Swordsman in Jianghu

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Chapter 86

Li Xiangmo said, "You're saying that Wei Guo really has this kind of medicine.
No wonder I passed the outbreak early and didn't have any reaction.
I want to meet this Grandmaster."Ouyang Zhishui said, "Grandmaster, you can't even see me.
Now that Wei Jun is attacking, he definitely won't come back."Li Xiangmo said, "It won't be long before Wei Jun withdraws.
I believe that the Grandmaster you mentioned hasn't left the city."Seeing how confident Ouyang Zhishui was, he disdainfully said, "I don't believe that you have a better chance than me."Li Xiangmo said, "No matter what, he'll come here.
How can he allow Weijun to flatten his former residence?"Ouyang Zhishui stared at the white jade tree.
The two magpies were standing on top of the tall branch and screaming nonstop.
He thought, "It's better for you.
You don't know what to worry about.
No matter who wins or loses, you will still live in peace.
But why do you have so many worries?
Why do you have to keep your heart beating for your own sake and for others?""..."The few of them ate some dry rations, and it wasn't easy for them to reach the end of the day."Mingyue, Qiuxia," Li Xiangmo ordered.
"Take all of you with you and your siege equipment.
We'll go through the secret passage and wait for you at the main camp of the Wei Clan.
If you don't see any flames, don't start a fire."Brightmoon and Qiuxia responded, "I will comply with your orders."Li Xiangmo added, "Xunmei follows me into the valley.
You are not allowed to move without my permission."Ouyang Zhishui mischievously said, "You look so serious.
You really look like the master of 500 warriors.
Your Senior Sister's eyes are like torches, and she didn't look wrong at all."Li Xiangmo said, "Only by treating others the same way will we be able to convince everyone."Ouyang Zhishui was speechless as he pushed Li Xiangmo deeper into the valley.
He thought to himself, "If you're sick and didn't take the secret path, wouldn't you be openly letting Wei Jun's scouts discover you?"The two of them didn't travel too far before they saw two scouts marching towards them.
Li Xiangmo coughed and said, "Meimei, help me up."Ouyang Zhishui was just about to help Li Xiangmo up when he saw two scouts rushing over, "Who are you?
Are you really a pseudo-intelligent scout?"Li Xiangmo coughed again and again, "This humble one and my wife have lived in this mountain for a long time.
I don't understand the words of the two officials.
What are you guys talking about?"One of the skinny little scouts on Lefty's side said, "You've lived here for a long time, so why haven't we been able to find any smoke for a day?"Li Xiangmo coughed lightly and said, "The two of you don't seem to be locals, do you?" Li Xiangmo pretended to be confused as he changed the topic.The dark man on his right hand said, "What are you talking about?
Catch them and report them to Marshal."The skinny little scout responded, "That's right." Then, he reached out and grabbed Li Xiangmo.When Li Xiangmo saw that he had made a move, he purposely flipped the wheelchair around.
Aiyo, the skinny little spy didn't care about these things.
He lifted the wheelchair and grabbed Li Xiangmo's collar.
At this moment, Ouyang Zhishui seized the opportunity and pounced in front of the skinny little spy.
He helped Li Xiangmo up and helped him sit down.The dark-skinned man saw that the three of them had already made their move.
He tossed the staff in his hand aside and transformed into a seven-section soft whip, which shot straight towards Li Xiangmo's head.
Li Xiangmo blinked when he saw Li Xiangmo's sharp moves.Ouyang Zhishui knew that he wanted to push his wheelchair away.
The two of them slowly slid down the mountain path.The two men behind him caught up to them with a gust of wind and rushed over to Li Xiangmo and Ouyang Zhishui.
Ouyang Zhishui whispered softly, "I'll deal with them."Li Xiangmo smiled and said, "We can't.
Our main purpose is to disturb the camp.
We'll lead the scouts outside the camp and run around and set a few fires."Ouyang Zhishui said, "But this is too risky."Li Xiangmo smiled and said, "The enemy general must be a capable and capable soldier.
