The Real Dragon Warrior

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Chapter 4

The surroundings were filled with chaos.
There was warm and viscous liquid enveloping his body.Xiahou's mind was a little confused, but he clearly remembered that his body had already been smashed to pieces the moment the power within the cauldron rushed in.But now, he could still clearly feel his entire body.
Moving his legs and moving his hands, everything was fine.
Although he did not have much strength and his movements were not very large, he could not clearly see what was in front of him.
However, there was no doubt that his body was still there.Xiahou was a little puzzled as he thought, "Could it be that someone in the bureau has cultivated a soul-beckoning technique and recruited my three souls and six souls into a new body?
How could it be?
If the lamp is extinguished, how could there be any soul essence left?"After an unknown period of time, his surroundings suddenly shook violently.
The warm and viscous liquid outside his body was being drained, and a huge force pushed his body and squirmed towards a place with a strong suction force.
The pain was so intense that his body felt as if it was covered in a leather pocket.
It was difficult to squirm and squeeze.
At the same time, a huge force pulled his head in a certain direction.
After a while, his body suddenly felt a bone-piercing chill.Xiahou couldn't help but cry out in pain.
His body was naked, and the cold aura was like a knife.
However, he could clearly hear his own voice.
It sounded like a baby's squeak.
In his panic, he opened his eyes fiercely and lowered a few drops of viscous blood.
His first impression was that he was in a spacious room with a large boulder.
Then, there was the flickering dim light.A whistling sound of wind could be heard from outside the house.Two fingers grabbed onto Xiahou's legs, and a rough and bold voice boomed with laughter.
The man laughed so happily that his entire body trembled.
He carefully placed Xiahou in the palm of a fan and placed him in front of a crowd of onlookers.
As a result, several similarly rough laughters echoed.
From time to time, rough fingers that resembled sandpaper approached Xiahou and curiously stroked his face.
Some even patted him lightly on his buttocks to show their affection.Xiahou screamed in pain.
Seeing a rough, dirty hand reaching towards his face again, he used a little bit of strength in his body and fiercely kicked the hand.
His feet fiercely collided with the hand, and Xiahou immediately froze there.
His fair and pink calves were covered with traces of bloodstains and filth.
There wasn't even a calf as thick as a finger.This, what is going on?Heavens, have you reincarnated me into a baby?
Xiahou screamed in his heart!The Jade Emperor's blessing, Buddha's blessing, Buddha's blessing, Buddha's blessing, and God's blessing.
In short, all gods in heaven and earth were blessings.
He must not be reincarnated into those countries outside of China.
If he reincarnated in China, even if this reincarnation was a little difficult to understand, Xiahou would accept it.In fact, he began to make quick calculations.
As long as he was older than two years old and possessed the ability to speak, he should be able to make a call to Yangtou to send someone to pick him up.
As for the future matters, we'll talk about them later!The master of the large hand was kicked hard by Xiahou, but his laughter erupted like thunder.
The people nearby laughed even harder, as if they were incomparably happy about Xiahou's life force.Xia Hou forced himself to open his eyes that were still covered in sheep's water.
His large, dark eyes swept around.
As he looked over, his heart suddenly sank.The houses built with rough black rocks were extremely simple.
They were about ten meters wide, and above their heads were grasses and some planks.
This type of house was probably only left in the most remote areas of China.
It didn't matter.
As long as they communicated with the outside world, they could return to the organization as soon as possible.Thinking about it, those old people in the bureau who had mysterious whereabouts should have a way to solve their problems.However, the hundreds of layers of ferocious hides hung on the walls made Xiahou's heart go cold.
Tigers, bears, and leopards.
The skins of these ferocious beasts were twice as large as the skins he had seen before.
Where did China have so many ferocious beasts now?
Moreover, there were countless strange types of skins that he didn't recognize.
Based on the size of the skins, these beasts were the size of Asian elephants.
What were these things?.Tigers, bears, and leopards.
These ferocious beasts' skins were twice as big as the skins he had seen before.
How could China have so many ferocious beasts?
Moreover, there were countless strange types of beast skins that he didn't recognize.
From the size of the furs, these beasts were the size of Asian elephants.
What kind of creatures were these?And standing beside him, the group of men who were laughing at him with their mouths split open in extreme joy!
Heavens, did I come to the barbarian tribe?As far as he could tell from his previous life, these men were taller than two meters.
They had dark skin or green skin, muscles as thick as iron, thick, disheveled long hair, disheveled beards, and a piece of fur that was only swirling around their waists, at most, covered their upper bodies with a piece of fur.No matter how one looked at it, they didn't look like modern civilizations.Fortunately, their hair was still black, and their eyes were black as well.
This made Xiahou feel a little intimate and comforted.
