm here!"Zhangjian was concentrating on his "explore science", but he didn't expect that someone would come in.
He turned his head and was stunned for a second.
Then, he was immediately shocked and overjoyed.
He couldn't believe his eyes."Look who's here?
Yijiang, when did you come back?" It was easy to imagine what happened next.
Yijiang and Zhangjian chatted for a long time before leaving, and then told Zhangjian about this plan.
Zhangjian agreed with Zhangjian's decision.
Judging from the maniacal expression on Yijiang's face, it was indeed something that a scientific fanatic should have.Zhang Jian sat up and said, "Sure, I'm fine anyway."After that, the two of them went to "Jia Bin's" house again.
When they talked about Jia Bin, he had been with Yijiang for a long time.
Since he was young, he had always been very close.
Duan Guanghui was his childhood friend, so he didn't interact much when he grew up.
Zhangjian was someone he met since junior high school.There was also Zhuyun, who had known him since Jiang Chuyi.
Whether or not they met in the future, they all had an empty space in each other's heart.Yijiang counted in his mind that if both of them counted together, there would be a total of seven people in total.
Yijiang even told them that they would have to prepare their own lunch before leaving because it was uncertain when they would be able to return.......On the way back, there was always something wrong with Jiang Li.
There were still some changes in the village in his impression.
Of course, apart from the changes in the substance, this difference was very comfortable.
It turned out that Yijiang was very nervous when walking on the road in this village, because there were many people on both sides of the road.
It was inevitable that people would be filtered by their eyes as soon as they passed.
It was very uncomfortable.(That's right, there were many people standing outside during the day in this village, so why couldn't they see anyone now?)Yijiang looked around.
Suddenly, his gaze was fixed on a certain spot.
Not far from them, there was a sedan parked on the road.
Above the sedan, there was a blue and red rectangular object.
On the side of the car, there were two large words written, "Police!".Yijiang looked around.
Suddenly, his line of sight was inadvertently fixed somewhere.
On the road not far in front of them, there was a car.
On top of the car, there was a blue and red rectangular object.
On the side of the car, there were two large words written: "police!"[...
Isn't this a police car?
Could it be that something happened in Yangshan Village?]This was Yijiang's first reaction.
Chengcheng didn't pay much attention to this, because police cars were often seen in the city.
Therefore, he glanced around and turned his gaze elsewhere.
Yijiang felt that there must be something fishy about this matter.
There had never been a police car in Yangshan Village before.
Chengcheng looked around as he walked.
There was no one in the car, and he didn't know where the police had gone.It was at this moment that Yijiang heard a crisp sound from under his feet.
He looked down and saw that it was a piece of paper.
There were a few words written on the paper, and it was a very eye-catching one.
"Yangshan Village's meteorite!" These words were incredible.
Yijiang immediately squatted down and read it.
It turned out to be a newspaper.
The date was two years ago, and the newspaper was already in tatters.
Yijiang could vaguely tell from it that it was a meteorite that had appeared in the south of Yangshan Village two years ago.
That meteorite had already been transported away by someone related to it.
One of the pictures showed that there was a large round stone on the mountain, and it didn't seem to be anything special.."Southern Seal Mountain...
is South Seal Mountain!
Isn't this where they're going?
This isn't looking good!
Those police officers must have been guarding there, or perhaps they've already been cordoned off, right?" Yijiang's head went blank.
Chengcheng leaned over curiously to take a look, and his face suddenly turned ashen.
It was clear that he had figured out what was going on, but his expression immediately turned excited.Yijiang couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, are you alright?
What are you happy about?""Look!" Chengcheng stared intently at the newspaper.
Yijiang looked in the direction of his finger.
There was a small piece of news under this big news, which read: "Over a dozen people who disappeared in succession in Sunshan Village in the past two years.
The whereabouts of these people are still unclear, and the police are currently investigating..." The confusion in Yijiang's heart increased as he read this.."Disappeared?
Could it be related to this meteorite?"Chengcheng smiled, "Since we're going there, why don't we figure this out?"Yijiang looked at Chengcheng with an expression of disbelief, "You didn't have a fever, did you?
Do you think we'd understand this?
The police have been searching for a long time!""The police are the police, and we are the police.
How can we be compared?
Of course, the way we investigate won't be the same as them.
You guys are all familiar with South Seal Mountain, so how could there be anything strange?
You probably don't know, right?"After hearing these words, a place appeared in Yijiang's mind.
(Southern Seal Cave!
Could it be there?)Chengcheng looked at Yijiang's furrowed brows and asked, "What's wrong?
What's going on here?!"Yijiang came back to his senses.
"It's a place I've been to.
I think that place is a bit strange!
