The Strongest God of War in The Spiritual World

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Chapter 3

That day finally arrived.
At 8:30 AM, Yijiang began to prepare the things that should have been taken from South Seal Mountain.
Thus, he flipped through his backpack and took out all the items that were of no use to him when he went up the mountain.
In the end, there were only a few things that contained three bags of bread, three bottles of mineral water, and a bag of face paper.
These were the amount of money he had with Chengcheng and Zhuyun, and he had placed his phone in his pants..After everything was done, Yijiang had originally wanted one of them to take this bag, but after thinking about it, he realized that it would be impossible for him to let them bring the bag.
It was just that the two of them weren't as good as him.
It wasn't about how they were doing, but rather that Chengcheng's body was thin and small.
It was obvious that he was a little bullying.
Although Zhuyun's body was tough, this man had always liked to move since he was young.
Who knew when he would lose this bag?Therefore, Yijiang silently assumed the responsibility of carrying his bag, and followed the two of them to the main gate, where they waited for the assembly.In just ten short minutes, everyone appeared one after another.
Duan Guangliang and his sister Duan Guangting, Jia Bin, Zhang Jian, and even Yi Jiang, Cheng Cheng and Zhu Yun were all present.
Duan Guangliang was carrying a plastic bag containing a few pancakes and two bottles of water.
Zhang Jian came empty-handed.
Jia Bin even pretended to be carrying a women's bag.
It looked as if he had undergone surgery and he didn't know what was inside..Aside from Yijiang, Chengcheng, and Zhuyun, the rest of the group of seven were extremely surprised.
They didn't expect so many people to come.
They could chat with each other as well, because they were all from the same village.
In addition, they were all friends of Yijiang's.
It would be difficult for them not to get familiar with each other!Yijiang waited until they were almost done chatting before saying, "It's getting late, let's not waste time.
Let's go!"......South Seal Mountain was located on the south side of the village.
Everyone knew about this.
There was no one living there.
Apart from crossing a small river, there was also a forest there.
The few of them walked along the village's path in that direction, but as they walked along the path, they disappeared.
The road was already covered with weeds, as if this place had never passed by.Apart from Chengcheng, the rest of the group was familiar with this place, so they could continue walking on the weeds according to their memories.
Chengcheng followed closely behind the group.The more they walked forward, the more laborious they felt.
The weeds gradually grew taller and taller, making it seem as if they were walking through reeds.
This road was extremely difficult to walk on, and it took them almost ten minutes to get out of the barrier.
Yijiang felt his body itch, and everyone else was trying hard to scratch him.Duanguang scratched and mumbled, "How did this road become so difficult to walk on?
It's only been a few years, and that's it?
Look, look!
We're like porcupines now!"Zhuyun interjected, "Other than you, no one else here looks alike.
Please don't be humble!"Duanguang didn't refute.
He mumbled to himself as he picked up the things on his clothes.
When he talked about this thing, it had to be explained.
It was something that had fallen off from the plant.
It was called the "Ghost Needle".
It was only a few centimeters long, but there were too many of them.
As soon as there were too many of them, they couldn't help but stop and pick up the needles and forks that were stuck on the clothes.
It took some time here........"If we knew this, we wouldn't have needed to go this far.
We agree that we don't want to suffer this.
Zhangjian, hurry up and help me take my back off." Jiabin couldn't help but ask Zhangjian for help.
Zhangjian was also very focused on picking it up.
However, there were only a dozen or so strands on his body, and all of them were only stuck on his shoelaces.
This made the people who were looking at him feel strange.
However, after thinking about it carefully, they realized that the clothes that this fellow was wearing were relatively smooth, and that the ghost needles and fork couldn't reach him at all.Then, he turned to look at the other porcupines that had almost turned into porcupines.
Several gazes of envy, jealousy, and hatred immediately shot towards Zhangjian.
Zhangjian's face revealed a hint of smugness, but it didn't seem too obvious.
He was probably afraid of stirring up public anger.When he finished picking a dozen or so, he went to help Jia Bin remove the ghost needles and forks on his back.This is good.
We haven't had much to do yet, and we've been stuck here for such a long time.
Yijiang muttered to himself.
Suddenly, he thought of something.
Did anyone else know about the meteorite and the missing person in the village?
All seven of them were done with their ghost needles and forks.
Yijiang took the opportunity to ask, "Does anyone in our village know about the existence of the meteorite and the missing persons?"Chengcheng and Zhuyun knew what was going on, so Yijiang turned to look at the other four.
However, they didn't react much, and fell silent for a moment.
Then, they heard the sound of someone crying.
