The Guardian of The Mystic Domain

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Chapter 1

Xiao Yunshi, who had just walked out of the stadium, took out a towel from his bag and wiped off all the sweat from his head.
Then, he heard his phone ring.Looking at the caller ID, Xiao Yunshi was gratified, "Grandpa, when did you return?""We just arrived, and Xiao Yunshi is fighting in the stadium again?
How was his practice?
Was it tough?""It's not bad.
It's not that hard.
I've already learned the basics of the Tai Chi Fist.
I'm learning the Eight Diagrams Technique now.
I'm almost done.
""The state skills are profound, and there aren't many traps.""I know.
I didn't read so many books on boxing for nothing.
By the way, Grandpa, I finished reading the Chinese encyclopedia last month.
Did you forget my birthday present?""I can forget your 16th birthday, Grandfather.
Otherwise, your Grandmother won't tear me apart.
Don't worry, I've brought all the English encyclopedia books for you.
Let's talk about it when we get back.
It's going to change."Xiao Yunshi looked up at the sky.
He didn't know why the clouds became as thick as lead.
Lightning snakes would tumble between them from time to time.
Before the storm came, the atmosphere of oppression had already reached his face."Grandfather, see you later.""See you later."Xiao Yunshi, who had just put away his phone, heard a flustered exclamation, "Thunderbolt..."Realizing the problem, Xiao Yunshi suddenly realized that the scenery around him had disappeared in a white and rash way"Uh..." Xiao Yunshi rubbed his dizziness and tried to get rid of the unpleasant paralysis."Kid, you're awake." A sonorous voice sounded in the air.Xiao Yunshi subconsciously responded, suddenly remembering who was talking.
After looking left and right, he didn't see any other people besides the fact that he had left the scene.
It was strange.As the breeze blew past, the white mist gradually dissipated, and the horizon became increasingly open.A huge golden dragon loomed in the air like a giant snake, and a pair of purple dragon horns on its huge head would occasionally glow with purple lightning."HAHAHA!!!
Dragon!" Xiao Yunshi exclaimed in astonishment as the white mist dissipated."Kid, are you surprised to see me?
Aren't you afraid?""Scared?
Why?" Xiao Yunshi didn't realize that his own nervous system was a bit suspicious, so he immediately realized what was going on.
However, Xiao Yunshi was still incredibly excited, and his mind was still in a bad state: I saw the real dragon, I saw the real dragon...The golden dragon's bright eyes turned into crescent moons: 'Interesting!' Unexpectedly, a sudden impulse came from his heart, and he summoned a brat with such an interesting nature.
It seems that senior's array wasn't frightening."Kid, you're from Blue Star.
Is the place where you live the successor of a dragon?"Wei Zihe looked up at the majestic golden dragon and replied, "Yeah, I'm Chinese, and the Divine Continent is the descendant of the dragon.""That's right.
A million years ago, there was a senior of the dragon race, Wuzhao Zhaojinlongwang, who happened to pass by.
He mentioned that there was a blue planet on the far end of space, and there was a clan of the dragons on top.
You should be the middleman of that clan, right?""A million years ago, was he talking about Earth?
Did he say when he left?""Mm...
It's like the time of the Great Zhou Ding capital after the battle with Muye.
Heh, kid, you don't have to doubt it.
The time in the Taishang Space isn't based on your blue planet as the standard.
There are very big differences between the various galaxies."...""Um...
you're saying that this isn't Earth anymore, are you?" Xiao Yunshi suddenly snapped back to his senses and asked a rather nervous question.Jinlong felt that he liked to look at the boy in front of him.
Every now and then, his expression would change.
He said happily, "That's right, this is Ruien Endalu.
This continent is ten times bigger than your world, and there are thousands and thousands of islands here.
When I was experimenting with the Summoning Spells that Senior left for me, I wasn't very careful and called you over."..."Xiao Yunshi looked at Jinlong, who was smiling like a fox, and wondered if he was being cautious.
Why didn't he look like that?
However, he asked cautiously, "Then...
can I still go back?""Of course, why can't I?"Jinlong looked at Xiao Yunshi's gratified face and said with a prank, "However, you can't do it now.
