Reincarnation Resentment: Beauty Curse

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Chapter 5

At noon, I had a simple meal.
In the afternoon, I really couldn't be bothered with brazenly arguing with him.
I just needed to find a place to sleep!
We slept until the monkey knocked on the door.
We woke up and realized that the sky was dark.
What the hell was going on?
Why was it like this?
Why didn't I and the bold one sleep so dead?
Could it be that the female corpse was playing some kind of trick again?.At noon, I had a simple meal.
In the afternoon, I really couldn't be bothered with brazenly arguing with him.
I just needed to find a place to sleep!
We slept until the monkey came knocking on the door.
We woke up and realized that the sky had turned dark.
What the hell was going on?
Why was it like this?
Why didn't we sleep like this?
Could it be that the female corpse was playing some kind of trick again?"Lingxiao, are you all alright?" the monkey asked with concern after entering!"What's going on?
How do I feel today?
I don't feel anything at all!
It's strange!" I was confused."That's right, that's right.
I can't sleep for a short while at most.
I'll wake up no matter how small the noises are.
It's really strange today," said daringly."I didn't expect the master of the female corpse to be so resentful.
It seems like we've encountered a difficult problem this time!" The monkey found a place to sit down and said."What troublesome question?" I asked in unison."When I was about to enter the village, I saw a black resentment clouding the sky above our village.
I was afraid that something might have happened to the two of you, so I immediately rushed over.
When I entered the village, I saw two grey shadows drifting toward the west mountain.
I knew that something bad had happened.
If my guess was correct, those two grey shadows should be your souls."."When I was about to enter the village, I vaguely saw a black resentment clouding the sky above our village.
I guessed that there must be something wrong with you two, so I immediately rushed over.
When I entered the village, I vaguely saw two gray shadows drifting towards the west mountain.
I knew that something bad had happened.
If my guess was right, those two gray shadows should be your souls!""Our souls?
Black resentment?
How can you see it?
Why can't I see anything?" I found it hard to understand."What do you think I've been doing outside for the past few years?
I'm just proficient in mystical arts.
There are all kinds of wonders in this world.
It's just that you commoners are hard to come into contact with!" Monkey replied sourly."Why did our souls go to the West Mountains?
Did we play when we went there?
Didn't that female corpse want me to experience the pain she experienced when she was alive?" Audaciously interrupted!"I'm guessing that the one who guided your souls to the West Mountains is the rightful owner.
The female corpse has no grudges with Lingxiao, so why would he want to bring Lingxiao along?" The monkey asked back."Did you get our souls back?
Why are we the only ones who are bold enough to float towards the West Mountain?
What about the others?
What do you mean by 'righteous master'?
What does it have to do with that female corpse?" There were too many questions in my mind."Sigh, let me tell you the truth.
In fact, my real identity is that of a Golden-Treading Captain.
To put it bluntly, I'm a tomb robber!
At that time, uncle took me away because he saw something that ordinary people couldn't see.
It was the Yin-Yang Eyes.
So, as soon as I entered the village, I saw something unusual.
When I saw your souls, I used the Soul Attraction Technique to lure you back.
Ordinary Soul Summoning Techniques were useless."I think it might have been because you and your boldness were contaminated by the female corpse's aura, and the female corpse was only a burial item.
Thus, the main body is extremely familiar with the aura of the corpse, which is why your soul was lured away."The monkey panted and continued, "Remember the haunted legend in our village?
Combined with my experience over the past few years, I have a feeling that there is a big tomb hidden here.
That is why I came back this time to find you two to help me find out the truth of the legend.
Coincidentally, you guys happened to run into this female corpse, which confirmed my thoughts!
But I didn't think that the real owner would be so fierce that he could come to the village to attract the souls of the living.
It seems like this trip is extremely dangerous.
But even if we don't go looking for him now, he will still come looking for us.
We have to go, we have to go.
We're tied up on a rope, so I naturally remember your souls.".The monkey took a deep breath and continued, "Do you remember the haunted legend in our village?
Combined with my years of experience, I always felt that there was a big tomb hidden here, so I came back this time to find you two to help me find out the truth of this legend.
Coincidentally, I met this female corpse at this time, which confirmed my thoughts even more!
