Rebirth: The Ataku

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Chapter 1

Midnight.In a dark and narrow room in City Y, a 17-year-old boy sat in front of a computer and stared at the screen as he ate his instant noodles.
At this moment, a shiny hatchet and half-screened black blood were playing on the computer screen.
A nerd...
Uhm, he didn't seem to feel anything.
He was still eating instant noodles with great interest!Well, I think he can ignore the pile of garbage piled up like a mountain on his computer table, so he naturally doesn't care about wood knives, eh.
Probably!In the end, when a good ship was placed on the computer and slowly drove towards some unknown place in the sea, a nerd finally pulled down the last mouthful.
He probably felt that there was no place left on the computer table that could throw away garbage anymore.
Thus, a nerd disregarded the danger and put the contents of the bucket on the computer monitor.
Of course, he would soon regret what he had done.."Ah, it's so satisfying to see the end of the loser's hatchet every time.
By the way, is there anything else that can be seen?
Ask the guys in the group carefully." The nerd was probably talking to himself, but we could still see that this guy was just a fake house..A certain fake mansion mumbled to itself as it opened QQ.
As expected, most of the guys in the anime group were online, and each had their own ways of chatting."As expected, a real otaku wouldn't interrupt his journey to the Second Origin just because of a small matter like sleeping!!!" Alright, can we use this as a declaration of a fake house??????This, I can make complaints about it!A fake house spat out its own declaration and turned on its computer 'F'.
It was full of animes!
Wait a minute, can I spit it out?
Didn't you say you were going to ask them what kind of animes they wanted to see in the QQ group?
Why did you just open the QQ group and glance at the QQ group and then make an inexplicable declaration?
What do you want to ask?
Don't you want to watch an anime?.A fake house spat out its own declaration and turned on its computer 'F'.
It was full of animes!
Wait a minute, can I spit it out?
Didn't you say you were going to ask them what kind of animes they wanted to see in the QQ group?
Why did you just open the QQ group and glance at the QQ group before making an inexplicable declaration?
What do you want to ask?
Don't you want to watch an anime?Alright, please ignore my retorts.
We continue to focus our attention on a fake house.Just as the fake mansion was hesitating over what kind of anime to watch, the phone that he had left on the bed suddenly rang.
All right, you should be able to understand.
The phone that suddenly played music in the middle of the night would definitely startle people.
So, the fake mansion was frightened, so the cup set had happened!!
Just as the fake mansion was startled and was about to pick up the phone, his elbow accidentally knocked over the instant noodles on the computer monitor.The next day, a piece of news appeared in the newspaper, "There was a fire in a certain housing district.
The reason for the fire was unknown.
There was one person who died.In another world, in Japan's Misty Field City, in the OB/GYN department, accompanied by a woman's cry of pain and the crying of a child when he fell to the ground, our protagonist began his new life.In one of the wards in the hospital, a beautiful Japanese woman was hugging a baby boy with a wrinkled face.
Her face emitted a radiance called Mother.
In fact, looking carefully, the woman who emitted the halo of maternal love didn't seem to be very old.
She seemed to be in her early twenties.Moreover, there was a faint trace of worry on this beautiful woman's face!Squeak!
The door to the ward was pushed open, and a female doctor in a white coat walked into the ward and sat down on the chair next to the bed.
The woman on the bed also stopped teasing the child and looked at the female doctor with eyes full of drowsiness.After a short silence, the female doctor spoke in a language that the child in her arms couldn't understand.
Of course, we knew what language it was.
For convenience's sake, I directly translated them into Mandarin.
"We haven't found the man you're talking about.
Sorry, Guan Hui."...""Is that so?" The woman on the bed's hopeful eyes immediately dimmed.
"Say, am I stupid?
I've already guessed it!"The female doctor sighed, as if she wanted to console Li Huizi, who had just finished childbirth.
However, she was stunned for a long time, yet she didn't know what language this organization had used to console her!"Alright, Caizi, I'm fine.
We've already guessed it, haven't we?" Li Huizi's voice was filled with vigor once again, but it quickly dimmed down, "That's right.
I've already mentally prepared myself for this.
But why do I still feel so disappointed?
Hey, Caizi, do you think he's intentionally avoiding me?"I clearly didn't ask for anything.
I just wanted to tell him that I had given him a child and wanted him to give the child a name.
The child and I wouldn't cause him any trouble.If he didn't want to see us, I would have vanished from his life." Li Huizi's voice carried a hint of tears as he spoke."Calm down, Li Huizi.
Don't be like this.
Calm down.
I'll help you.
I'll help you until you find him.
That's why." Just as the female doctor was about to say something, Li Huizi interrupted her, "It's fine, Caizi.
