The Real Dragon Warrior

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Chapter 3

Xiahou rushed into the core research room, which was approximately ten thousand square meters in size.
His hands grabbed and tossed about, and a dozen or so researchers in white lab coats were immediately flung dozens of meters away like straws.
Xiahou could tell that these people were office workers, but he was still merciful and didn't do anything to them.Xiahou took a deep breath.
Sweat dripped down from his body as he scanned the research room.
His gaze was immediately drawn by the three-legged cauldron located right in the middle of the hall.
The cauldron was approximately five meters tall, and was entirely azure in color.
Countless images of trees and vegetation were carved on its surface, and a faint luster of luster radiated from the cauldron's body.
It was dignified and dignified.
In Xiahou's eyes, the cauldron stood tall and upright, and the entire space seemed to have been controlled by it.."Is this what you've been researching?" Xiahou frowned and asked, ignoring the thousands of elite soldiers around him.A skinny old man with Jewish blood suddenly jumped out and screamed, "That's right, this is what we're researching!
I don't care which country sent you to come here, I don't care what your purpose is.
I beg you, don't destroy anything here!
Otherwise, you will be committing a crime in the process of human civilization!
The information contained in this cauldron exceeds the current technology of Earth for at least 100,000 years!".A gaunt old man with Jewish blood suddenly jumped out.
He screamed, "That's right, this is what we're researching!
I don't care which country sent you to come here, I don't care what your purpose is.
Please don't destroy anything here!
Otherwise, you'll be committing a crime in the process of human civilization!
The information contained in this cauldron exceeds the current technology of Earth for at least 100,000 years!"Xiahou shook his head, "My goal is to either take the information or destroy this place.
Hmm, a hundred thousand years?" Xiahou suddenly understood why the information that came from the moles was so urgent.
In the modern Earth, if any country had mastered technology that transcended Earth's civilization for a hundred thousand years, the impact on other countries was self-evident.The old man screamed, "No, if you want to destroy these things, then you have to step on my corpse!"Xiahou nodded and said seriously, "No problem!" With a kick, the old man flew dozens of meters away and fell to the ground, shouting.The old man screamed, "You damned soldiers, violent and war fanatics!
Stop him!
Stop him!"The soldiers looked carefully at Xiahou, not moving.
Xiahou scratched his head helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but it seems that your newly established base's defenses are not enough to do anything to me.
Honestly speaking, all of your nation's super powerhouses were defeated by me or my colleagues.
Therefore, it's impossible for you to rely on them to stop me.""..."The old man leapt to his feet, wondering where his life force had come from.
He tilted his head and looked at Xiahou, smiling as if he had suddenly thought of something.
"Ah, I think you can't destroy the things here.
All the information and instruments here belong to the United Nations of America.
If you dare to do anything here, it will be a very serious diplomatic event, or even a war.""You can't do this."Xiahou spread his hands and frankly said, "Perhaps you don't understand what's going on between us.
However, the actions of the super powerhouses won't lead to war.
I entered your base by force, but your country's super powerhouses have done the same thing.
We have a tacit understanding that small-scale conflicts like this won't cause too many disputes.
At most, we'll have another round of economic sanctions.
But now that everyone has joined the WTO, who cares about this?"The little old man screamed, "But you stole something that may change the entire civilization of Earth!"Xiahou tilted his head and looked at the cauldron.
He frowned and said, "But I'm very curious.
This cauldron seems to be produced by China."The little old man was speechless.
After a long while, he said sheepishly, "But now it belongs to us.
At the very least, I spent 70 million USD to buy this item from a cultural relics smuggling gang."Xiahou nodded vigorously, "Aha, so you were the first to break the law.
According to Interpol's laws, this thing still belongs to our country.
At most, we'll return you 70 million USD.
But please hand over all the information." After a moment of hesitation, Xiahou stared at the large cauldron and smiled bitterly, "Damn it, how am I supposed to take this thing away?
Destroy it?
What a pity."..."After pondering for a while, Xiahou couldn't think of a countermeasure, but the old man said proudly, "You can't take him away, and you can't destroy it either.
But it's strange that when we started to study it, it was only fifty centimeters tall.
