Reincarnation Resentment: Beauty Curse

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Chapter 1

In a remote mountain village, the scenery was beautiful and beautiful.
The scenery was very mesmerizing.
Without the hustle and bustle of the city, there would be no industrial pollution.
At that place, it would definitely make you feel like a paradise.
Although the scenery was charming, it was very backward.
The people in the mountains did not have a fixed income.
They could only rely on the thin income in the ground for a few days.That's right.
I was born in this place.
I was eighteen years old this year, and my name was Lingxiao.
I could be considered to have met the standards of the public, and I was almost 1.8 meters tall.
I was approximately 1.9 meters tall, and my figure was ordinary.Since it was a poor ravine, I had dropped out of school a long time ago.
My sworn brother, Wang, was a coward.
He was one year older than me, so we usually called him Wang Dadan.
Since his parents had died early, he usually relied on his relatives' daily assistance.
Therefore, he was a first-class, second-class child who was proficient in eating, drinking, drinking, and gambling.However, I was a loyal man, so I had been following him ever since I dropped out of school.I had suffered a lot because of this.
How could my parents agree to let me hang out with him?
It was a pity that my buttocks had been bloomed by my father.
I was already eighteen years old, yet he still hit me like this.
He really didn't give me any face.As a result, I gradually became more and more lively.
Naturally, I didn't work for my family.
Every day, I would hang out with Wang Dadan and catch pheasants and hares in the mountain valley.
It was really very easy.That morning, I sneaked out of the main gate to look for Wang Dadan.
This fellow had already waited for me on the small road at the village entrance with a shotgun.
When he saw me, he greeted me, "How about we go to the West Mountains today?
There seems to be a lot of game over there!""No way.
Everyone in the village said that there was a ghost there, so I didn't dare to go there," I said timidly."Look at you, you're like a bear.
Why are you making a ruckus in broad daylight?
I really want to see what kind of ghosts are like with a ghost.
It's a pity that you're still a wrench.
You're worse than a woman.
What a waste of life." Wang Guofeng sneered."If you want to go, then go.
What's the big deal?
I don't believe in evil anymore." I couldn't bear to see others mocking me for being timid.
As soon as I provoked him, I immediately lost my mind.
For this reason, I had to pay a heavy price.Although the mountain path was hard to navigate, Wang Dadan and I grew up in the mountain.
This was a small path.
Soon, we arrived at the foot of the West Mountains.
For some reason, we suddenly felt a gust of nethergale.
I couldn't help but sneeze.But now that the words had already been spoken, how could I go back on my words?
I had no choice but to brace myself and follow Wang Dadan forward.
However, the longer I walked, the colder I felt.
Wang Dadan didn't seem to feel anything at all.
I didn't know if he was mentally unstable or not."Shh, there's a hare up ahead," Wang boldly said in a soft voice."Let me play with that gun.
I'll check it out and see if I've improved," I whispered."Make sure you don't embarrass me.
Take it." Then, Wang Dadan handed me his gun.I often fought wild game with the king, so I was extremely familiar with guns.
I received the bold hunting shotgun, positioned myself in a good position, closed one eye, and aimed at the rabbit, looking for a suitable opportunity to end its life.Bang!
I pulled the trigger."What's with your eyes?
You didn't even hit me like this?
I've disgraced you.
You've wasted so much time with me.""No, you're not.
Listen to me.
I clearly aimed, but someone pushed me.
This place is really evil.
Let's go back," I said, shivering."A few less excuses.
Do you think I don't know you?
Are you afraid that I'll laugh at you?" Wang Dadan obviously didn't believe him."Really, I really feel like I've been pushed.
How can you not understand my marksmanship?""Forget it, you can go back alone if you want to!
I still have to exchange some game for some pocket money."Right now, my legs were shaking slightly.
I didn't dare to say anything if I had to go back alone.
I had no choice but to continue to play with this guy.
It was better to have someone by my side than no one else, right?This time, I followed closely behind him, so I didn't dare to go any further.
I provoked Wang Dadan to mock me from time to time.
Although I was angry, there was nothing I could do.
If I offended him so easily, if he left me here alone, I wouldn't have been able to do anything..We were already halfway up the mountain.
I didn't know if it was because of the ghostly weather, but I shivered.
Wang Dadan was still the same.
He muttered, "Strange, there should be a lot of game here.
