Supernova Wars

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Chapter 2

The people of the Flame Cosmetic Bureau were busy with their work.
As they mourned for the fire, they paid a funeral and recruited new youngsters for the future of the planet.
They raised their balls and felt sad for the fire.
He was a hero of a planet.
He had blocked the disaster for the flamemen and pushed away the meteors that had attacked the flame planet.Blazing was a superman on a flaming planet.
Many people placed their hope on Blazing's son.In truth, Lie Yanzai was under a lot of pressure.
He knew that if he couldn't replace his father's position in the fiery heart, then the fiery man wouldn't like him."A chance.
You accompany Tian Yi to the recruitment fair.
I'm afraid he'll scare those teenagers." The chief said to the opportunity."Yes, Chief." After the opportunity to respond, he walked to the recruitment meeting in a calm manner.
At this time, he quarreled with a young man."I said you don't have the right, so don't push yourself over!
You don't know anything.
How can I believe that you can save the flame man?" Tian Jue said angrily."What do you mean I'm not qualified?
You didn't say that a single child can't be selected." A youth opened his eyes wide and waited for Heaven's justice."If I say you can't, then you can't.
You can't just go against our rules.
One person only has one chance to apply.
" Heavenly Reaper said seriously."Can't a single person apply?" said another youth."That's not it.
" The opportunity interjected, "Anyone with special skills can apply for a job.
Tian Yi, the chief is afraid that you will mess around.
You always scare children.
Let me do it.
"Tian Yi glanced at the opportunity and stood aside.
"You can do whatever you want," Tian Yi said coldly."Alright, I'll do it myself.
You are, what's your name?" The chance told the youth who had just quarreled with Tian Yi."My name is Diqiu.
Everyone calls me Diqiuzhi.""Then, Di Qiuzai, do you have any specialties?""I don't know if my ability is special.
I like mass production.""Are there any completed products for us to see?" The opportunity asked seriously."My completed products are for my own use, and I don't have any patented products.
If you want to see them, go to my house.""This...
I can't make the decision!""I've said it.
He doesn't have any ability.
Will I sympathize with him if he says he's single?
That can't happen." Tian Yi was a little happy, because he had already proved to the chance that what he said was true."I think that brat can stay behind.
Right, Di Qiuzai?" The chief stood behind Tian Yi.
"It seems like I've made the wrong choice to leave this matter to Tian Yi.""Chief!" Tian Yihe couldn't help but call out."Alright, let Di Qiuzai stay.
That..." The Chief turned to a young man beside Di Qiuzai and continued, "You're his companion, aren't you?
You'll stay as well.""I'm not his partner, but I'm here to apply.""Oh?
So what are you good at, boy?""Mechanical machines.
I often make small robots to play.""That's fine.
You can stay too.
Child, tell me, what is your name?""Explosive!""You're a hotshot?
Isn't that ridiculous?" Tian Yi said."No, it's possible.
We didn't leak the last words of the fire.
Child, tell me, what is your mother's name?" The Chief was a little careful but vigilant."Huo Yanhua.
But Mommy never told me who my father is.
But I know I have a father.""Look, who doesn't know who their father is?
It's obvious that he's a prostitute.
His background isn't clear and he can't be kept alive." Tian Yi said."So you mean fiery flowers are whores?" said the opportunity solemnly."That's not what I meant.
" Tian Yi became anxious."Stop arguing, Tianyi.
Take him for a DNA test.
If he really finds Lie Yanzai's older brother, it'll make him happy.
Lie Yanzai won't eat or drink for the next two days.
I'm afraid he won't be able to handle it," said Chief Dui Tianyi."Kid, follow me." Tian Yi led the way.
Huohuo was confused.
He had never thought that he was a descendant of Blaze.
He must have made a mistake.
If he was Liehuo's son, his mother would have told him.
It was an honorable thing to be a Liehuo's son."Today, I'll draw your blood and see the results tomorrow.
Whether you're Lie Yanzai's older brother or not, you're coming as well.
The Chief has decided to keep you alive.
Do you understand?""I know.
" Huo Bao said."Don't be afraid of him, he's popular.
