Hidden Mist Swirl

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Chapter 1

On the Misty Mind Cliff, a white clothed youth stood facing the wind, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him surrounded by clouds and mists, his handsome face looking pensive."You're here!" The white clothed youth suddenly spoke."Mm!" Unknowingly, the black clothed youth appeared by the cliff.
Following the white clothed youth's line of sight, he looked into the distance.For a moment, he was speechless.Finally, the young man in black said, "Have you decided?""Mn.""No matter how powerful you are, in the end, you and I are just one of the living beings.""That's right.
In the face of the laws, we are too small.
" The white clothed youth paused, "Perhaps she will change everything.
""You saw it!" The young man in black exclaimed in shock."Is it important?" The young man smiled."No, it doesn't matter.
I've gone too far."With a light breeze, two figures stood side by side."I'm leaving," the black clothed youth said again.
"Take care!" The last word sounded a little difficult."This is the last time we meet, right?"The young man in black didn't reply and disappeared just like when he came."Take care?" the young man muttered to himself.The Heart Refining Pavilion.Yue Lian sat in front of the desk, holding a shabby book and reading it with great interest.
She frowned and smiled from time to time.
As her expression changed, different sceneries appeared around her.
At this moment, if there was a magus present, he would definitely be shocked.
That shabby book was actually the long lost 'Spatial Magic Book'!The door to the Heart Refining Pavilion opened, and the white clothed youth quietly entered.
He sat in front of Yue Lian, a look of admiration on his face.
Suddenly, he pointed a finger, and the entire space fluctuated.
The strange space disappeared, but also pulled Yue Lian back from the world of magic."Father!" Yue Lian came back to his senses, but was even more shocked.
This was because the Heart Refining Pavilion was where she had studied.
Her father had never stepped foot into it.
From the moment she had recognized the first word, everything had depended on her own comprehension."Yueer, you're five years old this year!"Yue Lian didn't understand her father's intentions, so he could only nod indifferently."Don't you want to know why I left you here instead of teaching you?"Yuelian nodded again."It's time to tell you everything.
" The man patted her head, his gaze distant.At the beginning of Heaven and Earth, Chuang Shishen had created his first batch of citizens.
These people were slowly divided into two camps.
They were led by the Radiance and Dark Gods.
The two sides constantly clashed, but at this moment, Chuang Shishen was busy creating new citizens: elves with powerful magic abilities, dwarfs who excelled in creating weapons, beastmen who were born warriors, and humans with the strongest comprehensive abilities...
After Chuang Shishen completed all of this, he suddenly disappeared from this world.In order to seize control over the human world, the Dark God and Light God led to a great battle.
Because the Dark God called himself the "Devil King", the descendant named this battle the "Battle of Gods and Demons".During the Great War of Gods and Demons, countless human beings had lost their lives.
Human beings were about to perish.At this moment, a mysterious person appeared and stopped the war, and then disappeared quietly.
No one knew who this person was.
Later, people called You-Know-Who by "Legendary Clan", which was created to restrict the Gods and Devils."Father, is that our ancestor?""Yes, after the ancestor left that year, he came to the Hidden Fog Island and placed a seal outside the island.
Outsiders will absolutely not be able to find the location of this island unless...""Unless what?" Yue Lian whispered."It's nothing.
Since that time, our clan has been staying here.
Every child will leave the Hidden Fog Island at a certain time to go to the Jade continent for training.
Yue'er, it's time for you to go out.
""Father, I...""Don't say anymore.
Put this on." The man handed over an exquisite bracelet."This is?""The name of the storage bracelet is Blue Light.
Inside is all the intelligence crystals of our clan.
The book in the Heart Refining Pavilion is only the most basic part of it.
When you become stronger, you will be able to see even more things.
Although this bracelet can only be worn by people with the bloodline of legends, it is better not to be discovered by others.The Bi'an Continent's storage ring was pretty good as well.
Its only weakness was that it couldn't store living things, and this bracelet could store living things.
There were many functions in the bracelet.
You should slowly figure it out in the future.
There were some things that you should be able to use.Well, you go and prepare what you need to use, and set off tomorrow."After speaking, he left.Yuelian didn't immediately leave.
Instead, he sat there and slowly sorted out his thoughts.
She wouldn't be stupid enough to ask her father why he left her at the Heart Refining Pavilion.
Everything had already been made clear.
She still had to walk on her own, but her future would be even more dangerous.As for her ancestor, she had even more questions: whether or not the clan was created by the creator of the world, and why they wanted to settle down on the Hidden Fog Island, as well as the inside story of the end of the Great War of Divinity and Demons, etc.But her father didn't say anything.
It seemed like she had to look for an answer on her own.
Perhaps this was the purpose of her training.The next day, at noon, Yuelian prepared everything and followed the white-robed man to the Misty Heart Cliff."Yue'er, I have to seal all of your strength during this training.
