Cultivation Record of a Superstar

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Chapter 2

A man with extraordinary intelligence: Such a man will be able to guide your career and life, so that you can have a better perspective and help you perfect yourself.Healthy and happy men: I don't hate people who are happy, especially when it comes to mundane affairs.
A man who can maintain a healthy and happy heart must be active in his life.
He will bring you happiness and relieve you of stress.3.
Men with the same spirit: Having the same language is undoubtedly the easiest condition to lead to confidantes.4 emotionless man: When you're with a pure man, you'll be able to put down your guard.
It's easier for you to get involved.Outsiders who are willing to listen: in different social circles, naturally, you will look at the problem as a bystander, without any personal color.
And most of the time, you need a good audience.6.
A man with a faint sense of fame: A man who looks at life and worlds with a calm attitude does not mean that he is not excellent; on the contrary, he will give you a more relaxed attitude and inspiration.
A man who speaks bluntly: he is definitely the best candidate for confidantes, and the pertinent opinions will make you sober in the midst of a lot of flattery that makes your mind burn.8.
A man with a broad heart: A broad chest is more useful than a broad shoulder.
When it is difficult to move, this kind of warmth is irreplaceable.9.
A fine new man: Men with moderate feelings and a sensitive mind makes it easier for him to understand you.
A man with a strong character: Even if you're very intimate, it won't bring about gossip, and disturb your originally peaceful life.The lyrics to 'Tan'...The song was specially sent over.
It was recommended that everyone go see the MV of 'Stan'.
It was very thought-provoking.
'Stan' responded to a real story.
The song was named after a dead fan.Side Song: DidoMy tea was cold.
Why...I was always in a bad mood.The morning rain covered my window.I can't see anything!Everything that they saw was grey.But there are pictures of you on the wall.It reminded me that it wasn't bad.It wasn't bad yet...[Stan]Dear Slim, I write to you, but you don't answer.I left my address, my name, and my phone at the end of the letter.Two letters were sent in the fall, and you definitely didn't receive them.Maybe the post office or something was wrong.Sometimes I always scribbled down the address.But what could it do?
Go to hell!
How is your daughter?My girlfriend is pregnant too, so I'm going to be a father.If it was a girl, guess what I would call her?I will give her the name "Bonnie"I also read about your Uncle Ronaldie.
I was sad.I have a friend who is easy to get rid of his whores.I know you might have heard this every day, but I'm your super fan!I even had the underground music you and Scam made.My room was full of posters and pictures.I also like your songs with Ruckus.
That's great.Side Song: DidoMy tea was cold.
Why...I was always in a bad mood.The morning rain covered my window.I can't see anything!Everything that they saw was grey.But there are pictures of you on the wall.It reminded me that it wasn't bad.It wasn't bad yet...[Stan]Dear Slim, you still haven't replied.
I hope you can grasp the plan.I'm not crazy.
I just think you don't want to reply to your fans.If you don't want to care about me outside the set, you can ignore it.But at least he should sign a name for him.It was my little brother, only six years old!We waited in the damned cold for four hours, but you just said no.That little guy had taken you as his idol.He wants to be someone like you.
He likes you more than I do.I wasn't crazy.
I just didn't like being cheated.Remember our encounter with the Dan Buddha?
You said if I wrote, you would reply.Seeing that we had the same situation,I don't know who my dad is.He always lied to his mother and hit her.I could see myself in your songs.
So in those depressed days,It was easy to listen to your songs.Only your songs could help me.I even tattooed your name on my chest.Sometimes I cut my wrist to see how much blood it could bleed.Just like adrenaline, the pain hit me.I respect you because everything you say is true.My girlfriend started to get jealous, because you were the only one I talked about every day.But she doesn't know you as well as I do.
No one can.She wouldn't understand people like us.Remember to reply that you will forever lose a super fan like me.You're sincere, Stang.In addition, we will be together!Side Song: DidoMy tea was cold.
Why...I was always in a bad mood.The morning rain covered my window.I can't see anything!Everything that they saw was grey.But there are pictures of you on the wall.It reminded me that it wasn't bad.It wasn't bad yet...[Stan]Dear sir, who never replies.This will be my last email to you.Six months had passed, and there had never been a reply -- it wasn't what I deserved.I know you have received the last two letters;I clearly wrote down the address.This time, it's a tape I want to send to you.
I hope you can hear it.I was in the car, driving 90 on the highway.Hey, Slim, I drank fifteen vodkas.
Do you think I can still drive?Did you know about PhilCollins's song about saving a drowning man "Inthe Airofthe Night"But he couldn't be saved!The situation was the same as it was now.
You could have stopped me from drowning.But now it was too late.
I ate 1000 sedatives.I couldn't open my eyes.
All I wanted was a damned reply.I wished you knew I'd torn your pictures off the wall.I love you Slime.
We should have been together.
Think about it.Now that you've ruined everything, I don't think you'll sleep.
