Rebirth: The South Sea Sect

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Chapter 2

When Duan Yanqing heard that Zou Zhiyuan had specifically come to look for him, he immediately sent a message, "Your disciple's matter has nothing to do with me.
Why are you looking for me?
I can't even protect myself right now.
I'm sure there's no point for you to find me now, right?!""A little over a year ago, I went to the grand court to collect some items.
I heard that Duan Lian Yi Emperor was killed by a rebel.
The Crown Prince didn't know where he was either, so I searched everywhere.
The good friend of the Yi clan said that he knew that a person's divination was very effective, so he asked him to go find this person.
He also agreed to meet him in the grand court on August 15th this year.Now that I've found out the whereabouts of Crown Prince Yanqing, I know that you're still alive, so I don't have anything to worry about you anymore."I wonder what the crown prince intends to do in the future?
If there's anything we need help with, our Southern Sea Sect will definitely help us with everything we have!" Zou Zhiyuan said sincerely."I don't have any plans right now!
I'll look for you when I'm back!"Zou Zhiyuan saw Duan Yanqing and refused to believe him.
He said, "In the future, if the crown prince needs any help, you must inform us!
If anything happens to the crown prince, our South Sea Sect will definitely help you!""This is my eldest disciple, Yue Goudan.
This is my youngest disciple, Chenfei.
If we need help in the future, we'll definitely help you!""Then we'll meet again!""See you later!"After Duan Yanqing left, Zou Zhiyuan suddenly remembered something.
He turned around and asked Chenfei, "How do you know that person is Duan Yanqing, Crown Prince Yanqing?""I don't know either!
In short, after I saw that person's appearance, I knew that his name was Duan Yanqing!
As for how I met him and how I knew about this, I don't know either."Zou Zhiyuan didn't probe further when he saw that Chenfei didn't know the reason.
After all, he had already completed one of his tasks.
Now that he knew that the Crown Prince Yanqing was still alive in the mortal realm, he felt much less at ease."If you don't know, then let's rest early!
We still have to hurry tomorrow!"The three master-disciple duo found a dry place to rest.But at this moment, Chenfei's heart was racing through rivers and seas!At this time, Chenfei knew that he was currently living in a novel called "The Eight Divisions of Sky Dragon".
He clearly remembered all the contents of this novel, but he knew that this was a novel.
He lived in this novel.
The rest were similar to his identity.
How did he get into the world of Sky Dragon's Eight Divisions?
Even his age was unknown.Thus, while Zou Zhiyuan and the others were talking, Chenfei carefully considered the matter and decided that he absolutely couldn't let anyone know about it unless he was strong enough to fight against all the forces in this world.This night, Chenfei thought about many things.
He thought about how to make himself stronger and how to make his life more comfortable.
Of course, everyone also thought of marrying Wang Yuyan, the most beautiful wife in the Sky Dragon Eight Schools.That night, Chenfei made a detailed comparison of his life in the story and the contents of Tianlong's eight novels.Right now, Chenfei was only five or six years old.
At this time, his master had once said that it was the second year Duan Yanqing's father had been killed, which meant that Duan Yucai, the protagonist of the Sky Dragon Group, had just been born.
At most, he was six years older than Duanyu, but five years younger than Qiaofeng.Qiaofeng was probably still studying in the Young Chamber Mountain right now!
That Wang Yuyan wasn't even born yet!
To his surprise, he had become the junior brother of Yue Laosan, one of the four great evils.
No wonder he didn't mention his name in the novels.
It turned out that his name was Yue Goudan.
If his martial arts skills were so high, he wouldn't have said such a terrible name.It seemed like he still had at least fifteen to six years to practice martial arts........."Brother Dao!
I wonder how the task is done?""Brother Zou!
Don't worry!
Do you think I can be lazy about what you've done?
I've already found out where that master lives, and even brought him to our tribe.
We're waiting for you to come!
Let's go to that master's place right now!" The man Zou Zhiyuan referred to as Brother Knife wanted to drag him into the village."Brother Dao, please wait!
I still have two disciples coming with me!
I'm afraid they've broken the rules of the Dao Brothers, so I told them to wait at the foot of the mountain!
The question I asked the expert is related to my two disciples.
I wonder if I can ask them to go with me?" Zou Zhiyuan said in embarrassment to the person surnamed Dao.."Since he's Brother Zou's disciple, then he's definitely not an outsider!
Just call them up!""In that case, I'll have to ask Brother Knife to wait here for a while!"Not long later, three people came up from the foothills.
The one leading them was an elder, followed by a young man and a five or six year old child.
These three people were Zou Zhiyuan's master and disciple.Under Brother Dao's lead, Zou Zhiyuan and the other two arrived at a village where the Yi clan was located.Southwest of Yi village, there was a small cottage with grass.
The door was east, and one zhang away from the hut were four trees planted, southeast willow trees, southwest Yang trees, northwest locust trees, and northeast camphorses.
The roots of the trees seemed to have been transplanted from somewhere not long ago.When Zou Zhiyuan saw that a small straw cottage was so particular, he thought that it must be a master.
He didn't say anything and followed Brother Dao into the hut."Doula.
This is the friend I often talked about - Zou Zhiyuan.
This is the Divination expert I've introduced to you - Doula.
Doula is the high priest of Black Miao.
He can predict the past and future of others," Brother Knife introduced."No, no!
Brother Knife, you're flattering me!" All of them bowed towards Zou Zhiyuan.Zou Zhiyuan hurriedly returned the greeting, "You're welcome, you're welcome.
These two are my disciples.