However, I didn't expect that the real owner would be so fierce that he could come to the village to draw the souls of the living!
It seems that this trip is extremely dangerous, but even if we don't go to find him now, he will still come to us.
So we have to go, we have to go.
If we don't go, we have to go.
We're tied up on a rope, so this guy naturally remembers your souls!""Then what should we do now?" asked a bold and worried person."Get a hammer and go to sleep!
When I wake up, we'll go to the West Mountains tomorrow and look for the real owner!
I haven't slept since the day I left, so I've been rushing back and forth.
I was going to ask you guys to be helpers, but now I'm in!" Monkey said sourly.."Get a hammer and go to sleep!
When I wake up, we'll go to the West Mountains tomorrow and look for the real owner!
I haven't slept since the day I left, so I've been rushing back and forth.
I was going to ask you guys to be helpers, but now I've been added in!" Monkey sourly said!"Is he okay?" I was a little worried."It should be fine for the time being.
Now that the master has appeared, the female corpse won't dare to do anything.
As long as I get the things I need here tomorrow, we can set off.
Once we find the main master's tomb, we will be fine.
That is master's territory.
I don't think she will dare to do anything.
But if we want to solve this problem in the long term, hiding there forever is not the best option.
Unless?"."It should be fine for now.
Now that the master has appeared, the female corpse doesn't dare to do anything.
As long as I send the things I need here tomorrow, we can set off.
Once we find the main master's tomb and boldly enter, everything will be fine.
That is master's territory, so I don't think she will dare to do anything!
But if we want to solve the problem in the long term, hiding there forever is not a way!
Unless?""Unless what?
Are we really going there?" I asked timidly."You might still be able to live if you go.
If you don't go, you'll die.
Choose yourself!" Monkey didn't even bother to talk nonsense with me!Anyway, I knew he was going to be bold.
It was worse than dying now, so I had no choice but to follow him.
Whether he was dead or alive depended on luck!All of a sudden, I thought that my parents would be worried again if I didn't go home today.
So, I turned around and said, "A monkey is bold!
Why don't I go home tonight?
Otherwise, my parents will scold me again!""Go on, go on, it's really not a good idea to sleep with three people in this lousy place!
I'm going to sleep first, I'm so tired!" After saying that, the monkey turned around and went to bed without caring about me or me anymore!Seeing the bold look on his face, I felt like I was shivering.
What else could I say?
After saying goodbye to the monkey, I trotted back home!As I walked, a layer of gray mist gradually rose.
Suddenly, I felt that the village was so quiet that it was terrifyingly quiet.
I couldn't even hear the barks of dogs or the chirps of chickens.
It was as if the entire world could only hear my heartbeat alone!
I just felt strange.
I didn't feel much about walking on the mountain path!.As I walked, a layer of gray mist gradually rose.
Suddenly, I felt that the village was so quiet that it was terrifyingly quiet.
I couldn't even hear the barks of dogs or the chirps of chickens.
It was as if the entire world could only hear my heartbeat alone!
I just felt strange.
I didn't feel much about walking on the mountain path!Normally, I only needed about ten minutes to travel, but I didn't reach home after walking for more than twenty minutes.
At this time, I was afraid.
I knew that I would be in trouble.
But now, I couldn't even see a shadow.
I walked around the village alone.
I panicked and I was scared.
I started to go back.
I thought that I had to find the monkey.
Only the monkey knew what was going on!.Normally, I only needed about ten minutes to travel, but I still hadn't reached home after twenty minutes of walking.
At this time, I was afraid.
I knew that I would be in trouble.
But now, I couldn't even see a shadow.
I walked around the village alone.
I panicked, and I was scared.
I started to go back.
I thought that I had to find the monkey.
Only the monkey knew what was going on!After walking for about five minutes, I saw a group of strange people walking toward me.
They were also people I had never seen before.
They wore white hats, and their faces were expressionless.
Their eyes were cold.
The two leaders were holding mourning bats.
They seemed to be in charge of these people.
What was even more terrifying was that they were carrying a large, pitch-black coffin.
The white word "Dend" on one end of the coffin looked especially scary.
It was scary to see people, but I wasn't scared anymore.
At least, it was much better than me wandering around alone..After walking for about five minutes, I saw a group of strange people walking toward me.
