Supernova Wars

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Chapter 116

Lie Yanzai didn't want to head back so quickly after boarding the ship.
He had been thinking about Lu Jianheng for a while now, and he didn't know what was going on either.
He quickly adjusted his navigation system and entered a state of sleep.
By the time he woke up, he had already reached the interior of Earth.The surroundings were covered in green.
It had been a long time since Lie Yanzai had come to Earth to see such a comfortable color.
This green color seemed to be unique to Earth.
Every time he came here, he felt a refreshing sensation.However, he heard the sound of artillery shells.
He knew that the World War had already begun.Time didn't allow him to waste a single minute.
He hurriedly brought the flying ship to where Lu Jianheng lived."Xiaoheng, Xiaoheng, are you there?" Lie Yanzai called out several times, but no one responded.Someone behind him suddenly kicked the door and pointed his gun at Lie Yanzai, "Who are you?"Lie Yanzai took a closer look at the man's appearance and knew that he wasn't in the army of country Z.
"Who are you?
Why are you here?""Haha, you're funny.
It's clearly you people from country Z who can't hand over your time machine.
Who can save you from your sins?
Hahaha..." the gunman said as he approached Lie Yanzai.Lie Yanzai knew that if he didn't scare the person in front of him, he wouldn't believe him.
So he stretched out his hands and condensed them into two balls of fire and threw them at that person."What are you doing?" The man quickly dodged.
"Do you want to die with me?
I have explosives all over my body."It was obvious that Lie Yanzai hadn't even seen how Lie Yanzai had sent these fireballs.
He ignored his words and continued to fire.
Only then did the man realize something and hurried away.
Lie Yanzai walked up to him and asked, "Where's Lu Jianheng?
Where is he?""How do I know who you are talking about?" asked the soldier honestly.Looking at his expression, Lie Yanzai knew that he was telling the truth, "I'm asking about the family that was originally here.""We collapsed when we attacked here.
We haven't seen anyone.
Who are you?"Lie Yanzai shouted impatiently at the soldier, "An alien." He quickly walked out of the house.The soldier remained immobile.Lie Yanzai hurriedly drove the ship to the M country's space bureau and chose Shi Misi's tracks.
However, the M country's national defense was very strict, and no one was allowed to enter.
Lie Yanzai had no other choice.
For the safety of country Z, he had to meet the biggest person in the M country no matter what.
Therefore, he remembered that the place Lu Jianheng had given him was the White Palace.He didn't hesitate to make a trip there.Sure enough, the President was inside.As soon as Lie Yanzai got off the flying ship, he ran into the White House without a second word.
The guards quickly caught up to him and fired their shots.
However, the speed at which they fired their shots wasn't as fast as Lie Yanzai's fireballs.
In an instant, a large number of them were struck.The president looked in shock at the person who had entered.
He didn't even look like a human on earth.
"You are..." He began to tremble.Lie Yanzai pulled out a black piece and opened it in front of him, "This is the time machine you're looking for.
Please end this war.
I don't want more people to know about this.
If you want to cause chaos among your citizens, I think you know what to do."..."The president nodded, not understanding.
"But I don't have the authority to make this decision.
I just obey the Pope's orders.""So that's how it is," Lie Yanzai laughed.
He put the time machine on one hand and kidnapped the President with the other.
"Since it's what you said, then I'm sorry.
Please come with me."A group of State Guardians gathered at the entrance and stared blankly at Lie Yanzai."What are you all staring at?
If you don't want your President to die in my hands, then get out of my way.
I'm just asking him to help me with some things." Lie Yanzai said as he walked out, as if those people didn't exist.
The soldiers followed closely behind him.
None of them dared to move at that time.For a while, none of them have seen aliens, nor do they know what aliens have ability.Lie Yanzai drove the flying ship to Vatican City with one hand and directly entered the Pope's hall.
However, they were currently praying.
