One Flower, One World.

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Chapter 88

"Hey, Wuliu, wake up."Whose voice was this?
It sounded familiar.Wu Liu opened his eyes and found that he had come to a small, dark, damp, and dark room."You're finally awake."Wuliu pairs of eyes blinked for half a day, and finally adapted to the dark environment.
Unfortunately, apart from the other's silhouette, he couldn't see the other's appearance clearly."Aren't I being interviewed?
Did you kidnap me?" Wu Liu cautiously took a few steps back, his back against the wall."Why would I kidnap you?
What can you give me?
I already have what I should have.
You can't give me what I want." That person got up and jumped in fright."What do you want to do?" Wuliu hands hugged him tightly.
Unfortunately, he had been too fat these past few months and couldn't carry him at all."Don't be afraid.
I'm just lighting a candle.""Candle?
What is it?" Wu Liu seemed to have seen this term somewhere before.
However, he could not recall it."It's for lighting purposes.
It's an ancient item."A ball of light was weak, but it was enough for Ke Kadi to see the person in front of him clearly, "It's you, Ke Kadi?"Faced with the exclamations of Wuliu, Kadi revealed a perfect smile, "I'm glad that you still remember me."Wu Liu relaxed and collapsed on the ground as if he didn't have bones.
"What did you kidnap me for?"Ke Kadi shook his head.
His face, which had no dead ends, was perfect, "I didn't mean to kidnap you, but I just wanted to chat with you before you left."Yu Liu furrowed his brows.
"But Kadi, he's already someone he's about to forget.
Why did he drag me here at his most glorious moment?"Ke Kadi took out a green table, two light bamboo chairs, a plate of stir-fried peanuts, a plate of stir-fried seaweed silk, a big pot of braised pork hock, a pot of boiling hot pot, a pot of fine wine, and two cups."Come, sit down.
You haven't had breakfast yet.
Are you hungry?" But Cardy's voice was so gentle.Wuliu was indeed hungry.
In addition, he was convinced that Ke Kadi wouldn't harm him.
Thus, he got up, pulled out his chair, and sat down."It's delicious.
It's delicious.
" Yu Liu gulped.
There were several times when he almost bit his tongue.Ke Kadi didn't eat.
Instead, he gently drank a cup of wine and slowly tasted it.Wu Liu picked up the transparent wine cup in front of him and poured it into his mouth, "Good wine!" When he placed it down again, he discovered that the wine cup was once again full.Wu Liu stared at the winecup curiously.
"How miraculous.
How did you do it?"Yu Liu looked around and found that after eating for half a day, the dishes were still full, not a little bit.
However, his satisfied stomach would not lie.But Ka Diwen gently shook his head, "That's not the point, so let's not talk about it.
You don't have much time left."Wuliu frowned, "What do you mean?
Are you planning to let me go back?
You must have gone crazy looking for me outside.
This is illegal.
Sovereign will not let you go."But Kadi had a strange expression on his face.
"The Sovereign won't let me off?
Why?"Wu Liu sat upright and put his hands on his legs.
"I'm a guest of a Sovereign.
"Kadi sighed and shook his head, "Why would I have believed that you would have been different back then?
Would you have succeeded?"Wu Liu didn't understand.
"What do you mean?"Ke Kadi shook his head, unwilling to explain.
He raised his wine cup and tasted it, but his face was filled with bitterness.Yu Liu was full and drunk.
He felt that it was time to negotiate terms with this elegant kidnapper.
"Hey, it's time for you to let me go.
As long as you let me go now, I won't pursue this matter anymore.
Otherwise, it will be troublesome when people outside find you.
"Ke Kadi put down his wine glass and shook his head.
He looked at Yu Liu with a pitiful expression, "Outside?
There's nothing outside.
Nothing, nothing."Yu Liu furrowed his brows, "Are you alright?" If Ke Kadi was a lunatic, then he would be in grave danger.Thinking of this possibility, Wu Liu couldn't help but move his body back a little.However, as Kadi stared at Yu Ming's actions, he could guess what he was thinking.
The look of pity on his face grew even more obvious, "Just look outside and you'll find out."Upon hearing these words, Wuliu immediately leapt up.
His fat body was unexpectedly particularly agile at this moment: This was a good chance for him to escape.
Even if it was desolate outside, he didn't lose anything.
He could leave in a flash.However, when he opened the door, he was stunned.
His body retreated step by step, and his legs were trembling.