I really don't need to help you.
You've helped me so much.""..."Upon hearing Li Huizi's words, Caizi was truly enraged, "What are you saying?
Li Huizi, aren't we friends?
Don't you think I'm your friend?" "Friend?
It seems Li Huizi's life isn't completely useless either." The woman on the bed teased him with a smile.
Caizi was taken aback by this development."You're right.
Alright, from today onwards, Guan Huizi won't go looking for that heartless man anymore.
Let me and baby two start a new life in this new city!""Lihui, you..." Caizi still wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything when she saw Li Huizi's smile.
Thus, she changed the topic, "By the way, Li Huizi, you haven't given the child a name yet.
Have you thought of your name?" "Um, your name...
Li Huizi hasn't thought too much about it yet.""Why don't you come and take the lottery?!" Li Huizi was distressed for a long time before he finally said something that would make the lottery speechless!"Ah, Li Huizi, you..." Caizi pretended to have a headache as he supported his forehead with one hand.
"What's wrong with Li Huizi?" Li Huizi stuck out his tongue playfully and smiled playfully at Caizi."Forget it.
Since that's the case, let me give you my name.
Hmm, what should I call you..." Caizi looked around in dismay, "Caizi, go ahead and give me a good name.
This is Li Huizi's lifelong request!" Li Huizi begged Caizi on the bed."Alright, let's call him 'Yue'!" Caizi seemed to be annoyed by Li Huizi's bickering.
Suddenly, a thought struck him!"Moon, L...
Eh, it feels pretty good!" Li Huizi read it in a low voice, and then shouted excitedly as if he had discovered something!
"Yeah, don't you think Moon has two pronunciations?!
Let's call this child with the second pronunciation!" Caizi explained with a smile.."Alright.
It's decided.
From now on, you'll be called 'Yue'!" Li Huizi raised the baby up from the bed and announced the child's name loudly.
However, he didn't notice that the brat was already dozing off.Oh right, I forgot to say something.
This little ghost's mother is surnamed Night GodIt hurt, it hurt very much.
This was the first time that Yue had consciously felt it.
Then, he fainted again, and when he woke up again, he saw a woman with a motherly halo constantly teasing him.
His first impression was: Fuck.
I've transmigrated.Well, thank you for starting from all sorts of transmigrator novels.
These novels gave all sorts of transmigrators a solid mental foundation.
They could quickly discover what kind of state they were in.
For example, Ye Shenyue, what kind of shallow example was this?!Then, Yue Yue's second impression was that she had done something.
Alright, she couldn't move normally.
It seemed that she had really transmigrated.
Nima had really transmigrated!Alright, I took back my words.
This kid wasn't calm at all.Yue looked around.
Alright, this was a hospital that could be seen everywhere.
Combined with her situation, she was hungry because of the explosion of the computer caused by the bucket of fake instant noodles.
Uh, it should have been a soul mask, and it was a legendary reincarnation!
That's not right, it can no longer be said to have transmigrated.
It can be said to be reincarnated!
Sigh, my parents.
My son is not filial, and unfortunately, he died young.
I can't be happy under your two elders' knees anymore!
You have to take care of yourselves!
Then....Yue looked around.
Alright, this was a hospital that could be seen everywhere.
Combined with her situation, she was hungry because of the explosion of the computer caused by the bucket of fake instant noodles.
Uh, it should have been a soul mask, and it was a legendary reincarnation!
That's not right, it can no longer be said to have transmigrated.
It can be said to be reincarnated!
Sigh, my parents.
My son is unfilial.
Unfortunately, he died young, so I can't be happy under your two elders' knees anymore!
You have to take care of yourselves!
Then...Just as the woman was lost in her thoughts, the door to the ward was pushed open and a beautiful and short-haired female doctor walked in.
She walked straight to her mother and began to chatter.
However, her voice sounded familiar!As a fake house that wasn't very professional, Yue soon realized what was going on.
This was Nipponese, and I'd actually reincarnated into Japan.
My god, even though Qiu Yeyuan, who lived in Japan, was indeed a sacred land, I didn't want to use such a powerful method to worship the Holy Land....As a fake house that wasn't very professional, Yue soon realized that this was Japanese.
I went to Japan and actually reincarnated into Japan.
My heavens.
Although Autumn Yeyuan was indeed a sacred land, I didn't want to use such a powerful method to worship the Holy Land...Why didn't Yue listen to what his mother and female doctor said?
Please, he could only understand a few syllables at this time of the month.
You said that as a fake house, if you wanted him to understand Japanese, the pressure was too great!As Yue was deep in thought, she began to enjoy the power that only infants could enjoy at any time moment!