Let's go back first!"......Back in the old house, the old man sat in a daze in his courtyard.
When he saw Yijiang and Wang Wei return, he smiled and asked, "Where did the two of you go to play?"Seeing the old man's enthusiasm, Yijiang hurriedly said, "Oh!
We're going out to set up a date."The old man leaned on his walking stick and stood up.
"I'll make whatever you want for dinner right now!" It turned out that the old man was waiting for them to come back before eating together.Yijiang felt embarrassed.
"We'll eat whatever you do!"During dinner, the two of them busied themselves with helping the old man, because they knew that it wasn't easy for the old man to be alone.
His legs weren't well, and he had to live alone.
Dinner was quite sumptuous, and at the very least, it was rather extravagant for the old man.
The old man didn't care about Yijiang and Chengcheng's refusals, and insisted on making a few more dishes, so this was considered a sumptuous dinner.The rest of the day passed peacefully, making Yijiang feel like he was resting on a vacation.
Other than eating and sleeping, he would only take a few steps out occasionally.
This was much more comfortable than living in the city.
Yijiang really wanted to live like this forever, but it was impossible.......It was soon time for Zhuyun's return.
Tomorrow was the day that Yijiang had arranged for his other companions to go to South Seal Mountain, and only Zhuyun was left alone.
On this day, Yijiang wasn't in his room, but had been waiting outside for a long time, because the old man had said that it was likely he would return in the morning.However, they didn't see anyone after the whole morning, so they had no choice but to go back and eat lunch before coming out to continue waiting.At 3 pm, a white bus slowly drove over from the distance.
As the bus continued to approach, it finally stopped not far away from Yijiang and the others.
After that, a young man in his twenties walked out of the car.
He was dressed neatly, had long hair, and looked dashing.
Both of his hands were carrying bags, and he was walking towards them step by step.
Perhaps it was because the package was too heavy..Just as that man was about to reach them, Yijiang finally got a good look at the man's face.
However, the man smiled and sped up towards Yijiang.
"Hurry up and grab it for me!
Oh my god!
I'm so sunk!"It was only then that Yijiang finally snapped out of his daze.
In fact, he had recognized Zhuyun at first glance.
However, because he hadn't seen Zhuyun for many years, Yijiang was overjoyed and didn't know what to do.
He stood there in a daze for a long time before finally regaining his senses.
The moment Yijiang stepped forward, he received the two parcels from Yijiang's hands, causing Yijiang to nearly toss them to the ground.Thanks to Chengcheng's help, each person felt much more at ease.Zhuyun put his hand on his waist and said, "Why are you here?
You didn't even tell me when you came back.
Are you trying to be mysterious?"Yijiang smiled bitterly, "No way!
I haven't had the chance.
I couldn't meet you even when I came back before, so it's really hard to meet you when we grow up!""Mm, don't go back so soon.
We haven't seen each other for five years, have we?" Zhuyun looked very happy.Yijiang sighed, "Ah, isn't that so?
Firstly, we're too far away from each other, and secondly, we can't even make contact with each other in time.
I really miss you a lot!" Then, he patted Zhuyun on the shoulder.Zhuyun felt that the atmosphere wasn't right, so he immediately interrupted, "Hey, hey, don't make us look like that.
I have goosebumps all over my body!
Oh, right!
Who is this?""He's a classmate of mine in Sunshine City.
He's my colleague now.
His name is Chengcheng.""Hello, my name is Zhuyun!" Zhuyun announced to himself and reached out to shake Chengcheng's hand.
Although Chengcheng didn't usually like to talk, he couldn't refuse Zhuyun's hand when he saw Zhuyun reaching out.
He gently said, "My name is Chengcheng!".Seeing this scene, Yijiang immediately said, "You don't have to be so formal.
We will definitely be good friends in the future!"Then, Yijiang told Zhuyun everything that had happened in the past few days, and also what he had experienced with Chengcheng and his classmates.
In the end, he told him about his plan of 'South Seal Mountain' and what he had read in the newspapers.
Before Yijiang could ask him to go with him, Zhuyun immediately clamored that he would go with him, saying things like working together.
Zhuyun didn't pay much attention to things like meteors or missing people.
He just felt that going there would be fun, so he decided to accompany Yijiang..Zhuyun was surprised to see his grandfather when he returned.
It had been several years since they last saw each other, and they chatted for a long time.
The atmosphere had also become lively with more people, and Zhuyun's grandfather couldn't help but chuckle.
However, as soon as Yijiang said that he was going to South Seal Mountain, the old man immediately said with a serious expression, "What?
What are you kids going there for?
Do you know how dangerous it is?" Yijiang was stunned.
He really couldn't figure out what kind of danger an ordinary mountain would be like..[Could there be wolves, tigers, tigers, and leopards?