If you haven't met them yet, you'll have to drag me down with you!"After everyone bowed to each other, Zou Zhiyuan invited his two disciples out of the hut and began a round of discussion.Chenfei and his senior brother had been chased out, so Yue Dog Egg didn't really care.
Anyway, it was up to master.
But Chenfei didn't think so.
He didn't want us to know anything when master chased us out.While Chenfei was still immersed in his thoughts, Zou Zhiyuan and Brother Dao walked out of the hut and dragged them out from behind."Master!" When the two of them saw that their master had come out, they went up to greet him."This time, it's troublesome for Brother!""Where, where.
I can only deduce this point!
As for the specifics, I still need you to go and verify it!" They all said as they sent each other off.After the three of them left the stronghold, Chenfei asked his master, "Master, what's so important that we don't know?""We'll talk again when we get back to the island!"......The sea breeze hunted, and two heads slowly emerged from the lake in the middle of the Alligator Island.
One of them had a large head, and the one with very small eyes was Yue Dog Egg.
That little head was Chenfei.
Their master and disciple had already returned to the island for more than three months.In the cabin by the lakeside, Zou Zhiyuan saw that his two disciples were done with their cultivation, so he told them to enter."Chenfei, it's been almost two years since I saved you.
Your Tortoise Breathing Technique has reached minor completion, and you've been able to stay underwater for two hours without getting any Qi.
It seems that your master's eyesight isn't bad!" Zou Zhiyuan stroked his beard admiringly."Master, you're biased!
I can stay underwater for four hours without needing to breathe!
I don't think you've praised me before," said Yue Goudan unhappily.Zou Zhiyuan half-jokingly said to Yue Goudan, "Hahahaha!
This is the unfairness of your master!
You've trained well as well!
However, you've been practicing for more than ten years now!
You've only been able to stay for an incense stick's worth of time after two years!""I have something to tell you today!"When the two of them saw that their master had something to say, they quickly stood up and listened carefully.Zou Zhiyuan turned his head towards the window and said, "If I go out this time, I'll take half a year.
If I don't come back after three years, I'm afraid...""Master!" Seeing their Master speak, both of them quickly knelt down and shouted."Stand up!
Your master must leave this time!
I have two letters here.
If you still don't return after three years, just open them.
At that time, you'll know what you're going to do!" Zou Zhiyuan handed the letters to the two of them."If your master doesn't return, the two of you are not allowed to leave this island for three years!
Otherwise, you will be traitors to our Nanhai Sect!""Also, during this period of time when I'm not around, you can go to the secret cave on the island and cultivate the martial arts you need!""Yes, Master!" After Zou Zhiyuan finished speaking, the two of them kowtowed to him three times.......That night.Jiangnan, Suzhou.Outside Gusu City, outside a luxurious mansion.The two shadows swayed.One of the black-clothed men, who was slightly lower in stature, flipped his palms up and down, and his figure was like a butterfly dancing in the flowers.
That black-clothed man, who was slightly taller, sometimes poked his fingers, sometimes waved his fists to meet the enemy.
The two of them were not happy at all.Clouds swayed.
Not long later, the semi-circle moon emerged from the clouds and another person's figure appeared in front of them.As they didn't know if they were friends or foes, the two of them collided with each other's fists and palms, and they quickly separated.
After taking a closer look, they saw that the figure was dressed as a monk.
He was not even 30 years old, and his clothes were gleaming with light.
His face was filled with vigor, and there seemed to be a flow of precious light.
It was as if he was wearing bright jewels and jade, and it was natural for him to shine.The monk cupped his hands together and said, "Emi Mituofo!
Good and kind!
The heavens have the virtue of a good life, but the two of you are fighting with your lives here.
How can you be worthy of the life bestowed by the heavens?""Master, are you from Tufan?" asked one of the tall black robed men."Benefactor, may I ask which expert you are?!
I'm a monk from the Central Plains, but I don't have many friends!
I wonder if you're from the Gusu Clan?" said the monk.The slightly shorter man in black was shocked.
It turned out that this person before him was Su Mu Rongbo.
However, he didn't know where this monk came from.It turned out that the three of them were: the short one in black: Zou Zhiyuan.
The tall one in black: Mu Rongbo.
The monk is Jiu Mozhi.
It's just that Zou Zhiyuan doesn't know Jiu Mozhi at this time."May I ask where this friend is from?" Mu Rongbo asked Zou Zhiyuan."Ten years ago, Yue Qianqiu of the Dianyan Family, do you recognize him?!"Mu Rongbo said, "I've heard of the Yue Clan, but I've never met them before.
However, I've heard that their entire family has been silenced.
None of the one hundred and fifty-three members of the Yue Clan have survived.
It's a pity!
We don't have the fate to meet each other!""The blood debt of the Yue family will eventually be repaid one day!
Since you don't recognize the Yue family, I'll take my leave!" Zou Zhiyuan cupped his hands and prepared to leave."Take care!
I won't send you off!" Murongbo cupped his hands in salute when he saw Zou Zhiyuan was about to leave.Zou Zhiyuan turned and was about to leave when he suddenly felt three streaks of true energy piercing through the air.It wasn't that Zou Zhiyuan wasn't unprepared, but the force of the three fingers slowly increased from far to near.
When he realized it, it was already in front of him.Zou Zhiyuan didn't even have the time to turn around.
Instead, he sent his palms backwards, sending out two shadowless palms of the Hundred Steps Divine Fist.
The two palms collided with the two finger imprints, emitting two thumping sounds.
Zou Zhiyuan knew that something was wrong, so he sent his true energy all over his body in an attempt to block the remaining strand of true energy!