You have to start everything again.
This way, your future will be even more dangerous.
You have to be careful.
""I will, Father.
Take care too.""Go!""Goodbye..." With a flash of white light, Yue Lian disappeared from the Mist Core Cliff.
With this departure, perhaps forever.The white-shirted man spat out a mouthful of blood and muttered:"Blood Seal, Life Seal.
Heh, one day, Yue'er will find out the truth.
At that time, the legendary clan will be able to walk out of the thick fog and live openly.
That day, unfortunately, I won't be able to see it again..."On the day Yue Lian left the Hidden Fog Island, the white-robed youth also burned his life.
On that day, stars fell and the wind rose and clouds surged.
On that day, a story ended and another story began.
From that day on, he could feel the changes in the continent, the 'Star Swirling', and it was known as the 'Star Swirling Year' in history.The Hidden Fog Island had disappeared, and the legends had appeared.
Everything had started this year.The Misty Forest was the most dangerous place on the continent.
It was shrouded in clouds and mists, giving it a sense of mystery.
For a long time, many explorers had entered the forest, but very few had come out.
However, all of them had obtained a high-level demonic beast, and their strength had greatly increased.
This allowed even more people to head to the Misty Forest.
There were even people who specialized in hunting demonic beasts.
Although they were only at the edge of the forest, even the weakest demonic beasts here were already at level five or six.People don't want to go into the forest, but since a team with a mage and two great swordsmen disappeared into the forest, people gave up on this idea.
Occasionally, one or two people would accidentally enter, but they would only end up with no bones left.
Over time, there are no longer any traces of humans in the depths of the forest..However, there were always exceptions.On this day, an uninvited guest arrived in the depths of the forest.
It was our little master, Gong Yuelian.
However, she didn't come in from outside the forest.
Instead, she appeared out of thin air.
Her appearance startled the Demonic Wolf and Demonic Leopard, who were currently battling each other.
However, they soon revealed understanding looks.
They exchanged glances, as if they were saying: Look, I know.Then, they ignored Yue Lian and started fighting again.Yuelian was completely baffled.
She had read a copy of the Magical Era at the Heart Refining Pavilion, and it was unknown which ancestor wrote it.
There were some demonic beasts, including demonic wolves and leopards.
They were second only to sacred beasts and possessed intelligence no less than humans.
However, they hated humans.
As long as they stepped into their territory, they would definitely be attacked.
But now, they didn't even bother to pay attention to her.
Although this was a good thing for her, she didn't like this feeling of being unable to control anything.
Moreover, the weakest demonic beasts were at level eight.
Heavens, what kind of place was this?
With so many high level demonic beasts?.Yuelian found this baffling because she had read a copy of the 'Epoch of Magical Illusion' at the Heart Refining Pavilion.
It was unknown which ancestor wrote it, but there were a lot of demonic beasts.
Among them were demonic wolves and leopards.
One had to know that they were second only to sacred beasts and possessed intelligence no less than humans.
However, they hated humans very much.
As long as they stepped into their territory, they would definitely be attacked.
But now, they didn't even bother to care about her.
Although this was a good thing for her, she didn't like this feeling of being unable to control anything.
Moreover, those demonic beasts were at the lowest level.
Heavens, what kind of place was this?
With so many high level demonic beasts?"Surprised, right?" A voice suddenly rang out from behind Yue Lian, shocking her.
When she turned around, she was even more shocked.
sacred beast White Tiger!"Baihu nodded and said, "This isn't a place to talk.
Come with me!" Then, he turned and left.Yue Lian paused for a moment, then quickly followed.
The scenery around her changed drastically.
There were even many medicinal herbs on the ground that only appeared on the Hidden Fog Island.
Yue Lian's heart was filled with anticipation, as if something was calling her forward.Finally, Baihu stopped in front of a row of ancient trees.
Yue Lian felt extremely strange, because this was merely a forest.
But all of a sudden, she felt a very familiar feeling.
A restrictive barrier!
That's right, it was exactly the same as the one on the Hidden Fog Island!She rushed in excitedly.
Soon, a manor appeared in front of her.
The layout was exactly the same as the one on the Hidden Fog Island.
Immediately, Yue Lian understood in his heart that this must have been done by one of her ancestors!Yuelian quickly calmed down and turned to look at the white tiger.
The white tiger nodded and gestured for her to sit down.Baihu coughed and continued: "There are some things I'm sure you already know, so I won't tell you much.
First of all, this is the depths of the Illusionary Demon Forest.
No humans will be able to reach this place.
Cough, your legendary race is no longer a pure human." "The Illusionary Demon Forest didn't have anything special in the beginning.
However, after the war between the Gods and Demons, several hundred years had passed.
One day, a person suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Just like today, that person was extremely powerful.
