Hidden Mist Swirl

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Chapter 4

"All these things, follow me into the blue light!" With that said, a room of herbs and Yue Lian disappeared.Yue Lian returned to the blue light and discovered that the four of them had already entered seclusion.
She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but she quickly recovered and arrived at the flaming rock.
She summoned the Violet Dragon Cauldron, placed it in herbs, and began to concoct pills.Time passed quickly, and three months had passed.
During this period of time, Yue Lian had refined several more elixirs and filled them with more than ten jade bottles.Yuelian sighed and said, "Fortunately, when I first saw my father refine this bottle, I had to force my father to refine it for me.
Otherwise, I would have been in trouble."She scanned the herbs and found that the remaining herbs were not enough to refine any kind of pill.
With a thought, if all the herbs were to be refined together, what kind of pill would be produced?With these thoughts in mind, she tossed all the remaining herbs into the cauldron and began to refine them.
In the beginning, she had used the usual method to refine them, but after half a month, there hadn't been any changes to the cauldron.
Yuelian began to feel a little anxious.
She probed her divine sense into the cauldron, only to discover that her divine sense had encountered a formidable obstacle.
She had no choice but to withdraw from the cauldron and continue to maintain the flames.She knew that although he didn't need the Samadhi True Fire to maintain it, if she ran out of true energy, not only would he be crippled, even she would suffer a backlash.After realizing that she was in danger, she calmed down and began to circulate her cultivation method according to the Flaming Heart Sutra.
Gradually, she sank into the realm of cultivation, completely forgetting the pills she was currently refining, and her current situation.
Perhaps it was because of a disaster that she had obtained a blessing!
This time, when she practiced her cultivation, Yue Lian's fire element power was able to break through and split with the water element power, stabilizing the turmoil in her body.Another half a month passed.
On this day, Yue Lian was awakened by a strange fragrance.
He looked at the Violet Dragon Cauldron in front of him and exclaimed in surprise, "Here comes the pill!"She quickly stopped, the fire retreated, and the lid of the cauldron opened.Yue Lian looked inside, and was greatly disappointed.
There was a stream of liquid flowing within the cauldron, so how could there be any traces of medicinal pills?All of a sudden, a strange phenomenon occurred.
A purple dragon was swimming at the bottom of the cauldron, feasting on the liquid generously.
"Could it be?" Moon Lian's eyes lit up as she recalled something that her cold sister had told her.In truth, the main sovereign in the pill was the Dragon Saliva Fragrance.
However, the Long Saliva Fragrance wasn't in the shape of a pill grain, but liquid.
This liquid was incomparably fragrant.
Eating it was enough to revive one's life.
If a martial artist consumed it, they would be able to increase their cultivation by a whole realm without any side effects.More importantly, even the dragons couldn't resist its temptation.
Unfortunately, the refining method of the Dragon Saliva Incense had long been lost, and even the cold woman couldn't refine it."That's right, it must be the fragrance of dragon saliva!" Yue Lian jumped up excitedly.
She quickly took out a jade bottle and filled it with an entire bottle.
She looked at the remaining fragrance of dragon saliva at the bottom of the cauldron and then looked at the purple dragon.
She smiled and said, "Alright, take the rest as a reward for you.""..."Yuelian didn't know that with the help of the fragrance of dragon saliva, Zilong was able to reconstruct his body and live in the blue light.
She was also the only person who had made a contract with two dragons at the same time.On this side, Yue Lian returned to the Demonic Forest and found that the forest seemed to have been struck by lightning.
A large number of trees were destroyed, especially the surroundings of the Hidden Fog Mountain Village.Yue Lian found the white tiger.
After asking, he understood that the fragrance of the dragon's saliva that he had refined had actually drawn the divine lightning tribulation.
Luckily, the seals in the Hidden Fog Mountain Village were strong enough, otherwise they would have already been reduced to ashes.
Even so, the Demonic Illusion Forest was still severely damaged.Feeling embarrassed, Yuelian took out a bottle of Essence Cultivation Pills and handed it to Baihu.
"This is a bottle of Essence Cultivation Pills that can help you break through your current cultivation.
Take them!"With a grateful look in his eyes, the white tiger took the bottle and left.Looking at the ruined scene in front of her, Yue Lian sighed deeply.
Many herbs had been destroyed.
Fortunately, not long after she entered the blue light, they had collected them once again.
In the future, she was not afraid that there would be no herbs.
However, what should she do in the future?"By the way, didn't I bring out some seeds back then?
Yuelian was overjoyed by his own foresight.In the following days, with the help of the demon beasts, Yuelian had successfully sprinkled the seeds of medicinal plants in the forest.
After doing all these, he decided to bid farewell to Baihu.Yue Lian arrived at Baihu's residence and saw a cute little Baihu squatting in the doorway, basking in the sun lazily.