It was Duan Guangting.
Everyone looked at him in unison, and even Duanguang lowered his head in displeasure.This puzzled Yijiang, and the others looked at each other in confusion.After a while, Duan Guangting suddenly cried, "My...
my parents...
have all...
Just a few days ago...
they said they were going to South Seal Mountain to do some work, but they didn't come back.
Uuuuu..."Yijiang suddenly realized that he shouldn't have said it.
He didn't know how to persuade the siblings."That's why I'd like to ask everyone to help us find our parents.
Even if..." Duan Guanghui didn't say it in the end.
Perhaps he wanted to say that even if he saw them, it would be fine.Zhuyun couldn't stand this sort of situation anymore.
He walked up to her and said, "Ah, alright, don't cry.
Duan Guanghui, don't be sad.
We'll definitely find something for you!
Don't worry!" It was only when they heard this that their expressions gradually returned to normal that they could finally continue their journey.After walking for a long time, a small river appeared in front of them.
The river was not deep but its knees.
They had wanted to go through the river, but all the shoes they wore today could not get into the water.
The river was more than ten meters wide, and they could not jump over.
They could only swim along the riverbank until they found where the river had become thinner.Just like that, the seven of them had unwittingly come out for dozens of minutes.
Yijiang took out his phone and checked the time.
It was already 10:43 AM, and they had been delayed for over two hours.
Based on this speed, it would have been nighttime by now.There was still a long way to go from South Seal Mountain.
However, they had walked for over an hour, so they couldn't help but feel a little tired.
Yijiang was afraid that Duan Guanghui and Duan Guangting would leave them behind at the end of the group.Sure enough, Duanguang said weakly from behind, "No...
that won't do.
Let's rest here for a bit!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" Then, he plopped down onto the ground, not caring what the others thought of him.Yijiang and the others didn't know what to do with him.
After all, they were tired, so they had no choice but to rest for a while.
They didn't know who had said something like 'thirsty' in the middle of the conversation.
Only then did they feel thirsty.
Although Yijiang and Duan Guanghui had brought water with them when they came out, they had already run out of water.
If they had known this would happen, they wouldn't have had to endure it.Yijiang waved his hand and said, "There's no more water!""Since there's a river here, there should be spring water!" Chengcheng, who had been silent all this time, reminded Yijiang.
Yijiang suddenly understood.
When he was young, he often played by the river and drank spring water when he was thirsty.
Why didn't he remember at this critical moment?
Zhangjian and Jiabin stood up and began to look for the very small springs nearby..It didn't take long before they heard Jiabin's excited shout, "There's one here!" At this time, Yijiang and the others were like hungry wolves attracted by food.
They all stood up in unison and rushed to the spring water.
No matter how tired they were just now, they all rushed to drink the water first.In the end, only Duan Guang remained and continued drinking.
The others returned to their original places to rest.These people were bored, so they chatted and chatted.
Yijiang had also told them a few ghost stories he had heard from his grandma several years ago.
Even though he himself was half-convinced, it was still best to pass the time.
After listening to these stories, none of them believed in such a mysterious story.
Then, Zhuyun and Duanguang began to brag to each other, and the atmosphere instantly eased up.Yijiang noticed that only Zhangjian seemed to be in a daze.
He walked over and asked, "Hey!
What are you looking at?"When Zhangjian heard someone call him, he immediately made a shushing gesture and continued to stare blankly.
Yijiang was puzzled as he walked over to see what was going on with this kid.
When he arrived next to him, he realized that Zhangjian wasn't in a daze, but was listening to something.Zhangjian lowered his voice and said, "There seems to be some sort of sound.
It's also the sound of a cow!"Hearing these words, Yijiang became curious and listened carefully.
Sure enough, there was a moo nearby.
The sound was extremely weak, and he didn't hear it clearly from which direction it came from.
Because they were on the riverbank, everyone sat facing the river, and behind them was a patch of withered grass.
The height of the grasses was not inferior to the one they had passed through before.
After hearing a few more sounds, Yijiang was certain that the sound came from behind the withered grass.
He couldn't help but feel a little nervous..Just as Yijiang and Zhangjian were absorbed in their conversation, a shadow emerged from the dried grass behind them.
The shadow's two hands rested on their shoulders.
Yijiang and Zhangjian were both startled, and then turned around.
Behind them was a tightly wrapped man who only had his face left.
Zhangjian reflexively leapt up, and Yijiang quickly regained his composure.After picking it up, Yijiang recognized it.
It was the well-known shepherd boy from their village, Liqing.
Liqing had come here with his father, but he had heard someone's voice by the riverside.