He quickly subdued all the demonic beasts, but he didn't kill them.
Instead, he signed a contract with them.
He had to obey the legends for generations.
Every generation of Beast Kings had to sign a contract with the descendant of this race.However, as a form of compensation, he laid down a restrictive barrier around the forest.
At the same time, he planted a large amount of spiritual herbs here, causing the spiritual energy in the forest to rise by leaps and bounds.
Before he left, he had left behind a large number of spiritual pills, which allowed our cultivation bases to rise rapidly.
Since then, there had been many high-level magical beasts here.Later on, every once in a while, a legendary person would appear.
You were the sixth, and this manor was slowly perfected."...""Just now, I saw that the Demonic Wolf and the Demonic Leopard were fighting.
Why did it seem like they were sparring instead of risking their lives?
What's going on here?" Yue Lian asked."It's still your ancestor." Baihu smiled bitterly.
"Back then, he had set a rule that the demonic beasts in the forest shouldn't attack each other.
Later on, he had thought that this would weaken their strength, so he had ordered us to spar with each other at regular intervals.
However, we couldn't let them die.
This had caused these demonic beasts to suffer.
After all, it wasn't easy for them to change their habits after eating meat for so long.
Luckily, as their cultivation bases rose, they didn't seem to care much about food anymore.However, those humans who accidentally entered would still be eaten."...""Alright, now that you've heard so much, you're tired as well.
Rest well!
We'll talk about it another day.
I'm leaving.
It's strange that those who came here before all have some abilities left behind.
This time, why can't I feel any of them?"Baihu's last sentence sounded like he was talking to himself, but Yuelian still heard it.
She could only smile bitterly in her heart.
After all, everything that she had seen today was beyond her expectations.
It seemed like this event wasn't simple.On the morning of the second day, Yuelian was led by a spirit monkey to find Baihu.
In fact, Baihu lived not far away from the Hidden Fog Mountain Village (the name she had given herself).
After seeing Baihu, Yuelian told her his plan: It turned out that after thinking about it for a night, she realized that she was completely confused about what she needed to do in the future.
She didn't know much about the Jade Land.
Furthermore, she was only five years old.
If she left the Demonic Forest immediately, she might not be able to do anything.
Therefore, she decided to spend some time cultivating in the forest.
Once she had a certain level of strength, it wouldn't be too late for her to leave.Furthermore, she had to study the things in the blue light carefully.
Once she left, she wouldn't have such a good opportunity.After hearing Yuelian's plan, Baihu agreed with her.
In fact, even if Yuelian decided to leave immediately, he would still persuade her to stay.
After all, this society didn't have the strength, so it wouldn't work.
Now that Yuelian had made up his mind, it would definitely support him fully.
However, it was also clear that once Yuelian began to cultivate, it wouldn't take him three or five years to appear.
In order to prevent her from leaving the forest, Baihu suggested that she spend two or three days to understand the entire forest.
After all, it wouldn't be appropriate for her master to get lost in the future.
Furthermore, it was time for those demonic beasts to meet her new master so that she wouldn't be injured in the future..Yuelian accepted the proposal.
That afternoon, with Baihu's company, he began his first patrol of the Demonic Forest.
Although he had mentally prepared himself, seeing so many high-tier magical beasts again surprised her.
However, she also realized that there were still some low-tier magical beasts here.
Furthermore, they weren't afraid of those high-tier magical beasts.
On the contrary, those high-tier magical beasts needed the help of low-tier magical beasts sometimes.It turned out that high-ranked demonic beasts were busy raising their cultivations, and had no time to worry about many things.
On the contrary, those low-ranked demonic beasts knew that they had no hope of evolving, so they focused on gathering spiritual herbs.
As for high-ranked demonic beasts, they needed spiritual herbs, so they could only ask low-ranked demonic beasts for them.
That was why such a situation occurred..When Yuelian learned of this situation, he suddenly remembered something.
Although there were a lot of spiritual herbs and fruits in the Demonic Forest, most of them were seasoned.
If they weren't collected in time, they would be wasted.
With a thought, she asked Baihu this question.Baihu explained, "Your ancestors have also considered this issue.
Therefore, he built a huge storage room in the Hidden Fog Mountain Village.
By storing the non-needed medicinal herbs inside, we can keep them fresh.
This way, even after this season, we can find fresh medicinal herbs.""...""So that's how it is!" Yuelian thought to himself.
Then, a thought occurred to him.
"Baihu, go organize it.
While I'm in seclusion, I'll have them split the herbs that I've gathered into two parts.
One of them will be for you to use, and the other three parts will be divided into three parts.
One portion will be dry, while the other two will be fresh.
I'll be of use in the future.There were also those fruits that could be eaten.
Other than what you needed, collect them all for me.
Don't waste them."In the future, when I leave, these things will be of great use."