Everyone was shocked by this sudden attack."Who are you?" The Pope, or the Pope, asked Lie Yanzai in a nonchalant manner.Lie Yanzai smiled, "As expected, he's a bit like an emperor." He placed the President of the M country to one side and placed the Time machine in front of the Pope.
"Do you recognize this thing?"The Pope picked up the time machine and examined it carefully.
Then, he looked at him in shock, "You are?""Tell your citizens that the history of Earth's people is about to be rewritten.
There are aliens in this world.
The time machine wasn't taken by country Z.
It was taken by the extremely fast stars.
As a peace-loving flame star, I, as the representative of the flame star, have helped you settle this matter."Then, shouldn't you show some sincerity and let go of the innocent country Z and apologize to them?" Lie Yanzai said as he played with the fireball in his hand.The Pope nodded.
"I understand what you mean, but it's a bit rude for you to barge in here.
As for the public announcement of aliens, I think we still need to discuss it.""There's no need to discuss any further.
Give him a call and he'll tell all his soldiers to withdraw." Lie Yanzai continued speaking to the Pope.The Pope nodded.
Since the time machine had returned, there was no reason for it to blame on country Z.
Thus, the President of the M country made a call to the command centre according to Lie Yanzai's instructions."There's one more thing - hold a press conference!" Lie Yanzai ordered the Pope.The Pope's expression was extremely ugly.
No one had ever spoken to him in such a way, but there was nothing he could do.
He had no choice but to follow Lie Yanzai's orders in the hands of this alien that he didn't know.Lie Yanzai quickly returned to country Z to find Lu Jianheng's footprints.
He returned to the beach that Xiaoheng had loved to go to before, but that place had already been destroyed by the war.
Xiaoheng's previous secret laboratory couldn't withstand the torment of this war, and he had long since forgotten about it.Lie Yanzai couldn't help but recall the days he had spent with Lu Jianheng.
Perhaps Xiao Heng was discussing technology with his father at this time.
Fate had been fooling around.
Lie Yanzai couldn't help but tear up when he saw these unchangeable facts.For a capable child like Lu Jianheng to leave the world so quickly wasn't a sad thing.Suddenly, a small hand patted Lie Yanzai's shoulder.
Lie Yanzai turned around and began to cry."Haha, don't be like this.""You know I miss you a lot." Lie Yanzai couldn't help but laugh."Yes, I know.
However, do not forget the agreement between us.
That is why I will not die so easily.
I knew that you would come to find me.
Thus, I have been waiting here for you.""Good child." Lie Yanzai wiped Lu Jianheng's face with a handkerchief."Don't go back on your words." Lu Jianheng smiled."I never go back on my word, child.
Where's Mother?"Lu Jianheng lowered his head, "He's dead.
Big brother, can you take me away?
I don't want to be here anymore.
This is no longer our place.""Silly boy, it's all over.
You're a brave boy.
Do you know what daddy has been helping you with?"Lu Jianheng shook his head.Lie Yanzai patted his head, "That's because he believes that the things you invented one day are the pride of mankind.
You're the pride of country Z and you're the pride of your father.
Do you know?
It's not nice to be alone in the outside world, especially in the starry river.
There are many things that you didn't want to experience, but now you have to learn how to face them."..."Lie Yanzai sighed and stood up, holding Lu Jianheng's hand."So our agreement?""I will definitely do what I promised you.
Of course, if you want to see the Flame Star, I'll take you there to take a look.
It's fine to relax." After saying that, he strode forward.Lu Jianheng followed behind excitedly.The world was so wonderful.
When a person focused on doing one thing, they could do it well.
If they wanted to do bad things, they might not necessarily succeed.
Although there were many things in the world that people didn't expect, and most of the things a person experienced in their life weren't what they wanted to experience, it didn't matter.Because the most beautiful part of life is our own.
If we look at it with a hopeful attitude, there will be another change in the situation.When we carefully observed this world, we would find that there were a lot of things around us that could give humans a lot of reasoning.We, humans, walked even more resolutely.