What happened today?
I didn't see anything except the rabbit.""...""Then why don't we head back?
Are you cold?
Why do I suddenly feel colder and colder?""Let's see if you're looking for an excuse.
What kind of weather is this?
Why are you still talking about the cold?" Wang Dadan turned around and said to me as he continued to move forward.Suddenly, Wang Dadan cried out.
I rushed forward to grab him, but I was still a step too late.
It turned out that Wang Dadan had accidentally stepped on empty air and fell into a hole!"How are you?
Are you alright?" I shouted anxiously as I stood at the entrance."Damn it!
What the hell are you yelling for?
Why aren't you pulling me up?
What bad luck!" Wang Dadan snapped.I looked at the distance between the cave entrance and the boldness.
It was at least five meters.
I couldn't even touch the bold fur with such a simple pull.
I turned to the bold man who was still rubbing his buttocks in the cave and said, "How dare you wait.
I'll go find some vines.""Hurry up and go, don't waste time."I looked around.
Fortunately, there were a lot of vines in the mountains, so I forgot everything when I was nervous.
At this moment, I just wanted to get bolder, so I wasn't scared much!When I found enough vines to reach the cave entrance, I found that the boldness wasn't in the cave.
I was completely flustered.
I shouted at the cave entrance, "How dare you!
Where are you?
Don't scare me.
Say something.""What the hell are you called?
I'm not dead yet.
Go and make some torches, boy.
I found a secret.""What secret?" I asked in confusion."Stop talking nonsense.
It seems like this place is an ancient tomb.
The heavy rain from a few days ago probably rushed out of this cave entrance.
That's why I fell down.
Let's go and see if we can get some antiques out and we'll be rich." It was obvious that he was very excited.When I heard that it was an ancient tomb, my head was already big.
I was scared half to death.
I still had to deal with the ancient tomb.
I didn't want to, but I couldn't do anything about it.
I knew his bold temper.
He didn't want ten bulls to come back.There was nothing I could do, so I had to do what he wanted.
We were well-versed in torchwork, but we didn't have any materials right now.
At most, we had a lot of dried branches and hay, so I couldn't do anything about it.
I didn't know if my bold head had been clamped by the door.After a while, I found a lot of dried branches and hay and threw them all into the hole.
Since I couldn't make them, I found vines and tied them to the big tree behind me.
I braced myself and put down this cave that looked like it was going to eat people.When I arrived at the bottom of the cave, I discovered that there was a man-made step on the left.
My courage was filled with excitement.
My curiosity had overcome my fear.
Looking at the dark underworld, I also had the urge to become famous.
I didn't even have the time to go in and take a look.."Do you want to die?
Can you enter a hole that has been sealed for so long?
You've grown so big for nothing!" I boldly grabbed my hand and said.After being boldly called out, I calmed down.
I found a branch, wrapped it with dried grass, and placed it on it.
After lighting it up, I wanted to see if there was any oxygen in the hidden tunnel.After waiting for another ten minutes, Huang Xiaolong saw that everything was normal and there wasn't much abnormality.Excitement filled my heart as I ventured into the cave with dried grass and branches.
The dark path winded down, and the air in the cave looked very dry.
After walking for about five minutes, there was a huge stone door in front of me.
Strangely, there were some symbols on the stone door that I couldn't understand, which made me creep."How dare you!
There seems to be something evil here.
I think we should head back." I decided to leave."Is there something wrong with your brain?
You're already here and you're saying that you want to go back?
Isn't this obviously giving us a chance to make a fortune?
If you want to go, you can go.
I have to go in and see if there's anything valuable."After daringly saying that, he walked towards the stone door and tried to push it.
He originally thought that this kid couldn't open the stone door.
With such a big guy, I wondered how he could pretend to be there.Since we're already here, I don't dare to go back alone.
What I didn't expect was that such a big stone door was actually a decoration.
After boldly putting in all of his strength, he still opened a gap, just enough for a person to go over.The moment the door opened, a moldy smell assaulted my nostrils.
Upon seeing this, I didn't dare to go back even if I killed myself.
I had no choice but to boldly point some dried tree branches at the stone gate to see what was going on.However, the fire didn't burn the dried grass and the smoke made me choke on my tears.
I almost died because of this idiot's greed.After waiting for a while, the smoke gradually dissipated.
Then, I bravely stepped inside.