You still don't have the ability to use the Returning Array.
But don't be disappointed.
According to my current situation with you, you'll have to do your best in the future.
At that time, you'll naturally be able to use the Return Array.""..."Of course, this short period of time wasn't a long time for me.
It would take you around ten years, kid.
It was a pity that Xiao Yunshi couldn't hear the final words in Jinlong's heart.
Otherwise, what would he think?Jinlong looked at Xiao Yunshi and thought to himself, "Brat, there's something I'd like to ask you for help with.
Don't be too busy not to accept it.
This matter is only good for you, but it doesn't have any harm." You're lucky to have bumped into the muzzle of the gun."I'm going to fly today, that's why I want you to help me...""Fly?!" Xiao Yunshi exclaimed in astonishment."That's right.
My cultivation has reached the peak of this world, and I have become the nine-clawed purple lightning dragon.
I have already learned enough abilities to travel across the sky and seek the mysteriousness of the space.
I might even be able to find other gold dragons in space.
After waiting for so many years, do you think I will still be willing to stay on this boring planet?"."My cultivation has already reached the pinnacle of this world, and I have become the nine-clawed purple lightning golden dragon.
I have already learned enough abilities to travel through the sky and seek the mysteries of the Taishang Space.
I might even be able to find other golden dragons in space.
After waiting for so many years, do you think I'm still willing to stay on this boring planet?!"The empty light flashed, and a screen appeared in the air.In the light screen, there was a little girl with a smile that was like a blooming flower.
She was blooming in the garden and her long goose-yellow dress outlined her charming figure, and her entire body was filled with spring air."Her name is Zhu Liye." Jinlong stared intently at Xiao Yunshi and said, "I hope you can take good care of this charming little girl for me."Zhu Liye?
He was indeed very beautiful!
Compared to the Superstars in his own world, it was not on the same level.
Because those Superstars were too superficial, the little girl in front of him naturally produced spiritual energy and beauty.However, Xiao Yunshi's mind had already calmed down, and it wasn't hot to the point where he didn't know what was going on in the south and north.
Instead, a hint of confusion appeared on his face, "Who is she to you?
What about her family?
Why do you want me to take care of this little girl?
are you really not careful enough to bring me here?".However, Xiao Yunshi's mind had already darkened, and it wasn't hot to the point where he didn't know what was going on in the south and north.
Instead, it was replaced with a hint of confusion, "Who is she to you?
What about her family?
Why do you want me to take care of this little girl?
are you really not careful enough to bring me here?""Ahh, kid, it's not good for you to trust me.
Don't worry about it.
I'm not asking you to take care of her for the rest of her life.
I just hope that you'll be able to help her if anything happens to her before you return to your world." Even if you wanted to take care of her for the rest of her life, she wasn't necessarily willing.
Jiuzhao Zhaozidianjinlong muttered to himself.Xiao Yunshi felt that there was a problem, but he couldn't control it.
The momentum was weaker than others, so he had no choice but to lower his head and ask, "You haven't told me what kind of person she is yet.""This little girl, she's the daughter of my benefactor.
She can also be considered my daughter..." Jinlong looked at the screen of light with a face full of kindness and tenderness, and then said in reminiscence, "I was born at the same time as this planet.
At the same time, I watched the various life forms, advanced evolutions, and growths.After Senior left, my long years of cultivation finally refined from the first three claws into five claws and continued to perform the Golden Dragon Physique.
However, no matter what happened, there was an opportunity.
Fifteen years ago, I was suddenly interested and left the Holy Dragon Mountain."..."Only then did Xiao Yunshi realize that he was on the peak of a mountain called the Sacred Dragon Mountain."The Heavenly Tribulation's heavenly phenomenon attracted the attention of the little girl's father.
Fortunately, he carried a precious Purple Crystal Jade with him.
I used the Purple Crystal Jade to disperse most of the tribulation energy, allowing me to safely transcend the tribulation."Oh!?Xiao Yunshi felt sorry for the two elderly.
Looking at the dazzling smile on the screen, he had deep sympathy and love in his heart, "Can you make them come back to life?""Yes, but I'm missing the most important item for them to come back to life, the Ghost Grass!
