Time and Space Lover's Robbery

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Chapter 3

Last night, she easily completed her mission and took a nap during the day before heading to class.Because of last night's failure, Zhao Muchuan had been in a state of insomnia all night.
Until dawn, he hadn't fallen asleep."Big sis, get up!" Tian'er came in early in the morning and shouted at Yuxiao.
Yuxiao lazily turned around and looked at Tian'er, who was lying on the bed.
Then, he pulled Tian'er to the bed, "Let go of me!
Hurry and let go of me!" Tian'er struggled and shouted, but Yuxiao held her tightly."Sleep a little longer." Yuxiao still didn't want to get up.
It was rare for him to relax after the great collapse last night.
"Sleep with big sis." Even though Tian'er liked the smell of Yuxiao's body, he didn't like being carried by Yuxiao like a child."Don't!
Let go of me!
Do you know what it means for men and women to not be intimate?" Tian'er shouted as he looked at his older sister who was hugging him.
However, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.
He was just being embraced.Yuxiao looked at Tian'er in his arms, and Tian'er also looked at him.
Yuxiao impolitely kissed Tian'er's face, then smiled and went back to sleep.Tian'er had almost fainted from Yuxiao's sudden kiss.
He had no choice but to lay down quietly and slow down the boiling blood in his body, so that he wouldn't have to burst his blood vessels.Ever since he was young, other than his mother and grandmother, as long as he couldn't even touch other girls, his blood would boil, including Yuxiao.
No, it should be said that he was a special Yuxiao.It would be fine if Tian'er didn't come in and call Yuxiao, but when he did, he woke up and called Yuxiao early in the morning.
It wasn't until lunchtime that he finally got up.
He didn't even have his morning classes to attend.This was because he knew that Zhao Muchuan didn't go to school this morning.
This was the case every time.
If he failed, he wouldn't go to school the entire morning, and would only go there in the afternoon.
He would still be late.Yuxiao didn't even go to school.
Instead, he slept with Yuxiao in his bed.
"Get up.
What are you talking about?
You're even more dead than I am." When he woke up at noon, Yuxiao saw that the sky in his arms was even more fragrant than his own.
He had already woken up and was still sleeping.After being disturbed by Yuxiao for quite some time, Tian'er finally got up from his bed and woke up in a beautiful dream."What's wrong?" Tian'er asked in a daze.
It seemed like he hadn't woken up yet.
Yuxiao smiled and pushed Tian'er away, "You're saying you're not going to sleep?
You can sleep better than me?" It was only after hearing what Yuxiao said that Tian'er finally realized that he had fallen asleep in his sister's bed.
He quickly got out of bed and ran away.Yuxiao looked at his younger brother in amusement.
He really couldn't stand it.
It was the same every time.Yuxiao washed up and went out to eat.
He still had to rush to school in the afternoon, and his morning classes were wasted.
However, it didn't matter.
He could make it up in a short amount of time."Yuer, you did it last night, didn't you?" Lintong walked out of the kitchen and asked Yuxiao, "Seeing how easy you were to sleep, I knew that it was a success." Yuxiao also sat down, "Mm, I heard it was easy.
I lied to those people." Yuxiao said with a nonchalant expression.
This was obviously an easy matter.Shixi also shook his head in amusement.
This girl really had to be here.
He had been in this field since he was young, so he didn't know what was fun about her.
However, he had also played a few times, so he didn't feel very happy."By the way, what happened to the magic tricks you performed for Tian'er that day?
Why can't I do it?" Tian'er suddenly stopped his chopsticks and asked Yu Xiao while looking at his sister.Yuxiao looked at the curious eyes of the father and son duo, then shrugged and smiled, "What skill?
It's just a kid's lie.
Who knew that even you would be cheated?" Yuxiao looked at his bowl of rice with an amused expression.Tian'er pouted unconvincedly, clearly saying that he only had one child at home."By the way, where are my grandparents?" Yuxiao finally realized that his grandparents weren't around."Oh, your grandparents went to a neighbor's house.
They said that they would be invited if something good happened." Lintong had just come out when he heard Yuxiao's question.
Then, he sat down and said, "Let's eat.
Don't be in a daze.""You haven't explained the principles to me yet?" Shixi asked, unwilling to give up.
It seemed as though he didn't want to eat without asking.
