Rebirth: The Ataku

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Chapter 85

Last night, the Keyboard suddenly bumped into a bird and confessed to a bird.
This was a great event for the weekend.
However, there were a few families that were happy and worried, and there were naturally some bad and bad things.
The Dragony of yesterday seemed to have figured out who she liked, but at the same time, she was at the pinnacle of a bull.
She wondered why she thought the person she liked was Shi Naili.Alright, it was just a roundabout question.Yue and Yanye walked into the classroom hand in hand, only to find a strange expression on each person's face.
After the two of them sat down, Yue asked Yame, "Student Chuandao, did something happen?"Yamei glanced around, and then lowered his voice and said, "Longer and Shi Naili came together just now, and we ran into a river as soon as we entered the corridor.
The river seems to be very unhappy, so it tossed its bag onto the table and ran away."Upon hearing these words, Yue and Yan Ye exchanged glances.
Did Dahe realize who he liked?
Just as they were thinking about it, Long'er walked in with her head down, looking depressed."Have you found the river?" Yue wanted to ask, but she was the first one to ask.
Not only did she get along with the river, her relationship with the river was actually abnormally good.Long'er merely shook her head and sat down on the table.
The few of them wanted to go out and take a look, but soon the bell rang and the river didn't appear.The few of them finally managed to endure till the end of class.
With a whoosh, they all gathered around Long'er and asked."Where's Dahe?
Didn't you catch up to him?""You didn't find her, so why did you come back?""Did you guys have a fight?"The muffled sound reached Long'er's ears, and he couldn't tell who had said it.
He just said in a low voice, "I chased after the river, and she said she hated me, so she ran away.
She was stunned.
When she wanted to chase again, she didn't know where she had gone to."..."Everyone was stunned when they heard this.
They didn't expect Dahe to say something like this and do something like this."Long'er, do you know what you're thinking?" Yue asked her seriously.
It seemed like Dahe knew that the person he liked was Long'er, but the person who had followed him to school had left with someone else.
That person was the same person that Long'er had told him to confess.
This was the worst outcome of a secret crush.Hearing Yue's words, Dragony lowered her head and said softly, "I like the river.""Then what are you waiting for?!
Yamei is going to help us apply for leave.
Long'er, let's go look for the river now!" After saying that, Yue picked up Long'er and walked out of the classroom.
The river shouldn't have left the academy, and there might not be many places for Yamei to go to right now.The rooftop should be the most likely place, right?
Yue pulled Long'er up the stairs and kicked open the door of the rooftop.
The river was indeed there.
However, her expression was a little strange.
It didn't look like she was angry or sad.
It was as if she was thinking about something.Yue pushed the dragon's daughter, and she walked over.
"The river..." After saying this, she didn't know what to say.
She stood in place stupidly and looked at the river sitting on the ground.Big River glanced at Long'er, seemingly very calm.
"I've always known that the one that Long'er likes is Shi Naili.
I also know that Long'er wants Shi Naili to be her girlfriend.
But why do I feel so sad and sad when I see Long'er with Shi Naili?
It's even worse than being rejected by a student in Beiming Village.""..."When Yue heard that, she didn't go up to the rooftop.
Instead, she closed the door and stood at the entrance.
They shouldn't have made any mistakes, right?
Since the two of them liked each other.As for the Dragony inside, she seemed to know something when she heard what the river said.
She lowered her head and sat beside the river.
"Yesterday, when you were thrown out by that person, I was very worried.
I was so afraid that something would happen to you.
I was even worried beyond normal.""Long'er is my friend, it's normal for you to worry.
Isn't Yame worried about me too?
She even beat that person up," Big River said nonchalantly."Dahe!" Long'er suddenly spoke.
Dahe lowered his head and couldn't see his expression.
However, he could feel that he was incredibly agitated.
"I know it's strange.
But last night, when Shi Naili asked me if the person who fell out was her, I knew I wouldn't worry about her as much as if I were worried about you.""..."Dahe turned around and looked at his son in bewilderment.
Didn't he say that he would be even more worried about himself?
However, his son had clearly left him behind and wanted to send Shi Naili home.
He didn't come looking for him today.
Instead, he went to the academy with Shi Naili.
Weren't they already together?
Why would he say that now?Didn't he go looking for him yesterday just to tell him that Shi Naili was with him?
He didn't want to know, and didn't want to see Shi Naili, so he didn't want to see him.
However, he still saw Shi Naili when he arrived at the academy.
His emotions immediately collapsed."Aren't you guys together?" Big River asked nervously.Seeing Dahe's expression, Long'er felt more at ease.
She smiled and placed her hand on Dahe's shoulder.
"Dahe, I like you.
How should I say this to Shi Naili?