Thus, he decided to come and take a look.
Liqing opened his mouth and asked, "Are you scared yet?
What are you all doing here?"At that moment, Yijiang really wanted to go up and beat him up.
He was so scared that he ended up saying that they were sneaking around.
However, out of reason, he knew who this person was.
Yijiang pretended to be calm as he said, "We're going to South Seal Mountain!
If you don't behave yourself and let go of your cow, why are you here?""I'll go too!
You don't have to lead the way on my satellite.
You'll definitely get lost!
I'm very familiar with that place!"Yijiang was already used to smiling at him.
He thought to himself, "This braggart actually dares to say he's so powerful in front of so many people.
Let's see how you're going to get off the stage later!"The others who were busy chatting heard what Liqing had said, so they naturally recognized Liqing.
However, they felt that Liqing's appearance here was a bit unexpected.
Zhu Yunsi didn't even give him a chance.
Instead, he picked up Liqing and said, "I don't know who was the one who went there the last time and called me mummy!
Hahaha!"Liqing's expression immediately turned awkward.
His smile stiffened, and he explained, "That was when I was young.
It's different now!"Zhuyun continued to sneer, "It's different now.
If you're lost, don't call me 'Mommy' or 'Daddy'!" Everyone felt that it was funny, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud, afraid that Liqing would lose face.As expected, Liqing was somewhat unconvinced, "Damn it!
Zhuyun, you're looking for a fight!" With that, he rushed forward.Zhuyun smiled and walked up to them, but was stopped between Yijiang and Zhangjian.
Although Yijiang knew that they wouldn't really start a fight, it was just a fight.
Unsurprisingly, the two of them chatted and laughed, but Zhuyun was like his nemesis, constantly exposing his shortcomings.......After everyone had a good rest, Jiabin asked, "Liqing, what happened to your cow?"Liqing smiled disapprovingly, "My dad's over there.
I've already told him about it!" Just like that, there was another person in the team.
In order to avoid getting thirsty, Liqing took out his bottle and filled it with water.
This way, the problem of water would be solved.
As expected, it was someone who often came out.
Who knew where Yijiang and the others' bottles were?After crossing the river, a tall object gradually appeared in the distance.
Yijiang looked familiar.
After a few glances, he realized that it was a construction site that he often saw in the city.
He couldn't help but feel puzzled when he saw Yijiang.Why did this thing suddenly appear here?
Could it be that something was being built here?
Who would build something in this unknown little village, and at the foot of such a remote mountain?It was at this moment that he heard Duan Guang sigh and said, "Damn, it won't be blocked, right?""Standed?
That's right!
It's blocked!" Yijiang immediately realized why this place was blocked.So that's how it is.
This place has indeed been cordoned off?
It must be because of the meteorite and the missing persons.
Yijiang looked at the others.
It was clear that they had also understood what was going on.
They didn't know what to do."What should we do?" Yuguang asked.Zhangjian said coldly, "There's only one way around."In truth, Yijiang had been thinking the same thing in the beginning.
However, if he went around, he wouldn't know what kind of bumpy path he would encounter along the way.
Therefore, Yijiang didn't mention it to any of them.
After hearing Zhangjian's words, everyone else expressed that this move was feasible.
Yijiang glanced at South Seal Mountain in the distance.
Since the iron skin had blocked his line of sight, he could only vaguely see one-third of the mountain peak.Yijiang found another high ground and stood there to take a look.Damn it!
Just how big of an area has this place been sealed off?
It seems like it won't be easy to go around!Yijiang came down and said to everyone, "That's good!
We have no choice but to go around.
However, the premise is that each of us has to keep up with the group, because if we go around in front, we will be right behind South Seal Mountain.
That way, we will have no choice but to increase our pace and try to return before the sun sets.
Have our people been there during that period of time?"Yijiang had no choice but to say helplessly, "I guess that part of the road won't be easy.
Just by looking at the forest, I know that it will be easy to get lost.
Perhaps something will happen there.
Try your best not to be separated by the group."Zhuyun waved his hand and walked in front of him without looking back, "If you want to leave, then hurry up and leave.
If you delay any longer, it will really be dark!"Sure enough, they entered an endless forest not too far away.
The forest ground was covered with with withered leaves and dried grass.
In short, there were all kinds of withered leaves and leaves.
It wasn't that troublesome.
Yijiang and the others were afraid that they would fall into some sort of pit for no reason, or step on some disgusting thing or encounter some kind of beast..A sinister gust of wind blew through the forest.
Yijiang suddenly felt his body tremble, as if this gust of wind had directly entered his body.