As we accidentally input the high-voltage electricity into it, its volume grew larger and larger."Mm, I really want to know what will happen next month when the nuclear factory is completed and the power of the entire factory is transmitted to it?"Absorb energy?
Greater volume?
The origin of this circular ding was not simple!Taking a deep breath, Xiahou gritted his teeth and snorted, "You can report to your superiors that I've successfully taken this treasure away.
Mm, this is because you're too incompetent, not that I'm too powerful." He transformed into a streak of yellow light and pounced towards the cauldron.No matter what, let's give it a try.
A five-meter-tall bronze cauldron wasn't too frightening.
Bringing it along and activating Earth Escape should allow it to smoothly run for over a hundred kilometers.Just as Xiahou was about to make contact with the bronze cauldron, a beam of white light shot down from above, piercing through his chest.The yellow earth element energy didn't have any protective effects.
Xiahou's right breast was pierced through a transparent hole the size of a bowl.
Blood flowed out from the wound and gradually turned into a spring of blood.
The powerful impact caused him to stagger and slant on one of the feet of the large cauldron.Wearing a black windbreaker, seven men with red arrowheads on their chests stood on the bridge on the wall of the research room.
They coldly stared at Xiahou, who had been severely injured.
The middle-aged man in the middle smiled, "Mister Xuanwu, I'm sorry that our leader didn't come out to exchange pointers with you.""We know that it is useless.
Your supernatural ability is simply too frightening.
However, human wisdom can always defeat a physical worker like you."..."Xiahou kept sucking in a breath of cold air, his entire body shivering.
Anyone with a visible hole in their chest would definitely taste terrible.
"Hai Weier, I didn't expect you to plot against me.
What kind of weapon are you using?
It's much more powerful than adding a cannon."Hai Weier proudly bowed to Xiahou and took out a weapon that looked like a single-soldier rocket launcher.
"Please take a look.
This is the newest science and technology product of this miraculous cauldron: a practical particle cannon.
Is it magical?
I can't tell how many tens of thousands of years ago this bronze cauldron was unearthed in Shanxi.
It actually contains such information.""Is it prehistoric civilization?
Or is it information left behind by aliens?
It doesn't matter.
All I know is that I defeated you."Hai Weier bowed again proudly, "As you know, none of our kingdom's super powerhouses are your match.
Even if the seven of us join forces, we won't be able to break through your defense.
But what does it matter?
We have technology, technology, and are currently transforming into practical experimental items in this base.""..."The seven powerful super powerhouses jumped off the bridge and slowly walked towards Xiahou.
"Think about it.
Every soldier of our country has a cannon like this.
Haha, what kind of changes will happen to the world situation then?
Of course, this is something that politicians consider.
What makes me happiest is that I have defeated the Black Tortoise.""..."Hai Weier smiled strangely, "Black Tortoise.
It's known as the strongest life force in the world, with the strongest defense, and the third most destructive Black Tortoise.
I've defeated you.
Then, how much will my reputation rise?
My salary should also be increased by one level.
We can announce to the public that our red rrow is the first one to defeat the Four Spirit Generals of China's Secret Service."Long live!
A glorious victory, isn't it?"A silver-haired old man carrying a general on his shoulder slowly walked out of a broken door on the wall.
He said in a dignified manner, "Mr.
Xuanwu, don't you think it's strange?
The technology we have right now is enough to turn the entire base into an iron wall.
However, you still managed to get in so easily."Even your mole, that detestable mole, was alive and well, and could even warn your organization."Why?"Xiahou smiled bitterly.
He could sense that the bronze cauldron was undergoing a strange transformation.
It was absorbing Xiahou's blood, and it was a feeling of eagerness.
Looking at the general, Xiahou could only cooperate, "Then, why?" There was no need to care so much.
The bronze cauldron was a good change.
If he could release hundreds of monsters from within, then Xiahou would love it to death.Could things become worse than now?
He didn't care.The general's tone also carried a hint of pride.
"Because we need an experiment, and China's powerful super powerhouses are the best targets.
It has been a long time since you've fought with super powerhouses, but you didn't leave any survivors, which means you didn't have any captives.
Therefore, the world has formed a mutual understanding that the events caused by super powerhouses won't affect the relationship between the two countries.But now that we have a prisoner like you, how much advantage do we have?