Right now, he only wanted to get away from this door.
The farther, the better.What did he see?Outside, there was darkness.
Nothing could be seen.
There was no sound or aura.
This little black room of his was just alone in the air.Ke Kadi stood up and closed the door.The sound of the door closing rang out, frightening everyone.
Their legs were already trembling, and they couldn't hold on any longer.
They fell to the ground.But Kadi didn't hurry him.
Instead, he lifted his cup and drank in silence.
Yes, as he drank, how could he still be calm at this moment?
How could he possibly drink without a calm heart?One cup after another, without pausing, was it a spicy wine or a bitter life?The space in the black room began to shrink, visible to the naked eye.
The originally terrified Wuliu people were suddenly filled with energy.
They jumped up and ran to Ke Kadi's side, hugging him tightly, hoping to absorb some warmth and strength."Why do you want to change?" Ke Kadi's voice was filled with sorrow."Why don't you insist?" Unfortunately, he couldn't hear the horrified five to six, and his ears were deaf."Why don't you use your heart to communicate with your family?" The flustered Wu Liu fixed his eyes on the shrinking room."Why don't you care about others anymore?" About Wuliu looked around, searching for a chance to survive."Why don't you occasionally turn around, look at the people behind you, and look at your past self?" Wuliu were in the illusion, this was a dream, hurry and wake me up!"Is power really that attractive?" Quickly waking up, quickly waking me up!"Can the government really change someone?" Quickly waking up and waking me up."You've been holding on for so long, why don't you continue?" Quickly wake me up, I beg you, please wake me up!"Can't you keep your mind on greed?" Let me wake up, please, let me wake up!
I'm going to continue hosting my press conference and the Marriage Gathering."Why did you turn into what you used to hate the most?" Ke Kadi looked down at Wu Liu, who was hiding in his arms, and said with a disappointed expression, "Back then, I thought that you would be able to succeed, and you would be different from them.
But in the end, all of you are the same."He didn't look up, so he didn't see Kadi.
However, his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose gradually disappeared.Wuliu didn't notice that the warm body that he was hugging was already stiff and cold.
He was so scared that he had lost consciousness.However, when he fell to the ground with a bang, he realized in a daze that Ke Kadi had disappeared.He looked up, trying his best to focus his eyes.
Then, he discovered that this house had completely vanished before his eyes.????Wuliu suddenly opened his eyes, and the light suddenly pierced into Wuliu streams of tears.He gasped for breath as he watched the rows of humans sleeping around him, as well as some of the people clad in isolated clothing.
He heaved a sigh of relief.
It looked like this was just a dream.
Thankfully, I did not die.
Thankfully, the world did not disappear.However, Yu Liu, who had yet to calm down, discovered in horror: No, this place is not right!But, what was wrong?
What was wrong?Upon closer inspection, Wu Liu finally realized that something was wrong.
There were many bodies lying on the ground, all covered in instruments, and there was no sound.Only then did Wu Liu lower his head and realize that his body was also full of various tubes and instruments.Wuliu looked at the people walking back and forth, his eyes filled with hope.
He wanted to call out to them, but he hesitated for some reason.Then, he saw another body suddenly sitting up.
Coincidentally, a person walked over to him.Then, Wuliu saw the scene of horror: that person, before he could look around, breathe loudly, and put away his frightened expression, was pushed back down by the two people wearing Quan Quan clothes beside him, and quickly pressed some numbers on the screen beside him.
That person, the person who was still alive just now, disappeared??????.Then, Wuliu saw the scene of horror.
That person, before he could look around, breathe loudly, and put away his frightened expression, was pushed back down by the two people wearing Quan Quan clothes beside him.
He quickly pressed some numbers on the screen beside him.
That person, the person who was still alive just now, disappeared??????Yes, it dissipated into particles and dissipated into the air!Wuliu took a deep breath and tightly pursed his lips, not daring to make a single sound.He quietly laid down, and before they could notice him, he quickly laid down, closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep.Wu Liu wanted to move quietly and hide himself in the bed.He was in despair.
The tubes and instruments inserted into his body seemed to have grown together with his body, and he was unable to move at all.
If he used too much strength, he would still feel a sharp pain.Then, Wuliu tried to move their legs.However, he was disappointed.
His legs didn't feel anything at all.
He couldn't listen to the control of his brain and couldn't move.What to do?
What to do?
There is a man, who is coming in this direction ??????