Lintong tapped on Shixi's bowl with his chopsticks, signaling for him to eat quickly so that he wouldn't ruin his two children.Shixi glanced at his wife and said, "Wait a minute." Then, he turned to Yuxiao and continued, "Hurry up and tell me, I want to learn from you too." It was fine as long as you were older, but even the little Heavenly Master beside him chimed in, "That's right, we can't share this with you." The Heavenly Master was a little angry as he stirred his chopsticks in his bowl.
It was clear that he was angry.Yuxiao looked at the father and son duo and was a little convinced by them.
The older ones and the younger ones were the same."Wait, I'll get the card." Yuxiao got up and walked into his room.
As soon as he left, the father and son duo clapped their hands together to show that they had worked together.
Lintong shook his head helplessly and ate.
He didn't care about them.
The three magicians weren't serious at all.Shortly afterwards, Yuxiao returned with a card and sat down.
He placed two cards on the table.Shixi picked it up to have a look and gave it to his son.
The two of them checked and found that there were no hands or feet at all."How about it?
Give it to me if you don't have any tricks up your sleeves." Yuxiao extended his hand towards the two of them and handed them both their cards.
Lintong also looked at Yuxiao, wanting to see what sort of trick he was up to, to make both men so captivated.Yuxiao placed a card on the table and held it in his hand.
He moved his chair back so that the three of them could see it clearly."Take a good look" Yuxiao said to the three of them.
All three of them stared intently at the card, as if trying to see through its mysteries.However, Yuxiao didn't move.
All three felt that something was amiss."What's wrong?" Tian'er asked in confusion."Change?" Shixi was slightly anxious as well, "Did I fail?"Yuxiao didn't say anything.
He casually flipped the card in his hand and flipped it over.
Then, he turned it back and said, "Here you go." Then, words appeared on the card, black.Shixi and Tian'er both came over to take a look and used their hands to apply the words.
They wanted to see if it had just been written.
However, they found that the words had fallen off with a swipe.
As expected, it had just been written.Lintong also took a look at the card.
He didn't understand that he had been looking at it all this time, but the words appeared in his hand.
He also flipped it around, but nothing happened.Shixi and Tian'er looked at the person in front of them in amusement.
Didn't they dislike magic?
Hehe"How did you do that?" Shixi changed the topic and asked Yuxiao.
Yuxiao moved the stool back to the dining table and continued eating, "Didn't I perform for you once?
It's still right in front of you.
You can figure it out on your own." Then, he tapped on a blank card with his chopsticks, "Here, there's one more card.""Let them try.
"Tian'er took it over to take a look.
It was impossible for words to appear.
They must have some tricks up their sleeves, but they didn't find anything.
After flipping through it, the words appeared.Shixi couldn't figure out why the words would appear out of thin air.
He didn't even know what Tian'er had said that day.
He had read it once today, and it was indeed amazing.In the afternoon, Yuxiao went back to school.
Sure enough, Zhao Muchuan didn't come to school this morning.
Everyone was wondering if the two of them had gone on a date, which made the two of them feel a little awkward.After class, the two of them walked under a tree.
Zhao Muchuan suddenly asked, "Where did you go this morning?
Why didn't you come to class?" Zhao Muchuan was extremely curious.
Why didn't Yuxiao come every time he didn't come?"Huh?
There's something going on in my house," Yuxiao lied."Isn't there something wrong at home?" Zhao Muchuan asked.
Every time he didn't come to the academy, Yuxiao wouldn't come.
Then, he asked her what had happened and told her that something was wrong at home.Yuxiao was already used to Zhao Muchuan's suspicious look.
He had been in junior high for three and a half years, and this was an excuse at least three years ago.
"It's true.
If you don't believe me, you can ask my family." Yuxiao wasn't afraid that Zhao Muchuan would ask.
After all, they were all in cahoots, and no matter how he asked, it was still the same answer.To be honest, something really happened in the morning.
Wasn't he just hugging his brother to sleep?
Is that so?" Zhao Muchuan stared suspiciously at Yu Xiao, then turned his head away, "Forget it, I don't care what you're doing."Yuxiao knew that Zhao Muchuan was like this every time.
When it came to things that had no evidence, he said that he didn't care.
Yuxiao had no choice but to let it go, "How was last night?" Yuxiao asked curiously, in order to avoid attracting Zhao Muchuan's attention.If Yuxiao didn't ask anything about magic thieves, wouldn't that be enough to provoke him?
For safety's sake, he could just casually ask a little."I failed.
I couldn't figure out why that magic thief would disappear into thin air." The more Zhao Muchuan thought about it, the more confused he became.
