Rebirth: Master the World

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Chapter 1

The mountains were not high, the immortals were famous; the water was not deep, and there were dragons and spirits.
This was really deep into Zen theory.
It could see through the heaven's plans, and it could awaken all the fools in the world.
It was one of the best explanations for this.Mang Yin City was actually a county-level city.
It was located on the border of Xiangxi, and there were mountains and rivers in the mountains.
It was mixed with fields and lakes.
It seemed to be in a disorderly manner.
The scenery of the clear mountains and beautiful rivers had a unique temperament of Jiangnan.
However, although the mountains were beautiful and beautiful, there were no three mountains and five mountains.
Although the water was elegant and graceful, it was not as smooth as the spring in Lijiang.
Its lake was not like the western lake in Dongting.
Its field was not as fertile as the Northeastern Huabei.
The reason why it was able to stand out among the people in Jiangnan was because of the river..This river was known as the Nine Bends River.
It was long and winding, and it flowed through several counties.
Finally, it poured into the Xiang River.
Although the Xiang River spanned several hundred miles, the brilliance of the mountains and water was reflected, but it didn't have the spirit of the Yangtze River.
The Yellow River was unruly, the river was graceful, and the river was long.
However, there was a person by the Xiang River that was unparalleled in the contemporary times.
His spirit was unmatched, and he was determined to open up a future in this chaotic era.
He used the wildfire from the Primordial Plains to burn the world and create a thousand years of prosperity.As a result, Xiangjiang was famous for it.
Then, he used the Mang Yin River, Engfu, and Mang Yin City.This reasoning seemed to be quite humane.
It was also a secret saying: one person gets the Dao, chickens and dogs become immortals.Xiang Yin City's geography is based on mountains and rivers.
It is divided into several towns, and a town near Xiang Gan border is named Void Gorge Town.Void Valley Town wasn't big.
There were only tens of thousands of households, and there were eight villages in total.
The industrial industry in the town was not very developed, and there were too few fields.
It was difficult to hold a home if they guarded those few acres of land.
In order to maintain their livelihood, almost all the local villagers produced fireworks and made some hard money.
Because of this, the locals were very interested in school cultivation.
They hoped that their descendants would be able to get out of this "poor village".Thus, villages and villages had primary schools and junior high schools in town.
This was indeed enough for a small town with a small population.The village on the southeast border of Voidgull Town was called the village of cold crows.There was a well in the village.
Because the temperature was extremely low during the summer, the water was sweet and sweet, so it was convenient for people to name it the cold well.
Of course, there was also a secret about the cold well well water.
It was extremely hot during winter, and it was extremely convenient for it to be washed.
It was the source of water for the entire village, so the villagers attached great importance to it.When the cold water well flowed out, there was a big river, and there was another big camphor tree next to it.
It required three adults to hold hands in order to hold it.The branches spread out in all directions, and the pavilions were like the lids of a carriage.
The trees had crows built their nests, and often screamed and screamed, just in the name of the village's "cold crow"!
The villagers hated crows the most, but the crows on the ancient camphorses were gods!
The reason was simple.
In the countryside, there must be gods when there were trees and cold pools.The crow naturally served as a god's messenger.This was nostalgia, let's not mention it.It was unknown when it started, but there was a small temple next to the tree named Dragon King Temple.
The temple was very small, but it was filled with fragrance.
There was an old man living inside, who was looking at the temple.
The strange thing was that no one in the village was able to tell his origin and only called him Uncle.
It was said that drawing lots in this temple was a spiritual test.Over time, this temple and this old man were both very famous.This story started from the Dragon King Temple on the side of the camphorses beside the cold water well of the village.This morning, it was late autumn and the fog was heavy.
A tired and anxious woman rushed into the temple.The woman's forehead was already covered in droplets of water.
It was unknown if it was mist or sweat, but she was panting heavily.
Her face was flushed red as she carried a five or six year old child into the room."Uncle!
Save this child!
It's been a high fever for an entire night, and you can't even lower the temperature with the well water!" The woman pleaded as soon as she saw the temple's old man, and her expression was extremely anxious.Seeing that it was a widow in this village, uncle comforted her, "Sister-in-law, don't panic.
I'll calculate the information!" Then, he took out a set of wooden trigrams and began to fiddle with them, but his eyes were fixed on the little boy.When the woman saw Ah Bo's deep and bright eyes, she was surprised.
She thought that it was a miracle, but her heart was immediately filled with awe and she felt a little more at ease.It was strange.
When Uncle fiddled with the wooden trigram and stared at the little boy, the little boy, who seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, opened his eyes and looked at him.
His eyes slowly shined and he even smiled at him.Uncle's heart trembled.
When he saw the child, his forehead was flat and his head was square.
His eyes were filled with curiosity and he smiled.
This child is not dangerous.
He will be fine in two days!"Eldest Sister-in-Law was overjoyed, and tears streamed down her face.
"Thank you, Uncle!""However, there are some troublesome areas!" Ah Bo said in a soft and solemn voice.
"I will have him stay in the temple for three days and worship the Dragon King as my godfather!
With such a capable backing, his illness will naturally be healed.
However, in the future, during the midday festival, he will at least pay respects to the Dragon King as his godfather and do his duty as a filial son."...""It's nothing, it's nothing!" exclaimed Mrs.
Qin.This child was Wuxin!Ever since Wuxin was saved by Uncle, he had truly been in high spirits.
From then on, he wasn't suffering from any disasters or illnesses, and he was much more healthy than children of the same age.
After entering the university, he was even more intelligent and experienced.