It was only when he asked this question that he realized that he was Baihu's child.It squinted its eyes and occasionally used its paws to rub its white fur.
When it saw Yue Lian, it didn't even move.
It merely glanced at him from the corner of its eyes.
Under the angry glare of the white tiger, it unwillingly stood up and bowed to Yue Lian.Yuelian burst out laughing.
"What a cute little white tiger!""Since master likes it, let it sign a contract with master!" Baihu suddenly said.Yuelian was stunned.
Don't demonic beasts like to sign contracts with humans?"Baihu explained, "Every generation of beast kings must sign a contract with their master.
I already signed a contract with your father, so let them sign a contract with you!"Yuelian thought about it and agreed.
He felt that there should be a demon beast of his, so he agreed.Under the guidance of the white tiger, Yue Lian bit his finger and pressed down on the spot where the little white tiger's blood flowed, forming the contract."Xiao Bai, from now on, just call me Xiao Bai!
Now, come into the blue light!" With a flash of light, Xiao Bai entered."Baihu, I have to leave.""Yes, Master.""I'll leave everything in your hands."Under the watchful eyes of the demonic beasts, Yuelian slowly left the forest and began his journey to the Jade Land.Yue Lian had been wandering around the edges of the forest for several days, because she had lost her way.
However, she was too embarrassed to return, so she had no choice but to circle around the edges.On this day, Yue Lian heard the sound of people fighting from afar.
She followed the sound and hid behind a tree, looking at the empty space in front of her.Three young men surrounded a fox with nine tails."Nine-tailed Fox!" Yue Lian exclaimed.Fortunately, both sides were focused on their opponent's movements and did not hear her voice.How could that be?
Yue Lian felt extremely strange.
She knew very well that there weren't any Nine-tailed Foxes in the Demonic Forest, so this fox demon could only come in from the outside.
No matter what the reason was, she couldn't let it enter the forest.
Otherwise, once it cultivated into human form, it would definitely cause chaos in the world.With these thoughts in mind, Yuelian secretly took out his Radiant Yao Sword and prepared to lend them a hand at any time.At this time, the wind and clouds in the field suddenly changed.
With a longsword in hand, the golden-haired young man suddenly stabbed towards the fox demon.
In the blink of an eye, the sword move had changed over ten moves.What a fast sword.Yue Lian praised.As the golden-haired youth attacked, the black-haired youth's sword arrived.
Two people and two swords completely sealed off the Nine-tailed Fox's escape route.
At this moment, the black-robed youth quickly retreated to the side and chanted something.
As he chanted, thick black clouds rapidly accumulated in the sky.Then, a thunderbolt struck down.At the same time, the two youths quickly retreated.
From the looks of things, the three of them had already cooperated many times.
However, the Nine-tailed Fox wasn't a fuel-efficient lamp either.
As the two retreated, it quickly sprinted forward.
The direction it moved in was shockingly where Yue Lian was hiding.Just as Jiu Weihu was about to pounce on him, Yuelian naturally raised the sword in his hand and swung it forward.
Jiu Weihu fell from the sky just like that.
Before he died, his eyes were filled with shock.Yue Lian watched as the Nine-tailed Fox's internal organs continuously flowed out.
He couldn't stand it any longer and rushed into the open space, vomiting nonstop.The three youths were also shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of Yue Lian.
The black-haired youth walked to the Nine-tailed Fox's side and quickly took out its core and handed it to the blond youth.The three of them arrived beside Yue Lian."Here." Jinfa handed over a kettle."Thank you." Yuelian received the kettle and drank it with his head held high.
After a long time, she finally suppressed her nausea.
However, she still didn't have the courage to turn around and look at the Nine-tailed Fox.While Yuelian was drinking, the three of them were also sizing her up from the side.
If they had been surprised by her appearance at the beginning, then they were now shocked by her appearance.
The three of them weren't ordinary people and had seen many beauties.
However, Yuelian's beauty was completely different.
It was a beauty that even the sun and moon were eclipsed by.
Moreover, it carried with it an aura that couldn't be blasphemed.
This was also why the three of them didn't view Yuelian as a demon..Fortunately, the three of them were not ordinary people.
By the time Yue Lian finished drinking the water, they had already returned to normal.
However, the shock in their hearts probably wouldn't disappear anytime soon."Who are you?
Why are you alone here?" Jinfa asked.Yuelian didn't answer.
Instead, he stared at him and carefully examined him.
He was dressed as a swordsman, wearing an interspatial ring on his ring finger and holding a sword in his right hand.
The sword glowed with red light, and a sun-like imprint could be seen on the hilt of the sword.
What kind of sword?
I'll ask him later!She continued to observe, only to find that other than his head of blonde hair, there was a pair of red eyes.
"What beautiful eyes!" Yue Lian blurted out.The golden-haired youngster's face suddenly turned red.