He turned around and looked at Yuxiao, who was sitting under a tree, "Tell me, how did a living person suddenly disappear?" Then, he sat down next to Yuxiao and pulled out the grass from the ground."Haha, it's that simple?
You've been thinking about it for so long, haven't you?" Yuxiao said to Zhao Muchuan as if he knew.
Zhao Muchuan turned around and asked excitedly, "You know about it?"Yuxiao was stared at by Zhao Muchuan, and his gaze was somewhat fleeting.
He nodded, "I know." Then, he stood up and said, "It's time for class to end.
Let me show you."Zhao Muchuan immediately stood up in excitement, "What do we do?"Yuxiao smiled and turned to walk back to the classroom.
Zhao Muchuan also walked over.
When they arrived at the class, the teacher was still on the podium.Seeing that Yuxiao wasn't going in, Zhao Muchuan asked, "What's wrong?"Yuxiao turned around to look at Zhao Muchuan and then back at his teacher, "The teacher is on the podium." It wasn't a good idea to do such a thing because of the teacher's presence.Zhao Muchuan understood what was going on, so he went over to talk to his teacher.
Thus, his teacher instructed the students at the side to change their homework.
When the children's shoes heard Zhao Muchuan say to his teacher that he wanted Yuxiao to reproduce the way the magic thieves disappeared last night, they all gathered around him.Yuxiao slowly walked up to the podium, opened the projector on the podium, and said a few words to Zhao Muchuan.
Zhao Muchuan switched on the lights at the door, shut the door, and set down the curtains.
The entire classroom immediately darkened."Wow, Yuxiao Xiaotongxie, do you really know how to do it?" asked a boy's shoes.Yuxiao smiled but didn't say anything.
Then, he picked up the projector with one hand.
It was almost done, and he was just missing a reflection mirror.
"Does anyone have a mirror?
It's bigger," Yuxiao asked the children's shoes.It didn't take long before a boy brought over a medium-sized mirror.
Yuxiao smiled, "Ming Tongxie really loves beauty.
Why would a big boy look in the mirror?" Yuxiao deliberately joked.
Ming Tongxie, who was holding onto the mirror, felt a little embarrassed, "Where is it?
I'm at the same table as you.""...""It's not mine?" retorted Ming Tong's classmate, instantly making the entire classroom very lively."Alright, everyone watch carefully for now." Yuxiao changed the angle of the projector and shot it towards the empty space behind the classroom.
Then, he picked up a transparent protrusion mirror and walked away.
The children's shoes moved to a spot where they wouldn't be able to block his line of sight.Following Yuxiao's instructions, Zhao Muchuan turned on the projector.
The projector immediately shot Yuxiao towards the back of the classroom, while Yuxiao stood in the middle of the classroom.As for the back of the classroom, because of the machine, it was only able to project a semi-transparent state.
As for Yuxiao, the protrusion mirror in his hand was placed on the other side of the classroom.
Using the mirror, Yuxiao shifted his vision to the protrusion mirror, which shot through the protrusion mirror towards Yuxiao.
Yuxiao's reflection naturally appeared behind her, which was also behind the classroom..Everyone was shocked when they saw it.
Absolute!"Then you'll understand, right?" Yuxiao said as he shut off the machine, and his children's shoes clasped hands.But Yuxiao knew that the magic trick from last night wasn't like this.
It was just a trick, not a real trick."I didn't expect this to be possible." Zhao Muchuan was also surprised.
It was actually this way, but it seemed as if he had taken away the treasure.This question had once again become Zhao Muchuan's entanglement.
Yuxiao didn't explain much.
He had said that he would only disappear indistinctly.
The so-called disappearance was the moment the lights were switched off, and the image wouldn't turn off instantly.
Instead, it seemed to be faintly discernible."Alright, it's going to be a long time soon.
There'll be a day when you catch magic thieves." The two of them walked together after school.
Yuxiao saw that Zhao Muchuan was still thinking about what had happened last night, so he tried to comfort him.
"But why did you want to catch magic thieves?" Yuxiao had already asked this question many times, but Zhao Muchuan refused to speak of it.Seeing that Zhao Muchuan didn't reply, Yuxiao immediately understood, "Alright, I won't ask anymore.
I'm home." With that, Yuxiao walked into the staircase.
Zhao Muchuan glanced around and continued walking."Help!" Before he could open the door, he heard a call for help.
Yuxiao immediately opened the door and dashed in.