He can have many soldiers catch a patient and a beauty.
When he sees you, his eyes will roll out, and he won't allow anyone to hurt you."Ouyang Zhishui pinched him and said, "You're still joking."Li Xiangmo almost screamed out loud.
He held back the pain and said to Ouyang Zhishui, "We'll charge straight to the entrance of the valley."Ouyang Zhishui nodded.
He pushed his wheelchair around the two of them and continued walking forward.
The two of them saw them heading towards the main camp.
Afraid that something might have happened, they rushed forward and informed the commander.
Li Xiangmo chuckled inwardly, "Both of them said that Tuoba Little Bean won thousands of miles.
Who would have thought that they would raise a bunch of straw bags?""..."When Ouyang Zhishui saw the gradual entry into Wei Camp, he anxiously said, "I'm afraid that..."Li Xiangmo looked up at the sky.
The moon was as bright as the sun, illuminating the mountain peaks.
The mountains in the valley were filled with flowers and green grass.
He thought to himself, "Weijun has a military divine plan.
If we can find such a place to bury them during the first month of the winter, that's enough!" Looking at the anxious expression on Luo Ke's face, Li Xiangmo couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.If she could handle things as calmly as Liu Yanru did, she would definitely have fewer scruples.She thought about it again.
Damn it, why did I think of her again?Ouyang Zhishui looked up into the sky and said, "It's dark outside, and Wei Jun hasn't raised his fire yet.
Why don't we go in and disturb him for a week?" She seemed to have grown bolder.Li Xiangmo said, "No, I want to wait for them to come out and welcome us."Ouyang Zhishui asked curiously, "They'll come out to welcome us?"Li Xiangmo said, "It should have been cold these past few days, but the heavens are helping us this year.
It's just that spring has bloomed, and the sun is shining brightly.
The pots that they've laid down are much less than the people they've come for.
It's clear that they've prevented Qi Jun from tracking their whereabouts.
They purposely made them think that Wei Jun hasn't entered the ground yet, so that he can confuse Qi Jun so that he has enough time to prepare for battle.""..."Ouyang Zhishui glanced in Weiying's direction, only to realize that it was pitch-black, and he couldn't tell how many people there were.
He couldn't even hear the roars of horses.
He muttered, "It's truly terrifying and eerie."Li Xiangmo said, "The reason why they didn't dare to light up their supplies is because they haven't arrived yet.
Qi Jun has already probed the situation and could destroy them in one fell swoop.
I think their supplies will soon arrive.
When they light up their torches, haha..." Li Xiangmo stopped talking.Ouyang Zhishui sounded worried as he recalled something, "The two scouts have gone.
Why haven't they sent anyone to arrest us yet?"Li Xiangmo said, "Wei Junshuai is busy with his arrangements at the moment, so how could he have the time to deal with these matters?" He suddenly heard a few howls, and the sound of horses chirping.
Li Xiangmo quickly leaned back on his wheelchair and listened quietly to the sounds.After a long while, Li Xiangmo said, "Wei Jun's army has also arrived.
Their voices are deep and powerful, and their rumblings are endless.
They're much heavier than before."Ouyang Zhishui said, "It's a pity that we were burned to the torch.
We won't be able to get any benefits."Li Xiangmo said, "Don't worry, I'll be able to leave a few cars behind.
I still need to reward my warriors!"Ouyang Zhishui clicked his tongue and said, "Your warriors aren't here yet.
Are they really here?"Li Xiangmo looked at the banner in the northwest corner and then at the banner in the southeast corner.
The two banners fluttered in the wind, like a tide of people.
Suddenly, the banner in the northwest corner creaked and snapped.
Li Xiangmo thought to himself, "The Heaven helps the Heavens.