That's not right!
Those creatures have long since ceased to exist on the mountain in their village.
that must be something that the old master also knows about!] Yijiang really couldn't guess what caused the old man's expression to be so serious.She had no choice but to ask her own questions.
The old man seemed to recall something as his eyes drifted away.(That was a summer morning.
A woman led a 11 or 12 year old child to the mountain to pick mushrooms, because mushrooms would quietly grow on the mountain from summer to summer.
This morning was the best time to pick mushrooms.
The mountain that the woman went to was South Seal Mountain, and a strange thing happened.
The woman didn't pay attention for a moment and actually got separated from her child.She was so anxious that she couldn't find anything.
Then, she called a lot of people from the village to look for her.
It wasn't until this afternoon that a man found a child lying in a bush.
It seemed to be her child.This matter passed just like that.
The child kept saying that his left leg hurt and there were clearly no scars on his left leg.
After that, he couldn't stand up.After being examined by the doctor in the village, there was nothing he could do.
The woman could only do this to her own child.
Who knew that the child would twitch crazily when he heard this?
His eyes were filled with fear.The doctor said that the child seemed to be frightened and would recover in a few days.At this point, the old man sighed deeply.
"And then?" Zhuyun asked."Sigh...
in the end, he only ended up alone!" After saying that, the old man even laughed at himself.It was only then that Yijiang realized whether or not he had finished speaking.
"That person can't be..." Yijiang didn't dare to continue.
He was afraid that the old man would be sad again, so he stopped asking.However, the old man said solemnly, "Don't go there.
There's something that doesn't belong to this world there!" Yijiang, Zhuyun, and Chengcheng were stunned when they heard this.Zhuyun was the first to speak, "Grandfather!
What is something that doesn't belong to this world?"The old man didn't say anything else.
He simply advised them not to go.
Yijiang could tell from the old man's eyes that he had been horrified all these years.
What kind of fear was this?
It was already late, so the three of them had no choice but to go to sleep..Before Yijiang went to sleep, he thought to himself.
The thing that the old man said couldn't possibly be a lie to us, so there couldn't really be something terrifying, right?
If not, we should hurry back tomorrow!
We can't stay there for too long.
Could it be that my feeling is real?.Before Yijiang went to sleep, he thought to himself.
The thing that the old man said shouldn't be lying to us, so there shouldn't really be something scary, right?
If not, we should hurry back tomorrow!
We can't stay there for too long.
Could it be that my feeling is real?The feeling Yijiang spoke of was that he had dreamt of those strange things these past few days.The strange thing was that Yijiang didn't have any dreams this night.
He simply closed his eyes and opened them.
Another day had passed.
This really matched the words of a certain celebrity.
Time never waits for others.
Thus, Yijiang thought that he needed to seize the time to prevent time from passing away in vain.
This was the only way for him to have a meaningful life.Yijiang had always thought so.
His time was basically full.Time flowed.
It didn't matter whether you did it or not.
If someone could do it in an hour, it would be a waste of time.
Because it was too slow, you would lose a few hours from another perspective.As for Yijiang, he would finish this within an hour's time, and he would even be able to do some other things.
This meant that Yijiang had lived a few hours longer than that person.Yijiang was someone who liked to be with his companions since he was a child.
He didn't like being alone, and he was even afraid of being alone.
Loneliness slowly caused one to fall.
He was afraid that no one would talk to him, afraid that no one would share happiness and sorrow with him.
He didn't dare to think about that kind of life, because his childhood was filled with fear and fear.Back when Yijiang was young, his parents had been constantly arguing with each other.
As soon as Yijiang saw them arguing, he made up his mind.
He wanted to turn this world into a true peace.He knew that it was impossible, but at least he needed the people around him to get along with one another.
He hated war, hated quarrels, and he didn't want to lose one of his childhood friends.When they grew up, they knew all sorts of people, but they were all very similar, which was that they couldn't trust them casually.All these years, he had been alone and helpless.
Ever since he met Chengcheng, they had slowly become good friends.
Apart from their interests and interests, their personalities were also similar.
Therefore, they naturally became good friends.
Yijiang suddenly understood what kind of person he was.
He was someone who favored fantasy, so it was unrealistic for him.
Because reality was often cruel, he would rather believe in illusions than let himself be contaminated by the world.This wasn't cowardice, nor did he retreat.
This was a choice!
In a situation where there was no way out, he chose the path of life.Yes, it was a choice!
No one had the right to judge whether he was right or wrong.
Only after he had seen everything clearly and then naturally grew up.
At this time, you would mistakenly think that the original you was wrong."Actually, that was not a mistake.
Why don't we take it as the correct choice that you made before this?