However, everything that he saw in front of him had already made Xiahou prepare himself for an unfathomable fate.Xiahou's eyes widened.
He watched as a black-skinned old man, two or three heads shorter than the big man nearby, shakily walked over with a beast bone.
The old man also had a smile on his face.
He casually fiddled with Xiahou's chickens and pulled his chickens a few times.
The old man opened his mouth, which only had three or five teeth, and laughed.
As a result, the group of men laughed loudly again.The thick bearded man, who held Xiahou in his hand and had a particularly tall figure, fiercely slapped Xiahou's buttocks a few times."If I'm not mistaken, this man holding me up is the father of my entire life?
And the one who was taken care of by a few women on the side stone bed is my mother?" Xiahou's eyes widened as he glared at his father and mother, imprinting their faces deep in his heart.
He didn't want to recognize the wrong person in the future.When he was in the infancy stage, the protection of his parents was his only hope to survive.
He had to properly flatter them.While the Special Investigations Department was training, the instructor's reprimand echoed in Xiahou's mind, "No matter where you are or what happens, as long as you're still alive, you'll have to think of a way to return!
Remember, your country is your home.
No matter what danger you encounter, no matter what difficulties you encounter, live on, come back!""Survive and go back!
We might not be able to be together with Xiaohua, but I promised her that I would go back and eat her stewed dog meat."The newborn Xiahou revealed a strange smile on his face.
This smile scared the crowd of men to quiet down, and then erupted with even more laughter.The skinny old man nodded repeatedly, and a hazy green light flashed in his eyes.
He glanced at Xiahou from head to toe, chuckled, and shouted loudly.
His voice was old and dry, but Xiahou had never heard of it before.It seemed to be some kind of dialect in China, but Xia Hou, who was proficient in more than thirty foreign languages and hundreds of dialects, couldn't understand a single word.His heart went cold again.
Perhaps he had encountered some strange and inexplicable matters.
Xiahou looked at the green light in the old man's eyes, and a chill slowly rose in his heart.
He himself was also an almighty being, but he had never heard of an almighty being able to emit any energy fluctuations outside his body.
His eyes suddenly glowed with green light.Xiahou turned around and saw two burly men holding a tiger in their hands.
The tiger's body was over four meters long, withered yellow, and its eyes gleamed with brutal light as it struggled with all its might.However, the two men were as light as a feather.
One of them grabbed onto the tiger's hind legs while the other grabbed the tiger's neck and carried it over.The ferocious tiger roared angrily, revealing two long, foot-long canine teeth.
Xiahou cried out in alarm, "Sword-toothed Tiger!" But how could he say anything now?
All he could do was to let out a few weak shrieks.A pitch-black clay pot was about one meter tall, and the diameter of the pot was about 1.5 meters.
It looked like a big clay jar.
Underneath, three large stones were propped up.
A few thick and sturdy boys walked over carrying large bundles of firewood, and a huge fire rose under the clay jar.A man gasped for breath as he picked up another large jar.
It was full of clear water.
Half of it was poured into the big jar.
His face was red, as if he had used up a lot of energy.
Xiahou looked at the jar.
It was about two cubic meters in size, which meant it could fit two tons of clear water.
However, this man was only slightly gasping.
What kind of creatures were these?
Were they really human beings?
Two tons of weight, and the most elite Special Forces soldier would probably need six or seven people to lift it up together..The huge fire caused steam to rise from the water in the pot.
The gaunt old man touched the temperature of the water and nodded.
He took out a huge black cloth pocket from who knows where.
He grabbed a bunch of strange herbs, strange Insect Serpent corpses, and threw them into it.The originally clear hot water immediately blistered with multicolored bubbles.
From time to time, there would be three scorpions, two centipedes, and more than ten spider corpses roiling inside.Xiahou instinctively sensed that something was wrong.
Could it be that they were going to use this kind of thing to bathe a newborn baby?
Heavens, what kind of crude people were they?
A cold wind blew outside, and a newborn baby didn't have to be wrapped in cotton cloth properly.
Why would they need to use this hot water that was obviously poisonous?
Were they going to refine biological weapons?.Xiahou instinctively sensed that something was wrong.
Could it be that they were going to use this kind of thing to bathe a newborn baby?
Heavens, what kind of crude people were they?
A cold wind blew outside, and a newborn baby didn't have to be wrapped in cotton cloth properly.
Why did they need to use this hot water with poison to wash it?
Were they going to refine biological weapons?Something that caused Xiahou to tremble even more.The saber-toothed tiger was caught by the two men.
The skinny old man looked at the ferocious beast that was struggling crazily, and his body was steaming hot.
He nodded his head in satisfaction, then pointed his right hand's bone staff at the tiger, and a vague word came out of his mouth.