Liqing and Zhuyun walked in the front, leading the way.
The two of them chatted as they walked.
"You're saying that this forest is so strange?
There probably will be something unclean!" Liqing pretended to say.Zhuyun pointed at the grass next to Liqing and asked, "Look, what is that?"Liqing looked over there.
There was nothing there except a pile of garbage, but there was a seemingly fresh set of clothes there.
Normal clothes were fine, but the words "police" were written on the clothes.
They knew what happened in the village..Zhuyun tried to scare her again.
"Who knows, maybe this police officer..." His face even showed an exaggerated look of fear.Liqing ignored him and walked over to take a look at his clothes.
Then, he picked up a branch and began to fiddle with it.
Then, he stood rooted to the ground.
When Zhuyun saw that the clothes didn't budge, he noticed that something was amiss.
He stepped forward to take a look at what was going on.
In the end, Zhuyun remained rooted to the ground, just like Liqing.The people behind saw the two of them standing there dumbfounded.Duan Guanghui shouted, "Hey, what are you two doing?!" Seeing that neither of them answered, Duan Guanghui continued, "What's wrong?
Are there no paths ahead?""This...this..." Liqing stammered.By this time, all six of them had already gathered around, only to hear Duan Guangting screeching as he hid behind Duan Guanghui.
Everyone's eyes widened in shock.
The corpse's mouth seemed to be wide open in pain, and its entire body was covered in a grayish-black color.
It was almost as though a balloon had been released from its body, and it was the first time they had seen such a scene.
Everyone present was so shocked that they couldn't speak.
It was unknown who had pulled the clothes back to the corpse, but they finally let out a sigh of relief.."Ah!" Everyone found the source of the sound.
They saw that Duanguang's upper body was struggling on the ground.
Before they could react, they saw Duan Guangting and Zhangjian pulling Duanguang's arms to the left and right.
They were trying hard to pull Duanguang up.Yijiang understood that he must have fallen into some trap.
Then, Yijiang and Jia Bin quickly ran over and pulled Duanguang out of the pit.
The four of them spent a great deal of effort to pull Duanguang out of the pit, while the five of them sat on the ground, gasping for breath.
"Hey, hey...
I'm so scared!
How could there be a trap here?
Who did this to me?!" Duanguang grumbled."If it weren't for your age, I wouldn't have needed so much effort to pull you up here!" Jiabin said.
He was the youngest here, and his strength was similar to Chengcheng's.Duan Guanghui chuckled when he heard this.
He stood up and said, "If I wasn't so big, I would have fallen straight down."Everyone relaxed when they saw that Duanguang would be fine.
However, as soon as they relaxed, they recalled the terrifying scene that had occurred earlier.
Although Yijiang had already been stunned by what had happened, his eyes had already seen the entire corpse.
He had discovered that the corpse still had a flashlight in its hand, so Yijiang had told the others..Zhangjian said, "Flashlight?
That person is...""That's right, this person died in the evening.
" Yi Jiang recalled as he said."Could it be some kind of wild beast?" Duan Guangting asked timidly.Yijiang thought for a while and said, "I don't think so.
If it was a wild beast, you can imagine the scene.
This person's body is probably too small.
But now, this corpse doesn't seem to have a drop of blood.
Moreover, the way he died seems to have been vented.
This strange way of dying is impossible to figure out.Yijiang wasn't a detective, nor was he a forensic investigator.
He didn't know much about the dead.
To be precise, he hadn't had any contact with them at all.
However, he knew a little bit about them.Jiabin said, "Alright, since you can't figure it out, let's continue on our journey!
Don't be troubled here!"Everyone gathered their thoughts and prepared to set off.
However, Chengcheng suddenly blurted out, "Something might have sucked away his soul, such as a ghost!"Yijiang repeated in his mind.
This kind of situation has only been seen in movies.
How could ghosts appear in the real world?
Maybe they were sucked dry by some kind of bloodsucking bug.Duanguangting had been frightened to begin with.
As soon as she heard the fear on the ghost's face become even more intense, Duanguang would look at his sister in horror and say something to her, "There won't be anything like that.
Even if there are so many of us here, would we still be afraid of it?" This move didn't work at all.
Duanguang felt as if he didn't believe what he had just said..Jiabin interrupted, "Why don't we do this?
Each of us will take a thick branch.
That way, no matter what beasts we encounter, or if they fall into the hole, it will be helpful to us.
How about it?"Zhangjian didn't hesitate to pick up a thick branch and tossed it away, leaving only a bare rod.The others felt that Jia Bin's words made some sense and started looking for their 'weapon'.