They were also people I had never seen before.
They wore white hats, and their faces were expressionless.
Their eyes were cold.
The two leaders held mourning bats in their hands.
They seemed to be in charge of these people.
What was even more terrifying was that there was a large, pitch-black coffin between them.
The white word "Dend" on one end of the coffin looked especially scary.
It was terrifying, but I wasn't scared anymore.
At least, it was much better than me wandering around alone.I murmured to myself, "What the hell is going on?
Who's going to have a funeral?
It's almost nighttime.
Besides, isn't our village just a small place?
I know most of the houses, but why haven't I seen these people before?
Could it be that other villages have passed by here?
This won't happen, right?".I murmured to myself, "What's going on?
Who's going to have a funeral?
It's almost nighttime.
Besides, isn't our village just a small place?
I know most of the houses, but why haven't I seen these people before?
Could it be that other villages have passed by here?
This shouldn't happen, right?"When the group of people came to my side, I felt a bone-piercing coldness.
I couldn't help but shudder.
However, they didn't seem to care about my presence.
No one noticed my presence, and they still walked past me with that expressionless face.
However, I found it strange that they were carrying such a large coffin.
Why didn't they make a sound when they walked?.When the group of people came to my side, I felt a bone-piercing coldness.
I couldn't help but shudder.
However, they didn't seem to care about my appearance.
No one noticed my presence.
They still walked past me with that expressionless face.
However, I was surprised that they were carrying such a large coffin.
Why didn't they even make a sound when walking?After they went there for a while, I felt the coldness in my body gradually dissipate.
I didn't understand why it was like this, but now I became curious again.
I wanted to see which family these people were helping with the funeral, so I dared to follow them slowly!.After they went there for a while, I felt the coldness in my body gradually dissipate.
I didn't understand why it was like this, but now I became curious again.
I wanted to see which family these people were going to funeral for, so I dared to follow them slowly!I had only taken a few steps when I realized that Nima had been strolling around the city not too far away.
If I hadn't met this group of mysterious people, I wouldn't have known how long I would have been wandering around!Now that everything was clear, I wasn't worried anymore.
At the same time, I was thankful to the people who had delivered the funeral.
It was all thanks to them!After walking for a while, I found them in the middle of the village.
They stopped at Granny Qian's house.
The two people in the lead signaled for the coffin to be put down.
Then, they pushed open the door to Granny Qian's house and walked in.I was also puzzled.
Wasn't Granny Qian always in bed?
No one in their family died.
Why did she put the coffin in front of his door?After a while, I was shocked to see the two leaders carrying Granny Qian out, indicating for the people behind to open the lid of the coffin.
Granny Qian consciously walked towards the large coffin and lay down expressionlessly!
This made me even more confused.
Granny Qian had always had problems getting out of bed, so how could she climb into the coffin so quickly?
Besides, why did a living person like her sleep in the coffin?
Why didn't her children stop her?
Did they let these people do whatever they wanted?
Could it be that Granny Qian had been bedridden for a long time and was afraid that she would drag her son down again?
Was this not murder?.After a while, I was shocked to see the two leading men carrying Granny Qian out and indicating for the people behind to open the lid of the coffin.
Granny Qian consciously walked towards the large coffin and lay down expressionlessly!
This made me even more confused.
Granny Qian had always had problems getting out of bed, so how could she climb into the coffin so quickly?
Besides, why did a living person like her sleep in the coffin?
Why didn't her children stop her?
Did they let these people do whatever they wanted?
Could it be that Granny Qian had been bedridden for a long time and was afraid that she would drag her son down again?
Was this not murder?I saw that they were about to close the lid of the coffin.
How could I just watch them carry a living person away?
I immediately ran over and shouted, "What are you doing?"When these people heard my shouts, they all turned to look in my direction.
They also seemed to be surprised that someone could see them!
After a short silence, I found that the two leaders seemed to have a cold smile on their faces!When I got close to the group of people, the bone-piercing cold all over my body followed.
I shivered and carefully walked to the side of the coffin.
I didn't believe that they could do anything to me in broad daylight!Those people didn't stop me and allowed me to get close to the coffin.
However, at the same time, they seemed to have a scary smile on their faces!