He threw his bag down and looked inside, "What's wrong?" Yuxiao asked anxiously.After asking, she saw her own horn lying on the sofa, holding a card in her hand.
She probably didn't understand the principle of playing mode.Yuxiao heaved a sigh of relief.
He really did think that something had happened.
He threw his bag at his father, and Shixi wasn't so easily hit.
He raised his hand and caught the bag flying towards him from behind."What the hell are you screaming about?
You scared me to death." Yuxiao scolded Shixi as he sat down.
Shixi immediately put down his bag and leaned closer to Yuxiao, "Tell me what you've done." Shixi looked at Yuxiao with an expression as though he was determined to learn something.Yuxiao couldn't stand looking at this father who loved magic to the point of insanity.
He didn't know what would happen if he didn't teach him anymore."Alright." Yuxiao surrendered and raised his hand, "I'll teach you." He glanced at his father and said.Upon hearing that his daughter had finally confirmed his identity, Shixi felt as though he had flown into paradise and sat straight in front of Yuxiao's card, "Quick, teach me!""Is this the one in the morning?" Yuxiao asked as he looked at the card.
Then, he looked at Shixi, and Shixi nodded.Yuxiao sighed and threw down his card.
Then, he stood up and walked back into his room, "That card is useless." What a simple sentence.
Shixi, as a magician, was truly shocked.
That card was useless...He had played for an entire day.
Since it was useless, then?Shixi was stunned.
He looked at the cards on the table and headed straight for Yuxiao's room.
"Why is it so useless?" When he entered the room, he saw Yuxiao writing something on the table.Shixi took a closer look and discovered that Yuxiao had written something on the card, but he couldn't see it.Yuxiao finished writing and turned to Shixi, "Look at the card.
Two minutes." The obedient Shixi stared at the card.Time ticked by, and two minutes passed in the blink of an eye.The card did not turn.
Just like that, black words appeared: It's that simple!Turn the card over to the other side: only two minutesShixi was dumbfounded.
The shock...Yuxiao put down his card and looked at his father, who was still dumbfounded, "Calm down, calm down.
You need to rely on your heartbeat to complete this magic.
Otherwise, there will be a time difference." Yuxiao explained, "If you're too nervous, then your heartbeat will accelerate.
You won't be able to calculate the time difference.
When you turn around, words will appear, or words will appear early on.""Yuxiao's explanation caused Shixi to suffer a huge blow this time.
What kind of magic trick is this?
To trick people..."Since you're trying to trick me?
You little girl." Shixi gently pinched Yuxiao's cheeks.
Yuxiao patted his hand and cried out, "It hurts, it hurts a little.
Be gentle." He had already broken free from Shixi's clutches, and Yuxiao quickly fled.As it was still early to go out to play and eat, she came back.
As soon as she came in, she heard Tian'er shouting something."Tian'er, what are you arguing about?" Yuxiao asked as he took off his shoes and put on his slippers.Both father and son looked over.
Tian'er stood up and shouted at Yuxiao, "Bad sister, why didn't you teach me magic tricks?" Yuxiao knew what was going on.
He looked at his father, who was standing next to Tian'er.
He really was impressed.
Why did he still lie to others?
Why was he still lying to his son?."Alright, big sis will teach you." Yuxiao pinched Tian'er's cheeks and picked up the card on the table.When Tian'er heard that someone was willing to teach him, he was so happy that he looked at Shixi: If you don't teach me, I'll drag you down!"However, I have to sleep with big sis tonight." Yuxiao's words were like lightning in the sky.
All of a sudden, Pi Batian's small heart was badly injured.
"How is it?" Yuxiao asked.Tian'er calmed down and turned his face away.
"No, I only sleep with my wife." Tian'er's words caused Shi Xi and Yu Xiao to sweat.
This brat."Oh?
You want a wife at such a young age?" Shixi asked as he hugged Tian'er and sat down on his lap."So what?
I'll talk about the future." Tian'er said to Shixi, and Yuxiao sat down, "What do we do now?
You've slept with me all morning..." Yuxiao deliberately raised his voice, but no one else could hear him.Upon hearing Yuxiao's words, Tian'er's face was flushed to the point of his ears, and his ears were flushed red, "You're the one who didn't allow me to leave." Shixi nearly fainted from laughter when he saw how red his son's face was."Bad daddy, bad big sister!" Tian'er hopped off Shixi's legs and shouted to Yuxiao and Shixi, then ran away."Haha" Two crazy laughs came from the living room.