His lips moved but he didn't say anything.On the other hand, the young man wearing a magic robe was already laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten his back.
He said intermittently, "Did you hear that...
What a beautiful pair of eyes...
Haha..."The young man named Starfall fiercely glared at him, but he completely ignored him.
On the other hand, the black-haired swordsman's face had always been tense, but the twitch on his face revealed his true thoughts.Yue Lian looked at them curiously.
The young man in magic robes was clearly a mage, and his rank was probably not low.
As for the other two swordsmen, they weren't weak either.
Otherwise, how could the three of them force the Nine-tailed Fox to that extent?The young man in magic robes had obviously laughed enough.
He said, "Hello, my name is Yichen.
I'm a mage.
This fellow with 'beautiful eyes' is called Xing Luo, a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts.
As for that fellow with a dead face, he's called Lone Shadow.
He's a swordsman.
We came here to hunt down Jiu Weihu."Well, we have finished introducing you.
May I ask for your name?" After saying that, she even made a face.Yuelian snorted and said, "My name is Yuelian.
I came with a group of explorers.
Originally, I wanted to gather some herbs, but unfortunately, I got separated from them.
And I got lost again.
I don't know how to get out until I met you today." Yuelian had already made up his mind."Didn't you encounter any demonic beasts?" Xingluo asked."It's strange that I haven't seen any demonic beasts in the past few days.
You're the first group of people I've seen?"There was silence."By the way, are you all going to leave this place?
Can you take me with you?" Yuelian asked carefully."Then you won't wait for that expedition team?" Xing Luo asked again."It's been so many days, they might have left long ago.
""Where are your family?
How did they let you come to such a dangerous place alone?""Friends?" Yuelian thought of his father, Xuan Xuan, Han Ning, and the others, as well as the fate of the legendary race.
His gaze grew distant and distant.The three of them misunderstood her meaning.
Starfall said haltingly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know...""It's alright." Yuelian knew that they had misunderstood, but he didn't intend to explain further.
Right now, she was still feeling sad for the people in the blue light.
Perhaps one day, I would also become one of them.
Yuelian thought to himself sadly.Seeing Yuelian's expression, Xingluo felt even more uneasy.
He really shouldn't have asked such a question, but he didn't know what to say.
Thus, he blurted out, "Come with us to Tianxuan!
I..."Xingluo didn't finish speaking, but Yi Chen and Lone Shadow were still shocked.
Although Boss was very gentle to girls, they had never seen him react this way!In truth, it wasn't just them.
Even Xingluo himself was shocked.
Back then, he had actually thought of taking care of her for the rest of his life.
"What happened to me?" Xingluo smiled bitterly.Yuelian didn't feel anything wrong.
After all, her life had been simple for thirteen years.
She only said that Xing Luo agreed to take her away, so he gently said, "Thank you."That night, the four of them were still in the forest.
On the second day, each of them had their own thoughts and left the forest to embark on their journey to the Tianyuan Kingdom.At this time, Xing Luo's group of three didn't realize that the Yue Lian they brought back would change the fate of the three of them, and even the entire continent.
No one knew what role the three of them would play in this change.
The wheel of destiny had already quietly spun.Moreover, after leaving the Demonic Forest, the four of them went straight to the Tianxuan Kingdom.
Along the way, although they had encountered a lot of trouble (which was mainly caused by Yue Lian), under the protection of the three masters, everything was safe.If one were to talk about the greatest harvests on this journey, it would be because both parties had further deepened their understanding of each other.Yuelian learned that Starfall's swordplay had reached a high level, and his magic had reached the level of a great mage.
Yi Chen was a mage, and Solitary Shadow was a great swordsman.
Yuelian wasn't surprised when he learned about this.
These guys were only a few years older than her, but their strength was much higher than hers.What surprised Xing Luo and the others was that Yue Lian was also a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts.
Although she was only a junior mage and did not have any battle qi, she still made them look at each other in a new light.
After all, there were too few people in this world who could cultivate both magic and martial arts.Perhaps she hadn't met a good teacher, right?
The three of them attributed the reason Yue Lian's strength to this.
Little did they know that this was all under the careful control of some people.
As for some people, the group of four who were in seclusion suddenly shivered.Along the way, Yuelian also knew the origin of Xingluo's sword.It turned out that the name of Starfall's sword was Liu Huo, as well as her Flowing Ying Sword.
There was also an unknown Windstream Sword, which was made by one person.
These three swords were the three best swords in the world today.
They were divided into fire, water and wind.That year, the three swords disappeared at the same time.
Not long ago, the Wild Fire Sword suddenly appeared and acknowledged Starfall as its master.
The other two swords also attracted many people to look for them."Who created these three swords?" Yuelian had asked them before, but none of them knew about it.
This was because the appearance and disappearance of these three swords had always been a mystery.
However, Yuelian had a feeling that these swords had something to do with her ancestors.