The Wind And Rain Of The 40 Thousand Years

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Chapter 5

After returning to the guild, He Nuoli was led by the Guild Leader's Honorary Guard Captain Abo Boluodiemodesi to greet the Guild Leader Qi Lasi.Qi Lasi was a middle-aged man with a psychological shadow of his childhood.
He had a dark plan, which was named "Rate".
The Guild Leader of the Battle of the Claw of Stars Guild, Hullen, was very wise.
He was known as the tyrant of Bada Bu, but he had only fallen into a scene.Compared to Xiulun's decision to become the king, the things that he needed to do were simply heaven-defying and even heaven-defying.
For the current situation, apart from his own wisdom, his battle prowess, and his endurance, he needed to protect and protect his elite talents.Jiabai Bailieanjiluosi was a handsome man.
Unfortunately, he wasn't on the same path as him, so he needed to find an opportunity to get rid of him.
Zhaoguang Guangchengsulei was also a handsome man, but he didn't know which side of his butt he was sitting on.
Because of Nuosen Sentegelei's hole, Nicai Caimeikong and the chief physician couldn't rope him in.Teacher Shengjie!Kali Limuxuntabulisi was the one who was the most worried about him.
No one knew what the Prophecy-type Spiritualist, who had been smiling warmly for 24 hours, was thinking.It was precisely because of the lack of reliable assistance that anyone who could be roped in became extremely important.
A legion's technical soldiers usually spent their entire lives in silence, but the production and maintenance of a legion's equipment were supported by these technical operators.
Qi Lasi had already planned to swap out the unstable Nicai, and obtain a true caster's legacy, He Nuoli, into his field of vision..From his observations of He Nuoli, Qi Lasi discovered that He Nuoli was a child who hadn't grown up yet.
This sort of person was very easy to rope in, so he wanted to give him some pointers.
However, Qi Lasi had immersed himself in the field of power for several centuries, so he had to suppress him first if he wanted to raise some points.
It was for the sake of the tree's dominance, and also for the sake of killing He Nuoli's pride..As soon as He Nuoli entered Qi Lasi's office, he saw Qi Lasi praying, while He Nuoli was left on the side.
After he finished praying, Qi Lasi suddenly glared at He Nuoli.Although in Gabriel's eyes, Qi Lasi had stolen the position of the Guild Leader, his country had been put together in one fell swoop.
If one were to talk about stealing, it would only mean that he had stolen a spot.
As an old soldier who had experienced a storm of blood and blood, his aura of iron blood and decisiveness was followed by this glare.
For the sake of insurance, Qi Lasi had added some spirit power to his glare.In He Nuoli's previous life, there were parents and mothers who loved him.
Grandfather and Grandmother were still alive.
They had been married for generations, and their family background was small and they had no worries.
They were also a nerd.
They were still studying abroad, and the model of transmigration was rebirth.
Their family background could be regarded as the middle class, and they didn't have any social opportunities to practice.
After becoming an interstellar warrior, they lived a highly disciplined and isolated life.
Huoxing's teacher was also a forensic mansion.He Nuoli was a big boy at best.
If he hadn't lost his composure, he wouldn't have just taken several steps back.
However, Qi Lasi's glare came and went as fast as he could.
He didn't even have the ability to show off his strength.He Nuoli was scared witless.
Under Qi Lasi's glare, He Nuoli simply retreated a few steps without a change in his expression, and then launched a counterattack.
He Nuoli's aura was completely different from Qi Lasi's, but it also caused Qi Lasi to feel a chill.
He quickly retracted his aura and realized that his body was drenched in cold sweat.
Fortunately, his Qi cultivation was already in perfect condition, so he didn't show it.Qi Lasi already had such a powerful aura at such a young age.
When he was three years old, he had a feeling that he was 'inducing a wolf into his room'.He Nuoli didn't have as many twists and turns in his heart as Qi Lasi did.
In the eyes of the people, the highest leaders in an official country wouldn't make mistakes.
His actions were naturally interpreted as a soldier's professional response to an unexpected situation.
After all, Qi Lasi had been praying that he hadn't seen him when he first entered the room.Qi Lasi was already lucky that he didn't make trouble for him first."He Nuoli, come forward and listen." Qi Lasi placed his sword on He Nuoli's shoulder and continued, "He Nuoli's studies in Mars have been successful, allowing him to join the first company.""I've been in the guild for less than a hundred years, and I've only earned an inch of merit.
What virtues do I have to join the first group?" He Nuoli was still a child, but he wasn't a fool.
The first place was the final destination of the veteran army, not a place like him, who used longevity potions to induce fertilizer.As soon as Qi Lasi heard this, he explained to He Nuoli, who was half a barrel of water, the composition of the Holy War Guild and its unspoken rules.A Holy War Guild consists of the following parts:The Command Office of the Guild, including the Guild Leader and his own Honor Guards, Holy and Purity mentors, and Holy and Purity mentors to control the entire group of priests.The Armor Battle Armory.
The master of the Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor.
Generally speaking, the master of the Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor.
The master of the Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor.
The master of the Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor Battle Armor.The spatial power was under the command of the commander of the fleet, and all those who flew in the sky were under his control.The Ministry of Health was led by a senior medical officer to control all pharmacists.The IQ was led by the Grand Wisdom vault and controlled all its headmasters.There were a total of ten battle lines, each lined up under the command of a captain.
The first line of veterans, and the tenth line of recruits.All the above departments are responsible for the Guild Leader.The composition of the Holy War Guild also has its own unspoken rules:The most important thing was that there was an unwritten rule - Asi Tate's Sacred Canon's quota of one thousand people meant that the total number of people in the first place to nine in a row couldn't exceed one thousand, including the tenth-linked Asi Tate cultivators and all other priests.
The honorary guards, armor storage, spatial power, Health Ministry, and Illusory Hall's official Asi Tate cultivators and new believers didn't count as 'one thousand people'.
The drivers of the infantry fighting vehicles were not included in the total number of 'one thousand', otherwise they wouldn't have been able to fight this battle..The Guild Leader of the War Clan was the supreme boss of the battle clan, and the Company Leader was a team leader who had never spoken a single word.
It was difficult for the Priest System to directly interfere with the flow of command.The Priest System was relatively independent.
Guild Leaders couldn't be part-time Holy Mentors, and Company Leaders couldn't be used as Priests.
It was difficult for Guild Leaders and Company Leaders to influence the Priest System.Instructor Shengjie's authority over all Priests came from fame and tradition.
The following Priests would only need to report to Instructor Shengjie to file a case and investigate if something happened.