He's always so formal, don't be afraid of him." The opportunity to comfort Huo Baowei."I'm not afraid, he's not a bad person.
He just believes in his intuition very much.
" Huo Bao said in the voice of a virgin."Don't talk nonsense and draw blood!" Tian Yi said."Tianyi, how are we going to raise the hot pots?" The Chief asked."Fortunately, the fastest results are to come out tomorrow.
Don't worry, a child like Blazing should have a heroic aura.
Don't hold too much hope on this hot pot.
He doesn't have any heroic aura.
""It's hard to say.
Huohuo was separated from my father for the New Year.
I remember that when I cooperated with Lie Huo, he was just a young man." The Chief recalled the happy past and couldn't help but smile kindly."Perhaps.
I don't want a fake to run into our circle, Chief." After Tian Yi finished speaking, he took his leave.Looking at Tian Yi's back, the Chief could not help but pity himself.
Back then, when he was still a teenager, he was like a raging flame, filled with vigor.
Unfortunately, Lie Huo's situation was not as happy as his.
Perhaps this wine was his life.
Old Dao could live well, but he was as young as they were and left his family early."Actually, who am I?" The chief covered his head in contemplation.
"Who am I?
Why am I the chief of the Flame Cosmetic Bureau?
I can't remember what my name is.""Perhaps I'm suffering from old dementia." The more the Chief thought about it, the more his head hurt.
The pain made him feel numb.
Gradually, he became tired and fell asleep."Chief, Chief.
The new DNA test report is out.
The young man named Huohuo is indeed a descendant of Blaze." Tian Yi shouted as he patted the Chief.
The Chief touched his head and found that his head really hurt.
Why did he have a headache when he recalled who he was?
This was indeed a big problem.The Chief sobered up and asked with wide eyes, "Tianyi, what did you just say?""Director, 99% of the DNA of the young man named Huo Baoyu matched the fierce fire.""Ah?
That's great.
We've finally found it.
Blaze has gone missing too.
We need to let his soul know about this.
Also, hurry up and get Huohuo and call Lie Yanzai over.
If possible, also invite Huohuo's mother." The chief was so happy that he was about to jump up.
"Take control of everyone and hold a meeting.""He found that his head did not hurt at all.
It was as if he was floating.
Although there were many things to do, not many things really could hold him.Tianyi called for an opportunity to lead Huo Bao and the others to the bureau.
He immediately rushed back home and brought Lie Yanzai with him.
When Tianyi opened the door, he saw Lie Yanzai's listless gaze and felt his heart ache."Lie Yanzai, don't be like this.
Your father absolutely wouldn't want to see you like this.
I know this is a huge blow to a fifteen year old child, but if you continue to be intoxicated like an ordinary fifteen year old youth, you won't be able to be a hero of a planet like your father."Heavenly Reasonance used the method of rising, hoping that this would allow Lie Yanzai to become more experienced."I don't have anything left.
I don't want to be a hero." Lie Yanzai's eyes were lifeless.
There was nothing in front of him, and he seemed to be talking to the air.
Lie Yanzai seemed to have died with his father, and what remained was only Lie Yanzai's body.When Tian Yi saw that there was no change in his expression, he said, "Who said that you have nothing?
You still have your brother, mother, and also the people from the Cosmic Star Bureau who have been acting father and mother.""What brother?
Mother, if you want to find them, maybe I won't be here anymore.""Wrong, we've found it.""Really?" Lie Yanzai's eyes widened.
"Uncle Tian Yi, are you joking with me or lying to me?""This is indeed a haha.
We've also done a DNA test." Tian Yi felt very satisfied when he saw Lie Yanzai's excitement."Where are they?" Lie Yanzai heard the sincerity in Tian Yi's voice.
He knew that Tian Yi wasn't lying to him.
Hope and love reappeared in his eyes.
It was as if he had found light in the darkness.
This could help light up his inner world.
He couldn't wait to rush into his damp embrace and cry."Good child, come with me.
I'll take your body." Tian Yi pulled Lie Yanzai towards the office."Uncle Tian Yi, can you walk faster?" Lie Yanzai asked."Yes, look at how happy you are.