You'll definitely dream of it.When you dream, you will definitely scream!I hope you will be condemned by conscience.
You can't breathe without me.Look, Slim, shut up!
I'm talking!Hey, Slim, it's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk.But I wouldn't slit her throat.
I just tied her up.I'm not like you.Death because of suffocation would make her suffer even more.Well, it's time to go.
I'm on the bridge.Oh my god, how am I supposed to send that tape?[The sound of wheel friction] [Clinking][Silence for a short time] [Splashing sounds of water splashing out][Eminem]Dear Stan, I was going to reply to you as soon as possible, but I've been too busy recently.How long had it been since your girlfriend got pregnant?I was very happy to have given your daughter that name.Here's your brother's signature.I wrote it at the beginning of the letterI'm sorry I didn't see you at the concert.
I must have missed it.Don't think I wrote those songs on purpose to make you sad!But you said that you also like to cut your wrists!I was just talking and playing.Hey, are you okay?"You have a little trouble, Stan.
I think you will need some suggestions to help you.What do you think we are going to do together?These words made me unwilling to meet you.I think you and your girlfriend do need each other.Maybe you should treat her better...I hope you can read this letter.
I hope it can be sent before you hurt yourself.As long as you relax, I think you'll get better.I'm glad I could encourage you, but why are you so crazy?I just want you to be a fan!I don't want to see you spout nonsense!The news two weeks ago made me uneasy.Someone drove to the bottom of the bridge!In the boot was his pregnant girlfriend!He also found a box of tape in the car!But they didn't say who the tape was for...Thinking about it, his name is...
it's you!Damn it!In the morning, the sun shone on the young man's face, showing a hint of vitality on his pale face.
"Doctor, you didn't see wrongly.
Is it true?"There was a trace of disbelief in her trembling voice.
After all, she had been sentenced to death a few days ago, and it was just a miracle for her to suddenly find out that she had been pardoned.
In the past, she did not believe in miracles, but now she would rather believe in miracles."Madam, even though I don't believe that it's the truth, the truth is that it's a miracle for the patient and your son to recover on their own.
I believe that he will regain consciousness soon." If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe in miracles as an experienced doctor.But now, the body of the young man lying on the bed was recovering at an astonishing speed.
If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that this person had been judged as a vegetable a few days ago.
However, it didn't matter if she woke up because her intelligence was defective.
If it were her husband, she wouldn't have been so pitiful.
After all, there were still people she could rely on, but this could be considered a great blessing in the misfortune."Doctor, why hasn't Cheng'er woken up yet?
Did you guys really make a mistake?" Her anxious and nervous face showed the uneasiness in her heart.
"Don't worry, Madam.
We didn't do anything wrong.
We should be awake soon.
Just wait patiently.
" He tried his best to make his voice sound calm and confident to hide his uneasiness.
After all, this situation wasn't something he could control.
Everything was up to fate.He glanced at it out of habit but didn't react at all.
In a moment, his hand seemed to move.
Yes, it moved.
He couldn't hide it from a doctor who had more than 50 years of experience.
He knew very well what this meant.
He would watch a miracle happen and walk in front of the young man in three steps.
After a proficient checkup, he would regain his consciousness..The warm sunlight led him out of this barren land.
He hesitated whether he should leave this land or not.
Nevertheless, his steps couldn't help but follow the sunlight because it was too warm.
He walked away step by step and looked at the scenery next to him.After all, after staying here for a period of time, I also had feelings.
Perhaps I shouldn't have feelings, but I was very easy to get used to.
Once I got used to it, it was difficult for me to change.It was a bad habit.
It was as if someone had called out to me from afar.
Licheng struggled to open his eyes.
If it weren't for his haggard and haggard appearance, he would've been able to catch his eyes in the past.
His slender hands grabbed my hand.
It felt so good, but it was a pity that he used too much strength.
It hurt.She kept saying things to me, but I couldn't understand them at all.
It was almost as though she was talking to a bird.
However, I could tell that she was very nervous about me.
Perhaps she was too sleepy, and her eyelids were heavy.
Chenfeng tried his best to open his eyes, but sometimes he didn't think of what to do.
Oh, goodbye to the beautiful young woman.
If there was a chance, Chenfeng hoped that the first person he saw next time he woke up would be her.."Doctor, what happened?
Didn't Cheng'er wake up?
Why?" Her anxious heart made her hold onto the doctor's hand without letting go."Madam, let go of me first.
It hurts.
Don't worry when I check.
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm too nervous.
You'll be fine.
"The young woman bows and apologizes."(Attention, it's normal for Korean bows.)"Madam, don't worry.
Your son is just not used to it for a while.
It's nothing.
He's just sleeping right now, and I believe that he will wake up tomorrow.
So don't worry too much, but I really can't believe that the patient's health is twice as healthy as other people of the same age." There was a hint of disbelief and jealousy in her words.
After all, a miracle actually happened to a person with a brain defect.
If it was an ordinary person, it would be acceptable.