I can't see my own heart clearly, so I clearly like you, but I don't know.
Then, when Shi Naili, who was very close to you, appeared, he thought that he liked her.Actually, the only one that liked you from the beginning was you."..."Long'er recounted her feelings and reasons in one breath.
Then, she heaved a sigh of relief, but it was as if her heart had been caught.
Dahe knew what he was thinking, and also understood what he was feeling.
But would she forgive his stupidity?Thinking in confusion, Big River immediately hugged Long'er's neck, "Long'er is mine!
Don't let others like her!
And don't let you like others!
Do you hear me?!""Yes, Long'er is you.
I only like you.
" Long'er reached out and hugged the big river in her arms.
The corners of her lips curled upwards.
She finally hugged the girl she liked, the girl who had always been by her side.Just like Yue said, only dragons could accompany the tiger.
They were destined to meet and be together.
They seemed to have opened all the knots in their hearts, and there was no obstacle between them.Therefore, she was in no hurry to leave.
She just sat there and started chatting without saying a word.
It wasn't until lunchtime that she was ready to go down to get her own bento.The two of them held hands and walked to the rooftop door.
As soon as they opened the door, they saw Yue, Yanye, Yame and Beiming.
It seemed like everyone had appeared all of a sudden.
Originally, Yanye wanted to ask something, but when she saw the two of them having a relationship, she understood everything.This was the best ending for everyone, right?
People who liked each other could be together, not in the illusions that she set up for herself to like the people she thought should be.
Most of the time, what we liked was the people who stayed by their side, but they had to only know when they lost.
Wasn't that too sad?The six of them looked at each other.
Seeing that it was getting late, they gathered at the rooftop together to get the bento.When the group of people returned to the rooftop, they couldn't help but laugh loudly.
It seemed that everyone was circling around but in the end, they found that they had remained where they were because the things they were looking for had always been by their side."Tsk, I really didn't expect that the one Big River likes is Long'er.
But, Long'er, the Big River is so fierce.
If you can't handle it, remember to come find me.
" Ya Mei said this as if she didn't want to let go.
However, everyone could see the joy in the corner of her eyes clearly.
If the two of them could be together, Ya Mei was actually very happy, right?In other words, the first to discover that they liked each other was Yame.
Otherwise, why would Yame provoke the river again and again?
Every time, the reason was Long'er."Hmph, Dragony is mine.
No one is allowed to like her!" Big River said domineeringly, but his face was flushed red, as if he was shy."Congratulations, Student Fengsaka!" Beiming village put down the bento in his hand and smiled at the two of them.
"You two are the most suitable pair."At this point, Dahe suddenly rejoiced that Beiming Village had refused him at that time.
If Beiming Village hadn't refused, and later discovered that the person he liked was Long'er, then what should he do about it?
Dahe looked at Beiming Village happily and laughed, but didn't say anything."There have been a lot of good things recently.
" Yue recalled the keys and birds that had regathered her last night.
Then, she looked at Dragony and the river in front of her."That's right, this is how lovers end up.
" Yan Ye agreed, "Key and Bird just got together last night, and they're together today.
It's really a good thing.
Let's have a gathering in the wild during the weekend.
"After listening to her, everyone looked at Yanye in surprise.
Although Yanye had always been gentle and didn't reject group activities, she rarely put forward any constructive ideas.
It seemed like she would just obey all the time, but today, she actually said that everyone was going to have dinner together."Alright!
It's been a long time since we've been so happy together!" Yue naturally supported her girlfriend."Um, don't go outside.
Let's go to my house." The silent Amy suddenly said, "I'm going to continue my work.
I should be leaving Daqiao High School soon.
Thank you for your help during this period of time.
I will work hard and live my life seriously.""You're leaving?" Dahe didn't pay attention to the dinner.
Instead, he was very concerned about Yamei's departure.Yamei smiled and nodded.
He wasn't used to seeing the moon.
After all, it was for a better future, wasn't it?Therefore, he began to direct the atmosphere, "Yamei can continue to go back and do what he likes.
Congratulations."Listening to Yue's words, everyone recalled that the reason why Yame had come here was to avoid that perverted stalker.
Since the problem had been resolved, it was only natural for her to return to her own world.
This should be a good thing, right?
After thinking it through, everyone no longer felt sad.Looking at the time, the lunch break was about to end.
Everyone packed their own bento and prepared to leave.
Yue pulled Yanye and stood at the end.
When Yanye was about to leave as well, Yue suddenly stopped her."Yanye.
" As she called out the name, a shallow kiss landed on Yanye's lips.
Yanye saw that her eyes were slowly filled with hers, and their laughter on the stairs were far away from her.The warm sunlight shone on the rooftop, and all the happiness bloomed at this moment.