Even if Wei has Liang, the Heavenly Time, and the Earth, it's hard to win.""..."He pointed at the broken flag and said to Ouyang Zhishui, "Tonight is the night when Wei Jun withdraws."When Ouyang Zhishui saw that the banner had been broken, he couldn't help but wonder if Weiguo's deployment would be a blessing.
However, when he heard Li Xiangmo's words, he immediately nodded his head.
The sound of the horses' neighing grew clearer and clear, and he suddenly felt an army of thousands surging in his heart.
Both of them's heartbeats grew even more intense.Although Li Xiangmo was confident that he would win, he couldn't help but feel anxious when faced with the powerful Wei Jun.
What if, as Xunmei had said, the five hundred warriors weren't mixed in with the Wei army?
Wouldn't that be even more dangerous?
If that were the case, not only would he die, but he would also drag Xunmei, Mingyue, Qiuxia and the others down?
Li Xiangmo's heart was about to surge out of his chest, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.The sound of hooves grew louder, and Li Xiangmo's heart began to beat faster.Ouyang Zhishui said, "They're here."Li Xiangmo glanced around and saw dozens of strong men walking out, surrounded by an ear-catching official.
The officer was flanked by a thin spy and a dark-skinned man.
As soon as he saw Li Xiangmo and Ouyang Zhishui, he stretched out a finger and said, "It's them."The officials carefully examined the two of them and said, "They seem to be ordinary citizens, but they are dressed gorgeously, making it hard to believe." Then, the two scouts whispered a few words into their ears and returned to the camp.Ouyang Zhishui muttered, "They didn't invite us.
Instead, they rejected us."Li Xiangmo smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, he will definitely beg me."Ouyang Zhishui stammered, "Are you bragging again?"Li Xiangmo said cautiously, "Look, there's a fire in the southwest corner."Ouyang Zhishui said, "But Wei Jun didn't panic.
What can he do?"Li Xiangmo said, "As long as Mingyue and the others set fire, they won't be able to control themselves.
We'll wait for them at the entrance of the valley and capture that marshal alive."Ouyang Zhishui said, "What if they run ahead?
What if they don't come here?"Li Xiangmo said, "They don't dare.
Their grains are ahead of them, so it's impossible for them to take their own people to wipe them out."Ouyang Zhishui sighed, "Unfortunately, we lost our supply."Li Xiangmo smiled and said, "We can just wait here.
There's no need to worry about food."While the two of them were talking, they suddenly heard a banging sound.
The Wei army camp was set on fire, as if it were burning the heavens.
The main Wei army camp was reduced to ashes in the wake of the fierce wind.Li Xiangmo said, "Mingyue and the others have made their move.
I don't know if they have left the secret room or not.
If they go back the way they came, they won't be able to escape."Ouyang Zhishui said, "The two of them have always been alert.
Nothing will happen to them."I heard the sound of horse hooves suddenly, and the sound of killing became one.Weizi relaxed and said, "Prepare to face the enemy."As soon as he finished speaking, he saw dozens of people swarming over with a group of dusty-faced generals.
The one in the lead was a beautiful young woman.
She pushed her wheelchair and guarded the entrance of the valley.
With a loud shout, she charged towards the beautiful young woman.
The person in the wheelchair coldly snorted and raised both hands.
He slowly raised his palms.
Before that person could even snort, he landed on the ground from afar and instantly died.Everyone looked at each other when they saw how skilled the person in the wheelchair was.
One of the generals said in a deep voice, "You are the Dreamy Hero."Li Xiangmo didn't say a word.
He shouted, "Thief has committed crimes against our mountains and rivers.
Hurry and lead him to death."With that said, he unleashed yet another palm strike.
How could these generals be Li Xiangmo's match?
All of them immediately fell to the ground and died.
As for the leader, his heart was filled with unwillingness.
As he was on his last breath, he detonated the explosives that he carried with him.
Li Xiangmo didn't expect that he would have this move.
He didn't have the time to dodge, so he had no choice but to perish together with the general..Although Li Xiangmo had died, he had won this war, so he was also conferred as a hero.(The end of the play)