The tiger immediately stiffened, and its body floated in the air.He was a superhuman, and a superhuman at that!
Xiahou stared intently at the old man's movements, but he couldn't help but wonder why there wasn't the slightest fluctuations of true essence from the old man's body.
Could it be that he had just been born, and that was why even his perception had been weakened?.A super powerhouse, and also a very powerful super powerhouse!
Xiahou stared intently at the old man's movements, yet he was still perplexed.
Why didn't this old man have any fluctuations in his true essence?
Could it be that he had just been born, and his perception had been weakened?It was a pitch-black stone saber.
The old man wielded a stone saber and sliced the beast's head cleanly with a saber, causing it to spit hot blood into the large pot.
The already multicolored poison soup immediately became a terrifying blood red light, contrasting with the dim yellow lights around it.
It was very gloomy.The old man grabbed onto the beast's head, and the green light in his eyes became even more intense.
Strange spells were emitted from the old man's mouth, and the beast head that had been chopped off actually emitted a violent howl.
A blurry silhouette, which was similar to the shape of the beast, shot out from the tiger head, and still shot into the pot of soup.As the ferocious beast phantom shot into the pot, the pot of soup immediately churned and exploded.
In just the blink of an eye, the pot of soup had regained its calm.The green pot of soup was steaming, and it looked as if living creatures were twisting and twisting in the air.The old man grabbed Xiahou's father's hand and threw him into the boiling soup.Pain wafted out from all directions of his body.
Xiahou struggled and howled as he tried to jump out of the soup.
However, how could he possibly have the strength to do so?
"Could it be that this old man wants to eat the soup made by a baby?
It doesn't make sense.
He has put so much poison in his body.
Unless he wants to take poison and commit suicide?".Pain came from all directions of his body.
Xiahou struggled and howled as he tried to jump out of the soup.
However, how could he have the strength to do so?
"Could it be that this old man wants to eat the soup made by a baby?
It doesn't make sense.
He has put so many poisonous insects in his body, unless he wants to take poison and commit suicide?"A moment later, Xiahou accidentally swallowed several mouthfuls of green soup soup.
Immediately, a wave of heat rose from his stomach and spread through his meridians.
Xiahou could clearly feel that his infant's body had been strengthened to a certain degree.
The soup also contained a mysterious power that slowly seeped into his body, giving him the courage to fight.The old man waved his bone staff again, and green ripples that were faintly visible to the naked eye spread out from the bone staff.
The tip of the staff swayed directly on the large pot.
The incantations that were obscure and hard to understand were like a mesmerizing melody, making Xiahou drowsy.
Gradually, the pot of green soup began to clear up.
In the end, all the strange energies mixed with unknown materials were absorbed by Xiahou.Xiahou's father laughed heartily.
He reached into the churning soup pot and grabbed the roasted milk boar, which was still steaming hot.
Then, he slapped Xiahou's buttocks with a laugh.
His tender skin rubbed against the cocoon on his palms.
The intense pain woke Xiahou up again.They were crude people and a group of rough people.
These types of people were definitely rough people.
Although they didn't have any experience in how to take care of babies, Xiahou's wife, Xiaohua, was a professional nurse in his previous life.
He knew a lot of things.
Xiahou had never heard of a newborn baby being pinched naked by thirty or so strong men.
I took a few pictures to play with them for half an hour before putting them into boiling pots.
Fortunately, they weren't cooked yet, and were beaten up by my father again..Were they raising babies, or were they mistreating pets?The skinny old man opened his mouth and smiled as he moved closer to Xiahou.
Coincidentally, there was still a mouthful of green soup in his mouth.
He used the little amount of lung activity he had and spat a mouthful of water on the old man's face.
Then, the chickens swelled, and a clear stream of urine splashed down on the old man.The big men laughed at the same time.
The young men who were busy with chores also laughed, and the woman who was taking care of the pregnant woman also laughed.
Only the old man, who looked like an old witch, looked embarrassed.
He randomly grabbed a rag and wiped it on his face.The burly man carrying Xiahou finally wrapped a piece of soft leather around Xiahou's body.
Then, he asked several of his companions to lift up the stone bed and carried the pregnant woman on it.
He hummed a strange tune and walked out of the stone house.
Then, he walked towards a few wooden houses not far away..Xiahou's last impression on the first day of his life was that hundreds of people were gathered around the bonfire, munching on roasted meat, dancing, and laughing loudly.
A jar of inferior liquor was poured into his stomach like spring water.
Even Xiahou was emptied half a bowl by his father.The slurry of alcohol that looked like it was cut by a knife churned in Xiahou's stomach.
He spat out a few mouthfuls of breast milk, rolled his eyes, and fainted."This can't be China.
I've never heard of any village in China where children are abused like this." This was Xiahou's last thought.