It's used to fuse a person's body with a soul, and it's a pity that I haven't found it until now." Jinlong continued, "Now that the little girl is living with her grandfather, you also know that there are many things that can't be explained in the social form of the human race."..."Xiao Yunshi pondered for a moment before looking at the girl on the light screen.
He said, "I can, but do I have enough experience?
There are so many things that you haven't told me yet.
How can I have the ability to start working and go home?"Jinlong understood that it was easy for him to get a private name and agree to his request with benefits.
However, he really wasn't at ease with his understanding of the human race.
This child brought along by his own call spell formation had a weak aura of the same origin, which made him feel very at ease.Jinlong saw that Xiao Yunshi had agreed to his own impatience, and seemed to have given up on his wish.
His heart was filled with joy, and his entire body was filled with flames.The five-clawed violet cinnabar sphere lit up, and a dragon-shaped golden light instantly enveloped Xiao Yunshi's left wrist.
When the light dissipated, a shiny, ink-gold dragon-shaped ornament was placed on Xiao Yunshi's wrist.
It was extremely exquisite, and there were three blue and purple pearls inlaid on it..At this time, Jinlong explained, "This is the present I've given you, a spatial accessory.
There are some gifts that the juniors have given you over the years, but I don't like them.
The bodies of the two little girls are also sealed inside.
The pearls on the accessory are engraved with six different formations.
When you start working on the blue array, you will be able to return to your world.
The purple one can arrive here, three times each.Of course, only you can start working on your own arrays.
""Then how do we work on the array?""Don't rush.
Take this first.
This is a mascot-grade pearl."A milky white dot appeared in front of Xiao Yunshi's forehead.
The dot passed through his eyebrows and fused into his brain."Although I can give you some strength, it might hinder your growth.
So I gave you this auspicious item pearl.
I have some knowledge that I think is beneficial to you.
The knowledge of arrays and how to make the little girl's parents come back to life is also in it."...""A mascot-grade pearl, isn't it the magical tool that the dragons use to frenetize the wind and the clouds?""Hehe, it was true in the past, but behind my performance, I no longer need to rely on my Immortal artefact to display my experience.
Now, it is just a carrier of knowledge.
Sometimes, you should grasp these knowledge.
As long as you are willing, it will not disappear.That's right, when you were unconscious, I read your memories.
There's a little time for your Qi Condensation, isn't there?
That's why you don't have to worry about having experience.
As time passes, you'll try your best, so of course you'll have experience."..."Huh?!?Reading memories?!?Jinlong's ability to read memories wasn't anything surprising.
His knowledge and experience were also everywhere in the legends, and Xiao Yunshi didn't know if it was the same.
Thus, he asked, "Are you talking about training in internal energy?
It's sometimes.
What's wrong?
Is there something wrong with my qi?""..." Jinlong's mind was somewhat short-circuited, "Kid, you're not playing 'haha', are you?
You're already practicing Qi, so I don't know if there's a problem with your own Qi.
Don't tell me you don't know your strength."Looking at Xiao Yunshimu's stunned expression, he couldn't understand just how incredible his Qi cultivation was!
Jinlong was almost driven mad as he explained, "The energy in space is a thousand movements.
For example, the fighting qi and magic elements of this world.
And Qi is the source of these energies."If you have the energy, you can split the sky and shake the earth and roar into the sea.
When you reach the top stage, you can transform into a shape.
At that time, if you refine and ascend like I do now, you will be able to swim through the sky and break the void."Xiao Yunshi was speechless.
He thought in his heart that this guy was so powerful."Brat, you've only just started to walk when you're Qi Condensation.
No, you haven't even started to walk.
However, when you've reached a certain realm, as long as you infuse your Qi into the formation, as long as you're willing, once you focus your mind, you can start working on the formation."Jinlong raised his head and looked at the sky.
He didn't know when the sky became blue and cloudless.
He said, "It's time.
I'll entrust it to you."Jinlong reluctantly glanced at the girl in the light screen.
The little girl had been growing up all this time, and every movement made Jinlong feel like he was in a dream...