Every year, he was the school's top student, and he also managed to enter into the Void Trench Junior High School with his best grades.Everyone in the village envied that Mrs.
Wu had given birth to a good son.
They thought that her future would definitely be bright and her future would be limitless.
Seeing that his man had left early, the orphans and widows were very pitiful, so they were willing to support him.
Wu was also a straightforward and unrestrained person.
Although she was poor, she was not stingy and could live in harmony with her neighbors.In addition to the excellent results, Wuxin had several other unique points.First, although he had delicate brows and a strong physique, he didn't have good sports.
He ignored all kinds of sports in the school and only knew how to read quietly.
Everyone called him bookworm.
He didn't care and only smiled faintly.
However, he had some brute force.
All the hard work in the family had been taken care of by him.The second reason was that he didn't want to cry, but his first resonance was shocking.
He rarely talked, and made a lot of strange things.
He also made a lot of jokes.
One time, he played with several companions.
When he saw that a family was digging the well in front of the door, he went to watch the show.
The villagers were digging mud from the well, but Wuxin said indifferently, "It's really good to make a tomb here!" His words angered the villagers to the point of death.
Wasn't he cursing himself to die in the well?
When he saw Wuxin's displeasure, he mercilessly glanced at him and knew that he was stunned.His companions called him away too, unwilling to associate themselves with him ever since.Wuxin also looked at Hubin indifferently.
He didn't have many friends and only had one of the best friends, Hubin.Third, he was modest and cautious.
He had never been a member of the class.
Once, he remembered that the entire class had voted for him as a member of the learning committee, but he didn't agree with it.
He only said that he didn't like being an official.
This was not arrogance.
Whenever someone asked about learning, he could always give everything to them until they understood.The students also understood him.
Although he was silly, they still respected him a little.Fourth, he still had a place to stay.
He had to eat breakfast every day before going to school, and he walked slowly and leisurely at school.
During the semester, he was not late at all.
Both Wu Yu's mother and teacher couldn't do anything to him.
They were both angry and laughing.
It was usually winter time when Wuxin would arrive early.At this moment, all of the teachers had arrived at the sports field, each holding a wooden bench to bask in the sun.
Wuxin had just arrived leisurely.
The teachers laughed in anger, "Are you afraid that you'll trample an ant to death?" Wuxin smiled bashfully, and then staggered back to the classroom, leaving everyone speechless.If it wasn't for him taking first place every year, everyone wouldn't have spared him.With these few peculiarities, Wuxin's reputation had spread far and wide throughout the entire town ever since he was young.
However, he wasn't as quiet as the other boys.
Although he was kind-looking, he didn't have any close friends.
From elementary school to junior high school, he had only made one friend, but he was definitely a very good friend.
His name was Hubin.The Void Trench Middle School was located in the northwest side of Void Trench Town, with its back leaning against a mountain.
The Sunset Mountain was full of mountains and mountains; the river near the left was the South Beach River, which flowed far and wide, and the geomancy was quite good.
There were eight classes in each year of the fictional junior high school.At that time, it was early school time.
There was a tall and handsome student in class 3rd, but he emitted a strange temperament, which was quite Yong Yong.Where is the strange thing?
"His stomach is full of poetry, and his stomach is full of embroidery.
It's needless to say that all the subjects in the year of exams are first, and his belly is full of "people", which is even more amazing, just like a living dictionary, and the teacher is not enough.
Therefore, every movement and smile of his, all of his gentle scholar's grace; however, his eyes are always a little stunned, quiet and steady, for a few minutes without blinking.Those lifeless eyes were always so awkward, as if they were in conflict with the temperament of his body, which made them uncomfortable.He was Wuxin.However, at this moment, Wuxin was restless and restless.
His expression was flustered and flustered.The same table was a beautiful girl named Huang Xiuying.
Her life was pretty good, and her figure was slim and slender.
Her curves were revealed, and her jet-black hair cascaded down her waist like a waterfall.
Her eyes were exposed, but they were also like clear water.
Her eyebrows were dyed red, and her face was like peach petals.
Her face was as colorful as spring.It's just that people are a little too arrogant!
However, it's no wonder!
Huang Xiuying's family was an aristocratic family of scholars, and she herself had a series of titles - For example, the representative of the language department in the class, the deputy director of the school literary club, the editor of the student newspaper, etc.
There's really nothing to be picky about in terms of literary skills.Normally, language grades were ranked as the vanguard.
Only Wuxin could compete with her.
His field of vision was extraordinary, and he had the feeling that he was proud of himself.
Everyone was drunk on me awakening.
To put it bluntly, it was 'Smelly pretty'!
So his relationship with his classmates wasn't very good, and he was labeled as 'ice beauty'..Huang Xiuying had always held a grudge against Wuxin for being able to rise a little higher than him in the language test, so he didn't mind sharing a table with him.
Firstly, Wuxin was a well-behaved person, and he didn't want to chat with girls for a long time.
Secondly, if they shared a table together, they might be able to see what kind of secret technique this brat had learned, and yet he was actually so formidable.Huang Xiuying noticed Wuxin's abnormal behavior today, and he chuckled coldly.
He leaned over and whispered softly, "What's wrong?
I've lost my soul today."Wuxin only smiled at her, then frowned.After a brief moment of silence, Wuxin gathered his courage and approached the 'ice beauty', "What are you wearing on your chest?"How could the "ice beauty" have expected such a situation?
By the time he finished speaking, his mind was completely blank.
His shame turned into anger, and his lips trembled a little.
Yet, he was unable to speak a single word.This...
what is going on here?
Why did this annoying fellow suddenly become so frivolous?
He actually asked the girl what was on her chest!
Was there even a need to ask?