How much initiative do we have?The general smiled and suddenly kicked Xiahou's lower body, "You filthy yellow monkey...
Ah, my foot!" The general, who had wanted to show off his might, suddenly hugged his own leg and began to scream in pain.
The residual Yuan Power in Xiahou's body had already caused his entire calf to shake into a ball of mush.Hai Weier smiled gloatingly, "General, you shouldn't underestimate a superhuman, even if he's heavily injured, especially an expert like Mr.
You must give him sufficient respect, otherwise the consequences will be the same as yours."The general cursed maniacally, "Kill that mole!
Lock this damn Black Tortoise or sea turtle into prison!
I'll have the President immediately issue a protest to the Chinese side!" He glared fiercely at Xiahou and scolded, "Just you wait, yellow monkey.
I'll make you lose face in front of everyone in the world."You are the first superhuman in the world to be taken captive.
Think about how your country will pay for you."..."Hai Weier smiled at Xiahou and weighed the particle cannon in his hand.
Then, he proudly placed it on his toes and said, "I have to say, science and technology reigns over everything.
What do you think?
You will receive VIP-class service, my dear Mr Xuanwu." Hai Weier and the other seven turned around to leave, but suddenly turned around and said, "You have another choice.
Our red rrow lacks a master-class expert like you.
Are you willing to join us?
We can announce to the public that you have already been killed.""..."The cauldron behind him was extremely powerful, and it was so powerful that Xiahou's entire body trembled in fear.
He couldn't imagine where this energy came from, nor could he imagine how a five meter tall bronze cauldron could contain such a terrifying energy.
However, he knew that this energy only appeared when his blood was absorbed by the cauldron.It was as if his blood had become a catalyst, triggering the vitality of this cauldron!That's right, it's life energy.
This cauldron is alive, or rather, it has a spiritual nature.
It was awakened by Xiahou's blood.He turned his hands back and tightly hugged one of the cauldron's legs.
Xiahou laughed miserably, "I promised my wife that I would go back for dinner."Hai Weier furrowed his brows and waved his hands, "Oh, okay, okay, we didn't say we wanted to kill you.
You have the chance to go back and eat your wife's dinner.
Oh, don't be childish, okay?
You're carrying the cauldron.
Do you think we can't let you leave this place?"Xiahou grinned and closed his eyes, "I apologized to my wife because I couldn't fulfill my promise to her.
But I also know one thing.
When I was selected by the Secret Service to undergo strict training from my master, Xuanwu of the previous generation, I swore that I would never cause any harm to the nation because of me."..."A thick mote of yellow light rushed out from Xiahou's body, and he barked, "Do you want to use me?
You can only get corpses!
I'm sorry...
Little Flower...
We're really not from the same world.
If I can have a reincarnation, I'll definitely go find you and apologize."..."The Black Tortoise true detoxifying technique activated.
Xiahou forcefully extracted the vast and boundless power within the large cauldron and used his body as a channel to spread it out in all directions.Earthwater, Fire Wind, this bronze cauldron actually contained all sorts of Yuan Power.It was as if a golden gong had exploded, and a heaven-shaking explosion rang out.
Xiahou's body was fused with all sorts of elemental energy, and the terrifying chaos energy exploded into a pool of blood.
Xiahou's blood sprayed onto the cauldron, and the cauldron expanded to a height of 100 meters, emitting a strange black light.Explosion, a devastating explosion.
The spirituality within the large cauldron seemed to have awakened.
It seemed to have understood something and made a decision, fully releasing the absolute power within its body.The base transformed into nothingness within a hundred millionth of a second.
Near the base, the ground in a radius of twenty kilometers was flipped over, and a black beam of light that was over ten kilometers in diameter shot straight into the sky.
Coincidentally, the beam of light hit the full moon in the night sky, and the moon released a strange rumbling sound, and a strong green light rapidly spread out in all directions.Everything returned to normal.Zone 53.
Now there was only a big hole more than a thousand meters deep and a diameter of ten kilometers.
Nothing else was left.In the distance, Xiahou's reception team members were dumbfounded as they watched the scene in the sci-fi film.
They frantically sent out encrypted messages."The mission has been completed, and the target has been completely destroyed...Black Tortoise...sacrifice."